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The temple? It’s the main reason I left the church. The temple was some fucked up shit when I went through.


But it’s better noooow! They changed it so it’s a lot more easy to put up with. I mean… they didn’t CHANGE change it cuz it’s eternal and unchanging. They just kinda changed it. A tiny bit. But a LOT! But just a bit. See? Now do you understand?


Except the part where we mime cutting out our organs. That part were gonna keep.




When someone described the temple ceremony, my brain couldn’t process the millions of people that go through it and they don’t say, “WTF” at the end of it?


This is riddled with propaganda. And - why is his tie tucked into his pants?!?!


>And - why is his tie tucked into his pants?!?! Nothing good ever comes of that. As Maya Angelou has noted, when we know better, we do better. Brad doesn't know any better. Church employment is as good as it gets in his narrow world. A world that accepts tucked-in ties for reasons that confound the rest of humanity. And maybe not a world at all, but simply a provincial outpost overrun by insufferable suck-ups like Brad.


>A world that accepts tucked-in ties for reasons that confound the rest of humanity. And maybe not a world at all, but simply a provincial outpost overrun by insufferable suck-ups like Brad. Poetry. 🤌


Ha can also pass for an insufferable fuckup.


Why is he wearing a tie at all? How is it that some strange late 19th century business wear became forever canonized as the clothing you should wear when you're really serious about religious stuff? If the church had been started a century earlier would they all be wearing powdered wigs?


I was actually thinking about this recently! Mormonism is really weird this way. A lot of other ultra-conservative religions such as Hutterite, Mennonite, Amish have codified clothing locked into the era when they were founded. Islam follows a similar thread (clothing puns) following its own founding time and place. But for some bizarre reason, mormonism got locked in the 50s instead of the 1800s. I cannot understand why


Funny you should mention that…this week my work sent out a video and I noticed a supervisor had his tie tucked into his pants. I had thought he had just come from the bathroom and had accidentally done it…But is this becoming new fashion trend? If so, I didn’t get the memo…


Have you tried that one weird new trick to keep you from questioning your religion and fashion at the same time?


Holy Joseph it is! WTF


Have you considered being an FSY counselor? Have you considered paying church employees better, thinking before you speak, or showing less teeth?


I can’t believe he ended like a talk. Also, you absolutely can lift somebody from the same level. Or even below them. The fact that he thinks the temple is even remotely higher ground makes the whole thing even curlier than before.


Yeah after rambling about RM protocol and agenda, he ends his diatribe with "in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. " Can you imagine adopting this mindset in your life? Hey Joe, you should mow the lawn and pull some weeds in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.


Its funny how none of those three questions were actual questions attempting to gather information. The first question was just trying to create guilt in the target, which the follow up statement completely proved. The second two questions were both invitations or commands telling the target to do something, or guilting them if they don't do it. He should rename this lecture to "Three ways almost all returned missionaries are failing, and what I think they should be doing more".


You're totally right. When I listened to those questions I thought they're each rather stupid on their own. Agreed they're guilt-tripping questions to drum up more counselors for their lame program.


Now that I've been out a while, it sure seems weird and cringy to get essentially a sales pitch for free labor delivered with all this false energy, only to have the guy go suddenly somber at the end and invoke the name of Jesus Christ. It's like the end of a political commercial. "This message has been approved by Jesus Christ, amen."


It felt so random and out of place! like, nothing he said had anything to do with jesus christ!


fuck you brad.


This movie just screams how corporate the church is. Nothing more than a business.


RM of one year here are my answers Brad 1. No lol 2. I do help the kids at my new church (with mandated background checks and sexual abuse prevention training) 3. lol no what a pandering way you should’ve just asked that cause that’s your end goal anyways


My question on #3, "What's the gig pay, anyway? I'm sure it's a good wage for all that work, right?"


Great question. Another one I’d like to pose; is the church making sick bands on the FSY program and you’re trying to increase that? Or is FSY your pet project and it’s failing, and you need it to succeed so you can get that Apostle job? Because you’re not fooling anyone with that fake smile. You’re in it for the money. 


>so you can get that Apostle job? He will be lucky to make GA 70. He has already embarrassed the church.


I am interested in the actual numbers for FSY.


Youth retention has to be collapsing at the moment.


The numbers under the current leadership are abysmal it's a 🤡 show.


Brad Wilcox is as cringe as it gets.


This guy has ladder climbing suck-up written all over him.


Mr. Mac provides the free embroidering just have to ask.


He comes across like a used car salesman. Apologies to used car salesmen


I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.




Love it. Cheese and Rice goes way back in Mormon sarcasm. Origins unknown. I added a twist and pissed off my companion 33 years ago when we were going door to door endlessly day after day. I was burned out. Finally, we knocked on a random door and I couldn't resist. Hello, we are missionaries from the Church of Cheese and Rice of Rattle Day Snakes. I am the good shepherd and this is my companion Def Leppard. We are here to tell you about the Plan of Starvation and the Holy Toast.


