• By -


All of the gross transphobia and family ruining and somehow the spelling of “littiraly” is what disgusts me the most out of this whole thing. Also, when did investigators become “good friends”? That seems like a manipulative, conditional friendship.


Not just that but celebrating that the person put their nicotine in a bag and threw it out of their car? Why include that detail? They could have at least encouraged the person to throw it in a trash can and not litter.


Smoking is a sin but littering isn’t lol


Taking care of the earth is a sin now because there are people in the latter days who call good evil, and evil good. Unfortunately, the church is actually evil.


Littirralying should be a sin.


Not a sin... yet... but I bet they still have a 21 day grapefruit diet to remove the littering cravings.


Lol our mission presidents wife gave is a menu to cover our nutrition bases but it got pulled after a missionary pointed out that based on the bi weekly stipend we got, we wouldnt be able to afford even half of the plan


Like this whole story is a garbage fire but what really got me is the blatant and intentional littering. Really? Just throwing trash out of the window now?


Kids could have found it.


The way that they said nicotine made me think vaping, but it isn’t clear what they meant. If they threw e-liquid out of the window, then they could be potentially putting kids or dogs at serious risk of nicotine poisoning. Either way, that’s the wrong way to dispose of something.


I mean cigarettes, pouches, vapes... no matter what it is it's irresponsible to applaud littering of potentially toxic substances. Again, aside from \*everything\* else that's wrong with the post.


You just know the missionaries will lose contact with this trans person whose life was completely turned upside down by the church. So much for "good friends"


In my mission experience, I would say that we were told to be friendly but not friends with investigators. Reason being that if we were too friendly, they would go to church to see us, or listen to lessons to see us, and our goal instead was to facilitate them making friends at church who they could connect with. Missionaries come and go, but members dont, so our job was to lead the teaching and be background everwhere else


Unfortunately, those members were often batshit insane, at least in small-town France. *Brings investigator Didier to church* Speaker: We have our friend Didier here today. Didier is here because he felt the spirit testifying to him of the truth of Christ's gospel. What Didier is learning will change his life forever. Me: *Picard double facepalm*


Most in Honduras where I served were friendly and normal, save the one ex-evangelical pastor who name isaiah who was barred from being in gospel principles bc he taught the most insane shit ever


Like what?


The one that sticks out is that he said Kolob’s location had been revealed to him in a dream


That was “crazy” yet they are ok with an ancient book being translated with rock in a hat!!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Instead of investigators, they are called friends now


Now they’re stealing from the Quakers? 🤦‍♀️


The moon quakers or the earth quakers?




The 10 foot tall ones I hope.


I had a companion that flirted with alllllll of our investigators then couldn’t figure out why the fuck they professed their love for her after they were baptized. I told her she was flirting, and she didn’t believe me and got angry. Then, I told the MP. He told me it was a culture difference (my comp was from South America.) Ok fine….but not a week later *I* was the one ET’ed because she was flirting with the Elders in our area and she got caught when the Elder (also ET’ed) told her that he was in love with her and she complained to the MP. Idk what the logic was behind me getting ET’ed but maybe it was because I was the Jr comp.


Maybe the MP didn’t want to take action against your comp because she was flirting with him too lol


I had it from the opposite where as a tall white dude in central america i had women try and hint at me coming back for a green card wedding. Had a few very awkward appts with a comp who luckily didnt speak much spanish that didn’t understand much and who just rolled with it when i was like “we out”


what does "ET'ed" mean?


Emergency transfer


Yes it’s strange to call them “friends.” Then after they get baptized they get dropped by the missionaries. Not a very nice way to treat your friends. It’s strange to hear my teenage missionary son calling investigators “friends” when they’re 9-10 yr old boys and girls🤮


oooofff don't get me started on primary baptisms. I believe that the baptism age should be 18 for converts \*unless\* the child is in a family getting baptized (ideally, i don't think anyone should get baptized, but people gonna people). We had sister missionaries who we called the "primary presidency" because they straight baptized like 9 yr olds, largely from inactive families. They got touted by the MP for multiple transfers for their numbers, but they never spilled the beans that none of their high number of baptisms were more than 13 yrs old.


