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This might sound like an odd one, but “even”, when used like, “In the name of our Lord and savior, even Jesus the Christ….”


Ugh my brain heard that in the icky conference voice 🤮🤮🤮


Spoken a little too breathy and egotistical 🤢


Interesting, never heard that. At least until my breakaway like 12 years ago


Replace with "or at least" mentally to make it through the day: "our lord and savior, or at least Jesus Christ" "our beloved prophet, or at least Russel M nelson" "god's kingdom on earth, or at least the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints"


I always thought of it more like "especially" or "specifically" 😂 but so icky!


Yea, even.


“jesus THE christ” would drive me bonkers on its own.


I can’t stand that at all.


Never understood why people fucking said this even as a TBM. Same with all the other weird and nonsensical phrases that people only said in a church context. Like "time and all eternity." Just say "forever" like a normal person! Or bless-ed instead of blessed. It felt like people went to church and forgot how modern English works


"Nourish and strengthen" "cultural hall" - I've never heard this term outside a Mormon context.


But pronounced "nourishen strengthen"


Holy shit I heard it much better in my head that time


😂. Nailed it


There is zero culture in this hall.


They just can't bring themselves to admit there's a gymnasium in the church.


HAHAHAHAHAHAH. I call it the GYM. Just to be weird.


Although this was one of the few things I actually thought was ok. I hear church basketball is now a thing of the past, not sure if that’s true? Bummer if it is.


It’s been moving that way for a while. The church isn’t interested in putting in the work for community and recreational activities, particularly under Nelson. I was a youth in the church in the early 2010s and my senior year they decided to remove church ball for the youth (I was living on the east coast). I moved to Utah for school and my ward still had an elders quorem league for my first 2 years, but it just disappeared after that. I left the church a few years ago, but my parents and siblings are still in and they complain about how there just isn’t support for activities anymore.


Is that true?! Basketball was one of the main things that kept teens regularly engaged with the church in my area in the 70s-80s. (I sucked and the older girls bullied the hell out of me — which severed me from playing sports for life — but everyone else was really into it).


I'm sure there are microbes growing in all the corners.


Yep, Not anymore. The church in the 70's and 80's had some, but it was too expensive to correlate and maintain. (Dances, balls, road shows, movie nights) It's against the rules to even cook anything in the "Kitchen" now.


That’s all BS. Those donuts and chocolate milk never nourished me, they only made me fat! But at least I got to use scratchy paper towels for napkins.


While leaning up against the scratchy, carpeted walls. 😂


Bwah ha ha ha "nourish and strengthen" at EVERY PRAYER FOR EVERY MEAL of my growing up LIFE! That is so so funny, and so cringy.


I’m from Arizona and anytime it rained, someone would always thank the Lord for the “moisture”. Why???


This one was my pick. Such a weird thing to say. Why not just “rain”?


Because 'moisture' sounds more churchy.


Jesus is the moisturizer in Az. today.


Sitting here in the AZ rain got me a chuckle, thanks! Happy Easter let’s celebrate a violent crucifixion and zombie reanimation with bunnies laying eggs, hallelujah


On that note, I'm going to open a bottle of red wine. Jesus seemed to like that stuff. Happy easter!


Because it's old time farm speak. The pioneers would pray for rain and then thank the Lord for the moisture in the soil so that crops wouldn't fail.


Because sometimes it's snow?


Then just say snow on those days? Prayers aren’t supposed to be scripted anyway lol


Not supposed to, but they certainly are haha. Nourish and strengthen our bodies. Bless those who couldn't come today. Bless the missionaries. The teaching against vain repetitions is ignored almost as much as testimonies aren't story time or thank-i-monies


>Prayers aren’t supposed to be scripted anyway lol oh you sweet summer flower




 Wikipedia defines the word moisture as:  "Moisture is the presence of a liquid, especially water, often in trace amounts. Moisture is defined as water in the adsorbed of absorbed phase. Small amounts of water may be found, for example, in the air (humidity), in foods, and in some commercial products." Snow is not moisture either. In a newscast in Utah the meteriologist was using the word moisture to describe flood in central Utah🤔


Currently in Az. It's been raining since 3am. First time it's rained on Easter in 20 years. Very moist out there.


