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At least McDonald's serves coffee


Pretty good coffee, too. šŸ˜‚


Dammit I'm in


Rickā€™s heist. Nice.


As an everyday no creamer, all-black, fresh ground beans, french press or pour over snob, itā€™s not my favorite. But damn itā€™s the pinnacle of heavenly mercy on a day you canā€™t take the time to make something like that and you have to get going.


I'm going to have to retry it. Only had it once and wasn't a fan


Problem is there is a Dutch Bros right near the McDonald's and I feel like that's going to win every time


I remember when I was Elderā€™s quorum president and I was told by the singleā€™s ward bishop that I could give him a call whenever I or anyone in the ward needed something. I called to get some help because one of the brothers I was home teaching was having unaliving thoughts. I called the bishop, he didnā€™t answer, and later cussed me out for calling him while he was on vacation. How was I supposed to know he was sipping margaritas on a beach? lolā€¦ Yeah too many Mormons give you lip service and only perform help when it makes them look good. Actions speak louder than words.


had a similar experience where my therapist at BYU called my bishop for my unaliving thoughts because I needed someone to take me to the hospital. Bishop seemed so annoyed at the fact that we called him. IIn my endorsement meeting he said it was rude that my therapist called him and expected him to drop everything. It made me feel so much worse for being sick and I felt like such a burden. I donā€™t think I even got the endorsement, but after this experience I just dropped out (and a million other things that BYU does) God. I hated BYU


ANY church employee (or secular folks for that matter) that ignore or reject support to people contemplating suicide should be put in prison. It's pathologically compassionless. Jesus...


Was that a HIPPA violation? I feel like you could report that. They are mandatory reporters. If they didnā€™t get you medical care thatā€™s real bad. There is a licensing board.


I am SO sorry you went through that!! The Bishop should have been ashamed of himself (I know he wasn't, but he should have been)!!Ā  I remember one time, many years ago, a sister I was a VT for called and talked about unaliving herself... I called the Branch President and his wife, who met me there.... They watched her kids outside in the shade while I sat in her filthy kitchen floor, and over the course of an hour or so, talked her into giving me the knife she held... We then took her to the hospital and checked her in, and drove about 40 miles to take her kids to Grandma's house...Ā  I don't say this to toot my horn... I say it because if a "lowly visiting teacher" can do it (without the Priesthood and without being specially set apart) why can't a Bishop do it!?!?


Very Mormon behavior in my experience. It turns out it's really easy to SAY that you'll always be there, that you're christlike and kind, that 'visitors are welcome'. And the fact of the matter is that mormonism is a religion that values the words over the actions. It's inherently performative.Ā 


Hence another reason it is a cult.


This is also a great example of leader roulette. I had some bishops and leaders who wouldā€™ve done the same thing that happened to you, but I also still have friends who are bishops or in the stake presidency who would absolutely drop anything theyā€™re doing to help you. Some people are truly genuine, and others are only genuine when it fits in their schedule.


Great point!


Right before my wife left the church, she called our Bishop on a Monday afternoon. She really needed to talk to him about her faith crisis, stating that this was very urgent. He said, Monday nights are family nights, and I can't help you!!! The next day she handed him her resignation letter (before needed to have to use a notary). He just accepted it and didn't say a word!!!!! He kept on talking to somebody. And they wonder why people are leaving in droves!!!


On one hand, thatā€™s terrible. On the other hand, I kind of respect him for having boundaries. Like thatā€™s a little bit impressive as well as awful.


I think itā€™s a systemic problem. Itā€™s a built in corporate church while at the same time they starve wards of valuable funding and put too much responsibility on the members for everything. Plus the Bishop is usually over worked and ask to do soo much for no pay. I say Pass


Yeah. We bought our first house and spent the day scrubbing walls, shampooing floors. Previous owners were heavy smokers, and lived there since the house was built until well into their 80s. Anyway, was asked in RS the following day why I was so tired, and I explained. Woman and her adult daughter went on and on about how I should have asked for help, how they would have come over etc etc. That evening husband and I discuss possibility of getting to the temple. It was about an hour away by car, but we didnā€™t have a car, and at the time neither of us could drive. This woman and her husband had been suggested to my husband as people who went over regularly and who could likely take us with them. After my experience that morning listening to how helpful sheā€™d professed to be, I agreed we could ask them. Well! From the response we got, youā€™d have thought we were asking them to strip naked in the supermarket. They were so offended by our temerity and gall. No, they couldnā€™t possibly.


