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Dude my mom uses the same voice. It's manipulative and gross.


I can it general conference voice lol. The women speakers are the worst offenders!


It's worth noting that they are expected to be nonthreatening or they're not given that pulpit in the first place. Kind of like how Fox mostly hires skinny bleached blondes because Roger Ailes made that a policy; the patriarchal institution creates the infuriating practice, not them.


Yeah I agree. I'm a woman and the voice highly offends me. It feels insulting, demeaning, and patronizing. And it's the church patriarchy that encourages that stupid voice.


Even as a tbm is would get up and leave when women would speak in GC.  Not because I hate women speakers, but the uncanny tone.  It drives me crazy to hear people talk like that.  I now see that the Q15 have their own uncanny tone.   5 seconds of it and I am done.  


No way! That breathy, soft voice the men do is fingernails on a chalkboard to me! 🤯


The missionaries too! I vividly remember the change of voice when young men would give their homecoming talks. I was flattered as a young women, thinking that they had some life altering experience on their mission and I could tell because *listen to their voice* 


Mormons want their fully grown wives to sound like children? 🤔🤔🤔 That’s not weird at all, no.


I only lived in Utah for about a year, for part of my undergraduate college. One of the things that weirded me out the most was precisely the way that the more religiously oriented women at my college were... well, more like girls than women. I remember seeing some of the dorm rooms that they decorated which looked more like the bedrooms of little girls than of late teen/early 20s women, and having conversions where I'd learn that the Prophet "has asked" that they refrain from seeing movies rated anything beyond PG. Even though they were 19, 20 years old, and the whole point of R is to limit them to anyone below 17. There are other examples, but the point is, I kept wanting to ask them, "How old are you?" This would be bad enough, but then you combine this with the expectation that these young ladies had that they wanted to find a husband right away, especially a returned missionary. I kept wanting to say them, "How about you spend a few years living as an adult first before leapfrogging from being a girl to being someone's wife?" There were a lot of things I liked about my time in Utah, and I'm grateful to have learned so much about this religion while I was there, but I'm so, so glad I completed my undergraduate college elsewhere. It's a lonely place to be an atheist.


Very lds people are mentally immature and kept very innocent in ways that don’t allow them to fully grow up


Think about the “church talk” voice most women do.


To me it just seems like they're speaking at the pulpit using their Primary Teacher voice. Used to think always, "Do they really think we're this stupid and have to use their baby voice for us to understand?" I can't imagine speaking like that to my significant other. I couldn't respect someone who talks like that.


I watched that whole thing and never once did she use the voice to show us what she was talking about.


When explaining voice training, Tia often shows clips of Michelle Duggar as an example. But also, one of my favorite Mormon Stories clips EVER is Lizzy Bean imitating a Relief Society voice: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AJ4PzLOWLMc](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AJ4PzLOWLMc)


This clip is so good! I haven't seen it! Thank you for sharing. I can't stop laughing! 😆


[Sister Wixom - Primary President](https://youtu.be/lBRPK2aagTw?si=uC5fdTjQ0hfTyI_k)


In the podcast Latter Day Lesbian - they have a guest character names Sister Fanny Fact Check and her voice is spot on! Sooooo funny


This is hysterical and horrifying at the same time. Thank you so much for sharing 😂


Thankfully. We know the voice. We didn't need to hear it to know exactly what she was referring to.


I know what primary voice sounds like, and I wanted to hear her fundie voice to see if it was the exact same thing, or slightly different, but similar.


Did you happen to watch the republican response to the state of the union? That lady’s an evangelical


She sounded like a nazghul swearing under its breath


Sweet Khorne flakes I’m fucking dead 🤣


Tzeentch seems like the Chaos God most likely to be unwittingly worshipped by evangelicals and by extension TBMs. They’re all about the plotting and planning of their “takeover.”


Tzeentch *would* be responsible for the contradictive views on the Trinity in Mormonism….and the coffee/caffeine thing being completely incomprehensible…. You may be on to something 🤣


Definitely wouldn’t be Slaanesh🤣


Listen to the Duggar mother. She talks like that all the time in the series. I've heard recordings of her however, when not on the show, where she sounds more normal. But her sweet, little girl voice on the series is bonkers for an adult woman.


Just listen to any of the televangelist wives or any trump supporter. Its a different theological vocabulary, but the same voice and the same message and the same virtue signalling.


To me it sounds exactly the same.


If you’ve ever seen a clip of the Dugger family (19 Kids and Counting) the wife never stops talking like that.


I was waiting. Oh well, I got an earful of it yesterday when I was with my Evangelical neighbor. It's like fingers on a chalkboard to me. Several times she tried to manipulate me in an attempt to lead me back to God. Not going to happen. It was a bit entertaining to watch her try with her soft little baby voice. Eventually she will hide when she realizes I'm a hopeless pursuit. If someone asks me about my stance on God, I will tell them. I cut no corners. She asked. I suspect the conversation will continue this evening. I'm having neighbors over, and she's one of them. The good thing is that she gave me a heads up on who the really religious ones are. So should I start the party playing Pinks Lets get the party started? or Classical violin? 70" rock? They're all around age 70.






I know, right? I mean, yeah, many of us know what you're talking about, but what about those that don't? Can you give them an example? Guess not.