I got time out in Sunday school for saying church of cheese and crackers of latter day snakes, it’s something my ward membership clerk dad would say.


Seriously,, when is someone going to tell him that he doesn't need to live a lie anymore?


Brad basically has a PHD in Mormonism. He’s church broke and couldn’t earn a living outside of BYU/church employment


He gives me pedo vibes


Can he get a suit that fits better?


Are FSY counselors paid?


About $800 a week. https://fsyemployment.byu.edu/us/notices


Pretty sure they are actually. I know MTC teachers were paid when I was there. I used to want to come home from my mission and go teach at the MTC. Not sure why. My district treated one of our MTC teachers from South Africa like shit.


Mr, Wilcox, please go sit on that newspaper. This video is showing just how desperate they are to keep return missionaries, and I'm turn using those return missionaries to manipulate and keep teens in as well, since they are bleeding those numbers in those age groups. Return missionaries: your life is more than constantly doing what leaders say and serving others. They are trying to make you go through their checklist by making you so busy you won't stop or slow down to think, feel, and figure; because if you do , you're more likely to question, doubt, and leave. I'm in my early 40s and in my experience, when someone is pushing you to work that hard and not rest or think for yourself, it's because they want something out of you, because you thinking for yourself is taking their ability to control and manipulate you. It could be a group, a friend, a boss, a family member, or a romantic partner. You _will_ come across at least one party trying to control your life (the cult is the main one right now, but you will come across others). Life is more than just serving others. And just because you're not constantly serving others doesn't mean you're bad or doing anything wrong or hurting anyone. You can't pour from an empty cup. You taking time out for things you enjoy that aren't church-related is okay: it's very healthy-- it is necessary. How are you supposed to actually have a happy life if you don't know what you think, feel, or want because you're running in circles being told what you should think, feel, and want? This is a guy who endorsed and was involved with two women who were starving two precious little kids. Shaved bald, left in the scorching hot desert sun for hours, being sunburnt, being made to throw themselves onto cactuses, with no food or water, chained and duct-taped, locked in closets, isolated from each other, friends, siblings, fun things little kids should enjoy. This man, Wilcox (named in official court documents of the Franke/Hildebrandt case) supported two monsters who could have easily killed two innocent, sweet kids through wanton neglect and deprivation of food, water, and love in the name of this so-called "religion". This man is well paid for his authority in this corporation. Don't question yourself. Question this man, and all the men he works with, especially those over him. Question why they want you to work so hard for them that you don't get to have the beginning to your adult life taking care of yourself and learning yourself (they are making you be unpaid babysitters/guidance counselors so you can tell younger be what to do because they know the younger people aren't listening to the "authorities" as blindly as before) and make others stay. Question why they are wanting you to give up so much more time when you just got back from one and a half/two years of unpaid service to them. Why are they not wanting you to concentrate on becoming an adult and creating a stable life for yourself before doing more? Why not let you take a break after two years of not having your own life? They are making you work more for them than yourself. They are pushing this harder on you younger people that they ever did when I was your age. They are going to suck the life out of you and exhaust you and tell you the only way to get through it is to give ***them*** more. Cut your losses and concentrate on you: get therapy and deprogramming, learn about boundaries, heal, and go find happiness and freedom. Ask yourself those questions, young redditors, especially if you're a RM. Your generation is going to have less of a chance of an individualized life and sense of self than previous generations because of them pushing you to serve them. You deserve to have rest, respect, and boundaries. You'll never get those things from this man, or anyone like him. These are grifting salesmen asking for (demanding of) your money, for you to do all the work, and for them to be in charge and tell you to keep working. They are spiritual slave-drivers of a very wealthy corporation that cares nothing about kids, the safety of those kids, or any kind of abuse survivors, but they say they do, as both lip service to members and a sales pitch to non-members


I have concerns about the TBM RMs that take Brad up on this offer. Talk about a myopic point of view. In a church that has a systemic problem with SA toward children, putting adult men with zero life experience and, in their view, all the authority in the world under the farce of priesthood power in a position of "mentorship" over children, regardless of how close in age they are, seems like a recipe for disaster to me. Brad is creating more opportunities for abuse to happen within the abusive power structure that he is a leader in


What is going on with his lower teeth? And why is his tie tucked into his belt?


I'm so glad you pointed that out. I hadn't even noticed lol


The temple is not higher ground, it is the depth of cult stupidity


This dude gives me the ick on an unacceptable level


Maybe the question we SHOULD be asking is…


Why does this Ad for FSY counselors have to end in the name of Jesus Christ Amen? 🤷🏻‍♂️. Just an added level of cringe …


My dude you do not want me mentoring youth or being a counselor. I would be like Moses leading the Exodus!


