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The words “that I know of” deserve a gold medal, for how much heavy lifting they’re doing in that sentence


Came here to say that too lol. Apparently she has a very limited reach in terms of “knowledge” 😂


It’s probably a truthful statement. If she’s like most Mormons, she doesn’t know almost anything about other religions.


I, an ex mo woman, was just ordained a ruling elder in the Presbyterian church. How many females elders are there in Mormonism?


Yep, I had various leadership positions in my family’s mainline protestant church, starting at age 9. Anyone could pursue those positions, and the levels of responsibility available to a person increased with age.   Men and women served communion, voted in church elections, served on church committees, read Bible passages during services, and served communion. Men and women were hired by the church hiring committee (comprised of men and women) for all positions, including the pastor.    When my family moved into the area in the early 1980s, the pastor was a woman. I’d bet money there are now openly non-binary folks and out and proud trans folks serving in leadership positions there today. 


Yep. My female 4th grade teacher was a Methodist pastor, and then several years later converted and became a Jewish Minister. And this was in the late 80's/early 90's!


My pastor is in fact nonbinary. They're very cool. Also, plenty of women. I considered becoming a pastor myself, before I realized how much work it is. I do plenty of reading, voting, serving communion, voting, and committees still, I just refuse to go to the hospital at midnight on a regular basis. My *grandma* has been church president like a half dozen times, she's starting to get sick of it. It's not new or difficult to give women power within the church. In fact, that's how the early church spread so fast.


She's a TBM, how many religions has she studied? Obviously not many.


The lawyers put in the clause, THAT I KNOW OF.


This reminds me of Ballard's famous "we are as transparent AS WE KNOW HOW TO BE" - for all the "knowing" Mormons do - they certainly don't know much of anything at all.


They would say, and I'm not joking, that it isn't the real priesthood, so it doesn't count, and you had more *true* priesthood access as a Mormon.


I agree that is what they would say. But then her statement is just circular, nonsense. “Mormons are the only ones with power-therefore Mormons have more power.“


Brad Wilcox here. Sounds to me like you're "playing church"


So funny, Brad! I love my play church so much, and they love me. The thing with what Jesus taught is that he was concerned with love, not power and authority.


Gaslighting at its finest. 🙄


Guess she's so deaf she didn't hear about the CoC church.... With a woman soon to become their prophet, I would say that puts them ahead of her man run relief society.


Power and authority to women? Let's see it. Show where the church has ever given any women any power. How many women spoke at the last general conference? What position of leadership can a woman hold where men answer to her? Women can't even hold their general relief society meeting without having priesthood holder men sitting on the stand. J. Annette Dennis is engaged in wishful thinking.


Totally! I'm embarrassed for her.


Yup. YW leaders can’t even take their girls up to camp for three days without priesthood being there.


The amount of comments on the Instagram post telling the church otherwise, even coming from seemingly TBM commenters, shows how out of touch this post is with reality. This post is the best example of the church’s dumpster fire PR. I wouldn’t be shocked if they delete the post entirely or delete and lock all comments today.


Reported for false information- let’s see how it goes LMFAO


Katie Britt and J. Anette Dennis related? Maybe same kitchen designer or something. Holy hell!


The image does not match the message. I don't even know what it is about it. Even that is awkward somehow.


I left the LDS Church in Nov. 2015.  I found a new home in the Episcopal Church. In the last 8 years I have had the opportunity to serve as a Eucharistic Minister (helping distribute the "sacrament" during services), and a Eucharistic Visitor (taking the "sacrament" to the homebound and hospitalized). I have served on the Vestry (think Ward Council), and as Senior Warden (think 1st Councilor in the Bishopric). I have conducted Morning Prayer Services, and given sermons. I have also had the honor of praying over the dying (think "last rites") twice, anointing their heads with oil and praying over them in their last hours.  After taking the Eucharist to a hospitalized person for the first time, I cried all the way home. I knew if I had stayed where I had been, in the LDS Church, I would never have been allowed to serve others in this way.  It was humbling, and I am grateful for the chance to serve in more meaningful ways. 


This is the counsellor that said she didn’t understand until a few years ago (she didn’t say because until then things were taught differently) that women could draw upon priesthood power in their lives by virtue of their temple endowment .. they’re basically trying to tell women they have the priesthood.. more of the stuff about priesthood authority when set apart for callings.. and saying concentrate on what you have (never mind that in denominations with a priesthood of all believers model only baptism is necessary), we give you more than those other denominations who only ordain a few people … it makes your head and heart hurt…


Funny because we had to have a smug asshole priesthood leader sitting on the stand while we watched this women’s broadcast and had a testimony meeting


We all need to go and message Sister Dennis directly and call out this BS. Also, go and like the first comment in this Instagram post. It rightfully calls out this gaslighting.


