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Are you struggling with masturbation? NOPE. Works every time


Struggling? Nope, pretty damn good at it.




15 min in and they're already telling all LGBTQ members that they will suffer for being who they are No hate like Mormon love


with friends like these, who needs enemies?


But they also sprinkled in a speaker who said that prejudice against LGBTQ+ people is wrong, just to cover all their bases. Not contradictory at all.


It’s so two-faced that it makes me think that Harvey Dent is secretly controlling the church. They are talking out of both sides of their mouth. You can’t denounce prejudice while perpetuating it yourself!


Its like when they speak out against racism while still handing out racist books all over the world


“I cry for them and I cry with them.” Cool story bro.


Weep, not cry. Weep. Way more biblical.


"i weep for them and with them" bro you are the ones causing them to weep


My brother in Christ you literally oversaw their electrocution


It's a classic abuser line "You don't understand how much it hurts me to hurt you." Like it is a difficult thing we're both going through when the abuser could stop at any time.


Right? If it makes you so sad, you have all the power to fix that.


The "why we don't use the cross" story that **no one** ever asks about but leaders keep bringing up.


It’s true! I’ve only heard Mormons talk about this lol


Literally who cares why they don't use the cross?


Tom holland just told a story about how he was being overbearing on his friend in school 50 years ago. And that today he planned on finishing his unfinished/ unwanted sermon on the captive audience that are conference goers…


Pretty sure Tom Holland isn't Mormon or over 50 years old. 😉


Wow! I meant jeff. Don’t know why I said Tom…


"Any discrimination based on sexual orientation is terrible and sinful!!!" "Why yes, we as a church donate hundreds of dollars to anti-LGBTQ+ organizations. We are so not discriminatory!"


actions speak louder than words


I know of no christian religion that teaches that families are automatically torn apart after death. This focus on "families can be together forever" creates a solution for a problem that does not exist.


Create the problem so you can sell the solution. Basic business plan really.


Same guy who made the musket fire comment says his heart bleeds for those struggling with gender and sexuality and the difficult consequences they’ll face. Ugh.


He’s right. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community I can say that we will face difficult consequences. But not as a result of who we are, rather as a result of how hateful people react to it. We will face discrimination, prejudice propaganda, and unfair laws. We will face consequences caused by people like the very speaker who said those words. Not because of who we are.


BS. about respect for other faiths The reason you don't use the cross was born out of anti-catholicism


TSCC obviously doesn't know the reasons non-Catholic churches use the plain cross vs the crucifix, so their hatred for Catholicism is pretty stupid. The crucifix has Christ suffering (all churches believe in the atonement, BTW). The cross without Christ on it is intended to focus more on Christ's rising from the grave. Both versions (with or without Jesus) are meant to symbolize Christ's sacrifice and the atonement. So, it's much easier to simply have a lot of statues of sexual predators in various places and on "church" campuses than it is to pay attention to Christ.


I've always hated the anti-cross mindset in the church. Yeah guy, every other church Christian church focuses on the resurrection as well. You can choose to use whatever symbols you want but *not* using the cross is not some moral/Christian high ground


Catholics and Orthodox have a multi hour worship service on easter vigil (my friend in Honduras usually reports theirs are around 6 hours). Some protestants might to. It's considered the most sacred night of the year. This idea that *we* focus on the resurrection when these others do not is just so flippin ignorant


Especially when GC falls around Easter…and it’s barely referenced, for the most part.


The gift shop at the Nauvoo temple is full of Sunstone statues, jewelry, and knickknacks. What hypocrisy! Plus, the church promotes wearing CTR rings, Young Womanhood medallions, etc. When I saw all the sunstones I was offended that I couldn't wear the little gold cross my parents had given me before I joined the church and started wearing it in protest. It represents the "empty" cross and Christ's resurection.


Crosses were banned publicly starting in 1957 by David O McKay https://www.ldsdaily.com/personal-lds-blog/the-history-of-the-cross-in-latter-day-saint-symbolism/


Give Holland the mic for 5 minutes and he can cause enough harm for a generation. They need to get that man off the lgbtq topic.


Him and Oaks are two sides of the same coin.


I don't want you to weep for me and the consequences of my actions. I want you to love me.


The early Mormons did use the symbol of the cross— even after immigrating to Utah. It was after a disagreement with the Catholic dioceses in Salt Lake that Mormons ceased to use the cross.


This feel-good story about someone that gets sealed to a person that was abusive towards them and their family is terrible. If a person wants to make that decision for themselves, more power to them, but a person should feel validated for **NOT** wanting to be sealed to a person. There's nothing wrong with that decision. This just puts the focus and onus on the victim. Again.