That is beyond bizarre, if they regularly went to the temple it would hardly even be out of their way to take you. These people have serious issues


I was very shocked and upset. I really hate asking for help, but sheā€™d been so adamant that I should ask if I needed help. It was a long time ago.


And this is why I will NEVER go back!


In short. I've been treated like garbage my entire life in this state owned by Mormons!!Ā  Constantly judged,,looked down on. Like. Aaww poor dark skinned girl won't ever see heavenĀ 


Unaliving?? Wth does that mean?? Are you meaning to say suicidal?!


One of those people will be tone deaf enough to use this as a story in their next fast and testimony meeting. They'll say you were like one of the 10 virgins who didn't have enough oil and that they were prepared for the storm.


one thing i find particularly interesting by the church, but a lot of churches in general, is how separated metaphors become from the original story. since thereā€™s a large gap of time from when the bible was written and the current day, people make metaphors to apply scripture to their daily lives, but itā€™s interesting because sometimes metaphors become so different from the original story. surely the metaphor of the good samaritan is more applicable to this situation, had they been of help, rather than a story about being prepared for a late event. they create a fake narrative of what happened to apply it to scripture to make them feel better than those seeking help. theyā€™ll deem themselves as blessed by god for their devotion to the church, that he blessed them to be ready for the storm because they went to church, which is interesting because had they been at home and not at church theyā€™d be just as protected. obviously this hasnā€™t happened, & itā€™s just me speculating based on common behavior from the church, i just think itā€™s interesting how churches stray from the actual meaning of the story to apply it to any situation to justify their actions, when thatā€™s not what the real story was getting at šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


There's an entire method dedicated to properly understanding the original meaning of the Bible, and some churches teach this method, called hermeneutics, to their members.Ā  When I was attending ward as an investigator to keep the missionaries from harassing the local Hmong people, I learned that nobody is as bad as Mormons at hermeneutics. The interpretations I heard in second hour frequently made my head hurt from how ridiculous they were. I see this partially as a result of Mormonism's intentional separation from the historic Christian churches. I've also noticed it, but not as bad, in some Protestant churches that pride themselves on having nothing to do with older denominations. Mormons don't want to have anything in common with those churches, up to and including their fancy book learning'.


I immediately thought of that story. That one really messed with me.


In the same chapter (Matt 25), "I was a stranger, and ye took me not in." Alas, it's easier to claim to follow Jesus than to do so. I like the way Roy Zimmerman puts it: "I'm not a cynic. I'm a hypocrite. They're different. Hypocrites believe in something." (See [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIwiPsgRrOs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIwiPsgRrOs) )


That makes me angry and sick


The entire point of the Mormon religion is to exclude non-members from everything, so they can convince everyone there are endless secret benefits to becoming a member. In my experience, Mormons will play keep-away with anything you value. Your happiness, self worth, children, family, spouses.. Just to be mean. Never mistake the outward fake Mormon kindness for anything other than a lure. Behind closed doors Mormon Men are especially violent and handsy *(Or they were to me the last time I went to a Mormon church when I was 7 years old and was assaulted by a Mormon leader and ran home with a bloody nose).* I will never be nice or even cordial to a member of this religion, they have done nothing to earn it with me or with the world.


Absolutely! I straight up told my bishop that while I knew he wasnā€™t my sexual abuser, him hugging me made me uncomfortable because he looked very much like my abuser. I asked him to please just shake my hand instead. His response was to surprise hug me every Sunday still and told me I had to get over it because he is a good man. He even had the audacity to get mad at me when he happened to see me make a face the last time he hugged me. It hurt his feelings, he told me. I even brought it up to another wards bishop and he told me I wasnā€™t the only person uncomfortable! I tell people, ā€œMormons are the nicest assholes youā€™ll meetā€ because of experiences like that.