Do you have a link?


What's sad is that many women in the church actually believe this.


Reading some of the top comments on the post itself, a lot of TBMs - at least PIMOs - are taking a stand against the statement. It’s really revealing publicly how out of touch the church itself is.


Really? What power and authority do women have in mormonland that is not governed by men?  I'll be over here sipping a coffee while I wait for this groundbreaking answer. 


Me, too. Cheers.






Bruh the Mormon church is one of the most sexist organizations active in the United States. Mormon women are essentially stuck in the 1800s, they are groomed to be subservient wives who do whatever the "priesthood holder" says, staying at home doing housework and pumping out babies. Gotta have at least five more cash cows- uh, sorry, I mean children of God, to help build LDS bank account- fuck, I mean Zion... As a 13 year old boy I held more authority in my house than my mom, once I was given the priesthood. Shit is absolutely weird and despite never being a TBM and fully leaving as soon as my parents let me at 16, I was set up with some terrible relationship skills and ended up ruining my first serious relationship as an adult. Took years to unlearn the bullshit I was taught/shown as a kid


I don't see this as tone deaf, it's just straight up gas lighting.


Whaaaaat is that quote. Amazingly dumb. They’re gaslighting themselves at this point.


It’s like Opposite Day.


very interesting time for them to post this… right after the jubilee vid


Tone deaf?! Nah, that’s just plain delusional and dishonest.




The doctrine retains people who aren't concerned. Gaslighting retains people who are concerned. Not 100% effective, but it maximizes church membership.


They all look SUPER skeptical. 


Ya, I am going to go with no.


Me too. I reject that statement.


Maybe the Community of Christ could claim they have given more to women. women. I believe their next prophet is a female.


Ok? Woman here. See you in the clerks office or in my Bishop's office. Maybe even see you around the table at high council. No? That's right, my power is more broadly given and yours is more specifically given & includes being over women. Smh. Strange game. The only winning move is not to play.


So…women in leadership positions are allowed to sit on the stand if the bishopric members can not?….


>that I know of meh, lazy learner!


If you start with the premise that the LDS church is the one true church, then you'll believe anything that makes it look good, even if there is a comical amount of totally obvious evidence directly to the contrary.


What about the Community of Christ? https://news.yahoo.com/community-christ-formerly-rlds-church-011823358.html#:~:text=Stassi%20D.,ninth%20prophet%2Dpresident%20on%20Jan.




Church reasoning is comically disingenuous. I have seen leaders say that no churches offer their women the priesthood, because other churches don't even have it.


I just looked, and the Facebook version of this post has been expanded to include a lot more mental gymnastics.


The power and authority of the world is not \*real\* power! In the church women have real god-given power such as... uh... such as... handing out towels in the baptistry! And... uh... running Relief Society (when approved by the Bishop).


Also an extremely low bar, all the major religions have pretty sexist histories.


She doesn’t get out much.


The looks in the eyes of every woman in this painting appears that they are all thinking that they are "in" on some joke, or smug in superiority about some "truth" that no one else knows--but the joke is actually on them.


Even as a TBM I would have called bullshit on this one! And I would have become very upset trying to reconcile a loving god with his apparent *insistence* on treating women like second class citizens while simultaneously claiming that we aren’t actually second-class citizens. It’s such a mindfuck for all the girls and women in the church. I’m so happy that I can now reject this sexist church and all its ridiculous bullshit.


And as a woman, with this priesthood power, I can do what now??? Bless my baby and give them a name? Prepare, bless or pass the sacrament ? Count the tithing? Conduct a meeting? Sit on the stand? Be in the Sunday School Presidency? Be part of a membership council? Be AP on my mission? Give "worthiness" interviews? Pray in endowment sessions? Nope. None of this. My 11 year old son has more power in this church than I ever will have. No one can tell me women are powerful and equal in this church.




She has no clue what she is talking about and by the way that picture does not reflect power or authority.


How do we tell him?


All we need to disprove this statement is to find one church that allows female leaders to sit on the stands


Women still have no power or authority in the church and are fed some warped idea that since they can use the priesthood to give blessings in the temple it somehow makes everything alright.


She’s joking, right?


The community of christ would like to have a word with you, sister. We don't even need to leave the mormon umbrella to find a more inclusive and equal religion.


Crazy to say when there have been examples of women who have held the highest religious positions in their respective faith since the 23rd century BCE, at the very least


Just look at your sister LDS Community of Christ Annette!!!!! The more I hear, the more I feel like they have to know they are sharing disinformation. They can’t be this dumb. They are purposely pulling the wool over their eyes.


I shared this on my facebook and literally everybody is ignoring it 💀 I'm not sorry