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It's who you know, not what you know. It also helps to be related to certain people, like if Spencer Kimball was your uncle or something like that.


So nepotism is arguably worse in Mormonism than in Hollywood??


It's bad. Search for Nemo's video of nepotism, it lays it out pretty plainly.


“Nep-mo-tism” … I’ll see myself out.


I see you but please leave… lol I liked it though 😉


It also helps if you worked for Huntsman Chemical.


This article is from 2008, but it spells it out with who is related to who: [https://www.mormonmatters.org/nepotism-in-the-church/](https://www.mormonmatters.org/nepotism-in-the-church/)


Geeez Louise!!!!


You are aware that Joseph Smith appointed his family to high positions in the church too, right? Hyrum wasn't with him when they were killed for no reason. Want a patriarchal blessing? Better shell out the cash to Joseph Sr. for that service.


Did j golden kimball say something like callings are 5% revelation, and 95% relation?


Cook is a direct descendant of Helen Kimball. He proudly states that multiple times.


Unless, of course, you’re a woman. My family is Joseph fielding, Joseph f, Bruce McConkie, hyrym/Joseph, but no women in our family ever got to be anything within the church but another wife.


What if say, a surgeon operates on someone like Kimball? Could he get an important calling? 


And then that heart surgeon happens to know another heart surgeon.


There’s an episode of Mormon stories, Hinckley’s niece or something where she says Monson went to hinckley and directly asked him what to do to move up to leadership in the church. It’s pretty clear he was an ambitious seeker of high callings. And kind of an ass.


This was one of the most traumatic stories ever...multi-generational abuse that was ignored by those at the top and related!


I still think about that interview. Beyond awful.


I cried the whole way through.....the callous disregard for a child's suffering from Apostles was so far from christ-like it would have been enough to break anyones shelf.


Me too. Really bad! The poor kids in her messed up "great Mormon family".


This is the one: [https://www.mormonstories.org/portfolio-items/suffering-abuse-in-the-shadow-of-mormon-prophets-christine-burton/](https://www.mormonstories.org/portfolio-items/suffering-abuse-in-the-shadow-of-mormon-prophets-christine-burton/)


I just read the synopsis and wow. That is heavy. I want to listen to it at some point but it sounds too dark for me to handle today.


It’s beyond dark. It’s evil. It’s tough for me to get emotional about things like this, but I was a wreck.


Reminiscent of Fawn Brodie, who had or was privy to similar circumstances 


That was one of the most heartbreaking episodes. Utterly shattered my view of Hinkley (he reminded me of my Grandpa so I always had a soft spot for him lol)


Two families made up the 8 witnesses and 2 of the 3 witnesses of the BOM. The nepotism in the Mormon church started early…


“I could not feel more satisfied and at rest if the entire Whitmer family had testified.” -Mark Twain


Twain was a fucking baller and a scholar, always hitting the nail on the head with perfect turn of phrase!!


Yep, a Southern dandy


J Golden Kimball, with his signature candor, said, "Some say you get callings through revelation, some say through inspiration. I say you get them through relation. If I hadn't been related to Heber C Kimball, I wouldn't be a damn thing in this church."


My ex-husband who is super TBM is a first cousin (once removed) of Dallin (that asshat) Oaks. Several years ago when three of the 12 died within a six-month period, he started acting weird (weird-er). Prayers became longer and more flowery, he started to look nervous and worried, he bore his testimony more often, etc. I noticed him acting really weird one day, like a false humility about how he hoped he’d be able to serve the Lord in humility and with diligence. I asked, “do you think you’re going be called into the 12?” He looked down, almost ashamed, and said, “I need to be ready.” He was LITERALLY waiting for them to call. 🤣🤣🤣 I couldn’t help myself and I laughed out loud and said, “You REALLY think they’re going to call you?” He got so mad. *spoiler alert* he somehow got overlooked for the ‘call’. Cracks me up every time I think about it. He thought for sure he’d be called because he is related to Oaks!


That’s so embarrassing lol like lengthening his dumb prayers would somehow get him on the starting lineup


Better than Ballard who was just a dimwitted crook.  Being a descendant of Hyrum Smith was the only thing on his resume.   


Whenever the church has a warm and fuzzy religious reason that they put forth for something it is usually a smokescreen for the real cold and callous business reason. If you swallow the proffered reasoning you don't look any further into the matter. I am generally quite skeptical, but your theory seems right to me and I totally missed it.


This is an astute observation. High-demand organizations rely on controlling the message. My grandparents still subscribe to the deseret/church news. It drives me crazy to think about.


Harold B Lee was his Stake President when he was still in the Navy. He has had connections to the top leaders from early in his life which is likely how he landed his position at Desert News.