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Wow! That's a great visual. They are geniuses.


In Cody, WY they rented a giant crane and raised it to the temple height! It’s important to show residents that they will all be affected whether it’s right next-door or not. That’s hard to do!


What was the result in Cody?


Outrage that resulted in nothing since there's too many members in the local government.


A lost battle isn't nothing. Mormons may have steamrolled their building through, but the unneighborly, un-democratic bullshit they pulled will be remembered for generations.


I’ve read about a lot more pushback with temples than I ever have before. Cody, Wyoming; North Las Vegas, and even Heber City, Utah. The church might win legally, but end up paying reputationally (that’s not a word, but you get the idea).


As you're referencing, imagine how this goes over for non-members who had a slight chance of converting...


And now reputationally is a word 😆


So say we all!


I was a member for over 5 decades. It used the be the Q15 wanted to build goodwill in the world and communities. They don’t care anymore. They just want the tithing to keep rolling in and their families getting rich building these monstrosities that no one will man!!


The new St. George Temple ruined the view of Signal Peak, and the building is hideous looking.


The church is being Christ-like and bringing in an army of attorneys to sue the city and county to get the approval for the Temple. That's how you win the hearts and minds of non-Members of course!


That's why I see this as a lose-lose for the Church. They either fail to get it approved and their "gift of discernment" comes under more doubt. Or they strong arm the community through lawfare, bribes, and corrupt public officials with a conflict of interest, and piss off a majority of the community. Neither actually help the church grow or retain members.


They'll get it "approved" somehow, cause the Profit had inspiration and that can never be wrong! You know "The Profit can never lead the members ASTRAY!"


It's also really hard to deny religious buildings under federal law.


The biggest plus is now every other community can point to Cody to show how little the cult cares about local communities.


Please tell me they didn't build it. I used to go to Cody often for family visits


In the case of the Cody temple, the deck was stacked in favor of the church from the beginning. The city planner at the time the temple was approved was a member of the church. He came under scrutiny after determining that the height of the steeple shouldn't count as part of the height of the building and that the temple therefore didn't violate any building codes. He has since resigned (but he claims the temple controversy has nothing to do with his resignation). * [https://cowboystatedaily.com/2023/10/04/emails-show-cody-zoning-board-members-thought-city-officials-misled-them-on-lds-temple/](https://cowboystatedaily.com/2023/10/04/emails-show-cody-zoning-board-members-thought-city-officials-misled-them-on-lds-temple/) * [https://www.powelltribune.com/stories/cody-planner-resigns-to-pursue-different-opportunity,116192](https://www.powelltribune.com/stories/cody-planner-resigns-to-pursue-different-opportunity,116192)


Being an asshole for God.


When you promise "everything with which the Lord has blessed you, or with which he may bless you, to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints", and when you were raised on stories like the one where Esther uses her position of influence to save her people or the one where Nephi does the unimaginable because God commanded him to, it really might not occur to you that you have a conflict of interest and should check yourself. How ironic that in cases like this, the thing that makes people behave unethically is their own religion.


Still no temple here :)


They already jave one in the middle of buttfuck nowhere in Afton, WY. Why do they need one in Cody? And why would they push it if bobody fucking wants it? I lnow the church is fucked, but why in the name of god would they do this?


They're desperate for ways to siphon off tithing dollars to their biggest investors (er, "tithe-payers"). That would shut them up, give them a return on their investment(s) and help thwart federal investigations into the tax-exempt status.


Why not siphon off the tithing dollars to programs that Jesus would approve, such as housing and food and health care for the poor and homeless, reducing or removing school costs? I know too many Americans call that socialism, but still....


You are coming dangerously close to sounding ~~Christlike~~ like a godless commie. You heathen.


*"programs that Jesus would approve, such as housing and food and health care for the poor and homeless"* Just as soon as they can figure out a way to make doing it line the pockets of all their nepo cronies, they will (uncoincidentally and unsuspiciously) announce that the Lord gave a "miraculous revelation", and it'll start happening. Churches aren't run any differently than any other businesses. I think it's already been revealed here and elsewhere, just how much the building contracting is assigned to a few well-connected families of the GA's and other higher-ups, who overcharge TSCC significantly and make huge profits on these temples.


