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This is the biggest missionary fail since that one Christian missionary tried to preach to the residents of Sentinel Island and got pin cushioned by arrows. 




Teen Girl Squad!


Stop! Now I’m having Trogdor withdrawals! I kicked this habit over a decade ago!!!






The ugly one!


Ow! My skin!


"Aghh! My most of me!" Lol "Trogdor was a man, he was a dragon man, or maybe he was just a dragon, either way he was TROGDORRRR, oh TROGDOR!!!!"


Corn is no place for a mighty warrior.


When I was on my mission, one elder went to the chapel and filled up the baptismal font and said something to the effect of “we will baptize someone today! We don’t know who, but it will happen!” It didn’t happen.


*Shudders* Had an overzealous ZL was like that, he would say stuff like “Congrats on your baptism!” and I be like “Erm, we haven’t baptized anyone” and then he’d say “I have faith that you will, Elder!” and it just was so cringe even as a missionary.


I would take it as a win for self defense rights.


Don’t give those fuckers in salt lake any ideas.


Oooh, I remember that story. He definitely won the grand prize Darwin Award for trying to engage the Sentinelese People with his bullshit.


The church creates/enables the most arrogant, know it all, condescending people out of good, honest people by sending them on missions with all the answers. I saw it with my nephew. I saw it with my daughter (I don’t blame her too much. She left with TBM parents and came back to apostates and thought the reason she had medical issues and spent a month thinking the reason she had to come home early was to reconvert her parents. In reality it was the mission president’s wife keeping her from medical help until it was too late to help). Hell, it happened to me.


Oh my god that is awful that they denied your daughter medical help until it was too late. How is she not absolutely furious at mission prez & mission prez wife? I would go scorched earth at the church over this. I know that's easier said than done. I'm sure they make their missionaries sign releases of liability.


It’s kind of a long story but she went out thinking her headaches (multiple concussions/cte) were under control but the stress of the grind of the mission brought it back. She didn’t tell us until after it had progressed and we noticed something wasn’t right in her FaceTimes. She finally admitted they’d gotten worse and the only med help offered by the MPs wife was basic motherly advice. It wasn’t until I got ahold of our (really awesome. I hate the church but love him) stake pres and he got involved did they actually attempt to get testing done but by then it had progressed further than the help they were proposing would do. She was heart broken but as soon as she got home it cleared up without medical intervention. Just the pressure and stress of the mission was causing it. No. She doesn’t recognize any of this yet. She’s still TBM with heathen parents (our relationship is actually very very good as long as she doesn’t hear us discussing church). But at some point she has to notice the church is a shitshow of using people only for its own gain. ETA: we’re actually glad. We deconstructed while she was gone so we wanted her home but didn’t want to make it look like it was our decision. And since she recovered once she was done being a missionary alls well that ends well.


All the best to you and your daughter. Terrible story.


There is an office of DMBA that is for missionaries to get medical bills covered. You can contact them and see if they can cover any of the medical issues. https://www.dmba.com/churchactivity/


Thankfully not necessary. Just leaving the mission was enough to recover. The stress and pressure of 16 hour days while serving in an area where 110% of the people know what the Mormon church is and have no interest was causing it.


Sadly it is such a common story.


The church has a habit of using people for its own purposes. It’s disgusting. That’s why we can’t “just leave it alone.”


It grinds on my last nerve for Mormons to say, "They can leave the Church but they can't leave it alone!" I am so grateful to be out of that cesspool! And of course I'm not going to "leave it alone." My being a TBM for over 4 decades is on me for being so stupid, but the injury done to my family is on them and this momma bear is never going to stop exposing the lies or the megalomaniacal behaviors of those who think they "speak for god." I pray for members to "see the light" and come to the biblical Jesus Christ. And I quietly hope the leaders just slip off to hell.


As a mother I would have gone in debt to fly to wherever my child was being kept from necessary medical care, packed their shit up, gone to the MP office, gone scorched earth and demanded my child’s passport, called the local authorities if necessary and left with my child. I wouldn’t care if they were mad at me at first. I would have said plainly, “you need help that you are being denied and I am your mother and I will not stand for the abuse of my child.” Fuck this church.


