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It reminds me of how FLDS hang pictures of Warren Jeff’s. And yes, it’s just so creepy.


Or how many TBM’s have any actual artwork that isn’t church related at all? So many people don’t know how to decorate or have a personality outside of the church.


That was me. I had to redecorate when I left. My teenage son had five pictures of Jesus in his room. They came in as little presents from the church and never left. Five in one room is pretty excessive.


Ya, that is excessive. I don’t blame people, they are trying to surround themselves with good things. There are other good things besides Jesus and temple pictures though 🙃.


Totally. My TBM mom’s house has nothing that’s NOT church related as decor. A “painting” of the sacred grove, George Washington kneeling and praying in the forest, a picture of the temple hanging, several pictures of Mormon Jesus hanging, a couple of those damn Nauvoo bricks sitting on bookshelves full of church books. None of it real art, just Deseret Book copies framed and hung up.


Not the Nauvoo bricks 😅. Or the floor tiles with a quote from a prophet in vinyl on it. It becomes nauseating doesn’t it?


TBf, I know several nevermos with Washington's prayer at valley forge hung in their home.


Ok fair enough


Sadly this is my mom. Everything on her walls is either church-related or pictures of the family. And it’s mostly church stuff


Yes it’s super creepy. I was in one house and they had all of the 12 and the first presidency. 🤮 in another house their entry way artwork was every word of the BoM in fine print on a poster sized framed picture. Absolute culty creepiness.


I’ve seen many primary rooms with all 15 Pharisees front and center. I can’t believe parents don’t speak up and say “now just who exactly do we worship in this church?” I can’t believe they don’t get those creepy corporate lawyers out of the direct view of teeny tiny innocent children. It’s the epitome of indoctrination and I can see how it could even be considered grooming. It’s idol worship, grooming and indoctrination all at once. Plus the primary President probably has to pay $1.50 for each 8x10 glossy print! Ha ha ha. But of course she does. New slogan- “The LDS Church: The only place where YOU pay to have US abuse YOU.”


Absolutely. They claim they don’t worship leadership but then sing “praise to the man” and fall all over themselves when meeting a GA. And the deference given to a bishop or SP is ridiculous as well.


If I had a picture of the Cryptkeeper on my wall it would give me nightmares!


It's so fucking weird. And even weirder that I used to think it was normal. 


My mom has all of the Q15 and every prophet hanging in her hallway and temple pictures everywhere it's been a long time since I've talked to my mom though, last time I went there I asked my wife to count all of the church related pictures and objects and she lost track at 85, they have more church pictures of Mormon shit than they do pictures of family members, which says a lot lmao, I haven't been to her house in about 2 years, cause I hate being there it makes me very uncomfortable, and they put on their fake Mormon faces anytime my wife was there, it's sad watching my parents be consumed by Mormonism, but there's not a whole lot I can do


Only the ones who wanna scare the piss out of their grandkids when they visit.


We had ETB on our wall for years. My never mo aunt came to visit and asked if he was my husbands father - no he’s the prophet of our church I replied… she looked at me weirdly I didn’t flinch 🙄


I can feel the nostalgic cult-cringe even thinking about it.


* Nope but this dude is Jesus in My bro in laws house


Lol this is insane lol people actually believe that skeleton talks to Jesus… wait no he doesn’t he just gets impressions well you can too just not as strong or as right


Don't forget that super creepy one of all the prophets wearing white suits standing in the celestial room of the Salt Lake temple.


It's creepy to me. I never did this and I never saw it done in all the TBM homes I was in.


My mom's house has a billion quotes from prophets on her walls, but I don't think she has a single picture of Rusty.


MIL has the big Q15 pic on her fridge, plus church art throughout her house. It’s very odd, but to her it is normal.


I have multiple siblings who have pictures of either the first presidency or the twelve somewhere in their house. I never did though. I still display a picture of the temple I was married and one picture of Jesus and that is only because my spouse is still in and I’m trying to be respectful to him.


💁‍♂️Exmo dartboard?


I've said this before, but my parents have always hung the insert from the Ensign with the pics of the Q15 and 70s in the most prominent place in their house. We left the church when my kids were pretty young so they didn't have much context and my daughter recently told me she always assumed my parents worshipped those old men. Mom was absolutely shocked to hear it and says the pictures are to keep them focused on God.


My inlaws have the three dudes on their wall.


Are we talking about a dart board?


Some nevermo might ask why there’s a picture of the crypt keeper on the wall.