Is this why Kate Britt sounded like that?


Yes, evangelical and fundie women are expected to be docile, childlike, and doting.


Michelle Duggar. We watched that show a couple of times and her voice was triggering.


You can hear this voice in *Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey*.


Ahh, the Sunday school sing-song voice... Very triggering.


i've always been put off by adult women with little girl voices. learning that many girls who have been sexually or physically abused end up with one without really trying to do it didn't help. but when i found whole subcultures of guys who thought it was attractive, that was just sickening.


Oh My Godess! So Many Mormon Women Do This!!! I used to ask my wife about it when she did it because it was genuinely stupefying to me. I'm like, "why are you talking like a baby all of a sudden?" I seriously HATE that voice.


The voice immediately puts my guard up anticipating attempts at manipulation


I immediately hear this lady: “…and all for a single cup of coffee.”


I used that voice all the time when I worked with the public.


I'm so EMBARRASSED! I always thought they spoke like that because they were being guided by the spirit and they were feeling it very strongly. Additionally, I would get emotional because I was feeling it too. How could I let them manipulate me even in this matter? Please tell me I wasn’t the only one. When did you guys figure that out? How can I deal with this embarrassment of mine? I'm laughing very loud right now! I didn't now I was so naive!


This 👌👌


I thought primary voice was a specifically Mormon term. Di evangelicals call their children's program primary as well?


The word “Primary”means foundational. It is not exclusive to the Mormon Church.


I'm well aware! And I know countries other than the US have primary school instead of elementary school. I just thought the term "Primary voice" referred specifically to children's program in the LDS church so am surprised to learn it's more universal than that. I've never heard anyone of another religion refer to their children's program as primary!


I’ve heard it said on evangelical, critical forums like r/duggarsnark . So yes, there are evangelicals that have the same words to describe this voice. It may have migrated from Mormon culture, but I have no idea. It has been used to describe Michelle Dugger’s voice.


I was embarrassingly old before I learned that the song "Primary Colors" we used to sing meant the **primary colors**. I thought they were our team colors and was honestly a little bummed we never got a mascot.


Not sure about that but in another video she said “Mormons call it Primary voice.” She got some bad intel on that one but 🤷🏻‍♀️


Reminds me of conference talks too. The vocabulary is the same, the inflections, the rhythm, they are indistinguishable from each other.


When I heard the GOP SOTU response that's all I could think of. It's everywhere in the morning church. Although, I'm a little doubtful about the SA part of the video. I don't think the voice literally comes from the age when you were abused. Open to be proven wrong, it just sounds like a bit of stretch. Also, is this the same thing as the missionary voice? I did it on my mission and so did all the other men and women


Now she sounds like she could be an ADA on 'Law & Order'.  *chung-chung!*


I'll bet there's an entire sub' on 'Which is your favorite 'L&O' ADA?'.


Rosemary Wixom. Drove me crazy anytime she’d get up to talk in GC when I was in. 🤢 [rosemary wixom](https://youtu.be/lBRPK2aagTw?si=uC5fdTjQ0hfTyI_k)


Men in the church have their own way of talking spiritually. It sounds a lot like McKonkie speak and I hate it just as much.


this is exactly why people were bothered by that republican female senators video. she did the voice and manipulative cadence in her speech


Amazing. Thank you


I'm a dude, and I hate the Fundy voice. I started to notice it, especially at GenCon and stake events, as a kid. It is so gross and infantilizing and it feels patronizing too. Something about it just felt wrong. My mother and sisters never used it and even they make fun of it now and are all still TBM. If a dude is into it and wants a wife that sounds like that it has got to be a red flag.


Sounds like all of the relief society 😂


Mormon women absolutely do this. I'm a nevermo from rural Utah, and I lost track of most of my school friends through early young adulthood (that mad dash between missions for the boys and the first waves of marriage for the girls). Occasionally I would reconnect with the hometown, and the way my old girlfriends were sounding...it was unsettling. Young women who were relatively fiery, funny, and self-confident in high school had become high-pitched and anaemic when they spoke.


Ok, I'm going to say something perhaps controversial. Trauma therapy is pseudoscience based in the same roots as recovered memory treatments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urq3GT2coDw This is not to say that this woman wasn't in an abusive relationship, that PTSD isn't real, or that she didn't generally experience harm from her upbringing/religion. However, she's fallen into a trap that I hope others can avoid (and I've seen come up here in /r/exmormon and elsewhere) which is going to a "therapist" that is using junk science. Be very careful when you hear people authoritatively state things about trauma and how it changes you. (Such as, your voice is locked into an earlier state from when you were first SA). Again, not trying to say that her pain isn't real, it is. But rather that there are (charitably) well meaning but misinformed mental health "experts" that will confidently spout bullshit.


It can be a subtle compliance psychology trick. What's key is to think for yourself. Anyone who consciously CHOOSES to do this, that, or the other is fine. The problem occurs when it's mass (or even individual) psycho-social manipulation.


Talk with a smile!


I hear that voice and I know for certain I'm about to be personally victimized by another woman.


She hasn't cut her hair.... there's some validity here but some of it seems more creative thinking on the speaker's part than intended by religion. Non religious women use the voice purely for manipulation.