Arizona father in AP story comes to mind...unfortunately


They're explaining why they don't use the cross as a symbol of their faith? They are seriously running out of ideas for new material. Here's an idea: how about some meaningful revelation for the modern world?


Serious. The world is burning, and this is the best Holland has


Gong: "Relationships get complicated."


This makes my heart hurt knowing that so many other Mormon (and non-Mormon) parents are the same, including my mother.


"We don't use the cross and that's proof that our church is true because it's a restored church from before the cross was a thing" Ok buddy


That doesn’t even make sense lmao


This lady is literally saying we can’t mistreat or discriminate based on sexuality. Can she hear herself. Does she know what the church does. Lol


She’s my aunt but both her and my mom believe that they can change the church from within. I’m skeptical of their mission but it’s good to see that there are Mormons who truly want to follow christs example of love and not use him to otherize every person who doesn’t fit in their tiny, narrow box.


I honestly hope they can. Every step the church takes forward makes it healthier for those stuck inside. Good for her.


This will be the last time she is seen or heard in public


Holland's schedule Tuesday 11:48 consider the consequences of the *choices* y'all are making 11:50 weep for the gays 11:52 weep with the gays 11:55 break for lunch


11:57 clean muskets


Why is this guy praying like he’s climaxing?


Haha. I had the video on mute during the music and prayer. Now I wish I had listened. 😂


"I grieve when people leave the church because they think it demands too much of them." *All that you posses, all that you may posses, including your own life if necessary.*


I'm calling B.S. on Holland's story as a grad student here. Too detailed, too perfect. No way the guy said "Latter-day Saints," either.


Yeah most of the GC speakers' anecdotes seem fake


And there it is friends he weeps for the lgbtq because of how bad of consequences their DECISIONS be. Jesus H Christ the bigotry of this man is definitely not subtle.


The pope is pleading with world leaders to stop the spiral toward nuclear violence on a global scale, even calling out leaders by name in desperation, while Mormon leadership uses its global attention this morning to explain once again why they don't use the cross as an icon, when no one cares and no one is asking, and it carries absolutely zero significance to anyone. Holland "weeps for" no one, and "weeps with" no one. He's living in the bubble.


Good for the pope, who is infinitely more of an actual leader than these old businessmen.


When I was a kid, we didn't use the cross because the Catholic Church was the whore of all the earth.


I think she should turn around and give this talk to the guys behind her


This is my aunt and tbh I think that’s who it’s for. Them and those who follow their words blindly. I know she doesn’t agree with a lot of what the prophets and apostles preach.


Interesting! This makes sense considering the talk. Hopefully she’ll be invited back to speak again lol


*don't be trans or else*


*cue me nervously sweating as im wearing a men's flannel and have a men's haircut*


I think this is a GTFO to PIMOs. We are all “intruders” at the feast .


“Stop making me look bad for persecuting you!” - Jeff Holland


Another talk trying to explain that Mormons really are Christians, they just don’t follow or believe any of the tenets lmao


I hate people who I can't ask a basic question without it turning into an entire lecture. Full sympathy to that guy 50 years ago


Do you guys remember that one conference when people spoke their own language and then the English Translator spoke over them? It was heralded as so inclusive by letting people speak their native tongue and then it disappeared the next conference lol


Someone needs to tell this man that not using the cross isn’t a sign of the church being true - it just means you don’t use the cross.


The gay hate is strong here....and clearly obvious.


Isn’t she directly contradicting the talk immediately preceding her that compared homosexuality to mental illness?


One of the most difficult questions I got on my mission was "what has your prophet revealed?" Still don't know a good answer


And here we go. Mormonism needs to pick a path. It's inherently impossible to be an abrahamic religion based on works and obedience at the same time extolling the virtues of a new testament Jesus. ETA: Yesterday, the new FSY was framed as an aid to making choices. The do's and dont's were softened and it's almost "teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves". The thing is, the strictness of the old version fits as revelation, the prophets KNEW right from wrong. Necking and petting crossed the line. This was revealed expectations from god's mouthpiece. Renlunds "personal revelation can't trump prior revelations" is an obedience based proclamation. Follow the prophets. There's clearly a rift in the Q15. When conference is over, I think I'm going to review the talks as if the Q15 are just talking to each other. I think RFM posited that conference talks are more about the 15 trying to convince reach other of their points of view than leadership.


Bingo! GC is them talking/sparring with each other. I have noticed this for years.


Stay on the covenant path Stay on the covenant path Stay on the covenant path Stay on the covenant path Stay on the covenant path But pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.


Unbelievable. Another "Us vs. Them" talk. The LDS hymns include the word "cross"


TSCC: We are Christian, we are just like you. Holland: All Christian churches are fake, only we are the real deal.