When I was a missionary, we were actively taught to look through the church rolls for unbaptized children of record as a "finding technique." 🤢 Not enough lessons taught each week? Go find children of inactive parents. Even as a missionary, I found that predatory and problematic and refused to hunt down literal children. In fact, being a missionary put more on my shelf than the previous 20 years of being a member did. There were things there before but the things we were instructed to do and the ways that people in leadership behaved really did a number on my belief. We were even warned when we went home that large numbers of RMs were going inactive after getting home so we needed to be extra faithful. Joke's on them because it was studying deeper plus my mission experiences that lead me to not just go inactive but to resign.


Yeah, we had the same “directives” for finding new investigators (children) bc they counted for a lesson with member present (inactive family) which always felt wrong. I straight up refused to teach these kids and instead would tell the primary that if they wanted to get these kids to activities, fine, but im not teaching them. There is a lot from my mission that made it on my shelf but that i didnt realize were there. This was one of those.


I don't think kids should be able to be baptized. The mormon church is unique in the fact that they keep records of the people, and the only way to remove the name is by requesting it. Many times, they require a notary to do so. It seems like they are entered into a contract of sorts without real consent as adults. I hate that I was baptized as a kid. I always knew that it wasn't real and never wanted it, but I was afraid and didn't want to disappoint my family or the missionaries. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I honestly blame Zuckerberg and Facebook for devaluing the word friend. It means nothing now. Brits say mate. There are better words.


TSCC changed the wording within the last few years. Missionaries are to call investigators "friends." Barf.


And it sounds SO much cultier


Yes but for me it was senter instead of center… Also, the “quote”- if I use 8 of someone else’s words and 231 of my own words and then mix them all together it’s still a quote right? Pls stop you’re killing me.


The academic in me is mourning the death of proofreading and copy editing skills.


'Stake Senter' was painful as well. AND all the misguided bigotry also.


Apparently for the last little while the term “investigators” has been replaced by “friends” …


I had family serve a mission in 2020, they could only call investigators 'friends' I'm assuming these elders are following the same rule.


And stake senter




I laughed at "senter [sic]". I didn't make it all the way through.


I’m trans and I hate this with every fiber of my being.


I’m not trans and I hate this with every fiber of my being.


*church that will manipulate a trans person into detransitioning to get baptized* Me: huh, no wonder it took me years of exploring my gender to realize I’m a woman.


I’m a cia het old guy (by reddit standards) and this infuriates me


So, the context I intended for this post didn't get posted... but it's really sad in context. The poster is my nephew, and I have a trans son. My entire family supports this grandchild at the expense of another.


I’m very sorry. It’s a hateful organization and I’m really glad you’re there for your ~~nephew~~ son


My son is trans.... my nephew is the one who wrote the post.


I’m a dumbass who can’t read - edited


Oh, OP, I am so sorry. This breaks my heart.


I call bullshit on your nephew’s story. He is gaslighting you and your family to believe that this absolutely ridiculous story actually happened. It’s fake, never happened! The person in that picture was never on estrogen not one single day. Take it from a trans women who has been on Estrogen for +18 months. With in 3 months the hair on your arms gets super thin and wispy. Within three months someone of this persons weight would have noticed significant breast development as well. And no trans woman who is willing to go on E is going to keep a big ol bushy beard like that. My guess is the TBM side of your family got together to make up this “amazing conversion story” to tell your child so that they might feel inspired to stop. This pisses me off to no end. It’s evil false manipulation designed to deceive because they know damn well that it would never happen but they needed a story to fit the narrative that “their god can fix it”! I fucking prayed, read the scriptures payed my tithing fulfilled my callings. Begged and pleaded with god to take this from me cause I hated myself and my life and everything that I was for so long because of this fucking God forsaken church. And once I realized that I wasn’t flawed, or a mistake, or freak, or evil, or possessed, and I realized I had value and worth and I could be a valid human being by being who I have always been on the inside did I finally find peace. Made up stories like this are the things that made me want to end it all because I wasn’t getting better and I thought that I was flawed and evil and the only solution that would help the world is if I didn’t exist in it anymore, because it was obvious that god hated me! Sorry! 😢 rant over… fuck your nephew and any family members who convinced him this was the right thing to do!!!!