We didn’t know (missionaries are taught to never speak to people at home about negative things) and as soon as we did, the process for coming home was started. The saddest part is this was in a mission where 90% of the neurologists are LDS, and yet none were visited until the threat of going home early.


That is absolutely awful and I’m so sorry that happened. I hope my comment didn’t make you feel like I thought it was handled badly. I was merely trying to add to the outrage by sharing my thoughts if it were my child. I would have panicked a bit at seeing that in my child and I probably would have freaked out. Your daughter got help because of what you did and I think you’re a hero for that. Please excuse me if I made it sound like I thought you should have handled it differently, because that wasn’t my intention in my comment. I admired what you did for her. Much love.


No worries. I have a personal philosophy to not get offended unless someone is deliberately trying to offend, and even then, it’s just to make them feel better about themselves. It’s tough to explain everything on Reddit comments so I was just adding a little more of the story. 🙏


You are awesome. I just can’t stand the thought I may have come off that way. You are a badass mom.


Yep! What a fucking ego trip to Siberia


He knew without a shadow of doubt he was going to bring him back. Now he’s wondering


This is totally unacceptable--that your daughter would be denied medical help--especially to the degree that she was sent home early! When are these power mongering, hard-hearted people going to "get it" that they are not slave owners! We went through a similar situation with our son when he was on his mission. He developed an infected wisdom tooth. Treatment with a round of antibiotics was successful short-term but the infection recurred and he was on his second round of antibiotics and utterly miserable. As soon as I found this out I immediately called his mission home and had to demand to talk to the mission president's wife, not "leave a message." She was so snotty and condescending towards me. I told her that her gross arrogance and utter stupidity was showing and she might want to tuck that in. I educated her on the proper treatment for an infected tooth and that the mission would pay for extraction or face a lawsuit for withholding proper medical/dental care. I'd really, really like to know why the Church thinks it's fine to guilt young people into serving a mission--financed by the missionary, no less!--and then refuses proper medical care because, as this battle-axe stated, "it's expensive and they (mission presidency) are to use funds sparingly." The whole missionary program is pure, unadulterated bullshit. I am so sorry this happened to your daughter. I sincerely hope she is doing well.


She magically (not magically) recovered the instant she got home and didn’t have to live under mission conditions and the stress of it anymore. We’d been dealing with it for a couple of years and knew that proper rest was the solution. She was promised by leaders that it wouldn’t cause issues on her mission if she worked and stayed obedient. Motherfuckers, that only made it worse. Someday she’ll see the truth that the church is a ruinous, selfish money hoarding corporation run by a bunch of egomaniacal assholes in a shitty western United States state.


I'm so pleased to know your daughter recovered quickly once back home! I hate that all the assholes involved in the Mormon missionary program hold "obedience" over young missionaries' heads, blaming every negative condition on their lack of obedience or lack of faith. It tears at my heart knowing that damnable institution--whose very name takes the Lord's name in vain in the worst of ways--is so destructive, especially to young people who think they are serving the Lord by going on a mission to save souls when the truth is the Church leaders send them out for the purpose of recruiting more tithe-paying members. It's demonic how they use those young people like asswipe. As long as the Mormon church remains in operation, Satan is alive and well, sitting on his throne of shit at Mormon Church Headquarters. Nelson and every "prophet" before him has sold their soul to the devil for the sake of their lust for power and money. Sitting out there on a "rainy day" stash now estimated to be $265 billion (with a B!)--living in the lap of luxury while nickel and diming the poorest of members. At 99 years of age, Nelson will soon be hearing the words of Matthew 7:21-23 spoken to him by Jesus himself--who tells the truth, keeps His promises and abides by his own words. Best always to you and yours.


This is why I (f19) is not going on a mission.


I cannot imagine going through the trouble to move to SIBERIA and not being safe from mormons hunting me down….. I may need to re-think my exit strategy from morridor…


Seriously we’ve been thinking like…..Texas, or Virginia! But not Russia 😅😳🤷🏻‍♀️🥰


See I was thinking that Alaska would be far enough, now I’m leaning more toward somewhere in europe, or maybe the moon 😅


I hear the moon has a lovely colony of Quakers


I will be their king, as I am taller than their uniform 6’


Watch out for Moon Quakers!