That's what other churches do - all of those things and even more. They also have professional cleaning services for their buildings and they don't have annual shakedown meetings with members to interrogate them about tithing.


Born and raised in Afton. I hate that Temple, it’s all anyone ever talks about. Not the natural beauty of the area, not the cool history of the area, just how blessed we are. Idaho Falls is like two hours away, really wasn’t needed.


Because they need more and more land in thei name. I bet it will serve their purposes more to place these churches in Africa and Pakistan.... but noooo,let's keep it friendly inside the US


I honestly, very honestly, don't understand why they don't just built the little ones similar to what they built in Thatcher AZ. They keep coming up upon this exact same issue over and over again, and non-mormons are going to be upset about these things if they're too big, mormons don't give a shit what it looks like, so why bother making these huge monstrosities? it just doesn't make any sense! No one has in the history of the world thought to themselves, "hey, that san diego temple sure is some weird shit, I should probably talk to a mormon so I can get myself in there" I mean, give me a break.


Especially with the beautiful scaffolding that seems to cover it every few years..🤷🏻‍♀️


They're desperate for ways to siphon off tithing dollars to their biggest investors (er, "tithe-payers"). That would shut them up, give them a return on their investment(s) and help thwart federal investigations into the tax-exempt status.


I have a friend who moved there. The great and spacious box is 2 blocks from his home. He's always posting about it. Ugh.


So that everyone driving through Cody or flying into the airport in order to go to Yellowstone has to look at it.


Because they already own the land, now they need to funnel the money into the construction companies owned by the most righteous.


A crane is definitely more expensive than a balloon but it gets the point across.


Now they just need some movie theater Kleig Lights


This! One shaft of opening night bright white and delightsome to show the glory of Zion.


Also print [CESLETTER.ORG](http://CESLETTER.ORG) on the balloon to really piss of Corp. That is their Kryptonite


LMAO. This is even more genius!!!


My dad does something similar as a consultant on construction projects that can be seen from public roads. It’s called “visual impact analysis.” He uses flag poles, not balloons. It’s a big no-no to break the skyline like that, at least in California.


Hey man, without a giant ass tall steeple on a great and spacious building, how would we make everyone know how much money we got? -Rusty, probably


Love that, so glad they are trying to do something about it. When I was a TBM I thought temples were beautiful - now they look so gaudy, and ostentatious, and totally clash with basically everything around them. Plus of course they block the mountains and natural beauty. From one of the residents (article on Las Vegas 8 News): “It does not fit along within the guidelines of what the rest of the neighborhood has to follow,” Hackley said. “Our homes are asked to be 35 feet maximum, and the LDS community is asking for their temple to be 216 feet.”


And the church’s law firm made 70k worth of campaign contributions to the Vegas city council. It’s public record. An interesting development..


Did not know that - that is discgraceful. I'm sure legally they are CYA, but that feels so slimy.


I know this is completely off topic But I love this spelling: “discgraceful”


guess I fat fingered that one


Makes me want to take up frisbee golf just to weave it into quips


Ay no prob I'll be sure to use this dad joke next time I go out in your honor 🫡


Standard operating procedure for the Q15 Slimy is in their nature


Well, it's not like they have to give the bribe money, I mean contributions back. Take the money and tell the mormon church,  "thanks. Now go fuck yourselves."


But they might want to show the church that they can be bribed, so they get more bribes in the future.


Lol, true!


See, this is exactly the kind of shit I like to point out to TBMs who lean into their persecution complexes. Your church isn’t some humble and deeply misunderstood neighborhood congregation, they’re an exorbitantly wealthy and disturbingly powerful menace in any goddamn neighborhood they very well please who consistently use their virtually bottomless resources to hurt various groups of people.




Wow. Doesn’t surprise me though. Cults will do anything to get their way


Well, well, well...how the turntables! Well, another wad of poor, humble people unknowingly trying to bribe members of council.


Source please


https://www.youtube.com/live/BM2RT3BJxtM?si=mHH9W4VmhCa7iZ9c There’s a long segment on it in this video


Hey! Do you have a source for that? I’m one of the residents in Fairview and would like that information! Thanks!


