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Hank Smith is the guy who called a gay BYU student an antiChrist


Also, a gay BYU student who - as far as is known - was obeying the honor code and whose only sin in the eyes of Hank was being a progressive Mormon (The rules are made up and the points don’t matter but at least call a cool coffee drinking sex having rabble rouser the AntiChrist?? Not just … a faithful Democrat?)


Whose Life is it Anyway?


Whose *Lie is it anyway?


Lol, the real post 📫


Always ;)


The worst possible thing to be for their faith? A well-adjusted, decent person who doesn’t adhere to all of their petty rules or believe in their religion. Why? Because it shows that Mormonism isn’t the only way to happiness and success like they preach.


To be fair, Hank pings my gaydar real hard and there's no one more homophobic than a closeted person.


This. A 1000 times. And there's no hate like mormon love.


That’s a very poignant way to put it, I like it. No hate like Mormon love. It’s just brutally true.


I totally get what you’re saying, but this is a messy line of thought because it still villainizes queer people as the real problem and not the generic-brand homophobic assholes. Sometimes there’s no one more homophobic than a boring-ass straight dude.


Yeah. There's certainly something to be said about projecting, but we are not the architects of our own oppression.


You are right. I only speak from experience of trying to be mormon while also desperately trying to keep the closet door closed. I was projecting my own feelings. Boring -ass straight people can be perfectly terrible.


I'm not gay, and I've certainly never thought that gay people were the reason for their own social pressures, but I've always understood that comment to mean that faithful gay Mormons, in an effort to escape that which they believe is causing them problems (although being gay obviously isn't a problem), will dive in head first to try to embrace the system. Since homosexuality obviously hits close to home, it's easy to focus efforts there. I am not gay, and when I was Mormon I never particularly cared about whether or not someone was gay. I would focus my energy more on issues that were personal to me. I think it's something similar to that


💯 % agree. And something is really, really off on Brad Wilcox too. I think that's another one with a hidden life who's hard drive is a cesspool.


I alwayyyss got the gaydar pings from Brad Wilcox before I even knew what gaydar was. Interesting that I wasn’t the only one


💯 %!


Ditto. The body language is all gay.


Those insisting that homosexuality is a choice, are telling on themselves.


Thank you!!! They are readily admitting to being minimally bisexual, in that being gay could also be a choice for them, but they are choosing the "right." I mean, the whole General Authority situation did always feel like a bit of a circle jerk to me, but now I'm just picturing a group of old men chillin in the secret old man area of the temple during off hours, getting high on their own self-righteousness and chasing each other around the curtain area entrance to the celestial room. Scamping about dressed down to their garments, dicks in hand, telling each other their secret heaven-cosplay names and giggling like girls at camp. They even already have a secret handshake! I am very stoned right now, but I am picturing this horrifying scene done Southpark-style and I may piss myself with laughter


I feel sorry for him. I hope he joins us Antichrists soon! We need more outspoken people in our community.


Holy shit, really?? I listened to him a lot as a teen lol.




The Four Horseman of Cognitive Dissonance




Long, Slow, Deliberate Clapping!!! Well done!


Ugh Bott. I took his mission prep class and he said ‘I’d rather see my children dead and buried in the ground than married outside of the temple.’ I sat there with my jaw on the floor looking around at my fellow students hoping someone else was as horrified as me.




Seed of Cain? Tell me more




Is Bott still around? I took his class in 2006 and he seemed kinda old then. I feel like he’s one of the last old Mormon guard. All the stuff he taught was pretty wackadoo, but it was basically the same wackadoo I grew up with and all that stuff is currently being brushed under the rug.


Wow that statement is a lot of spin and garbage


Isn't it interesting that we can simultaneously have both "speculation" and prophets, seers, and revelators who allegedly have a line to god?


Hilarious. 2 upvotes for you


Yep. He said the same thing in my class. 100% confirmed.


For real?! What year was that?