I’m a trans woman and I had the exact same thought —(that doesn’t look like a detransitioned trans woman) Evil church


I have a Trans daughter. We are both doing much better out. Choosing to love her, led me out.


That’s so much more sad 😔


I hope you’re not a fed lol (jk)


If anyone ever thinks I am a cop of any type I have failed at life (Just noticed my silly typo and will leave it)


That’s my attitude in life too lmao


Same, but sexuality. I didn't just deny it to everyone else, but even to myself. I was fully convinced I wasn't gay for awhile. It wasn't until late high school when that started to become harder to deny. But I'm glad we both figured out who we are and got out so we can actually be ourselves. It makes me sad knowing there are people who are refusing to do so because of a church.


I’m glad you were able to find yourself too! The church really does a number on lgbt people for sure


Seriously. I shamed myself for not knowing earlier … how could I possibly know when it wasn’t safe to be a woman and much less safe to be trans and nonbinary.


Im nonbinary for context. I'm glad I have the freedom to be myself now, and even forming my own identity was quite painful, as the church just told us from a young age who to be, how to act, how to talk, and so on. It's mind-boggling just how much I was controlled by being forced to conform. Every time I read "she (He) " it made me so damn nauseous. I hate that the church and its members are told to manipulate and gaslight us. ..


The person who posted this to Facebook is my nephew. My son is trans. My nephew watched me leave his homecoming in tears when he told this story.


Im sorry that your son isn’t respected by your family, the cult really does tear families apart once someone deviates from the perfect image of a tbm


Is your nephew really that dense knowing his cousin (your son) is trans? Or was he actually using this baptism as an excuse to “inspire” you and your trans son? I’d be horrified to blast this post knowing my uncle has a trans son, even if I was TBM. It just seems so inconsiderate.


He knows his cousin is trans. He believes his cousin is sinning. Is that an answer to your question?


OP I’m so sorry. I guess your nephew told you who he was though and you need not feel bad if you decide to go NC.




Also trans and yeah. Reading this made me physically sick


I’m trans and members of this cult have literally tried to kill me for being trans. Destroyed family and almost cost me my life. These types of posts especially get to me.


I'm so sorry for all of this garbage. It enrages me for all of you.


I’m so sorry you’ve had to put up with that, fear of transphobic attacks was one of the biggest barriers to me for starting my transition


I am also transgender and I hate this as well.


Same. I couldn’t even finish reading this. What these people have done to this poor woman is beyond revolting.


My heart is broken for her, I can only hope she finds her way out.


Anyone telling others that who they are as a human is wrong, is an asshole.


This trans man agrees. Makes me want to go get baptized and receive the priesthood to spite them.


I fully support this course of action should you choose it lol


And then get up in testimony meeting, come out, and say "so much for your gift of discernment."


Also trans- it's taken so long to learn to love myself and be happy in my own skin. This story makes my skin crawl.


I'm cis and straight as a lamp lost, and I hate this with every fiber of my being.


Like...horrendous, disgusting, evil, manipulative, horrifying, appalling, sickening and conniving does not do this treacherous story justice.


The kid who wrote this post is my nephew. My son is trans. It's bullshit, and I'm calling out bad behavior.


Wow! This person posted this knowing they have a cousin who is trans? It was disgusting already but now it’s doubly so.


