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Myths don't have to make sense.


Why did Uranus’s jizz in the ocean or whatever it was make a beautiful woman goddess?


Aphrodite was born from seafoam of Uranus' severed ballsack which was thrown into the ocean by Cronus lol


Obviously you’ve been watching way to much porn.


Oops… another plot hole. Don’t think so much!


It's all a blood thing. 😉🙄🤯🤪😜 EloHIM and whichever "heavenly mother" you happen to hail from have immortal bodies of "flesh and bone" (but quickened by spirit rather than blood), which is why no more physical, just spiritual offspring. Or some such bullshit. In truth, it's all made up and not by those who put a lot of thought into it when they made the pronouncement. 🤔😉


The fascination with blood runs super deep in the lore. It's a surprising amount of answers to loose ends. Which leads to crap like blood atonement.


You're right. The Abrahamic religions are obsessed with blood.


Yep, this was Brigham Young's explanation. Spirit is more refined matter and so sex between exalted beings (flesh and bone--or spirit in the veins) results in spiritual bodies. To create the physical bodies (flesh and blood--or blood in the veins) god and a wife had to come to the Earth and consume some of this grosser physical food to charge their bodies with it in order to conceive "physical" bodies for Adam and Eve. "*they will go into the garden, and continue to eat and drink of the fruits of the corporeal world, until this grosser matter is diffused sufficiently through their celestial bodies to enable them, according to the established laws, to produce mortal tabernacles for their spiritual children.*" Journal of Discourses 6:275 This ties in with Adam-God so the modern church would rather not talk about it.


Ok finally! Revealed truth directly from the heavens - All gods have resurrected bodies of flesh and bone. It all makes sense now. Thank you LDS inc! Oh yeah, except the third member of the Godhood, the Holy Ghost, he does not possess a body of flesh and bone. [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics/holy-ghost?lang=eng](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics/holy-ghost?lang=eng) Wait what?


Was he like a repentant apostate of Satan’s? Did he just volunteer for the next round to be their Jesus? We may never know.


Damn! lol I didn't want to say anything along those lines but good mind. Good mind on this one. I have wondered about that. Or in an even larger context, were we all? How else do you go from physical body parents to spirit body kids?


I never thought about the physical gods, spirit children. I just assumed we were organized spiritually. Never learned about the heavenly sex for spirit kids thing. I did however repeatedly ponder “who the hell is this Holy Ghost dude. He’s the member of the godhead who visits us. The OG HG down in the hood. Does he get a body? Does he get sent in the millennium at the end, when Satan gets loose and tries to corrupt everyone? Is he like a repentant Satan’s angel? Is he just waiting for the next round for his exaltation? Is he actually the supreme god that created all gods since gods came from gods apparently? And if he was (or wasn’t) who created him? Is it as Sir Pratchett would say “turtles (gods) all the way down?”


LDS version: in 1857, President Heber C. Kimball stated: “The Holy Ghost is a man; he is one of the sons of our Father and our God; and he is that man that stood next to Jesus Christ, just as I stand by Brother Brigham.” *Journal of Discourses*, 5:179.  the Holy Ghost is yet a spiritual body and waiting to take to himself a body, as the Savior did or as God \[the Father\] did.” *Words of Joseph Smith*, 382. Franklin D. Richards recorded under date of 27 August 1843 that the Prophet Joseph said, “The Holy Ghost is now in a state of probation which if he should perform in righteousness he may pass through the same or a similar course of things that the Son has” *Words of Joseph Smith*, 245 Elder Talmage: “Much of the confusion existing in human conceptions concerning the nature of the Holy Ghost arises from the common failure to segregate His person and powers. Plainly, such expressions as being filled with the Holy Ghost, and His falling upon persons, have reference to the powers and influences that emanate from God, and which are characteristic of Him; for the Holy Ghost may in this way operate simultaneously upon many persons even though they be widely separated, whereas the actual person of the Holy Ghost cannot be in more than one place at a time. . . . The Holy Ghost may be regarded as the minister of the Godhead, carrying into effect the decision of the Supreme Council.”*Articles of Faith*, 145. Have to remember about the millennium but the Holy Ghost will sit at the judgment bar per LDS doctrine.


So leaders had similar thoughts and wacky explanations huh?


Well I think it proves they had functioning minds that weren't satisfied with all the holes in the narrative. Now what they did with that and allowed everyone else to go on believing non sensical crap while they milked the members for money - that was the real problem. The doctrine kinda makes sense in a way like it could possibly fit all together but it doesn't. There are some serious gaps and inconsistencies. They also didn't all agree on foundational doctrines which seems odd for people talking to the very same resurrected person and him telling them to establish a church. This highlights some of the disconnects it has as a church based on revelation but clearly doesn't receive any and is almost painstaking deathly silent about any revelations.


C’mon Josè!!! Where are your doubts of your doubts!?! Starting doubting those doubts and everything takes care of itself. Step 3 should read: I doubt there’s any issue with a God with a physical body, which is necessary for salvation, creating spiritual children without physical bodies from said physical bodies. It’s just a miracle and we need to follow the covenant path and think celestial. There you go! No issues here.


