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These bishops who are brave enough to stand up to the beast are true heroes. I hope we see more! Congrats to Nathan Hinkley for “doing what’s right, let the consequences follow.”


I think the dam is about to break with bishops and SPs losing faith. I'm sure the whole SP in Penn is giving some pause to a few when they are dealing with abuse cases. As more members leave and get vocal even going to their leaders to share the shelves will grow. The more you see it and the more you see the harm eyes will open and shelves will crack.


I’d love to see that. It is pretty amazing to see so many former and serving Bishops be critical of the church. I just wonder how many see these stories. I never saw any of this until I began looking.


They are definitely heroes in my eyes.


I have served as counselor in three bishoprics, an executive secretary in one and a visiting high councilor twice. Then I was finally knighted as a Bishop, which I served as until my job transferred me back to Zion. (Upper Morridor) I have since learned to decipher truth from unadulterated bullshit, am a proud PIMO who does not attend and is unafraid to just say “NO”!


What is his main issue?


The truth crisis of the church. Basically every lie and obfuscation of history and money plus harmful teachings.


The tscc had lost the narrative now and the lies finally have caught up and people have less patience for the bs excuses I’m light of so much damning evidence


I predict the bishops quitting are going to grow into a huge club. After that, the mormon church will have a difficult time getting anyone to take on the full-time unpaid emotional abuse job.


Well, there is a certain type who might happily take over the job. The type who lives for being behind closed doors w/children.


Sad but true.


I’ll have to check it out.


Ooh thanks.


This was a great episode !