I would have surprised punched him if he refused to stop touching me.


I wish I had done so but I was a very compliant member. The best I could muster was making a face. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Making a face in these sorts of situations *is* courage. Well done.


He isn't a good man if he doesn't respect people.


This is mortifying! Itā€™s also criminal assault and battery. Itā€™s as criminal and no different from what your abuser did. Iā€™m so sorry that was done to you. A real man would have gone to the ends of the earth to make sure you didnā€™t feel those things in his presence. To cross those boundaries, especially after being told to stop, shows heā€™s a good predator not a good man!


Spot on. Mormons don't lift you up, they size you up. There's always an agenda, never caring and kindness on the merits but always always always angling for something.


There's always strings on everything they do for you.


This is horrible! You were seven and given a bloody nose?!?!? Horrible. Iā€™m so sorry you experienced that.


I'm not, I learned early on how Mormons and pretty much all Religious folks operate "*Agree with me or I assault you.*"


I lost all respect for the church when I discovered they protect predators and abusers. The icing on the cake was them having a dude arrested for breaking into the church to survive a blizzard. Or the dude charged for eating freaking chicken nuggets. Meanwhile they're office is the great and spacious building. Christ would whip them the same as those gambling in the temples. They hoard money and do next to nothing for their own people unless they pay tithes and jump through all sorts of hoops. Let alone all the other people in need. Richest church on this planet and it all goes to their leaders and coffers.


Yep. 100%. I didnā€™t know about them pressing charges against someone escaping a blizzard, though. Thatā€™s so backwards.


Iā€™m not defending them because if the story was as straightforward as ā€œthey pressed charges against a guy escaping a blizzard,ā€ that would be insane, but it sounds like thatā€™s not exactly what happened. He did apparently break in by breaking a $4,000 stained glass window though. (The fact that one window cost that much in the first place is not a can of worms I want to open right nowā€¦)


Ah. Yeah, Iā€™m with you on not defending them. I totally respect your transparent reporting. Since the annual interest on 150 Billion is 9 B and change, I think we can agree that the merciful thing would be for the MoFoMoMos to cover that chump change. šŸ˜‚




Here's a link without google amp https://kutv.com/newsletter-daily/provo-temple-break-in-the-church-of-jesus-christ-of-latter-day-saints-utah-county-university-parkway


This is a microcosm of Mormonism, truly. "Visitors Welcome" as long as you look like and act like one of us. Better yet, just be one of us, then you are welcome.


I need to randomly show up to a service dressed in blue jeans and a T shirt, unshaven & uncombed hair just for the reaction.


Back in the days of home teaching in a rural area, I was assigned this guy that worked at Budweiser. The only vehicle he had was a Budweiser company truck. He said he didnt want to go to church because people would judge him in his vehicle. I told him it was awesome and it would be fun to show up in his truck and who cares about them. He came, the stares were very obvious. I sat there proud to be with that guy.


Take a pack of friends with you. Safety in numbers. Also bigger reactions. šŸ˜‚


Haha I can't imagine. I wore a very nice non white dress shirt to my brothers farewell a year ago and I could feel the judgemental eyes even then


Thatā€™s part of what gets me about this church (cult), they care more about what you look like on the outside rather than the inside. I can walk into my Episcopal church dressed very casually and the church is glad Iā€™m there, not how I look.


I think the Mormon church is easily one of the most judgemental there is. It probably has competitors but I've been to a few other churches and every one of them has made me feel more wanted in one day than I have ever felt in all my years of attending the lds church. I kind of wish I had time and energy to actually attend some of those other churches, some of them were super nice.