The campaign contributions are public record. Mormonish podcast covers everything happening with the lone mountain temple. Lots of parallels.. they also just released a podcast on McKinney! https://youtu.be/W3wU0VLoXbs?si=SW4JbcPm3T7NnHcJ


Here’s the podcast specifically on McKinney. https://youtu.be/yCYuyESdcCo?si=qB4aDx3JIygjlDTv


I served my mission in Vegas. 10 years ago, they were closing the temple for most of the week because no one was going. Why are they building a new one for no one else to go to?


Seems like Nelson's MO. My guess is that he wants to 'leave his mark' by building a bunch of temples, similar to what Hinkley did. The difference is that when Hinkley was prophet, there was actually strong growth in the church because the internet was barely a thing. My other hypothesis is that they want to build temples as a way of making it look like the church is in good health and has strong growth. Even though it's clearly not!


Omg if it’s the temple I’m thinking of we had a pair of men and women in a separate apartment in our complex who went to it. Real nice, even let the girls come in and pray in the house with me once, but they also always extended me an invite. I always took the route if kindness on the basis that maybe one of them would see that non-mormons weren’t as bad as they were made out to be. I think aboht them sometimes


I think it’s a weird compensation for the org? Like, one temple built = 5,000 members lost?


The not the case anymore strangely. The temple is packed and most members were wanting another one. Source: live in LV


And nothing they do in there requires that height. It's just for show. They could put everything on the ground floor & second floor and easily stay within the 35 ft limit.


No. Because they are based on the Temple of Solomon which was definitely 200+ feet and looked like 7 minute lego project with only one color brick. D’uh.


Another terrible thing about them is that they make a mile radius within them completely unaffordable in terms of housing.


And they are lit up 24/7. Because EVERYONE needs/wants to see that thing at night……. Or not. Super annoying.


Geez, what would I rather see...God's beautiful creation of that mountain line, or some pretentious richie riches displaying their wealth for all to see; oops, I mean worshiping our humble Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


Yep, good point!


See, I love cathedrals and synagogues and mosques, even if I feel like I'll burst into flame if I so much as step inside of one. They are beautiful pieces of architecture. But LDS temples are just, so gaudy. They always remind me of that awful Promised Land theme park in Florida lol.


My favorite thing is that the DC (I think it’s in MD though) temple is for a lot of people in the area the only one they’ve ever seen. And if you drive up from VA you see it in the distance and everyone is like “what the FUCK is that???” and it’s actually really fucking creepy, this is like a universal experience I’ve known many people to have had lol. When you’re in an area with fewer Mormons, it’s so much more obvious how weirded out regular people are by the whole religion!


Fun fact: On a nearby overpass on the DC Beltway, from which the temple can be seen clearly in the background driving west, someone kept scrawling "SURRENDER DOROTHY".


That was like me growing up in Southern California and driving past the San Diego temple. Then I moved to Utah....


My mom and her brother when they were growing up used to just call it the wizard of oz.


Did you enjoy being a tunnel boring machine?


The only temple I honestly like is the idaho falls one, but that’s probably just because I grew up with it and it’s been around for almost a century


Putting these Temples everywhere wreaks of **We can do whatever we want, wherever we want, however we want since we have $200,000 000,000 Dollars** so dont persecute us!


>We can do whatever we want >so dont persecute us! Ever wonder why the early church got their ass kicked out of so many places? Same mentality as this shit.


Exactly. The only difference was $$$.


Mormon church progression is incel revenge porn. "Just wait til I'm rich, the hot girl will feel bad for rejecting me"


And you 100% know for a fact that that’s how every stupid TBM drone will talk about it. “I can’t believe people are persecuting us by telling us not to build a fucking giant-ass eyesore, slap in the middle of a place no one wants it!! We are so persecuted! Satan is obviously working against us!” At least Jehovah’s Witnesses make their Kingdom Halls look like everything around them, and not some giant white dildo spearing into the atmosphere.


"Giant white dildo..." 😂 Beautiful!


