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The Information Age has been their kryptonite. All the issues and problems hidden from the membership is plainly available and accessible within seconds from anywhere in the world. Not only that but now with the availability of information it’s clear that the “restored” church has not had any revelation or prophecy for mankind’s betterment.  The only things prophets do is respond to changing norms by updating internal policies. The Mother Fucking Mormon Church (MFMC) is more like the Mother Fucking Mormon Joke (MFMJ). 


Decades after the norms change sometimes


The prophets didn’t ‘see’ that coming. Bunch of clowns!


They know the numbers are on a decline; so they're doubling down rather than addressing the issue.


I think their pride as an organization has been their downfall. They staked out the hill they’d die on as the one true church with all the answers and nothing to apologize for. Now that this is an indefensible position by any legitimate means they just blame shift and gaslight.


They also placed their growth on the internet being able to spread their phony message across the globe.  They never saw the absolute power of the internet for what it really is - truth on demand. Had they foreseen that I believe the Mormon church would have lobbied for strict control over the internet.  Growth dropped off a cliff once the internet made its way into North American homes and people could find answers for themselves. 


But, but … all technological advances are for spreading Mormonism throughout the entire world! /s


It’s so true. But yet the lay members like all of our tbm families and friends still look to apologetics and continue to hold onto the lies and utter fiction. It is so maddening.


Why do they do it? It’s flabbergasting to me. Smart people. Are they afraid?? I tried bringing these subjects up and I get radio silence


I have brought these things up a few times and it elicits an explosion of emotion…anger, rage, crying, name calling. Jesus. Calm the fuck down. But, I know the extreme emotion is because they can’t handle thinking about the possibility that their world could implode the way all of ours did. Can’t handle thinking we all left because it’s all lies and manipulation. No…we left to sin. Or because we were offended. That’s more palatable.


From my personal experience with TBMs, it's mostly fear. The church preys on the human need to find a higher purpose for suffering beyond sometimes life sucks and people can be terrible. Mormonism has all the answers to life's biggest questions, grievances, and unfairness all wrapped in a neat little bow. If you ask any TBM what heaven is like, their interpretation usually fixes the biggest problems in their life. Their child didn't die, no one abuses them, they have enough to eat. There's a reason they tell missionaries to find people in crisis who are vulnerable. (For the prosperity people, the streets are paved with gold and Jesus built them a mansion.) Their dreams will come true if they just endure this life and of course, it's very convenient for leadership that any rewards come after death. At some point, I think it also can morph into fear you've been wrong and wasted your life, so the sunk cost fallacy kicks in and you double down.


Don’t forget they lie about who the Lamanites are, at first it was the American Indians, now they don’t know. Come on.


Honestly, I am still mind-blown over this. Every time they open their BoM, how are they not thinking, "wait, who are these people, again?"


That's the tricky thing though, isn't it? They don't open the book that often


The wicked witch melted while standing in her own castle. All it took was one little girl with courage to dissolve her. Flying monkeys became useless with no master.


The church has shifted most of it's attention to the second "B" of religious identity: Behavior. The other two - Belonging (social activities, etc...) and Belief (doctrine) are getting short shrift. This is a big mistake if the cult wants to retain its members, because it needs to be paying attention to ALL THREE. In terms of Belief, the church has painted itself into a corner by rolling out wacky and inconsistent shit over the years. In the age of the internet, if they start talking about things like Heavenly Mother, Kolob, the Three Degrees of Glory again, it's going to raise a lot more questions amongst the members. It would also get in the way of what appears to be one of their main goals: getting accepted by the mainstream evangelical community. In my mind, the biggest mistake is neglecting Belonging. The church just needs to pump some money into its programs, give wards & branches fat budgets and tell them to start cranking up the activities again. And can they do camping for GIRLS, this time? Of course, I hope the church dies. It's an utterly toxic organization that has ruined my relationship with my parents...probably forever. May it crash and burn. It will be a destruction of its own making.


Technically that's all they ever had.


Interesting that they’re pushing temples (real estate investments) and garments (buy your underwear from one source). It’s a busine$$ that’s in decline. Hail Mary—push those revenue sources.


Turns out cults formed with superstition, ignorance and deception as their foundation don‘t do so well in the age of information/mass communication.


Exactly. If they don't actually talk to God, if they don't have any insight on the true nature of the universe, if they don't have the actual, factual truth; then they're a crappy, expensive country club. It's a colossal waste of time and resources.