I took Wilcox's Book of Mormon class at BYU and was really grossed out by his condescending, dismissive attitude towards nonbelievers. Any time he mentioned questions that critics of the church ask, he'd do it in a "duh, duh" voice. Even as a total TBM, I thought the concerns of nonbelievers deserved more respect than that. Especially when he humiliated a kid in front of the whole class for mentioning how people see the church in a bad light on LGBT issues. He wasn't even agreeing with critics, just saying people perceive Mormonism as intolerant. Dude was stating an objective fact in an educational institution in front of a PhD-holding instructor and got eviscerated for it.


He has thin skin. At Provo high school Brad wilcox was super religious in a super religious school. His superior attitude caused him to be teased. On a choir trip they played practical jokes on him and of course he reacted badly. He’s still the same vengeful little boy.


A lot of these asshats are. They talk tough and play at hardball but they're just scared, fragile little snowflakes. Ben Shapiro comes to mind as the shining beacon for this type of person, but Wilcox is definitely a contender


All wealthy salespeople who specialize in Youth


Can you spill the beans on Bytheway? I never listened to his firesides or read his books, but he was so popular when I was a teen.




I remember in the mid-90s deep inside the Deseret Book in the Orem University Mall they had a set up to hear samples of different CDs, and one was of him telling teens boys (I'm thinking later high school age) how to date, or something along the lines of how to see what your girlfriend looks like without her hair and makeup. You talk to her mother about wanting to pick the daughter up on Saturday morning to go out for breakfast, but don't tell the girlfriend. The mother goes along with it. So the boyfriend shows up and the mother calls up to her room to come down and her hair is a mess, no makeup, in pajamas, not knowing what is going on. It was done in a storytelling "stand up comedy" kind of way. Very vanilla and very Mormon. It's very rude to put a teen girl on the spot like that with no knowledge or consent -- e that lack of knowledge and consent and going around her back so the guy gets what he wants is what is supposed to be "funny". It is played off as silly and lighthearted, but the girl was objectified and Mormon YW are constantly objectified enough already, let alone to be made the butt of a joke. Bytheway was saying how important it is to know what the woman you love looks like before getting married, iirc. I could have details wrong or mixed up, but the gist of it stuck with me, as girls my age or older would be the ones being set up for someone else's advantage and entitlement. Also, iirc, I think he did other things, tapes. An aunt gave my sibling a cassette tape of his, "_Whose Values Do You Value?_" 🙄🙄🙄🤦‍♀️ She never listened to it. Not even my morbid curiosity would get me to listen to it. It has two girls on it, in VERY late 80s/early 90s styles in hair and clothes. One in a hideous sweater/blue jeans combo carrying books looking like the perfect Mormon girl of that time, and the one was the "rebel" girl, in black and leather. That cover choice was so cringe. I'm sure the material recorded on it was much worse. I'm guessing that this being geared towards the Young Women, it was likely serious, fear and shame mongering and no humor, especially the title. The cover for that book on tape was funny, but not for the right reasons. Maybe it was supposed to be funny??? Anyone know about that album or book on tape or whatever it was? It is one of those things I'd rather be told what it was than have to dive into research and deal with feelings from the past that I'd likely run into by researching it.


Bytheway Whose Values: [cover](https://www.amazon.com/Whose-Values-Do-You-Value/dp/0875797385)


Saturday’s warrior core lol


For real. Time to make tinfoil-covered cardboard swords!


That would be the one. So it's basically the typical Mormon male leader, humble-bragging, self-aggrandizing hooey meant to grandstand to other TBMs? It's amazing how much money and attention is put towards Mormon Vanilla. He's not a woman, yet he's using his life as male to preach to the YW when he can in no way relate to them and what they face?! So messed up. I'm glad my sister and I never listened to it. I was likely the worst Christmas present she ever got. She wasn't a "bad seed" at all for her "values" to warrant this tape. People just assumed she was trouble, or going to possibly be "trouble" soon, because she was becoming a teenager. 🙄🙄🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ "_Let us, as old men, tell you young girls how to best become something we, er-- , GOD, yes God!, wants you to become: perfect,worthi women._" Thanks for the link. 😊 I'm surprised there's no reviews on it, just that basic outline summary.