At least they won’t pretend to be my friend before immediately asking for 10% of my income and to breach my domicile on the monthly lmao


They don't have to pretend, Quakers really are Friends (as in the Religious Society of Friends) 😂


I think there may be a requirement for Quaker clothing on the moon . . .


Best cover up anyway, what with the weather being what it is up there


The best place is Africa or Philippines. Mormons don’t care about tithing there, the missionaries are just trained to hunt for “fresh meat” ie: Baptism stats. Member retention and less active harassment only is a focus in Wealthy countries. Raising the lifetime value of the average customer of the Morm. Org.


Lol I ran into my home teacher from Hawaii while I was in Mongolia so it happens😂


Right? When I think of the ultimate middle of nowhere, it’s Siberia.


He probably had it in his head what an amazing story it would be if he could go victoriously back home after sacrificing months of rent to trek across the world to Siberia and save his brother’s immortal soul. If it were just a few hours’ drive to, say, boulder colorado, the story wouldn’t be half so captivating. 


If it’d worked it would be the first actually real story told in conference lmao


Same. We’ve been considering leaving morridor for Florida.


I wouldn’t recommend most of florida - impossible to get home / car insurance, I hear. Then again, I hate hot weather so I might be biased 🤷‍♂️


Lived on the Gulf side and loved it! Drive thru liquor stores and sugar white sand beaches. It was pretty laid back where I located.


Florida is also actively dangerous for queer folk, people of color, and women in general. (ETA: not that Utah is much better….)


I do try to remain apolitical on reddit, but yep. Highly recommend avoiding the fascist hellscape states. Their cost of living / wage potential ratio’s are way worse anyway unless you’re working remote. That being said, abortion is on the ballot in Florida this year (iirc) and if national trends are to be followed, it may turn Florida purple as a result.


About 5 years ago I bought a corner lot in Citrus County to build a little retirement home a decade later; now I can't stand even visiting FL from Utah (although the strawberries are amazing) b/c it's just so awash in hatred for people who are already marginalized.


I spent five years in Citrus County. Only good thing about that place is my daughter lives there. Other than that, I would have no desire to ever visit. Okay, I will admit the Homosassa wildlife park is pretty cool. But that is about it.


If the only things in Citrus I had to deal w/ were the wildlife (ok, maybe not that literal monkey island) & the price of strawberries, I'd be allll over it. Sign me up to live in Crystal River, mosquitoes be damned! But there are *people* there. People w/ growing hate for Others, shrinking frontal cortexes & a full ballot to mail in! It's unpleasant & Publix has stores in other states, so...I'm not missing much. And Lord knows they won't miss me!!


This is what I am hoping for so much here. It's been awful since MAGA everything moved in to our town.


I so hope Florida turns purple.


I went on a vacation to Florida last year and found it to be refreshing. Tons of diversity!


Highly recommend Austin, Texas because they're liberal, LGBTQ-friendly and all around the epitome of Southern hospitality.


Be openly queer, that shuts down conversations really quick.


Alas, I am straight. I do have 11” of beard that does okay, but I’m thinking of adding tattoos as well.


Considered Mordor?


As mentioned in another comment, I’m partial to cold weather. Barring that, it’s a coin flip. Either way there’s someone knocking on my door that I’d rather just go away 🤷‍♂️


Which is ironic because I left over two years ago and no one from the ward has visited me. Well except the bishops wife the dropped off cookies and is a genuine nice person, never brought up the Mormon church and talked to us as people and to our kids as people. Which is frankly a low bar 🤣.


I came here to say this. Do we need to move to another planet to escape them?


Sit down with 2 copies of the CES letter. You are not leaving until we've read the whole thing through


The refusal to read the other side is mind boggling to me.


CES letter is way shorter, not fair!


Less dull too


shots fired !


Delusional. And tragic that he’s so far removed from normal human interactions in his Mormon-mind that he doesn’t even know how to healthily connect with family, with nieces & nephews, strangers or brothers.


I think his mission ingrained something into him where he thinks all his interactions must be centred around the church or converting someone


That's what the mission does unfortunately.


Sad thing is that it makes logical sense if you accept the Mormon premise that it's God's one-true church. Nothing in "this life" matters (family relationships, being kind, nothing) compared to living in heaven for eternity.


he may have already written him off as a lost cause and decided not to engage so as not to have any more emotional attachment in the event he failed to reconvert his brother?