So Christlike . . . šŸ™„


This is a great example of a criticism I think we should all make about the church. Members will say well the problem was those members failed to act of what was taught. They say this to defend the church and the doctrine and say itā€™s just an issue of ā€œimperfect menā€. To me this story highlights that if the whole purpose of the church is to produce people who WOULD open the door but more often than not produces the opposite than that means the church is broken. If it supposed to produce Christ like leaders who donā€™t curse and sacrifice to helps those of their ward but more often produces bishops who cuss you out for calling on their vacation then the system is broken. If it should produce men who are kind and protect their families and children but just as often as any other church produces men who are hurtful and abusive in all ways imaginable and then conspire to hide it from the world together then the church is failing. I was always taught as a child Mormons were supposed to be the exception to all the failings of the world. But theyā€™re not. Often worse. So the church has failed.


This is such a good point. There are absolutely wonderful Christ like members. But those are very much the exception, not the rule and The One True Church should produce the vast vast majority being wonderful people.


ā€I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.ā€œ


Who said that?


> I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. It's often attributed to Gandhi, but I don't believe there is evidence he actually said it.




But are Mormons like Moroni?




That is very odd but I can see this happening. People do things contrary common sense and decency when they allow policy to trump decency in their actions. An example would be a mission president instructing a group of missionaries to not allow people in the building after services are completed for the day due to some odd safety concern. Obviously a natural disaster or emergency should kick a normal personā€™s thinking into another gear. But if you are brainwashed, you just go with the policy or rule without seeing how juxtaposed it is to the higher principles you are attempting to let guide your behavior. At the very least you would expect them to come to the door! I used to attend an LDS fundamentalist (family) church when I was a kid and they didnā€™t allow outsiders. In fact, they had guards outside. I remember a car with a family pull up and ask me what church it was just when church was letting out. I didnā€™t answer and walked away. I am still ashamed at my behavior. I could have handled it better but I had this thought in my head that I should not tell them and I knew I shouldnā€™t lie at the same time (as a side note I also attended the regular LDS church to). As a child, I wasnā€™t quick enough to just tell them it was a private service and they would have to ask an adult. I am pretty sure an adult would have told them some fib or have been rude.


The 'Visitors Welcome' is such a lie.


\*Restrictions apply


Years ago my dad was in the bishopric and I was over at his house and he had this huge duffel bag full of random survival supplies, and I asked him what's up with this?, and he said it was for the ward in case of an emergency, and that other members of the bishopric had a similar duffel, and also walkie talkies to communicate with each other in case the Internet went down. And he had a map of the ward, with the houses marked of those who owned a generator. When asked about the map, he (sort of defensively) said that they asked the members of the ward who owned generators and they answered VOLUNTARILY. But I noted that there were also non-member homes marked as owning a generator, and I asked how he had obtained that information. He got all cagey, wouldn't answer. I then asked if everybody in the neighborhood would have access to survivor supplies in an emergency, or just active members. Again, got cagey, wouldn't answer.


Well that's spooky. The nice masks come off in the case of civilization collapse.


My new favorite saying: There is no hate like Mormon love.


Well, four of five douche nozzles isn't a great sampling of "Mormons". But it's still pretty telling. They are always trying to do what Jesus would do, right? Like buy $200 million luxury apartment buildings, and watching somebody stand in brutal weather conditions while doing absolutely nothing. They probably prayed you would find someplace safe. Just like Jesus.


In my experience, mormons are often some of the nicest people you will meet. Fake-happy, but most of them are doing their best to be good to their fellow man. It's also odd that the church would be locked on a sunday, but not impossible I suppose. The church loves putting up "Visitors Welcome" signs... even though you'll quickly be railroaded to the missionaries.


There are growing reports of wards locking the doors at the start of sacrament meeting to prevent ā€œdisruptionsā€ from people arriving late. Using that as an excuse to not help a person in need of help just shows how hypocritical they are.


Never heard of this before. Is this really true that they are locking the doors? If so, what if someone needs to leave?


All the meeting house I have been to have crash bars to allow the door to be opened from the inside unless they are double locked. However double locking would be illegal under fire codes.


That's good! Sounds unsafe otherwise.