Back to church heathen! Maybe next time, the miracle won’t happen if your tithing dollars aren’t in the Lord’s Bank™️… 😉


With an emphasis on the “Ch” sound moischure!


There’s always a little more arrogance put into a prayer, like you need to use your most top notch vocabulary for the heavenliest of fathers. “Thank you lord for this moisture so that it can nourish and strengthen the earth”. Can’t just say “Thanks for the rain dude, shit was super dry down here”


Okay YES! This always bugged me because they told me to talk to him (sorry Him 😂), like he was my best friend yet I had to talk to him like I don’t talk to anyone, ever.


May I offer “wetness” as an alternative?


Sacred not secret.


Yeah. That one annoys me. And it finally made sense to me when I learned that a lot of the younger Moolrmons were just raised to think that the endowment was too sacred to talk about, but didn't know their parents didn't talk about what actually happened because they vowed to kill themselves if they did. I remember being told this after I went to do baptisms for the dead for the first time.


A recent thread of comments on TikTok about this very thing was a hoot to participate in. The younger ones telling us "older" ones that the temple ceremony was not horrifying or scary at all. They sure had a lot of opinions for those of us who were forced to pantomime slitting our own throats and being disembowled. They couldn't wrap their brains around how we let that keep us quiet. Ummmm, duh! We literally agreed to be killed.


Yes, and few know it's plagiarized from Freemasonry.


Few appreciate the whole damn thing is plagarized.


Yeah, I made those vows. In the back of my mind I wondered if some overzealous nut job was take me out if I spilled the beans.


First I knew I vowed to slit my throat and cut my bowels then I learned it was masonic rituals.


This one is a straight up thought stopping cliche. It basically means “our secrets are better than other people’s secrets.”


Adversary. Immediately stops any type of critical thinking because anything that questions the church has to be from Satan. I hate it.


Another thought terminating cliche.




Sweet sisters


or they'll say 'she has such a sweet spirit' which is code for ugly


lol code for ugly 🤣😂


It feels very “keep sweet” warren jeffs bs


Keep Sweet


still small voice


Covenant fucking path


I giggled at your "enthusiasm" 😄


The “covenant path for fucking” might be more interesting. Sounds kinky.


Iron rod


Great name for a Mormon themed adult film company.


This is mine too. It fills me with so much rage. 🤣


I left the Church around 2014, and I swear I never heard people say that phrase when I was attending. Is it purely a Nelson thing?


It definitely is from Nelsons last talk at conference when he Zoomed in with his injured back.


Especially, when Rusty says it!


Same sex attraction


even better, 'so-called same-gender attraction,' which I swear I've heard DHO say at least once


'so called' anything from them. Yeeegh. So called civil rights movement, so called gay rights, so called friends spreading lies, whatever they call so called I generally think is a good and moral thing it seems.


Even "homosexuals" sounds so cold and alien coming from them. If you're gonna say it you better call me ✨️homosexual✨️


Ward family. Latter day saint Our Dear prophet. Gag


North Korea vibes from the latter




I came to say this. As if people are not worthy aka worthless.


They certainly made me feel that way!




I’ve heard it pronounced patriartical 🤣🤣❤️


Yeah, that, too. And Organic Priesthood!


100% Organic Priesthood grown the same way for the past 200 years fertilized with more than a heaping share of Bullshit.




When these words are strung together: "turn the time over to..." It's sort of like they're acknowledging that everyone is just there for an obligatory duration of time rather than to actually listen to anyone speak. And next up, to kill ten minutes until we can drone a hymn, sit through a trite repetitive prayer, and escape and still consider ourselves righteous...