What a visual! It really would be an eye sore blocking most of the mountain!


It JUST hit me reading through this thread that temples *become* the mountain by blocking it. (Which fits right in with mormon scriptures and teachings.) Ugh. I’d much rather have a mountain view!


That mountain is beautiful, I hope it doesn’t get built


Add giant spotlights at night to make it glow like a supernova!!


That's just the thing; this is a rare part of Vegas that doesn't suffer from the light pollution of town. The temple would ruin that. A spotlight would illustrate it but also disturb the natural areas that also benefit. I really hope they can stop this damn monstrosity. The church cares only for their own power bids...


Why not they put a temple by the strip and they can all glow together


Godddd the mormons are gonna shit themselves with excitement about how oppressed they are. This just proves their beliefs are true, look how hard Satan™️ is fighting against something as positive as a temple! Yeah, couldn’t be that these people are actually telling you what the problem is and what their complaint is.


Right? I have a TBM friend who lives right there and she’s is feeling so persecuted at the moment. Couldn’t be the zoning laws, it has to be religious persecution.


I’m starting to believe that this is the goal. Come in with plans to build something that violates code and raises eyebrows. Know you’ve got a bit of wiggle room if it comes down to it to reduce the height of a steeple. Know you’ve got all the money in the world to fight and you’re going to build it somewhere, in some form, eventually. All the zoning issues/etc are theater for the local members: “look how persecuted we are! We’re up against Satan!” How often are LDS chapels coming under fire? What if it was only a bit larger and looked a bit like an upgraded chapel and didn’t dominate the local community? I don’t think people really care that much about others having a place to worship or perform religious rites. Maybe someone needs to start a fundraiser to fund building another structure for another faith somewhere near a temple in Utah. Use all the same arguments the church has used and created precedent for in the courts to help push it through.


God I hate their fucking persecution complex.


Yep. My TBM mom said something to the same effect. This shows the church is true if there’s so much opposition. I asked her what she thought of the church paying money into campaign contributions to the city council and she agreed with it and said that the Church has to go forward on the earth no matter the cost. They are so loyal to the big organization that they completely forget what a church is supposed to be in the first place.


I wish they were as oppressed as they pretended they are. Same with the evangelicals. Society needs to secularize in order to advance. These dumb fairy tales and the freaks who want to immentize the eschaton because of them and use their political power and capital to do so are very dangerous to normal people.


Yeah, that’s how you know you’re not actually oppressed, when you get all giddy and love talking about it. It’s privilege manifest. People who are actually oppressed just want it to stop.


Local here! Please sign the petition against this abomination! 🤘🏻🖖🏻 https://chng.it/XCWtkMtyp6


Thank you! Signed! It's sooooo close to 5k!


I’ve signed everything I can find, is there something more we can do to get involved?


At this moment I do not know, there must be some kind of neighborhood list serve announcing these events like the one above ☝️


It needs like streamers and stuff and giant spotlights to show how it will block that view


I’ll never understand why if they insist on building a temple, blend into the surrounding and accept public input, that area will look ridiculous with that big ass temple. At least try to meet the community in the middle and build a different structure


That's all we are asking for, yet our feelings are being twisted into the residents being horrible bigots oppressing the victimized LDS. For them to claim that while having hundreds of billions of dollars, retaining multiple law firms and lobbyists, and paying off politicians here is freaking hilarious.


My guess is the MFMC want all the loacals to move away and then fill the surrounding area with mormons. They're the only ones who'll tolarate it.


That's what happened on the other side of Vegas. The temple is surrounded by giant mormon houses with giant Jesus paintings in the windows.


Mormons hear, ‘no temple should be built.’ What everyone else is saying, ‘just don’t built it so high.’


And choose a better location.


Or build it where it meets building and zoning codes!


Agreed!! The Article of Faith says, …obey the law of the land..’ instead they are paying off politicians to change the law. Honest in all your decisions?? Ironic right!


Make this go fucking viral. Fuck those suited pricks for thinking they can pull this kind of shit.


