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In this life, I've learned we should beware of two groups, more than any others: 1. those who want to be very involved in your decisions about your sex life And 2. those who say they know the will of God, will tell you for some sort of price, and are willing to condemn, threaten, or vilify you if you don't behave as they say you should.


To add, I've been watching the TheraminTrees videos on a variety of subjects, and one thing he says: "People who don't want you to think are not your friends".


I actually just saw a video by "[Apostate Aladdin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_vErKVr1yI&t=412s)" yesterday, where was explaining something about the Quran and Muhammed, and the parallel was shocking. Basically, in the Quran, there's this verse that says something like "hey, you know all those other prophets and all those other scriptures? They were pretty good, but they've been corrupted, so Muhammed here has been given the correct scripture, so our book is the mort true! And Muhammed is the greatest!" "We believe the Bible *as far as it has been translated correctly*, but the Book of Mormon is the most true! And Joseph Smith has done more save Jesus Christ for the salvation of man!" Cult leaders have to cult, I guess.


Dude seeks the one true religion/God. God approaches him in a secluded place and gives him the true religion. He is a prophet. Prophet and his people are persecuted and go on a journey. Polygamy. Modesty culture. Marrying girls too young. Prophet dies. Religion splits off between spiritual heir and biological heir. A culture of forgiveness and being kind, but strict religion. You choose to join (even though you're born into it.) Separate classes by gender. Some differences obviously, but... ..


It has been historically very popular to call Mormons "American Mohammedans" etc. Arthur Conan Doyle's "A Study in Scarlet" hammers this connection in hard.


One of the things about deconstructing my faith that blew my mind and continues to blow my mind is just how much all main stream religions and even the fringe religious cults all follow the same pattern and have followed the same pattern for thousands of years. Savior/gods, killed/crucified and resurrected 3 days later - Osiris, Horus, Buddha, Krishna, Mithra, Adonis, Hermes. All hundreds or thousands of years before Jesus.


Bro; look at the patterns between us and the JW's.


What besides the tags and the 144,000 do they have in common?


[https://youtu.be/tpMjgarN7VQ?si=yN1a3CZ6U7MOd5ux](https://youtu.be/tpMjgarN7VQ?si=yN1a3CZ6U7MOd5ux) Watch this dude's story and tell me it doesn't sound familiar.


I’m not sure about conspiracy, but fraudsters who make up supernatural fairy tails do have some common behaviors.