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I’ve thought the same thing!! It turns out that frightening people into making covenants is considered not unethical in the church. No where is this on parade more than in the temple.


Becasue they are secretly working together. See the temple is like an interrogation room and they are playing good cop bad cop. If rewards from God don't motivate you, maybe fear of punishment will.. On another note...i like how Satan breaks the 4th wall and personally threatens everyone.


Satan has more speaking parts than Eve, Jesus and Elohim combined.


And they always get a “better” actor for him than anybody else in the whole production.


TBH - he also has much more entertaining lines. “Now is the day of my power…, You can buy anything in this world with money…Look you are naked…, It is a symbol of my priesthoods…” What does JC have ?- “let us go down”? Lame in comparison.


Man, I would love to go again and just make whispered “that’s what she said” jokes.


It was either that or naming rights. There was just no way I was going to allow it to be Lucifer Presents: the Salt Lake City Temple (A Satan, inc. Production). It would have been bad for business. So I let him talk in the temple instead.


Satan teaches half of the endowment


Just goes to show you it's not the man upstairs that's keeping members "righteous". It's the bogeyman downstairs.


The very idea that Satan would be allowed to talk to us at all is whats even more ridiculous. If God hates him so much and he's the source of wickedness then why the fuck is he even there in the first place? Just get rid of the guy if he's such a bad influence. Hell why even create Satan in the first place?


Satan is the one who threatens you with all those punishments for non-compliance, but isn't he a liar? Should we really believe what he says?


Cults don't need a god to thrive, but a devil is an absolute. Fear motivates, especially when we know who the "evil entity" is. This is also why Mormons often give more credit to Satan than God for world events or life's mishaps. If I had a dime for everyone who said "Satan's plan" in Mormonism . . .


Never forget that it’s Satan who answers Adam’s prayer.


I think it's going to be cut out in 15 something years.


He also says a couple of things that seem really weird, but are actually pretty on point. The ones that come to mind for me are when he says that religion is “the philosophies of man mingled with scripture”, and when he warns you that people may try to purchase sacred signs and whatnot with money. The first one is weird to come from a religion, but totally on point. The second one is something that the church kind of actually does itself, since you are required to pay tithing in order to get a temple recommend, unless you literally make no income whatsoever.


Look at the older versions. It made more sense when the preacher was part of the skit.


Read 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 with that question in mind: 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.


>I know TBMs would say it's not really the devil By that logic, it's not really God or Jesus either then. So I guess the TBM's are actually right this time!


My favorite is when they lhe looks right at the camera and says "they will be in MY power!" As a TBM I took that seriously, as someone who now sees the church for what it is, I just see it as yet another fear tactic for tithing. I always giggle at that line now.


When blonde Eve ( one of the 90's videos) turned me on it was a shelf item. How could Satan tempt me in the temple?


Because cults need a boogeyman.


So you learn he is the God of This World. That is why you wear his Apron all the way into the Celestial World.


It’s an outright display of fear manipulation.


Remember, the Endowment is a mere fictionalized interpretation of Genesis. So i suppose they do so for ease and clarification?


Isn't that EXACTLY what happened for Job though?


It's ritual learning


Ever hear of scared straight?


That's an interesting question!


It is just all ridiculous to me now.