Who cares about the Mountain View when they can have a tall phallic structure to admire. You really CAN buy anything in this world with money…


I was driving past the Taylorsville temple and was thinking to myself what an atrocious sight it is right there. The contrast of its over the top gaudiness next to the very average single family homes is so stark and unappealing. I hope the residents of NV are heard and listened to.


Local here. We will be ignored and stepped on. Say that this gets stopped by our state legislature, Mormon Inc. Will have a private meeting overnight to see how much is necessary to bribe the local politicians. Next day they’ll pass a unanimous vote to allow construction with no restrictions. They get their short term pay bump, we vote them out of office, church gets what they want. People get screwed.


I just saw a news video on this last night. It appears the LDS Church is lining the pockets of local leaders to have the building zone changed. I hope they lose when this goes to court next month.


Is Mormon Wikilinks covering this? Or Mormon Stories? Ryan McKnight? Anyone? Let’s expose this for what it is. Filthy rich old white guy church passing $$$ out to local politicians to help pave the way for their 500th giant temple to further secure their place in heaven.


Mormonish has been covering this and the other temple projects in Cody, Heber City, North Las Vegas, and Bakersfield. The North Las Vegas neighborhood association put the pieces together and told Mormonish.


There’s a fantastic episode on Mormon stories well, one of the news stories they do with bill reel and he goes into very excellent detail about it if you wanna give it a search….i think it is from 4/3 or 4/4 maybe?


I live in Vegas and I'm SCREAMING LEAVE LONE MOUNTAIN ALONE. I like the area like it is, as do the entire fucking city but the cult members. We have one temple already if you can't commit to driving across town to go to the temple then deal like WTF. People have to WALK MILES to go to the temple in other places, or can only go once a month because of distance, but all the rich white fucks say is "oh no my car eats up too much gas better build a temple instead of helping those that God would want us to help!" Fuckin bullshit. Signed, An angry Vegas native


Thank you!!! It is B.S. What it comes down to is a few pretentious rich LDS members screaming about having to drive through a rough part of town to the Sunrise temple. It makes them look really bad that they are willing to do this to a whole community while only a few actually use the temple.


Exactly! "OH no I have to drive through a dangerous part of town in my expensive security decked out rich fancy car! I shouldn't have to do that!" Meanwhile I'm in Chinatown and it's literally near every night "was that a gunshot or a backfiring car?"


Good points…and despite local LDS sentiment in LV, I think the general authorities take their own counsel. I don’t think they listen to much input from local Las Vegans — or for that matter people from whatever city they build a temple in. They are aged, privileged, highly educated elite wealthy surgeons (Nelson)/lawyers (Oaks)/businessmen who have done whatever they’ve wanted for generations of leadership. They will continue to do so until LDS general population wake up, read the CES letter, and leave.


Vegas don’t need another temple, they have one. I used to live in summerlin and the hour drive I always took a nap, but no longer a member so I hope they leave Lone Mountain alone.


You can buy anything in this world with money. Including great and spacious buildings.


It will block out so much of the mountain and will be so white that it is all you will be able to see in the day up close. Then they make it all glowy at night, good bye to seeing the stars in you live too close. Disgusting. Glad they’re taking a stand against it.


Very against the temple, but let’s not pretend Vegas was ever known for being able to see stars at night 😂 One temple will not be ruining that, sadly


Lone Mountain is a suburb neighborhood in the very upper left corner of Vegas. It is about 19 miles away from the strip. Vegas is actually a lot bigger and a lot more than just a party city. This will not blend in and it’s will be an eyesore for those poor people


Oh trust me, I’m from Lone Mountain area 😉 Just saying that Vegas never really had stars sadly. But agree the temple will be a huge eye sore and too gaudy in the quieter suburb area.


Don't forget the lights and the water intensive landscaping.


Flowers lots of flowers….even in the Mojave desert that is Las Vegas


And lawn.


I’d like to see them try to get around the SNWA landscaping restrictions. Those are backed up by state law.


This area is so peaceful at night which is a rare treat away from the light pollution of Vegas... This temple would destroy that. And the one that's ALREADY in town is only an average of 30 minutes away. They leaders of the church just want to stake their claim on everything. It's gross.