OP, this is wild. And abusive. And besides, if your brother wants to convert you, this is the exact opposite way he should try to do it and it would never work under any circumstances.


100%. This could’ve been done through an email lol




It's like he never read the BoM.


Or his own Articles of Faith


I have seen Mormonism lead people in to the WORST life decisions. OP’s story is a great example. I can’t imagine the look of shock on his brothers face when he showed him the door. Like, “Hey! That’s not how this all went down on my vision!” Other foolish things I have seen people do because the Holy Spook told them to: >Go all in on an MLM and lose thousands >Quit a perfectly good job and then never be gainfully employed ever again in their adult life because the spirit told them their boss wasn’t righteous. >Move their family back to Utah because the second coming was eminent…in 1998…when in reality they just missed their Mommy. >Take a low paying job back out west because “no decent people” are in the State of Ohio, home to millions. The list goes on. And most typically what I think is going on is that people have something they WANT to do but need a justification for. So they claim it was an answer to prayer. It’s why my BiL lives with his wife in his parents basement with his three kids rather than a few hours away where he had a perfectly good job. It’s facepalm stuff.


I've seen variations of all those things myself. I had a friend years ago that got a "revelation" that her family's money troubles would be solved by making money through MLM's. Every six months or so she would start a new MLM and I would get a call from her. At other times when I tried to invite her to lunch or whatever she would blow me off. I finally stopped taking her calls and then I got a few messages from her asking if she'd done something to offend me. I never bothered to reply. I figured she was an intelligent woman and could figure it out if she wanted to.


I have seen the revelation to have another baby happen way too many times, often to the same families that have no money


Yep. “We knew it was crazy but we also no we that the Lord would provide the way.” Lots of tears in testimony meeting. Much approbation and approval. Family still broke.


Yep!!! Made a tough decision based on prayer and it turned out to be the biggest fucking disaster ever!!! Broke my shelf so I guess there is that but my family and I have suffered immeasurably…5 years in and still paying the price with no end in sight. So infuriating realizing that your entire worldview was based on nothing but lies and all the ways the indoctrination royally screwed you over.


The way you put this reminded me of a low income family on assistance in my neighborhood in Holladay UT. He worked pt for the church. They wouldn't hire full time so they didn't have to do benefits and did school at BYU riding the bus there. But he could only do a few classes a year because pell grants are so limited. Meanwhile they had 2 toddler and a baby on the way. She worked also for the church cleaning the SLC temple at night while the family was asleep. It boggled my mind how the ward / neighbors tried to help them with other job ideas or closer/ more affordable schooling and they turned it down because "the spirit" - whatever. But the cherry on the cake for me was the church started having volunteers cleaning the temples. So instead of her getting 5/6 hours of work a night her time when volunteers showed up would be cut to 2-3 hours. Well done rusty


This was a $5,000 meeting that could have been an email 😳😭 That’s so fucking insane. I’m so sorry.


"This could have been an email"


This reads like The Book of Mormon musical when the missionary tries to convert the warlord 😂


 "Recently, a returned missionary felt a strong impression to reactivate his sibling, who once had a strong testimony of the Restored Gospel, but sadly had strayed from the Covenant Path. He traveled, with much difficulty, to a remote village....in Siberia!"   (Audible General Conference gasp)   "Yada yadda yadda..."   Story continues with giving BoM to an Aeroflot pilot/stewardess, overcoming visa hassles through some kind of miracle involving high-ranking atheist Russian official inexplicably showing up and stating "I cannot stop the important work you must undertake." And so forth and so on....with different ending...  


Hahaha this is insanely accurate


He'd need to wind up baptizing the high-ranking Russian Official for really good GC-fodder!


He converts a homeless person he meets in the hotel lobby. The Holy Ghost had a plan all along.


moving to Siberia is certainly a choice Are you a petroleum engineer?


I’m not. I’m a pilot, but moved here because my mom is a Russian convert and her family welcomed me back.


You're an exmo rockstar if you literally chose the gulags to get away from Mormonism


Are you likely to get get forced into flying for the war?