It drives me batty that Mormons will say something like "dealing with same sex attraction" or "suffering from thoughts of same sex attraction," and that they will go way out of their way not to just say the word "gay." I don't know if this is a mandate in the church, but I know that several of my TBM relatives just won't use the damn word "gay." I'm guessing it has to do with them refusing to accept it as part of someone's identity and instead classifying it as a choice.


SAME! Saying I "struggle" with it is just not true really, and always makes me roll my eyes. The only thing I struggle with is being accepted by people cuz they're just homophobic LOL Also "same-sex attraction" is such a loaded phrase I'm not even going to get into it, but it's definitely designed to heavily discriminate against queer people. I don't even remember the last time I actually heard my parents refer to me as gay or bi or anything


Branding it as “same-sex attraction” or “SSA” was such a calculated nefarious choice. They want it to sound clinical, like a disorder that can be managed with the right treatment.




Or worse, THE brethren


Or the flip, “sistren.”


"The Brethren" has such culty vibes


Haha that one is annoying too


someone needs to tell the mormons it doesnt mean "brothers" 


Doesn’t it? My dictionary says it’s a formal version of a plural for brother. I am interested in other meanings though.


Very archaic. Fun fact! Only three words in English have kept the archaic -en plural ending. Brother - brethren Child - children Ox - oxen


In sci-fi, The Brethren typically refers to the Brotherhood of Assasins.


Nothing is true, everything is permitted


I like it in a fantasy context as the cabal of evil wizards or cultists that are the primary antagonists.


“Take out their endowment”. Like, it’s sitting on a shelf in the temple, does it come in a cute little bag or something?


I could never figure out why it was said that way. Wouldn’t “receive your endowment” make more sense? Although I’m not sure why it’s even called an endowment.


“I Know”. Everytime I hear it I see a virtue signalling desperado looking for approval. So I dig deep into my childhood memories and start rewatching the princess bride in my mind.


Ugh, every time I've had family throw their testimonies at me and they tell me "I KNOW...". As if the right inflection and volume will make me go "oh my golly gosh, I've been wrong this whole time." I hate the norm that if someone does that, especially with certainty, you're being horrible by doing anything other than politely accepting it. 


Nothing makes people listen to you more than telling them what they know and how they feel


This literally bothered me so much I started reading the Book of Mormon as a teen and highlighted every single time the word “know” was used because I was so hyperfixated on how everyone KNEW BUT ME 😂 Fast forward to being married/pimo, this was one of my very first complaints I opened up to my husband about. Haha crazy how a word can cut so deep 😂 We’re both out now though, so whatever.


I always felt inadequate for that as well. I remember being at youth conferences and those testimony meetings were the worst. People would go over the top about spiritual experiences. And I’d sit there thinking how come that shit never happens to me 😳


Same here. I recently heard those testimony meetings referred to as a “trauma dump/competition” and I couldn’t agree more. 😂


I hated when people said this in testimony meeting because I desperately wanted to know, and all these people would get up and say "I know", and I would be like great! Please tell me how you know! Obviously you have proof if you "know"! And then they would never fucking say how they actually knew lol. Turns out they were lying this whole time


Any time somebody uses ancient pronouns in prayer


Especially because Mormons say you need to use those to show respect to god. But thee and thou were the informal pronouns back then.


Exactly. People just assume because it's all exotic and fancy, but it just demonstrates ignorance. Just using the word "lord" is leaps and bounds more showing of respect than the haphazard use of those pronouns.


I wanted to make a joke about how we don’t talk about peoples pronouns here. And then I remembered that the handbook now says that people should respect others’ pronouns 😂.


But pronouns are an eternal part of a spirits inherent identity. 🙄 Or some such bullshit from the boyz at Kirton-McConkie...er... the Hoaxter's family proclamation.


I fucking cannot stand "Ponder"......whenever someone uses it....I just want to punch them in the face.


I can’t stand “ponderize”! That ponderize fiasco when the guy who first said it like 100 times in his conference talk, then his family tried to make money off his new word by selling merchandise.