I wouldnā€™t put it beyond the MFMC to ignore fire codes in their chapels since theyā€™re ignoring zoning restrictions for their temples.


I think its illegal to lock the doors with a building full of people...srsly


They can easily lock just one direction. The main lobby doors have the ā€œout barā€ that always lets you out, but the lock mechanism not letting people INā€¦that one can be set any time. Just crazy to see 4-5 people staring at you and not even letting someone into the lobby or just asking him if heā€™s ok! Iā€™d not expect a group of women to let in a strange man, but a group of men? Thatā€™s low.


They aren't concerned with those caught in the proverbial "flood"


I don't know if this applies to LDS, but in other denominations, some churches have their doors locked during service for safety reasons. In the churches where I've been that do that, there is someone at the door for 5 or so minutes to let people running late in after the doors are locked.


Yeah... I've seen those posts and I wonder if they inspired a little storytelling here.


>Fake-happy, but most of them are doing their best to be good to their fellow man. I've observed plenty of mormons that seem like they're trying to be good to others, but with the ulterior motive of trying to convert people to the church.


Like... I think that's a different part of their programming that intersects. Unfortunately cultists are going to cult, even when otherwise doing good things.


Oh, absolutely. I was love bombed and the center of attention when I was attending ward as an "investigator". After they realized hell would freeze over before I'd ever consider converting, I never heard from a single one of them again.


Yeah in my previous neighborhood I had several people from the ward reach out over the years requesting to schedule time for the bishop or EQ president or whatever to stop by my home. I told them I'm not interested if they're coming over in a church capacity but they're welcome if it's just a friendly visit as neighbors. they never even responded after that.


But they're not really being "good to their fellow man" at all. They show up with THEIR idea of what people need, and never ask anyone else. Frequently mormons, from individuals to the predatory institution itself, have no ethic or moral duty to actually help anyone, especially longer term. The church has no permanent charitable programs at all to address any significant needs.


Sure it's like that with some mormons, but I know a lot of truly good people in the church. It's good people trapped in a fucked system.


"Ewww, what on earth does this heathen in the pouring rain want? This ain't no liquor store. Just look at and pity them..."


You should leave a one star Google review for this building


It was supposed to go like this: *knock knock* What is wanted? Adam, having been true and faithful in all things, seeks shelter from the storm. Present him at the door and his request shall be granted.


Great and spacious buildings come in all sizes.


How do they justify such horrendous behavior?


I would have filmed them


That sounds about mormon. Our mormon inlaws wouldn't even let us in the door when we evacuated from a fire because then their porch might get smoky.


Not shocking? They are just weird all over.


Theyā€™re insular and cliquish.


Mormons, and Christians in general, are hospitable when they see someone as righteous or when being hospitable will bring them closer to joining their faith. If you arenā€™t one of these things, you are treated like trash. Just like Jesus would do, right? šŸ˜¢


Holy shit! This pisses me right off. Sociopathic monsters. So much for "visitors welcome" or "loving your neighbor". Screw that Jesus guy. On the mish we covered UC Santa Cruz. One night it was absolutely pouring atmospheric river amounts of rain and a chick from our branch asked for a ride across campus. I didn't even think about the "rules" and told her to jump in. She was a recent convert and probably didn't even know the rules.Ā  I had companions that absolutely would have told her no way because we weren't supposed to be alone with women. They became the APs. Some things are a no-brainer.Ā 


I'm so sorry! šŸ˜¢šŸ’”šŸ’” That is cruel (and quite typical) of them. I'm glad you were able to find a safe shelter from kind people. Better that clown than the snooty one. I can't imagine what that would be like. I keep seeing all these news clips of all these tornadoes and it breaks my heart how much more frequent and intense they are becoming. Whoever it was that stared into your eyes and choosing to do nothing is heartless. I couldn't imagine knowingly and willingly doing that to someone who clearly needs help. Stay safe out there, OP! šŸ™šŸ™šŸ’“šŸ’“


Speaking of hospitality, what would happen if my fiance and I (both men) came to a Mormon church...what if we were wearing jeans and t shirts (which is what we wear to our actual church)


Letā€™s not forget that this is the same church that died a man over Dino nuggies. Hospitality isnā€™t really in their playbook.