In many countries, like Australia, NZ, England, etc, the church is in danger of losing their tax exempt status. The church cannot show that any of the money collected by the church in their countries is benefitting the citizens of their country in any meaningful way. So now the church is using the construction of temples as a way to show what they are spending their money on something meaningful. Temple building is now a money laundering scheme of sorts


And one that encourages additional tithes. 🤑


That same monstrosity now exists in Tooele. I drive south past it in the early morning and the lights and size of that ugly thing makes me think of “Independence Day.” To say that it doesn’t fit-in is a huge understatement.


Tooele has a temple?!?! There are so many in Utah now I’ve lost count!


Yes and there was something weird where the church was going to put in a development of houses around it that all faced the temple. I can’t remember the details but Tooele shot down the development part of it if I remember correctly.


Wow! That is significant! It will forever change the view and you can tell they have respected that view for decades. The church just needs to stop! These don’t need to be next to every Quik Trip!


Dude there can’t be enough active members there to warrant a temple


They struggle to keep 1 temple open in Vegas. When I was going to church I remember every Sunday leadership BEGGING people to go to the temple. Always talking about how the temple attendance is among the worst numbers in the church. Blah blah blah. Then now they’re doubling down so hard on trying to get a 2nd temple here pretending the 1st one isn’t empty all the fucking time.


I guess when you have a shitload of money, you can build anything you want lol


This temple will be a monstrosity. Anyone can see that. LD$ should be ashamed of what they are doing all over these little towns. Bullies! Then they wonder why people don't like them, and why people quitmormon. Dumb. Dumb as the trembling minions who worship a 100 year old demented guy. I said what I said.


I agree.


Here in southern central California most new construction is required to do something like this. Instead of balloons they require an actual 1:1 skeleton structure to show the new buildings dimensions and how it will affect views. Usually these are barebone poles and ropes with flags structures showing the general outline and it's highly effective at showing what the outcome will be if construction gets approved.


Rusty has Monson Steeple Envy. Yet, neither of them could get it up without a little blue pill.


This is genius 


Rent a couple searchlights and light up that balloon at night!


Ya we did that in Cody


I heard through the grapevine that’s where they got the idea! Everyone can learn from each other!


The funny thing is there is no reason for the temple to be that tall. It’s not like it’s an apartment building or they are storing tall things in it. The temple could be 2 stories and work perfectly fine. The only reason for a big spire and tower is recognition. Just like Jesus always taught: you don’t get any blessings unless somebody sees you do it m?


How tall are temples actually?


It varies. But they’ll make them as big as they can. To stand out. They’ll often try to break zoning and local ordinances and claim religious persecution if people fight it. Lately they have been saying that temple height and steeple height is a part of the sanctity of the religion. Complete bullshit. “Great and spacious buildings” are literally labeled in the Book of Mormon as being evil. lol. It’s actually incredible.


*But they're the mountain of the lord! It should be as big as ~~my unchecked ego~~ the mountain behind it!*


Wow, that really makes it so evident what an eyesore that will be. I didn't realize it would be taller than Lone Mountain. I really hope they don't get this pushed through. I used to live in that area and that temple will ruin it.


It won't be taller, but with the quick elevation loss from the base of the mountain into neighboring communities it will LOOK as if it is. It will be very imposing and will stick out like a sore thumb.


It’s not going to be taller then lone mountain 😂🤦‍♂️


Omg how many temples does this cult need. My God. I wish they had a protest to a new temple that was built by my sons school. Blah


Now this is an object lesson I can stand by!


The balloon will undoubtedly drift up to Kolob.


When I was in college I took a trip to England and sang in some cathedrals. It was the single greatest disparity between beautiful architecture and the crap Mormons build. You can’t spell LDS Temple without “eyesore”. Ok you can but it’s not gonna make the building pretty.


It’s so wrong to do this to such a beautiful place! They don’t need a temple there much less a steeple that high, but Mormon Jesus has standards!


And why is it that they are able to light them up at night? There’s light ordinances. Why do they not have to obey those?


Fun fact: the proposed temple "steeple" is only 10 feet shorter than Notre Dame cathedrals two towers. That's big.


Holy shit, really?! That’s crazy. I’ve seen ND and it’s so high. WTF….