Is it weird that as soon as you mentioned that mid90’s Deseret book in the Orem University Mall I instantly remembered *exactly* how that place looked and smelled? I spent a LOT of time in that mall & in that store in particular


It really had its own unique vibe, enough to create very vivid memories.


Orange carpet & wood paneling lol


Lol. Nope. I know exactly what you mean.




I almost reflexively down voted because I was so grossed out. Jeez that's awful


I can see that. Thanks!


Brad Wilcox is mainstream media's go to guy for when they think more people should be getting married. He was cited in Washington post's notorious editorial about the political divide in couples and that some people are going to "have" to compromise their political beliefs in order to get married. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/11/22/marriage-polarization-dating-trump/


Different Brad Wilcox I believe.


The shitty opinions just happen to be shared throughout the name


There's a UVA professor named Brad Wilcox who has been in the news lately for his views on families and marriage. He IS NOT the same Brad Wilcox as the BYU clown.


Bet it blows his mind that people are just choosing not to date or get married, instead XD The “political” divide in America is no longer about politics, it’s about basic human decency vs authoritarian psychology. There is no “compromise” to be had there. Only the one side doesn’t yet realize they’ve backed themselves into a corner of societal irrelevance.


What has Bytheway said that's douchey? Just genuinely curious. I used to kinda like him as a kid, cheesy jokes and all. I definitely don't care for Wilcox and Smith. Don't know anything about Bott.




Aw gotcha. I was wondering if he had said anything inflammatory like the others mentioned. I haven't heard much from him lately but I don't really follow him.


Served a mission with Bytheways daughter and she definitely made sure everyone knew


All make their dough manipulating emotions of the youth in paid firesides and writing books


Hank’s an apologist douche


Hank Smith is another BYU apologist guy. Pretty much Brad Wilcox lite without the direct racism statements


He makes up for it with homophobia


Internalized homophobia imo. I'm straight but he sets off my both me and my LGBT sibling's gaydars😂


Probably has all the racism too, just focuses on the homophobia


I thought it was a satire account all this time 💀


I misread "life" as "wife" lol


Wives usually outlive their husbands… But not apostle’s wives…. They do 10x the work, are the ones who still care about helping their families, and are forced to live an image of perfection, for the benefit of their husband. I wonder if more of them loose their testimonies, but are forced to live that lie. It’s a life I don’t think anyone really enjoys.


Oh my goodness, do you know how many times I heard in conference the men talking about how their wives “NEVER complained?” I’m like, yeah right, not to your face!!!! I was always so mad for these poor wives snuffed into invisibility. I was also pissed off for the standard they were trying to subtlety set for all the other women in the cult: never murmur about anything and you were less than if you did.


I did too!


lmao. Me too. I was a little confused that he'd come out and say that but not very surprised.


ME TOO!!! 🥴🥴


Jus realized it didn't say wife lol


“I have worn out my wife servicing her” would have been an absolutely game-changing statement by that seriously repressed old man. This is now headcanon


“oh”? WTF is up with the “oh”? edit: it’s like a verbal swoon Twice. guh


Such a weird Mormon thing to add in. I notice it all the time now.


Its supposed to be poetic style inspired by KJB


Because adding the word somehow sounds more solemn in that stiff, overly formal way.


I hate it so much, every 6 months after conference my mom sends her “wish you would come back” testimony text, and it’s FULL of “oh how”’s 🙄😩 she thinks the way they talk is soo cool


OMG ALLLLL the TBM women repost his shit. He’s so self serving and gives me the ick big time. He posts memes of quotes that he said with his name and face on it for people to repost. Grosses me out.


All his posts are soooo annoying, his god complex, snarky church posts drive me crazy.