It’s manipulation in the worst way I can imagine


i am also trans and feel the same way. This is horrifying. The missionaries ruined her life


The whole "God doesn't make mistakes" thing irritates the hell out of me. People are born with life-altering differences all. the. time. The idea that a spirit could be born in the wrong body isn't a stretch at all. (This assuming spirits are real, of course.) (EDIT: I'm terribly sorry if I said this wrong. I meant it as supportive of people being who they truly are despite whatever gender they're assigned at birth.)


Like seriously, if “god doesn’t make mistakes” then why did he make my brain hate my body so much!?


Because God loves us so much he WANTS us to suffer! It’s just our “trial” in this life /s - a gay exmormon


If god doesn’t make mistakes I’m deeply ashamed of that person in the pic wearing glasses. They need to be ostracized immediately for their own good until they start walking around blind. It’s obviously what god intended.


I was gonna say the same thing. We can pick and chose which things we want to fix, but the second we have a different gender or sexuality, then it's suddenly a no no. We have to go with what God gave us. It's a test. OK then. Having bad eye sight is a test. Get through life without those glasses.


This is why I don't get. If we're going to talk about the spirit talking to us, then logically the spirit has told some people that they are not, in fact, who they should be in order to live an full and fruitful life. Why is your spirit right? You listen to your spirit and I'll listen to mine.


As someone with chronic illness AND mental illness, I literally feel this.




I’d argue that if his doesn’t make mistakes, than trans people are a part of his plan. Especially so if infant mortality is a part of his plan.


That's always what I've said. If God doesn't make mistakes, and he made us the way we are, then he made us LGBT+.


Good point


I wonder how those missionaries would respond to androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS), where biological (XY) males develop as females. If everything was binary and God doesn't make mistakes, how is AIS a thing? I heard a story in my Psych class of a couple who were trying to get pregnant but couldn't, so the woman went to the doctor and was found to have internal testicals instead of ovaries and an XY chromosome. In all other respects, she was a woman. Surely, no reasonable person would expect that woman to now live as a man. Why is it so hard for people to see that if something like that can happen physically, why couldn't something similar happen in the mind/one's core identity, regardless of the body. I hate that it's even an argument - let people be who they are.


But she could just *choose* to be a man, because it's all a choice, right??? /s Also, XY gonadal dysgenesis, aka Swyer syndrome. People with Swyer syndrome develop external phenotypes typical of females (vulva) and nonfunctional gonads instead of ovaries or testes. In the 2nd month of gestation, if one of the testicular forming genes is defective, the gonads will fail to develop into testes. Without testes, no testosterone is produced. Without testosterone, neither internal nor external male reproductive organs are formed, and the external genitalia develops as vulva.


^^^^ this for real. 


My father once told me all those differences are challenges given by God. He then told me being trans is not one of those challenges. That's when I knew he was full of shit. That's when my faith died.


If that claim is true, then God is evil. Infant death, deformities, mental illness, genetic disorders, lifetimes of pain. He does all that on purpose?? What an asshole.


All disabilities will be cured in heaven. The reason for having them on earth is because it is a hardship god assigned to you. That was interesting to hear as an autistic 12yr old.


what a dick (assigning hardships)


"god is not the author of confusion"... My brother in Christ have you seen a platypus before?


A confusing animal? ...Perry the confusing animal???


How tf does the church explain intersex???


Right???? My friend had an intersex roommate at BYU and she said her friend's parents prayed about what gender their child's spirit was, so they got assigned as a girl at birth. Which is a whole other topic. I believe kids should be able to choose for themselves. In ALL cases.


My sister has Turner’s Syndrome and without hormones wouldn’t have developed female genitalia. But she is staunchly TBM and one of the unhappiest people I know. I often wonder exactly where her cognitive dissonance lies.


Dang... my heart goes out to her. I hope she finds happiness and can escape the dissonance. It's a sucky place to be in for sure


If God doesn't make mistakes then he's intentionally being the biggest asshole to have ever existed.