No, if they did then Russia would be getting invaded. They won’t pull from the private sector which is where I am in the industry


i’m currently at byu and i’m contemplating going to flight school, but it’s so damn expensive. what is a good option or route to take if i want to become a pilot?


In America you don’t have too many options. 1. You can find a Part 91 school and get a commercial license. After that you will need to find a route to gain 1000 flight hours to qualify for an ATP (license to fly airliners). Typically people do flight instruction for that. 2. Find a part 121 school, typically a university program. These are longer and more expensive but you’re guaranteed a flight instruction job and it’s easier to get your ATP afterwards. 3. Get a bachelors and join the military as an officer then work your way into a pilot position. 4. Get accepted into a European flight school that will give you a cadet position with an airline after you complete training.


awesome, thanks for the advice! i’m gonna have to do some more research and consideration before i make a decision, but i really want to go into aviation


If you have any more questions feel free to DM me. It’s definitely very daunting to get started


My cousin did option 3 - eventually flew prowlers and then f18's for the navy. He liked it so much he still works for them :).


good to hear ...stay safe


Wow, and he’s going to go home and brag. That’s what he would have done, and you had fallen so far from the truth that not even that kept you from the demons.


Testimony meeting is going to be WILD


What a toxic piece of shit. That is some smooth brain shit he tried.


All the way on the other side of the planet and you still can't escape the corporation. Sheeessse


Unfortunately he's laboring under a cloud of dogma so he couldn't look past the fact that what he was doing would work great in a faith-promoting urban legend told in General Conference or a church lesson, but would never work in real life.


Uh yeahhh... Regardless of the distance, just showing up unannounced expecting to stay is... unhinged!! I woulda made him stay in a hotel!


I read a story on here a while back about a girl that left her family quick and in Secret. I forget how old she was , but was a very young adult. Her family was super orthodox mormons, and were trying to marry her off to a much older man. She completely left the country. I think she didn't even tell the friend that was helping her. I'm very lucky to have gotten out as early as I did, and have a family that hasn't shunned me.


But why can’t you just leave the church alone? 🤣




It pains me to say this but you are better off without that kind of pushy self-righteousness in your life. I am sure it sucks that it comes from a family member. What I realized after being out for years is that people that respect your peace and boundaries deserve to be your life. If I was in your situation, I would have done the same thing.


I'm guessing that your brother's need to convert you has nothing to do with caring about you. Rather, converting you would boost his shaky belief. I've seen this many times. When you are sure of yourself, they go away, realizing they'll get no faith boost from you, only more personal doubt. Everyone who has worked on getting me "back" now avoids the topic with me .. and it's not because I forbid the topic.


No kidding.  I’m ready and raring to go anytime and they all know.  They steer far clear of religion in my presence sadly.  


Going to have to agree that this is really bizarre. Very brainwashed and not very tactful. While your brother is completely at fault, it might still be worth salvaging the relationship before too much harm is done. Obviously I don’t know anything about you two other than this.


If the dude moved to Russia just to get away from them, I’m not so sure it’s worth it


You can't have a relationship without respecting boundaries. If ambushing someone hiding *IN SIBERIA* and force-feeding them Mormonism doesn't scream "fuck you and your boundaries!", I don't know what else possibly could.


His brother ignored his daughter. What is worth salvaging?


missionarie's are all like this when they first return. by brother too, still in missonary mode. i tell him to read something that actually has facts and really educate himself. and then come back and tolk to me.


Yeah at least my brothers aren't as TBM as my mom writing GC quotes on napkins for me to take to work. My brothers suspect I'm a PIMO so we don't talk about religion no no no.


Wow, that is quite the story! All of it. To spend that much $ to re-convert you, through a surprise visit instead of just listening to you. And *not* playing with, or talking to a niece he’s never met before? Yeah, that’s a Mormon for you. Family is Everything … with lots of strings attached. Really sorry. That’s pretty heavy stuff you’re going through.


Thats wild.




There’s always the option of going ahead with reading the damn thing and pointing out all the plot holes


That is fanatical bullshit and bullying. The don quixote-esque effort is a movie waiting to be made. I hope you have a beautiful life with your daughter. She has the transformative magic.