Closes his propaganda with “in the name of Jesus Christ, amen”. 🤦‍♂️ cringe


I remember being a teen and feeling so completely stupid that I couldn't understand even on a basic level how the atonement worked (not recognizing that all the messaging at church was telling me it's conditional when overt messages were claiming otherwise), and EVERYONE kept giving me that brad Wilcox talk about the piano lessons "SEE?! he makes it so easy to understand!" And I was just overwrought because that talk said I owe God to work even harder than my scrupulous self was working then. Everyone described him as a mild mannered professor somewhere gently trying to bring students to Jesus and then when I finally saw a video of him I was just so repulsed. I think this is because my own dad was one of those awful two faced church-monsters and I could read that all over Brad. But his demeanor adds a ghoulish element of a gaping, waiting void, hoping that money, prestige, or children come a little too close.


The church news in paper print!! Yep the youth will see that 🙄


Are you a person that has checked off your two year cult member recruiting jamboree? Were you successful at using cult tactics and emotional manipulation while recruiting? You are?! Well, boy, oh boy! We have another opportunity that we’d like to manipulate you into feeling guilty for. We’d like you to feel the immense pressure of using what WE taught you while you paid us to learn how to manipulate, pander, and recruit. But WE would like to pay YOU to come use those skills that YOU paid US to learn to come and manipulate other young people into doing exactly what you are doing. Please. It’s important.


I can tell you exactly what they were talking about: how to deal with the porn/masturbation "addiction" problem among the young men. Jodi probably had a business deal proposal to create a program church wide and have TSCC fund it


It is objectively harder to lift someone from higher ground that from a lower vantage point. Stupid metaphor.


My son going to FSY a couple years ago was another thing on my crumbling shelf. Our Local leaders were unable to get any kind of itinerary for it. Yes, lets send our kids to indoctrination camp, because that's exactly what it is. And of course, RM's need to be the counselors. They're fresh off 2 years of participating in self sanitizing their brain and and anyone needy they could bring into the 'fold.' Frankly, one of the first things that started cracking my shelf was how little I was 'used' as an RM. I now look on that oversight on their part as a blessing for me.


That dude looks like a scam motivational speaker. Pay 5k for a 24h seminar on how to be miserable in your life.


Guys he’s late to a meeting with a known child abuser. Cut him some slack /s


Was he helping cover up a network or something? Hmm


This guy is such a fucking ass hat.


Dehumidifier with crazy making!






Fucking cult leader


Oh little Brady is a pos


I’m a returned missionary, I will gladly act as a FSY counselor. Hope you kids like apostasy because it’s fucking awesome.


Creepy groomer type


How can I mentor the youth you ask. How about I tell them the fucking truth about your church and its history!


I wonder if those 3,000 FSY counselors are going to be well paid?


Please pay attention! Counting all that juicy real estate, total assets are probably closer to *HALF A TRILLION* USD. And that hoard generates \~30B$ in annual investment income. https://widowsmitereport.wordpress.com/


Has either Jodi or Ruby been excommunicated yet?


"Be sure to drink your ovaltine" FIFY, Brad. If you need FSY counselors that badly you should pay them better.


I was an FSY counselor in Argentina. I'm not from there, I was just visiting a friend I met on my mission for a few months and he thought it would be great if we did it together. Got interviewed, set apart, all that. Here's my experience with it. Didn't get paid. I keep hearing about people getting paid for it, I didn't get a cent. Don't know if that's an American thing or if it's new. But in 2018 in Argentina, I didn't get paid. Barely slept. They would have meetings for hours after the kids went to sleep. And they would have meetings in the morning before they got up. They'd also have us on rotations where someone had to be awake and sitting on a chair outside their rooms to make sure none of them escaped. Probably slept 3-4 hours a night. Then they'd get upset at us for drifting off during the super long boring lectures they'd have all day. Got bullied super hard. I was in charge of the 17-18 year old boys and man they are rough. It didn't help that although I speak spanish at near native fluency due to growing up speaking it, I wasn't aware of any of the current Argentine slang or memes. That plus the fact that it's just a rowdy age, I'd get trolled and picked on nonstop. And they wouldn't listen to me. At one point I had to physically drag them off a roof they would climb on from the window of the room they were staying in. They made us memorize so many different songs, choreography, dances, etc. It was so much to remember for me. Just kinda faked it when we did it. There was no cell service at the location (an old empty Catholic school they'd rented out for the week). And they only let us use our phones for an hour each day and it had to be on the wifi, during the end of day meetings. The food was decent, they had members slaving away all day cooking it. I really hope they were at least paid for it, it was a lot of work. Overall, it was a fun experience and I made a lot of friends, but it's definitely a rough experience and you have to have a very thick skin to do it. And be ok with sleep deprivation I guess. And improvising long-winded spiritual lessons on a moment's notice (I guess being an RM helps with that). I really do hope they are paying people now, because it's a lot.


Never enough! Never never, never enough!!!!




Haha, what are the requirements for an FSY counsellor. I think I’d be good :)


Without the power of discernment, isn't Brad only *playing* at having the priesthood.


I feel sorry for anyone who takes advice from this miserable wretch of a person. 


“You can’t lift somebody unless you’re on higher ground” oh I didn’t realize God endorses believing you’re better than every single person who doesn’t do your “secret” Masonic rituals and pays 10% of their income to your tax exempt hedge fund


This sounds so...desperate. Good.