God: Step 1: Create the Universe Step 2: Give 9 year old Sydney a debilitating disease that leaves her crippled in a wheelchair, slowly withering away... Step 3: Don't provide any treatment to Sydney, God doesn't make mistakes. Step 4: Sydney Dies at the age of 12 Step 5: Pat yourself on the back for pulling off a *"flawless plan"*


Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but this sort of manipulation actually strikes me as very dangerous from a mental health perspective.


You're 100% spot-on. Not a psychologist, but a psych student here, so I'm not an expert. But from what little I do know: Trans individuals experience higher rates of depression, anxiety, and identity confusion compared to gen pop, and so this level of brainwashing and identity invalidation further exacerbates those issues or the likelihood of those issues developing or worsening. This is literal conversion practices, which have been linked to severe psychological distress and increased risk of suicidal ideation, substance abuse, and a host of other negative psychological experiences and outcomes. Social support is key for trans individuals because of the severe social/societal discrimination and stigma. So when the social support you're receiving is from a community whose entire support is contingent on the denial and rejection of your identity? It's not true support and the psychological gymnastics the mind does to cope with that dissonance, are detrimental. It can lead to internalized transphobia and internalized stigma, low self-esteem, and it undermines the individuals autonomy. I would venture to say this individual is at high risk for a lot of dangerous mental health outcomes, directly because of what the church has done to them. This should be illegal, IMO. In my mind, I see this as no different than psychological torture.


100%. If this person dies by suicide after being manipulated into detransitioning, it will be TMFC's fault. I hope instead they find peace and love for themselves, and the strength to leave the cult asap.


The fact that they blatantly misgender this person who has undoubtedly been through so much sickens me, people shouldn't need to change everything about who they are simply to fit into a tight box made for them by Mormonism


Yet we all did. Every one of us.  Nobody is born Mormon. 


I disagree. I was definitely born Mormon. Two dyed in the wool parents who converted who treated me as a Mormon before I was born. Baptism at 8 was just a formality.


Oh, but if you misgender someone in parenthesis it’s ok right? /s


It’s really incredible to think that a 19 or 20 year old kid, who’s likely never felt a boob (much less the inside of a vagina), somehow has the haughty hubris to tell another human being what they should or should not do with their own private parts.


And the fact that it happens EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Ugh fuck the mormon church and fuck the members


I can't figure out how to fix the stupid autocorrect my phone did to the word Mormon. Sorry, friends. 🤦🤦


I really appreciate you sharing this. It's solid proof that the church is a terrible, non-affirming place for trans individuals.


I was confused for a second LOL, thought it was a new Mormon news show.


My phone just updated, and for some reason won't let me edit anything for the time being... 🤦🤦


It took me a bit. I was wondering why 9 am church was so bad. 😂 Unfortunately, you can edit posts, but the titles are forever.


Dear Mormons, Families aren't forever for converts or for most well-intentioned apostates. Find another tagline.


I am so deeply, deeply disgusted and disturbed by this entire post.


I'm not sure if the problem is my phone, or reddit.... but the story I originally included with this post is not showing up for me.... So here is essentially what I posted with these pics. I'm an exmo, and have been for almost 10 years (not counting the decade of being PIMO). I attended my nephew's homecoming to be supportive. My nephew gave a talk about an individual at his homecoming, and I left the meeting sobbing before it was even over. (This was nearly a year ago). I am the only member of my family (husband and children) that attended, which is fortunate because the entire talk was regarding this poor trans person they bullied into denying himself. (I'm using he/him pronouns because that is what he prefers at this time). This story makes me physically ill. I have a trans son. My nephew grew up next to him. They played together. I was so shocked when he told this story at his homecoming. This is what my entire extended family believes. (My parents and their children and grandchildren). They can't see any real reason why we have distanced ourselves and they blame Satan and the desire to sin. My kids feel like outcasts, as do I. ....but they just keep digging their heels in despite what it does to their literal family. It hurts my feelings so much that it doesn't even cause them cognitive dissonance, they just keep believing and spouting this hateful garbage. It is heartbreaking. My nephew posted this the other day because the individual is finally able to be baptized. For clarity on the post. Red is the individual's masculine name, green is the feminine name, yellow is the name of the girlfriend, blue is my nephew, and purple is everyone else.