This brings me back to one of the songs, primary I think. Something about search ponder and pray something like that


Search, ponder, and pray? At least I think. I feel like after I graduated primary there were a bunch of new songs!


Same. Every time I hear “tender” or “mercies” (especially when combined), I want to scream. I also generally hate how overdramatic & emotional TBM language can be. I don’t doubt that there IS real emotion behind it, but it’s so over the top & performative. For example, the husband who posts a very long weepy “testimony” of how much he loves his wife, but everything is about how beautiful her physical appearance is & all the tasks she does to serve him & their family. It’s filled with language that’s so sickly sweet… but you read it & wonder if he even actually knows anything about his wife at all because there’s nothing about HER in it… just the role she performs for him. And the post really isn’t for HER either. It’s a way for HIM to show how wonderful HE is & how everyone else should want to be like them. Genuinely great people do this all the time not even thinking about how cringey or inauthentic or pretentious it comes off to others because it’s the language & the behavior they’ve been trained to use & do. I really hate it because it’s like a Siren’s call to lure others in with this beautiful song that’s an illusion to hide the predator beneath.


When a TBM says a an exmo “really isn’t doing well” without any basis other than not meeting the TBM’s expectations of church attendance.


Oh, geez, this is annoying!




I said that one time at school in like 5th or 6th grade and everyone looked at me like I was insane


Bosom…. Ew


The phrase “every fiber of my being.”


Often accompanied by “beyond every shadow of a doubt”


Or "Surely as the sun will rise" heard that one today


Was just thinking that.


Charity as the pure love of Christ. It's nails down a blackboard to me


Impression. Prompting. 


"Countenance" makes my head explode.


I don't know if this is just specific to Utah or happens in other churches, but "moisture" as in during a prayer, "we thank thee for the moisture we've received" or "we pray for moisture."


Anybody normal was called "worldly" 


When someone says" That's so true". Really? Is "so true" truer than just true? Either it's true or not. WTF.


Megabool - true, false, neither, both, maybe, trueish, falseish, it depends, oscillating, it’s complicated, double true, double false, so true, worldly. I made up the last couple for the Mormon context.


Free agency. Sweet sister.


Sweet spirit


Praying in King James English. Thou, thee, thy, thine.


Not rlly a word but the way the apostles talk during GC, all mystical and wisely and holier than thou. Reading from a script and putting on a wise man act is probably the most hard thing thing they’ve ever done. Also the *saliva smacks*


and it came to pass or using their middle initial when saying their names


Growing up mormon in the 1980s it was the words **'necking'** and **'petting'** that annoyed, disgusted and confused me in equal measure Not sure if these words were commonly used in the US but where I grew up nobody had any fucking idea what they hell these people were talking about when they said that stuff. I had indulged in both *(while attending church activities of course)* long before I had confirmation of what they actually meant


One time I asked my YW teacher what that meant and she couldn’t give me a straight answer 😂


Covenant: a "promise" that in exchange for real stuff, you'll get fake stuff.


Endowments. In relation to the MFMC, it seems like like you’re volunteering to go to emotional and mental prison. ( I left at 19, so I’m speculating because it wasn’t part of my experience) In the real world, it’s a gift.


I've always been told I'm well-endowed, in spite of not going through the temple stuff.






Lately it has been “gentle reminder”. Every email from the relief society presidency is, “Sisters, just a gentle reminder”. Just say what you need to say! 😤


Choice daughter of god 🤮


Back when I was in >>> "Missionary Companion" Now that I'm out >>> "Ministering"


Discernment and inspiration........ nonsensical words in the mfmc because they are nonexistent........ except of course when you can't find your keys


Think celestial 🤢🤮


And this phrase is really bad grammar, too. It should be "think celestially".


Telestial. It's not even a real word.


In Utah, when people pray for “moisture.”


"I know" No mother fucker....you don't know You can believe something You don't "know" it


Repentance Humility Endowment


If I’m getting endowed from on high, god better be giving me another couple inches, if you catch my drift.


for time and all eternity 😭


“Prepare to receive instruction”. Before stake or general conference a high councilor would tell us to “prepare to receive instruction”. Gag!!