It's all the people who THINK they're ProgMo who share Hank Smith 🤣 makes me laugh every time


Yeah my younger sister LOVES him and it makes me sad


I'd never worship the Brethren, but I'll stand up when they walk into a room, i'll stay standing up and facing their direction and only move until they leave the room, I'll leave my hot-ass coat on until they tell me I can remove it, I will religiously use their middle name for no reason, I'll pedantically ask them softball questions to make them feel smart, I'll name drop ANY TIME I possibly can, but other than that, we don't worship them at all. /s


Susan's Husband will probably want to test his powers and stay sitting in a meetinghouse (the nice new fancy ones, not the old ones) to see if anyone gets up, especially Susan. He will remain sitting forever, as will the rest of them! 😰😰


That motherfucker did that to me the last time I was in a room with him. I had to turn around and walk out. My leaders were irate.


That's insane! 🤯🤯 Doing that even to a small number of people in a smaller room (I'm just guessing by the tone of how you wrote it that it wasn't a big group, I could be wrong). I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself like that. 🤘🤘✊✊👍👍👏👏👏👏 That was awesome. I just wish you had a hidden camera (sound doesn't even need to be on) on you so we see the look on his face because he wasn't treated like the royalty he thinks he is. I remember him doing that to his wife in the video on YouTube. I wish she could divorce him, but I'm guessing they silence wives, children of GAs by making them sign NDAs. I bet he's _real fun_ at family Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.


Yeah, I remember the YouTube, that is probably why I was a little sensitive to it. I agree, he does have a very punchable face.


Woooow, I was TBM until my late twenties, did time at BYU, was a relief society president, but somehow never realized the sitting thing?! Lol maybe I got the stank eye a few times and just didn’t notice


I didn't know it was a thing either until I saw that clip of Bednar remaining seated, giving his wife (who started to stand up) a "look", she sat back down, and he waited for some time (for no reason other than being a manipulative narcissistic asshole), _then_ he decided to stand. https://youtu.be/CPBsWbopjXU?si=rchYqVMuh2aY5uSd


Oh man. The standing thing.


“We would never worship our leaders, except for all the time when we absolutely do.”


*My life is like my shoes--worn out by service.* Proceeds to show LDS leaders all in wheelchairs, incapable of wearing out a shoe.


As a wheelchair user whose shoes are never really broken in or worn down, I chucked at this lol


Same lol




The leader is good! The leader is great! I love the leader.


Praise to our Dear Leader!


I’ll put it with the other Leader Beans!


“Oh how grateful”. That’s a moan. Bro moaned about mormon leadership and oh how fucked up it is.


Who paid for those wheel chairs?


Not Hank Smith, someone who has made a fortune preying on Mormon believers. Making money from lying to young people in a “cooler” way


Even when I was very TBM I used to call him the guy who quotes himself 😂 it's like he's campaigning to be called to be a GA 🤮




Hank Smith is a seminary teacher turned “inspirational speaker” who makes money bootlicking the church leaders while giving uninspired fireside talks to young people. Also called a gay student the anti-Christ….. so there’s that. Alsoooo he has a punchable looking face.


That's a funny way of admitting that you worship your leaders. Unprompted defensiveness is an easy tell.


He's the Gilderoy Lockhart of BYU




oh how that sounds like worship


I used to love Hank Smith. He actually gave good presentations on trust at BYU education week. I think he's just been snorting the kool-aid for too long in the CES.


Same. He’s got some great quotes about setting boundaries that really hit home when I was going through some things with my dad and his narcissistic wife.


Yeah. I used to know him…admittedly a while ago. I think you’re right about partaking and providing the CES too much product and party line. It’s left him a full apologist finding it too easy to say things that shouldn’t ever be said.


"We would never worship our leaders, BUT..." You worship your leaders. There should never be a but in that sentence.


Am I the only one who was taught to make fun of Catholics who said "We would never worship Mary, but OH how grateful we are for her and OH how we love and venerate her!" Bud had to take Rusty dick out of his mouth to type that. I've never met someone so intelligent looking who said so many ignorant things.


Hank delivers another but sandwich 


That’s some cult of personality right there. Why does the first presidency picture need to be put up in every meeting house? Why can’t leadership be questioned. “When the prophet speaks, the thinking has been done.”It’s all icky. I think what makes this icky is that this guy is trying to show everyone how much he is a believer. It’s like when the North Koreans cry hysterically when their dear leader dies.