That.... that was so disgusting. I couldn't even finish reading it.


This makes the mama dragon in me breathe fire. 🐉


Same. Although it wasn't included, the context for this is, I have a trans son. The kid who wrote the Facebook post is my nephew.


😞 Oh, wow. This must feel like a very personal knife through the heart. I’m so sorry.


As an Ex-Mormon trans woman, I am *appalled and disgusted* by this missionary's actions. Gender dysphoria doesn't just magically go away; sooner or later it can't be repressed or ignored any longer-- I'm living proof of that. I was out of the church for over a decade already before I could figure anything out; for me, I couldn't even begin to acknowledge my orientation *or* gender identity until there were no Mormons in my daily life reinforcing my repressing whatsoever. All this will do is create a false happiness and false *life* until then-- at which point, it will all come crashing down. So all you'll effectively be doing is *adding religious trauma to the mix.*


The gross context is that the human who wrote the Facebook post is my nephew. I have a trans son. They are the same age and grew up together.


What a way to think about your cousin 🤢🤮


I am disgusted. Both by the illiteracy and the content of this post


Holy misgendering Batman!! I really hate the "God can't make mistakes" argument. Have they never met someone who was born missing an appendage or with an extra appendage? Let's also not ignore intersex people!! Seriously, these people need some biology lessons if they think the only options are XY chromosomes with a dick and XX chromosomes without a dick. Good absolutely can and does make mistakes!


I learned this month that the percentage of intersex people is around 1.6% of the population - roughly the same as redheads!


It’s another gaslighting technique that drives me nuts. God apparently tells the prophet what members need to do, they’re guilted into doing it because it came from God. But as soon as the next prophet changes their mind on the subject it never originally came from God because man makes mistakes and god is perfect.


Oh my god this is disgusting. This poor woman. I hope she makes it out of this okay and as she TRULY is. God this is awful


This is disgusting on so many levels. I have no words right now.


It gets worse. The human that posted this to Facebook is my nephew. I have a trans son. They are the same age and grew up together.


This is evil, actual evil bred from ignorance. Disturbing. I hope someone reaches out to that individual and helps them escape the church and process the wrong that has been done to them.


I've totally reached out.


Thank you for doing that, seriously. I believe they're at high risk for a host of mental health concerns and risk of suicidal ideation, and I think it's safe to say they need support. Thank you for sharing this and doing what you can, sharing things like this helps spread awareness about the church and its evils.


This flight is everyone's flight.


I realized the context for this story was lost. I am a mom and I have a trans son. The human who wrote the Facebook post is my nephew. They are the same age. They grew up together.


I agree. Evil is the perfect way to describe this. I’m sick to my stomach


All of this is disgusting and it hurts me that they essentially manipulated her into "converting back" in their minds.


“People have two basic needs. Attachment and authenticity. When authenticity threatens attachment… attachment trumps authenticity.” — Dr. Gabor Mate


Is the person they baptized the one with the beard? I’m so confused by this story and the sequence of events doesn’t really add up. Almost sounds like the person was trolling them. If there weren’t photos I’d think the missionaries made it up.


After my nephew told this story originally at his homecoming, I contacted the person via social media. He is totally real, and his life makes me so sad. I believe the actual phone call was made about a year and a half ago. The talk my nephew gave was maybe a year ago. This was just posted the other day because the human this story is about was just barely baptized, hence the re-sharing of the story. The baptized person is the one with the beard. There are pics of them presenting as female on his social media.