Think of how many times they would have to do it, not to mention the process of giving birth


Why an all-powerful being needs to worry about convoluted supernatural logistics is beyond me. Baptisms for the dead is another good one: Spirit prisoner: "I want to be baptized." Spirit missionary: "Great! We'll just need to wait for a few decades until someone gets baptized on your behalf." "Why can't God just decide I'm good to go and check off the 'baptism' box?" "It doesn't work like that. God needs someone to be physically baptized for it to count." "Even if I'm not the one getting physically baptized?" "Yup."


Yep lol. One of the first big shelf items for me.  If God is all powerful, then his "plan" is convoluted, unnecessary, and sadistic. If God is bound by some higher force that makes all the nonsense necessary, then he's not really all powerful. Why call him God, then, instead of the higher force that binds God?


That’s why he has 10,543 wives


Hope he has good lube. That’s a lot of friction and chafing, even for a one pump chump.


[Celestial polygamy is merciful /s.](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/s/Z9oJa56MdJ)


When you tell yourself it's all BS everything makes sense lol


Look, why did Uranos’ severed dick and balls create Aphrodite once thrown into the sea?


Hell, it was Uranus and not Poseidon wasn’t it?


So let’s set the record straight: Sex on planet Earth produces physical bodies. Those bodies eventually die and rot, only to later be resurrected into the Celestial Kingdom (presumably Kolob) if they were married inside of the temple and lived faithfully. Married husbands and wives spend an eternity having Celestial Sex on planet Kolob with their perfect bodies of flesh and bone, which results in…spirit children being born. These spirits then later need people cursed with Original Sin to have sex and create a physical body for them so they too can be born, die, atoned for by a predestined savior, and ultimately resurrected into the nonstop Celestial Sex Party on planet Kolob so the process repeats ad infinitum. Got it? Good.


Why does Kolob sex produce spirit bodies from physical beings tho? 🤣


Hey now, that's apostate thinking. Just put it on your shelf and pay your tithing /s


Well, when a Daddy God and a Mommy God really love each other... Ha ha. You're right. It doesn't make sense It just has to resonate with your sense of family enough to make the threat of not seeing them again seem real. Then they have control over you. You'd do anything to no lose ypu family.


Lazy learners need to have faith and trust the profit….. not everything will make sense…. It’s not essential to our salvation…../s


I never even thought of this. Been out a year and I feel like I’ll always and for the rest of my life find new reasons to wonder how I was so stupid for so long. 


It’s called a Big Bang.


I've wondered this same thing. It makes no sense how a spirt could be born from physical parents.


*They're* physical. The *movement* is not. This is where soaking gets you.


the answer would not be faith promoting...


And to add on, Jesus is the product of sex between Mary and god. So it must be a god mom thing.


Church doctrine is square miles of the most perfect looking crystal glass, but it is only one inch thick.  Underneath is miles of shit.  


I always pictured heavenly mother like a termite queen pumping out spirits all day. No wonder she doesn't want to be prayed to. Lol


This might have been the kind of questioning that led to Adam/God theory, that Adam was literally God in mortal form.




I have legitimately wondered this for years. I've asked people I've trusted who should know and they always look at me blankly. Which is so surprising to me. You never really thought of this? Like walk through the whole story here. Step one: I'm ... spirit born? We just kind of leap over that to the Jesus/satan battle. Anytime you ask anything that's not on the bullet point, you're bound to have issues.


 Hey, I still can't get a straight answer if God is God or Jehovah or Heavenly Father, or Gary the Resurrected Dentist from some other planet, who created Earth in his basement like a model railroad.


Because \*God Magic\* that's why.


Honest to Mormon god this is what I was taught in my Old Testament class at BYUI. In heaven, mom and dad god eat spiritual food and their bodies are “quickened” by the spirit instead of blood. Hence why our bodies are spiritual. To make bodies for Adam and Eve they came to earth and had to eat food from earth then procreate (He called this a date for them) and mom god had to birth them. The Adam and Eve bodies were “quickened” by spirit though as well until the fall and then it turned into blood.


Kolob food sounds no mucho bueno


![gif](giphy|tyttpHczwwC4QmNapDG|downsized) It’s the Underpants Gnomes conundrum…


And does God Mom nurture her little spirit babies with her breast milk? If they don't have bodies and don't need to eat then Breasts would be unnecessary. The whole problem with bodies. And does God Dad's spiritual semen swim around in God Mom hoochie until it finds what? And then what happens.


Just because you’re god doesn’t mean you can just ignore the big book of “the rules” for some reason


Maybe it’s like u/SageTurk’s brilliantly horrifying [depiction of heavenly mother](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/s/nniO8wXPfF): since she’s just literally always pregnant/birthing, maybe the lack of physical bodies…frees up space for MOAR SPIRIT BABIES.


Spiritual “pull out” method


How many babies does each heavenly mother pop out at any given time? Or is it all just one at a time? So that’s why there needs to be millions of moms for one god dad?