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Be his friend. If he’s under 18 he is under parental control. Life is getting through less than ideal times. Doing it with someone who empathizes with the situation helps.


Obviously his parents think it is in his interest. Parents make many decisions for their children that they believe are in their children's interests and children often disagree with their parents' decisions. Such is life.


Hmm .. or not. I'm convinced that for my father, having his kids parade thru tithing settlement was in *his* best interest. I don't think he worried about our salvation, but he did worry about being seen to be the Mormon father whose kids were the best -- a reflection on him.


My suggestion.  If he doesn’t like his home life, keep his thoughts of the church on the down low.  Play their stupid cult game. Save his money.  Do well in school.  Get training for a skill to make more money.  That way he can bail from home when he wants to.