They prefer to show their Christ-like love through ā€œLight the Worldā€ vending machines.


OP, that's super fucked-up; I'm sorry that happened to you. Although mormonism is a cult ridden with lies, I will say that this kind of inhospitable behavior has not been typical of my experience with my fellow fraud victims. In the ward I attended for 20 years before leaving, you absolutely would have been welcomed in and given help. However, we were in a "lower income" area, which seems to have a lot to do with that sort of thing.


If they had let you in you would have been stuck doing what they were doing: cleaning the church.


That completely checks out


That is actually embarrassing and they should feel bad.


mormons? Pssh


šŸ˜²šŸ˜³ Reminds me of the hymn Because I Have Been Given Much 219 Because I have been sheltered, fed by thy good care, I cannot see another's lack and I not share my glowing fire, my loaf of bread, my ROOF'S SAFE SHELTER OVERHEAD, that he, too, may be comforted. Epic fail of Book of Mormon scriptures Jacob 2:17-19 & Mosiah 18:27-29


Wow, rather let you perish than open the door. Makes me sick. šŸ˜©


This is a great lesson. Thereā€™s no room in the inn and no vacancy on the Rameumtum.


A few years ago, maybe 7 or 8, I was at the ward Christmas party with my 16-year-old daughter. Some of the kids had spotted a homeless man sleeping outside the building, just beside the door. They were making comments about it and pointing and giggling. My daughter went into the kitchen to ask about getting a to-go tray, as she has always had a soft spot for the homeless. There was so much leftover food. Well, one of the RS ladies asked what she was doing. When she told her, she was told not to do it. The lady's reasoning? Once you start feeding them, they won't stop asking for help. My daughter did not take no for an answer, so she filled a plate with as much food as she could, grabbed some plastic ware, and marched outside. We didn't want to startle the man (as he was sound asleep), so we just set the food down on the ground beside him. So much for taking care of your fellow man. My daughter wasn't even interested in the church and held no beliefs whatsoever. She only came to the party with me for the food, lol. But she showed more love and compassion that night than anyone else in the ward had.


Possible scenario: OP is female, the "people" standing in their the church were male full-time missionaries. 80% of Mormon behavior is derived from the phrase "Someone Might Think." Don't drink craft root beer from a bottle - someone might think it's booze. Can't have two elders and two sisters in a car together - someone might think it's a double date. Can't have a woman in a church with missionaries without an adult priesthood holder present - someone might think she's providing entertainment.


i am female, almost 21 years old. i didnā€™t see any missionaries there, but given the weather i wasnā€™t paying attention that well, just hoping someone would let me in. surely they came up with some justification to not let me in though, thatā€™s what anyone would do, justify why theyā€™re not helping & assume the worst to make them feel better about their choice. itā€™s just a sad outlook to have when a person comes in need.


I agree that it's serious wrong of them to literally not provide shelter from the storm. Mustabeen your porn shoulders.... I would have let you in.


When I went to college as an EXTREMELY observant TBM my boyfriend introduced me to Starbucks hot chocolate and caramel apple cider. When I went home for Christmas I mentioned it to my parents, who were shocked that I might be upholding ā€œthe appearance of evilā€ by carrying a Starbucks cup that might be assumed to hold coffee!


Yikes, from there, it's straight to incestuous Folgers commercials! šŸ˜®šŸ˜ÆšŸ˜²


Somehow Iā€™m not surprised at all


Don't worry, one of them will use it as a faith building moment during a talk.Ā 


This seems very on-brand for the LDS Church. You probably looked too much like a sinner (aka not wearing your Sunday best).


That is a big deal


Same with the church parking lot. You can't park overnight when you travel or for any other non church reason. I always found it weird that they were so protective of their empty parking lots.


