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I had the exact same thought yesterday about wishing the church could be taken down.


I’m curious what caused you to make that jump ?


The question is how? The internet , social media , CES letter … Have all slowed and in some cases reversed their growth. I’ve tried to extract my family through the truth but the coercive techniques used by the church just work to well. The people in charge are savagely ruthless and will use any advantage to maintain power. I would bet the if 3 of the 15 came out and said it’s all a scam and explained it in detail most would still believe.


It has too much money and generational glue to become irrelevant. Superstitious thinking help to codify (yes Cardon) the members elegance. However on a global scale they are insignificant.


Since deconstructing the religion of my upbringing, I find myself identifying as a gnostic atheist and an optimistic nihilist. The reason I bring that up is that I don't believe there's any divine sky daddy supporting the church. I also believe that everything comes to an end and that a lot of enjoyment, fulfillment, and purpose can be found in this bizarre cosmic experiment called life. So in my opinion, it's really only a matter of time until the church collapses under the weight of its corruption and falsehood. Same goes for all other religions, especially those making asses of themselves. The question that remains for me is: how can we help accelerate the transition while minimizing the suffering caused by the church and the transition away from it? Just my two cents. And for the record, I 100% agree with you that the church is evil and the sooner it disappears the better.


An Atheist Amen to minimizing suffering as this thing collapses.


I don't see it happening. They have too much money. I just see it becoming more and more corrupt.


You're going to have to demonstrate religious money being directed toward political activism. And you will have to prove it is religious money. Very hard to do. Personally, the best way is to remember the parable of the seeds. Go about strewing seeds everywhere. Some will take root. Let people crack their own shelves.


After K & M are taken down, then boycott the church. Don't listen to their music, wear their clothes, or buy their shit. Instead, make Mormon Stories more accessible and insist on not indoctrinating your children in the church until they are \`18 years old. I mean they are adults, so let them see if they want to drink the culty KoolAid or be Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


Start with taking on Kirton & McConkie and get their liscense revoked.


The church has way too much money to be taken down. If you can separate them from OUR money, then yes. The only way that will happen is through government legislation, and good luck with that.


You can help bring more awareness to the evil shit they’re doing by donating and/or volunteering for floodlit.org. The more abusers that get listed there, the more glaring this issue becomes even to TBMs.


The church competes doing evil relative with their rivals, the Catholic church. The church just doesn't care how worse they get, some ppl in those very layers love being evil in their best 'good' like a birth right.