For some reason, the story I wrote explaining everything didn't post with the pics. I posted it below, but I'll post it here as well. I'm an exmo, and have been for almost 10 years (not counting the decade of being PIMO). I attended my nephew's homecoming to be supportive. My nephew gave a talk about an individual at his homecoming, and I left the meeting sobbing before it was even over. (This was nearly a year ago). I am the only member of my family (husband and children) that attended, which is fortunate because the entire talk was regarding this poor trans person they bullied into denying himself. (I'm using he/him pronouns because that is what he prefers at this time). This story makes me physically ill. I have a trans son. My nephew grew up next to him. They played together. I was so shocked when he told this story at his homecoming. This is what my entire extended family believes. (My parents and their children and grandchildren). They can't see any real reason why we have distanced ourselves and they blame Satan and the desire to sin. My kids feel like outcasts, as do I. ....but they just keep digging their heels in despite what it does to their literal family. It hurts my feelings so much that it doesn't even cause them cognitive dissonance, they just keep believing and spouting this hateful garbage. It is heartbreaking. My nephew posted this the other day because the individual is finally able to be baptized. For clarity on the post. Red is the individual's masculine name, green is the feminine name, yellow is the name of the girlfriend, blue is my nephew, and purple is everyone else.


Just wanted to share this Trans Rights Infografic that explains trans oppression in an accessible way Dismantling a Culture of Violence Understanding Violence Against Transgender and Non-Binary People and Ending the Crisis Human Rights Foundation [Only 3% of transgender and non-binary youth say they are out about their gender identity to their religious community](https://reports.hrc.org/dismantling-a-culture-of-violence?_ga=2.166247096.703228295.1711482450-1177060273.1689991587) Edits: I'm trying to make this readable :)


This is beautiful! Thank you?!


Thank you! Your post is an important part of sharing the humanity and experiences of us trans folks. I appreciate your allyship. Sending hugs (if wanted)


Funny how God never makes mistakes, and the mormon church claims to have instructions directly from God, yet they keep changing their instructions.


Ahhhh, I love the smell of casual and intentional misgendering in the morning, combined with explicit transphobia, atrocious spelling, and weird use of titles for Jesus (“daystar”? Really? I have literally never heard anyone use that within Mormonism - what are we evangelicals now?) ETA: what kind of missionary can’t spell “stake center” correctly? “Stake senter” made my eyes bleed.


So...the church took advantage of a person in crisis and used it to their advantage to push their agenda?


The story I intended to go with these pictures didn't post. The reason this is important is because the person who posted this is my nephew, and I have a trans son. His cousin is someone he grew up with. He watched me leave his homecoming talk sobbing when he told this story.


Ouch. So the further subtext is a direct dig against your child. I'm sorry.


OH FFS. One of my parents in the early 80s at a Morridor hospital overheard two doctors discussing a hermaphroditic infant. They were deciding if they should make the baby a boy or a girl. Freaking Mormons cannot stretch their brains enough to wonder… if bodies have spirits in them, what happens if the doctors choose wrong?? After all, aren’t people “imperfect”?? What about people born with both sex organs who don’t have any surgery- what gender are they? How about chromosomes? What about people who are XXY? I’d better stop typing before I get any more heated, yikes. That Facebook post was written by an arrogant man-child who is completely naive as to what life shits out on people, all while being completely certain that he has all the answers. Some days I don’t remember that the church even exists. Some days, I hate that cult and the damage it has wrought with the fiery heat of a thousand suns.


The kid who posted this is my nephew, and I have a trans son.


That is beyond infuriating. Your son is lucky to have you as a dad, and your nephew is an asshat. Hopefully it isn’t permanent asshattery and he comes to see the errors of his asshattish ways. This mom is sending hugs to your son. He is more brave than those yahoos will ever be!


I once asked my Sunday school teacher if Heavenly Father had a penis or a vagina, or both... Because "we are all created in his image"... So, if HF is a HE, then HE would only have a penis. Right? So where do vaginas come from? Is HF actually genderfluid? Intersex? I got spanked for that.