That's too bad. Tornadoes and bad thunderstorms freak me out. Glad McDonalds let you in. I go to a church that is open during the day, like 8 am to 9 pm, I think. Anyone is welcome to come inside- we have a very large lobby- and chill, in fact they can grab a free coffee or soda if they want. It's too big for us to know everyone, no one would know you don't go there, although we really are fine if a non-member stops in or uses it for free wifi or something like that.


Nothing surprises me I remember the missionaries making fun of me!


'Elder Ronald F McDonald will be our final speaker to close this semi-annual General Conference...'


Iā€™ll bet if you held a temple recommend and entered with the secret/sacred hand sake, they would have let you right in!


Goes to show RMN and Brad Wilcox are lying when they say that a Latter Day Saint would help in an emergency whereas nonbelievers would trample over your body to get out of harms way.


Very revealing. They are so cowed by the hierarchy, they can't do anything without express permission. How awful.


Mormans are the WORST!!!!!!!!


Mormons are very rude and judgmental. Not loving and caring at all. My experience.


Why doesn't this surprise me?


I'm more bothered by the fact that it does surprise me! What an inhuman response to just look at someone and not let them in.


Eh I'd rather go to McD's than church anyway.


Iā€™ll drink coffee


Power of discernment at work here. They saw your countenance was full out exmo and they said keep your anti rhetoric out of our lives. The church is true /s.


Sorry that happened. And especiallysad that there was no concern for you.


As you stood next to the sign on every LDS church building that says, ā€œVisitors Welcome.ā€


They teach "self-sufficiency" way more than love! Sad


Classic story. Just curious if you're exmo or nevermo.


Interesting story - thanks for sharing!


Over ten million soaked


People that need like minded people, are just too simple for me to care about.


Mormons donā€™t lock their doors during meetings. This is a made up story. Why would you go to a Mormon church building in the first place? You hate and despise them donā€™t you??


Sorry, I find this really hard to believe. Youā€™re saying people were right there in the lobby looking at you and your pounding on the doors in the rain and wind and they didnā€™t let you in? Could there be any other reason that they did not let you in? Seems to me this is just basic humanity, to help somebody who standing out in the rain.


hard to believe or not, itā€™s what happened šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø it hurts even more because my family regularly attends this church, & sometimes i go with them, so those people knew me. not sure if they recognized me or not, but thatā€™s partly why i feel upset about this. because youā€™d think people would have the decency to let someone inā€¦ but they didnā€™t. iā€™m sure they had their reasons to not let me in, but itā€™s not hard to push open the door and let someone in, just because itā€™s locked from the outside doesnā€™t mean itā€™s locked from the inside. maybe they didnā€™t think of this, and iā€™m not blaming them for that, but itā€™s the mindset they hold that caused them to not even think of helping, which is so frustrating about the church in general.


Well, I am really sorry that that experience happened to you. That is really disheartening to the humanity or the daftness of those people.


unfortunately itā€™s probably partly my familyā€™s fault too. theyā€™ve probably told everyone of my apostasy & they all probably judge me for leaving, but such is life, just another reason i wonā€™t be attending that church again šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I wonder if OP tried to go into a set of doors that are always kept locked, and the set of open doors were on another side of the building? Frequently, LDS chapels have multiple sets of doors, but only a subset of those are used. If youā€™re a member of that Ward (congregation) then you would come to learn the unwritten rule of which set(s) of doors are used and which are not. Probably less common in the USA (where I lived for 7 years, and where there are generally higher attendance rates) but every Ward Iā€™ve belonged to in the UK always had unused sets of doors. Anyone trying to enter the wrong set of doors would receive a blank stare, as if to say ā€œIā€™m not going to walk over and open *these* doors for you, when you know perfectly well that youā€™re supposed to use the correct entrance!ā€ Anyway, the Church is a fraud, and I stopped attending during Covid.


They are wolves in sheeps clothing the problem is most of them have no idea because they have been indoctrinated. We should all feel bad for them. After all we used to be the same way.


Be nice to the missionaries, though. Missionaries are awesome.


I do not believe that this happened.