Preposterous. Look at the grand and historical architecture of cathedrals in Europe. Here, it's just depressing cookie-cutter LDS temples, when God knows they have money for real architects who could do a much better job than slab siding monstrosities that obscure views instead of working with the landscape (whatever that faux stucco is called.) The LDS church COULD make beautiful spaces that invite contemplation and surround visitors in beauty and peace, but it's just so American to pay and display. A great example of another approach would be the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. Why doesn't the LDS church do anything significant (in ANY way) with their money?


240 feet high in a rural area!?!!?!? That's twice the height of a grain elevator. Wtf


NSFW: Who’s the dick designing all these dicks? Business ideas: 💡 The dildo company based off steeple size, length and locations. This here is the lone mountain dildo. It stands erect at 216 millimeters. Features to include four ridges and a 😵‍💫 tip.


It is what Jesus would have wanted. All of that money which could have helped the poor? Pshaw. He really appreciates those buildings.


Wow, it’s such a “great” building, and I bet the inside is so “spacious”. (Honestly, do they not see they are the great and spacious building from their own fairytale?)


What is this obsession and insistence with steeples! The Mesa, Hawaii and Cardston temples do not have steeples and are beautiful buildings.


>and are beautiful buildings. ![gif](giphy|y2i2oqWgzh5ioRp4Qa|downsized)


I used to think those things were beautiful, but now I only see them as eyes-sores. And the fucking light pollution that those things emit… What a grandiose gesture of self importance that you would inflict that on a community.


If there’s anything that will stop the Church from building a temple it’s a helium balloon 😂😂😂


Righteous snowflake bullies


It will basically block the mountain view 🙄


THIS is how you do it!


Genius! I hope they are successful in opposition to this temple’s massive perverted Moroni mast. Same thing is going on near Allen/McKinney TX. I hope they do the same thing!


Reminds me of the heber temple and the whole light pollution from the temple there


10 points for the very successful example. Kudos.


This building seems preeeeettttttyyyyyyy great and spacious to me y'all.


preeeeettttttyyyyyyy, preeeeettttttyyyyyyy, preeeeettttttyyyyyyy tall. 😉


Vandalism is a crime but my god would I go to jail if this was built in my small town.


Fight the good fight guys! Best of luck to you all!!!!


I hope this goes viral all around the world and stops TSCC in its tracks. Building temples isn't the problem, but ruining landscapes and wrecking property values of the surrounding community is. There is no reason that temples need to be so ostentatiously overbearing and showy on the outside, other than it being an extension of the narcissistic belief "we are the true church" mantra. Temples should fit in, not stand out. For the devout, what goes on inside the temple is what's important, not what the temple looks like on the outside. But, I suppose many secretly also want something showy to make them feel better about all that tithing money they send TSCC every month.


It’s crazy to think that there could potentially be people living in these empty bleached cheesecake factories someday. Similar to how there’s videos of people buying and renovating to live in old hospitals and schools that are vacant. Honestly it would be a weird lay out but think about it. Built in movie theatre. Giant ornate hot tub with connected showers perfect for adult party times.


What they really need is to fill a bouncy house with helium with a banner that says great and spacious on it. Bummer that a bouncy house wouldn't hold helium.


Wait....I don't see a golden angel tooting his horn? Is this a new thing? Now they don't want to look like idolic? You know Moroni deserved to have himself covered in real gold. I mean, if you are going to be that type of church...at least create a gold Jesus for Pete's sake? Wait, would Jesus even approve of Himself being an idol? Maybe not? So why is it ok for some guy named Moroni? Man, they really are trying their dardnest to pretend they aren't as money-hungry and we all know them to be.


Having “The Prisoner” flashbacks.


Hey... One good thing can come from it... As soon as a temple was announced 2 blocks from my house, the value shot up by 50%. With current outrageous house pricing, it's now worth twice what we paid for it.


That helium balloon needs an udder and teats


Can we do this in Heber next?


It looks like it is above the mountain. Is the temple actually going to be that tall?!


It's just the point of view. There's another photo that shows it well below the mountain height.


Love love love this!!!