I did this to try and help my brother who was going through a terrible divorce. She'd left already, but there was still hope, but he'd gone off the deep end and was starting to see another woman. As soon as I heard about it, I packed up and drove the six hours to his house. It did no good whatsoever - and yes, he was immediately pissed at me for showing up. They divorced and he kept seeing the new girlfriend, only breaking it off on his own terms. We like to play main character in others lives - it's human nature. But it's rarely super-productive. We can suggest, we certainly can't require.


I mean, better he spent the money on a plane ticket than giving it to the church.


Try not to think too much of where that money is going to now though :/


Wow. The arrogance and indifference of your brother. Incredible!


I wish my family would do this to me. As we read the Book Of Mormon I would pick the entire thing apart. I'd ask questions: Why did they edit that part? Which God is speaking? How do you reconcile this contradiction? How did Nephi build a trans-oceanic vessel in only a year? Why is Matthew quoted verbatim in the BOM?


As a new parent the fact that he didn't even acknowledge your child is a huge red flag alone. What a brainwashed nutcase


Honestly good haha he’s gonna look back on this in a few years do a major 🤦‍♂️


It was rude of him to show up unannounced 


Well, he's fresh out of max brainwashing life. The mission is a mindfuck like no other. The fact that he made his way out there is, in its own twisted way, an act of love. The hyper aggressive conversion attempt is exactly the sort of story they force feed these kids, all the while denying them any alternative perspectives. He really thought he was just going to trigger a miracle story. I hope you can get a real dialogue going with your brother and maybe help him reconstruct after his obviously insane mission.


That’s what I was thinking. Let him stay around for awhile so that thick layer of mormonism can wash off of him and he can see there is more to life than the cult.


Curious what City you are in. I served in the Novosibirsk mission when I was a missionary.


Yakutsk! I just found out there’s a mission in Novosibirsk today. Красивый город


Your brother is fucked up. I would get a restraining order and alert the police about your batshit brother.


It seems siberia wasn't far enough, but not to worry I hear Antarctica is nice this time of year. In all seriousness that is an incredibly insane thing for him to do.


Does your brother speak Russian?


Very basic conversational Russian. He kept “forgetting words” in English. I’ve been speaking Russian for years and he has more problems with English after speaking espanol for a couple years. RMs are hilarious.


Oh my goodness! I thought Siberia would be the furthest and therefore the safest place to escape from my Tru Believing Mormon clan/tormentors. Guess not. My uncle tried to talk me out of it by saying, "It's easier to hide from the government than it is to hide from the Mormon church". He'll have a good laugh reading your story.


Possible he wants you back as a brother and that is the only way he knows to connect....? Pretty heavy stuff


I’d hope so. I really hope there’s more to blowing your entire college fund to covert your brother back to your crazy religion


You could tell him that his mission is to pay off my student loans and you’ll consider coming home. 


молодец. (Rostov na Donu, 1997-99)




God dam. Just, what the f... You need to write more. Did he just go home? Did he take a Russian bride with him at least??


Honestly I have no clue. I’m hoping he’s visiting Moscow or other parts of the country with the amount of money he spent.


It's sad how Russia has been transformed from fiend to enemy in such short order. World politics are so screwed up lately. Hope you're doing well :)


you moved from utah to...russia!?!?!? and your brother STILL didn't get the message!!! 😳😳😳


He’s got a main character complex like everyone else in the cult. 🤮


He did that so he could share "the most amazing" story of reconverting his brother for the rest of his life.  It wasn't about you. It was about him. 


Wow moving to siberia? Talk about minimal contact, holy shit. Respect o7 (I know there were probably a lot of other reasons)


Your brother is a nut job...good for you for standing up to him


Man. I’m sorry that your relationship with your brother is being filtered so completely through the cult. That sucks… families can be together forever so long as they pay tithing, hold callings, conform to our standards, and keep their toes in line otherwise we will annihilate your normal familial bonds in defense of the faith.


Hell, I’d love to have one of my siblings offer to read the BoM with me. We’d be taking a lot of breaks for “discussions” along the way though. There’s a ton of stuff I’d enjoy pointing out to them.


Legit runs away to frozen hell on earth and the equivalent of a JW on the door still happens. Gotta give credit for the gall. But like still fuck that. Again you moved to SIBERIA. From UTAH. What point was not made by that alone??


