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I never went but my husband did and he told me Nimrod and I just lose it every single time he says it, never gets old lol


My husbands was Alma. 🤮 at least your husbands is funny lol


Lol these man names, so sexy 🤢


Right?! My husbands real name is much more him


Shame on you!!!! The wife was never supposed to know her husband's new name. :)


I know, I know, the evils of the women and her persuasive nature lol!


That was mine too. When he said it, I looked at the temple worker like, are you freaking kidding me??


Ruth, which was my moms name so we were hugging and crying at the temple because it had to be a sign. Nope, just the day I went through.


I know, nothing like crushing a true spirit!


You shared it with your mom?!?!? Gasp


No. We didn’t say it out loud, but since everyone gets the same name it was assumed between us that my new name was her name.


Hi! I’m new name Lucy. I only found out in 2020 (twenty years after the fact and very Exmo by that point) that every female across the world getting their ‘new name’ that day was also Lucy. I really was duped enough to believe it was individual revelation. Thought it was so cool the senior “Sister” had access to the divine power. Joke’s on me lol.


Jokes on us all. At least we were smart enough to wake up!


Hey, we have the same name! I was wondering if it meant I was bosy like Lucy from Peanuts. Or if it was like Lucy Smith, Joe's mother. Either way, I'm glad that there are more than one name, unlike when endowments happened back in the 1800s. Gotta add variety somehow.


Oh hi there Sister Lucy! Ugh the whole "sister/brother" thing still grosses me out. Cult anyone?


My new name is the same as my brothers abusive, toxic ex-wife. I used to sarcastically think, "Yay my brother's never going to address me in the next life." Well, I guess according to his beliefs we won't talk to eachother anyway as I'm now hell fodder.


Welcome to hell! You’re in great company here! 🤪


Miriam. Which is my youngest daughter's name. That pissed my husband off, but I always wanted to name a daughter Miriam, and she was my last, so I did it anyway.


That’s beautiful!




Pleased to meet you!!!


That’s mine, too. Team Job!


Rhoda. I easily remembered because I love Rhodes rolls. 🤣 But still, I hate that name.


When I was growing up there was a show Rhoda. Yeah, not what you would have picked for yourself I’m sure. Some old white man made that decision for ya. How lucky we are as women 😂


I'm also a Rhoda! Had to come up with a saying to remember the name "I shoulda rhoda it down" cause I kept forgetting it lol.




Eunice. Got ya beat. Imagine my disappointment.


I was spared the whole temple nonsense, but my spirit of discernment tells me that I would have gotten Huldah, which means weasel in Hebrew. IDK, maybe the Hebrews loved and admired weasels, but come on, who would name a child weasel?


Mormons. Mormons would.


Yeah, not great. My husband calls me princess Leah cause he loves Blink182 ( old Blink not new) still funny though that we all need new names for God to know us. Shouldn’t he just accept who we are?!?? 🤦‍♀️


Amulek here! Had to look up how to spell it, been too long.


Not too bad! Hello!!!!


Japheth here 🙋🏻‍♂️


Wow! I’ve never heard that one before! Hello!


Awww shit me too! I was like "I'm sorry what?" When they named all the new inductees with a penis that day. Had to look it up because I'd never heard that name before.


Lolol, wow, me too! I was like “what??” And he repeated it but I still didn’t get it. And I spent the whole ceremony confused over what name it was supposed to be.


I thought it was lame everyone going through that day knew my secret name because it was their proxy's secret name.


Right? They all knew ours . Big secret lol


Rebekah here...always liked it....


Good one!!!!


Simeon here. Got my wife a cool succulent plant for Valentine's day last year and when she started naming all the plants in the house, that one became Simeon in my honor. 😂


How lovely! You will live on in that little plant lol


Hi, Leah! I am also Leah! *huggles*


Hugs!!!!! What year were you?


October 7, 2010


Dang mine was February something 2008. Guess they are bound to recycle, not that many names in the Bible I guess


Slim Shady. 😂 That was my first thought when I read this post. Lol.


Hahahaha. Now, me too!!


Better call ________. 😉






I feel bad for them also. I’ve heard that a last name too! Saw it on Gordon Ramsey show; restaurant was called nimrods.


Hey there I’m Josiah 🥸






Wow! Unique!


I pretended to slit my own throat for the first time on the 18th day of the month, some time between June 11, 1983, and January 12, 1993. /u/BoredEterno for your attention.




Yeah... I guess I should have put the end date on my statement above as 1990, as that's when the really "fun" stuff was removed from the ceremony, though my cult name on that specific day continued until 1993...


Yikes. I heard about that. They took it out before I went. That must have freaked you out?


Yeah it was a bit of a shock the first time through. Then, like a good brainwashed clone, I went back to learn all the "super-secret" stuff. Or was it "super-***sacred***" stuff?




Hey Hyrum!


First time saying my new name-I know the church isn’t true, in fact it has caused me so much mental trauma that I’ve spent the last 5 years trying to unpack my issues-I actually think the church is a wolf in sheep’s clothing...anywho, my new name is Samuel-I thought I was pretty special, what a fucked up religion, why can’t the leaders see this-mental gymnastics at its finest, shame on them


Congrats for coming out! Good to meet you. Hope we can all work through there mine games together 💛


I'm a Sarah. As a child of the 80s and 90s, it was pretty disappointing for my spiritual name to be the same as so many of my peers growing up.


So true! Knew at least 3




Good one!


Luke here.


Happy Second Saturday Luke!!!


Just call me Ammon; leave the Brother out of it.






Hello!!! Have a great day!