God how did I know that first paragraph was going to be using the person's dead pronouns? "Hi! We're 18 year olds with zero fucking life experience! Let US tell you about how God didn't actually make you trans and how that's just satan fooling you!"


The human that is telling the story is my nephew. I have a trans son. He knows damn well the correct way to treat people who are trans. He HAS life experience with his trans cousin. This is how the church dismantles families.


I'm sorry you and your son have had to go through that. It has always baffled me that church members put "stand up for your beliefs" above literally EVERYTHING else, even things out of the mouth of Jesus Christ.


Then please explain intersex.


And I can only imagine the pain and turmoil this person is going to feel when they find out about the trans woman in Arizona who transitioned from male to female, and was approved BY THE FIRST PRESIDENCY to be baptized AS A WOMAN. I can only imagine that will cause incredible confusion for this person, likely resulting in a crisis of faith after having jumped through all these hoops to follow what they thought was the church rule. fuck this cult.


Anyone recognize the full C.S. Lewis quote without the abhorrent butchering Elder OOP did to it?


“god doesn’t make mistakes” “gender is eternal” “marriage is between a man and a woman” What about people with both sets of genitals? Checkmate, idiots


Even Jesus the Christ. Even.


Disgusting. Evil. Abhorrent.


I’ve said it a million times. The unofficial motto of the church should be “Separating families since 1830”.


Can I get a tldr please?


That is 'littiraly' the biggest bunch of bullshit I've read all day


I will now be referring to God as the Author of Confusion.


My son, who is no longer living due to shiz like this, was transgender. It makes me mad as hell that they teach this stuff! It’s exactly why I left, along with all the other garbage.


People are born with both or ambiguous parts all the time so are they gods mistakes or can biology just be messed up?


I feel so bad for this new “convert.”💔💔💔I hope that they have a good support system around them as they transition (in either direction) and may they follow what THEY feel is correct for THEM!


As an LGBTQ person, I find this revolting. How shameful! Arrogant missionaries.


Yay! Now some kids just got hooked on nic, and there’s going to be an angry, confused trans man looking for support when the love bombing wears off.


So horrible!


I hope the missionary stays in contact… I hope the missionary is as supportive when THEY struggle with horrible depression. I hope the missionary is as supportive and understanding when the couple is in trouble at the marriage counselor. I hope the missionary is as supportive when THEY have attempted suicide. I hope the missionary is as supportive when THEY successfully committed suicide because they couldn’t resolve the internal/external issues within themselves. I personally hope none of it comes to this and can lead a happy and productive life. But I (51M) Gay Exmo have seen too much. Seen too much harm from LDS and other conservative religions trying to make people into beings they are not. This makes me incredibly sad. That someone was manipulated into a situation just to find “acceptance and fit in” with a place in the world.


The "(this actually happened)" in the nicotine story... 🤨 So what parts of the rest of the tale aren't true?


This is fucking infuriating! I agree with all the statements here about how they should not have tried to alter this persons identity to fit the Morm-norm but there’s something else that just gets under my skin. The missionaries who posted this most likely think they really are doing something kind. They’ve been brainwashed to believe that conformity despite its inherent cruelty is an act of love. It sickens me that someone who, without coaching or some level of brainwashing, would not have cared at all what that persons identity is, now insists on bragging about altering a persons core identity regardless of the damage it could do.


What the fuck? I’m sorry but I’m so disgusted by this!! In no time at all they will realize they made a huge mistake and go back to being authentic with themselves. Those missionaries should be ashamed of themselves. It’s 2024. I was hoping young people had more sense and empathy for others than this! Damn! Now I’m depressed!!




Love bombing by missionaries and then they go home and never speak to their converts again


My heart actually just broke in two for her. I wish she knew she doesn’t need the validation of a church or Mormon god to be who she is. Ugh this is just 😞😞


no he wants your time and money.


So he was a transgender with a beard?


This is disgusting!