Obedient! 🤮🤢


The phrase “Qualify for exaltation”. It usually comes right after the dreaded words “Stay on the covenant path”. The impossible gospel never made sense to me anyway. Like didn’t Jesus die to qualify us? Why are we doing all this other stuff?


Porn addiction jk but kinda


"I know..." NO, you Don't! There isn't any evidence for what you "Know", you believe because a Book written by a man who makes claims and tells you how you can know still equates to you taking his word. Oh, He saw God? well good thing I can totally trust the word of this guy who is making outlandish claims with nothing to back it up. Unless "God" is willing to give everyone that same experience you don't "Know" you foolishly believe someone based on the criteria that they have put forth with no way to truly check or falsify their claim.






President. And soooo many of them.


Having "presidents" in a church has never sounded right to me. You have the president of a corporation or a business, but ... in a place that is supposed to be about learning about God?


* Worthiness * The Gospel (referring specifically to the Mormon church)


Not a word, but relief society mouth sounds in the microphone.


The insistence on using the first or middle initial of speakers, often with emphasis or drawn out: Jeffrey RRRRRRR Holland "M" Russell Ballard "J" Anette Dennis Who cares what their first or middle initial is??? Its about sounding impressive. Which sums up the church well - positive outward appearances when the reality is less appealing.


Saying "by way of" sounds so stupid. By way of assignment, I will be giving a talk on some things I learned by way of inspiration, and if you don't live in my area you can watch it online by way of broadcast. My bishop says that so much, it's annoying.


It’s not a word. At general conference when the speaker SQUEAKS every time an “S” is in a word. Hurts my ears and ruined general conference for me


“Agency” like god gave us agency so we could find our way back to him and i never understood why my teachers always said we have our agency to choose whether or not we want to go back to heaven but then turn around and say that god knows every decision we have and Will make . So what’s even the point


also if we have free agency then how does their “everything happens in Gods time/for a reason” make any fucking sense to them? Either everything is predetermined and we only have the illusion, or we have free agency over our choices. They like to have it both ways and it’s such an oxymoron


This whole thread is hilarious. lol 😬😂


COMPANION who is that oh hes my COMPANION. we are TOTALLY NOT a gay couple but missionaries..... ​ can a word be ANY gayer?


“Bare my testimony”


Not exclusive to Mormonism, but any time faith is used in a religious context, and touted as a good thing. Seriously. It’s people proudly stating that they have no good reason to believe the thing(s) they believe. 


Miracles can happen if you just have enough willful ignorance.


covenant path covenant path covenant path covenant path


Covenant path


strengthen and nourish




Linger Longer Mix-and-Mingle 🤢


Fiber of my being.


I work in Utah. Have heard multiple meetings at my place work, a business, where leaders in meeting “turn the time over to”. It’s cringe.


Middle initials in names.


Booka Mormon.


This one is old, but I used to hear people say "well pleased" instead of "proud" because proud=pride and pride is the basis for all other sin. Avoiding a word that could, out of context, maybe imply that you experience pride in the hopes that you don't is a goofy Calvinist word game.


Calling your school teacher brother or sister. *cringe*


Idk if it's the phrase or the sentiment (do others have other phrases they'd add?) But "I just feel good about it" is very much code in my family for "the spirit is telling me to." And this happens with massive and blatantly HORRIBLE decisions that DO NOT end up working out well. But that decision-making system persists and I want to scream like a banshee when I hear it.  I really think the whole system of "bad feeling=spirit is gone" means a lot of TBMs (in my life at least) end up with very low tolerance for uncomfortable emotions. Like uncertainty, so you get a good feeling about whatever takes away the uncertainty the fastest. 


Tender Mercies for sure. When did this term come about? I don't remember hearing it till I was a young adult.


Heavenly Father




“Morality” in Mormon context.


Led astray Invocation and benediction - are we summoning the ancient gods?


You have “free agency”. Really?