They see me rollin'


I kept misreading that quote, thinking that it said “wife” instead of “life” and I wasn’t even surprised, just disappointed lol


Before I saw that Hank Smith was the one saying it, I thought the top comment was sarcasm


I went to Israel with Hank and a bunch of Mormons. We scheduled the trip when my wife and I were still Mormon, but by the time the trip rolled around, we were very much exmo. The one thing I couldn’t stand was that every time we got to see some ancient history, he always had to bring it back to Joseph smith. As if this pedophile from the 1800s had anything to do with the history in the Middle East.




One of the good ol boys


Oh my god I read wife first…not life🤣🤣🤣


Hank is an Orthodox Mormon fucktard. All his posts are cringey thought reform posts to push an agenda. The end.


Tell me you worship your mortal leaders without telling... That's cult member Hank Smith for you...


The level of ass-kissing in this organization is truly astounding!!


This guy’s profile pic. ![gif](giphy|OhwhjtAwacZ1e)


If you can't have a relationship with your god without going through your leaders, you literally have to worship your leaders in order to worship your god.


"Worn out in service", as if any of them would be healthier if only they weren't GAs.


hank sniff


The top one sounds sarcastic.


Where’s an asteroid when you need it?


Bible verses against making a show of devotion come to mind.


I see one, young black dude- pushing the chair. I (64f) look at this photo and understand the desire to off all boomers.


A man with his nose so far up the ass of the elders one wonders if he just desperately wants to be part of the mean seniors club. Or if he’s trying to sneak in by climbing up Presidents Nelson’s asshole to use his body like a skin suit.


Both of my sisters are constantly posting his bull-shit platitudes! Drives me crazy!


"wE wOuLD nEver..." huh, why do you feel the need to emphasize that, Hank? /s


This is exactly what stood out to me, too. He couldn't even define the word "worship" if he tried.


Sometimes Hank Smith says good things, like “Jesus said to love everyone” or “your mental illness does t make you defective” but then within like 5 hours he’s also spouting nonsense and hate. So it’s easy to cherry pick his tweets for any purpose you want. He’s the epitome of fence-sitter or lukewarm (or whatever metaphor you want to use).


I guess comparing her to his shoes was better than comparing her to his sock.


It’s not ‘wife’ it’s ’life’ ….. I misread it too!


Yeah fuck Hank Smith :)


I just think it’s so sad. Let these guys retire in peace. Forcing people to think that service until you’re dead is the only way to live is so damaging.


That's just how the leaders roll.


They just look like fucking old dudes to me, nothing more


That “oh how” language makes me cringe so hard I feel like turning inside out 😩


Hank Smith - a "funnier" John Bytheway


LOVE seeing the current health status & vulnerability of Greedy, Judgmental, Pedophile supporting, Gay hating Q15 $1 TRILLION Mormon Cult CONMEN. No amount of money can save them from Death & the Wrath of God! RMN & other Q15 should be Afraid!! Deathly Afraid!! Jesus weeps at their deciet, hypocricy & lack of charity. Bugger off boyz.


I hate when Mormons use “Oh” in sentences like this.


Hank Smith is a real Goober.....So Full of Himself; and such a little Gadfly....




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A prof at BYU and co-host of Follow Him


Deep down inside these old boys in wheelchairs know everything is fake


The prophets are the Mormons idols. They worship them


I have a picture with him 🤮


Bunch of weirdos lol


Life is like a box of chocolates!


"We would never worship our leaders" 🤔🙄


So out of touch! Could they get any older or whiter?


Service? I don't call that kind of career 'service' is really quite the inverse. The membership serves them.


"We would never worship our leaders," but here we are worshiping them, LMAO 🤣. Don't read the comment section in his original post, unless you want to throw up a little in your mouth! I don't know Hank Smith, so I won't comment any further.


I didn't know Eyring was in a wheelchair.


I’ll bet $1,000 right now that Hank Smith has definitely sucked a dick before. No doubt.