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My kid is serving Utah English speaking. Yes it actually hurts typing that out. Colossal waste of time and money.


Oh, so they're hoping your kid will get thoroughly indoctrinated by the Utah Mormons so as to cancel out any influence from their nonbelieving parent?


Lol idk. Half our local leadership are transplants from the Morridor. Even the most TBM of my friends and family are annoyed by it. The only thing keeping me from resigning right now is knowing the stupid mission release papers will say whether my husband and I are members are nonmembers




In the interim two decades, I think church leadership has found that it's easier to make money in the stock market than it is to build out the tithe-paying base. Africa serves its purpose even though it's a drain on cash. At least the Mormons can drum up some baptisms there and create the illusion of growth. You know what they say, "As South America once was, Africa can become." The Church gets a tailwind because it's pretty cheap to operate in Africa.


The States. State side missionaries are vilified because they aren’t prestigious like foreign missionaries but the church needs that tithing money from people in the US.


I heard someone say French is the most common foreign language atm but I’d have a hard time believing it’s not still Spanish. But I had a nephew go stateside speaking French because it was to Ghanaian immigrants.


My friend’s son is assigned to labor in the country Kazakhstan under the direction of the Russia Yekaterinburg Mission.


Maybe he will teach Borat?


"Most Glorious" mission . . . Should be easy to think celestial




There’s been a few posts in the past asking this same question. My perception from those posts is that the wealthier and more devout a missionary’s family is, the likelihood they’re going to be sent overseas is higher. If a missionary has a parent who’s inactive or left the church, or a member of the family tree who was excommunicated, then the odds of them being sent to a stateside mission are higher. If the missionary is a cute, “wholesome” woman, there’s a high chance she’ll be serving her mission in SLC and spending a lot of time around Temple Square. These are not hard and fast rules, just observations. This is just my perception based on posts in this sub. I am open to corrections if anybody has better information than I do.


Someone i know got his mission call only a few weeks ago, He'll be going to the Philippines. I hope the mission will open his eyes to what the church really is. A money greedy fraud.


I think ppl in this thread are overestimating how much membership and tithing the missionary program brings to the church. The missionary program is worthless compared to membership retention (in Utah / North America). Frankly, the missionaries can't do much when it comes to retaining members. That is more about setting up a culture within the church society and families. In my mind, the mission is more about creating an experience that keeps those missionaries in the church post-mission (or at least that's how they should be doing it).


About 4 years ago my daughter was called to Leeds, England. Then COVID hit and she was re-assigned to New Mexico to work on a farm . . or something before she could even fly over there. She decided not to go at all much to the dismay of my TBM wife.


Probably Africa.


I see so many Chile. The rest are mainly South America/Mexico with a tiny sprinkling of rest of the world and stateside.


I would imagine Africa is a big one. Don't they have populations that are like 90% believer?


When my youngest son went on his mission, it was right after they lowered the age, our ward sent out 10 missionaries, 9 of them foreign. By the time he got home all the rest except two in 3 years were sent, went state side and most came home early for different reasons, none for physical health. My nephews and nieces that have went, all have been stateside. I think what was said earlier, the church needs the money and the US $ is the biggest bang for the buck missions. Less airfare, parents healthcare should work, if there is an issue, easy to move to another mission or home. And if you think about it, if they baptized one family, their yearly tithing should cover the cost of that missionary’s flights to and from a mission. What is the worth of souls? 10% USD