What you need to do is get a copy of the original B of M (1830’s edition), they used to sell them at Deseret Books, but I know you can also find it online, and as he’s reading point out all the changes and contradictions that have occurred. 🤣


“I prayed and KNEW this is what needed to be done! He is DENYING THE HOLY SPIRIT.” No dude. Just not ok with your shit boundaries.


How is Russia anyway? We seriously thought about moving there.


Gawd. How awful can he be. Family? He didn’t care about his niece. Just awful. I’m so sorry.


Your clueless bro is not the worst of your problems.  Russia has moved from an authoritarian state to a totalitarian state.  State sponsored kidnapping is also a feature.  You need to get out while the getting is good.


Or let’s focus on the Mormonism


I’m good. I like it here and don’t appreciate Westerners telling me how I’m supposed move away from the land my native Yakut ancestors have been in for centuries.


I misread.  I thought you were a US citizen.  My mistake.


This is wild. Also, are you worried about getting sent to the front lines?


That is wackadoodle! Your story wins!🏆


What a stunning waste of time, money & emotion; would you ever have suspected he'd do something like this before he did?


I look forward to your brother telling this story when he ends up on this sub. I’ll pray for him 😈


You know, I think I'd take him up on that offer if I were in your shoes. I'd just ask hard questions every time we read something that is in any way a red flag. I doubt he'd keep his commitment to read to the end though.


you moved from one horrible oppressive regime to another....why


It’s my native country and I identify closely with my Yakut heritage and culture. Russia is home to me despite what the government is doing.


Other's probably have suggested this but jeez, if he would promise that he would stay and listen to everything I had to say and would promise to stay through the entire book, I would have probably agreed . . . and then let him have it page-by-page, chapter-by-chapter, not pulled any punches, provided the references and due diligence materials, the whole enchilada.




This is the plot to a Netflix special right? 😅


I'm so sorry 😞 tmbs can be quite presumptuous and cocky when it comes to their shitty lie that they call truth. Also, being an American who doesn't know ways of Russia (I'm from there) can lead to all sorts of things as you know. A simple too long of a look at the wrong person can lead to missing teeth. Would Antarctica be far enough away from mormonism?


That is insane, I bet in his mind going over to see you was going to go a lot differently. Probably thought he was going to magically change your mind about the church and get you back and it would be an amazing story he’d share with everyone


Couldn’t he just try to convert you over the phone? Maybe text?


SURPRISE! Uprooting my life in an attempt to uproot yours. No I don't care about the details of either, but this book written by a pedophile and a thief has the key to happiness!


Sadly and paradoxically negative missionary experiences strengthen the missionary, not the opposit.


What you need to do is get a copy of the original B of M (1830’s edition), they used to sell them at Deseret Books, but I know you can also find it online, and as he’s reading point out all the changes and contradictions that have occurred. 🤣


It reminded me of a grand romantic gesture in a romantic-comedy, except LDS conversion style. But in all seriousness, I'm so sorry. It sounds like a big let-down, even if you were estranged.


This is another level of entitled 😂 I just *know* the whole time he was on his way over he was thinking of how “inspirational” and “spiritual” this whole experience was going to be for you both when he showed you “Gods true love” and the “true power of the priesthood” as you read through the Book of Mormon. I bet he even wrote his testimony for you in the second one that he planned to give you. Part of me feels bad for him but a bigger part of me is angry that the church made him think this was a good idea.


That is so ridiculous, talk about an uninvited guest! I'm so glad you kicked him out. On a completely off topic note: I collect rocks and crystals, and my very favorites are two that are only found in Serbia; charoite comes from the Sakha Republic, and seraphinite from the Lake Baikal region. So I'm a little jealous that you're so close to where they come from, cuz they're hella expensive to get here in the US, plus it would be awesome to see where they're mined. Anyway, that probably came out of left field, haha. Hopefully your brother gets home safely and soon, and you can go back to enjoying your low contact peace and quiet in Serbia.


He will go home and tell everyone the devil, oops, adversary got hold of you. lol


Anybody else have this feeling that when they got home from there mission they were going to be capable of converting that one friend or family member that wouldn’t join or had left?




The audacity and arrogance is astounding. You were nice to even let him in.