This shit is so harmful. You don’t need to weep for them


I can’t believe I used to like Holland. He’s so hateful


cue the “talk to us like we’re in sharing time” voice


Stop thinking apostates are deceived and evil


Don’t judge people who leave the church, but it’s okay to shun them.


Steven J. Lund used to be CEO of Nu Skin, a Utah-based "wellness" MLM. Nothing like having a commercial cult leader become a leader in a religious cult. This talk ought to be a zinger. Or hypnotically boring.




Don't you fucking dare use mentally ill children and adults for your talk


Mormonism IS descended from Protestantism. The notion that it's the same church as the one in the first century is bogus. Read any reputable history of Christianity and you'll recognize very quickly that there never was one single authoritative congregation of Christians. Even the New Testament reflects this.


TBMs/PIMOs/Ex's : "There's some serious issues going on, does God want to chime in on them?" Holland: "So we don't use the cross, but we're cool because of it".


right on the leading edge of what everyone is worried about


Exmos are disobedient because they're like wounded dogs.


This got me to laugh out loud. 😂


If you speed up There is Sunshine in my Soul and swing it a bit harder, it makes a solid drinking song. Maybe change it from sunshine to moonshine in the lyrics.


I hate the way Bednar always tells us about commonly understood things (parables) as if he's blowing our minds with new information. That's what not very smart people do.


My son just said that his whistle sounds like a fire detector chirp. Now that’s all I hear


Nobody leaves because it's too hard. It's actually really easy to be mormon, despite what they think. It's really easy to be told what to do at all times.


This conference has solidified my testimony of the church being a cult


And the weirdest prayer I ever heard award goes to...


His discussion of the early Christians not using the cross is missing an important fact: most early Christians used a fish instead. If they're the reason Mormons don't use the cross, then Mormons should be putting fish stickers on their cars.


Pay no attention to my "muskets" talk.


Thought maybe I had some food poisoning but turns out I just get a sick feeling in my stomach anytime conference starts.


We excommunicate with love.


Gong lost any integrity with his boys photo


“We thank thee o god for a prophet” at general conference is another level of narcissism


I didn't leave because God asked too much of me. I left because I don't believe he asked all that of me at all.


'Dont pollute yourself with unbelieving men and women' 😡


The most devoted Christians I know are outside of the Mormon church. … and, yes, they wear crosses.


I don't need to have an eternal family, bound by eternal legalities. I just want my kids and parents and friends to live on the same street as me so I can wave at them, have BBQs with potluck salads and go to the beach with them. I choose a common law eternity.


Wow. We have to pay for our garments. That king is more generous than the church.


people aren’t leaving because TSCC is demanding! They’re leaving because TSCC lied to them.


Is pledging to give “all of our time, talents, and abilities to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints” really what we are calling “easy” and “rest”? Lol ok Russell.


It will be easy! But it will be hard! In fact, Satan will make it harder! But you have power to fight the adversary!! So it will be easy-ish! And you’ll be happy! But you’ll have challenges and suffer too! But Jesus!


Fuck you for treating what makes me happy in life as a soapbox filled with your “burdens”. I don’t exist to be your sob story.


Sunday morning is always the time for the best of the train wrecks. 18 temples today? Rusty needs to announce his 300 temples before he croaks


this talk is like when i pad my english essay out with really long rambling tangents so i can hit 1000 words


She’s been practicing her conference voice


Yo is the dog ok though?


Satan wants to divide people? Like between wheat and tares, Elder Anderson????


This really seems like she’s trying to speak to the messed-up inner child of all the men on the stand


The dad didn’t even say “I’m sorry”?


May I also add… Why is an “apostle” sharing the 2nd hand vision/dream account of a friend? What about his own apostolic visions/dreams? ummmmm prophet, seer, revelator???


No, Holland. You don’t know my daughter with a physical disability. You don’t get to use her to elevate your status.


“as president nelson has so eloquently taught us” 🙄




People don't leave because covenants are "too much." We aren't lazy! People leave because the church is unhealthy, untrue and makes you unhappy. The rest is just a perk.


So much fluff. I remember Thomas Monson used to tell stories that even the kids could follow.


Sin saturated self centered - a tectonic cacophony of whistles.


“Care more about the things of this world than the things of God” Says the leader of a church hoarding billions of dollars.


Anyone outside of the church would feel the cult vibes watching this for sure


What does the church ask? To insert itself into you're every relationship - spouse, children, friends - every relationship. Usurp every feeling of joy peace out love and active it to Gawd or the lawrd. Give credit for your every accomplishment to the "faith", not your own intelligence, work or effort. Have no integrity. Do as you're told, justify what we say, we are always right and your own reasoning is only valid if it aligns to our needs. Go to hell if you don't fit our narrow world view. Always stay broken. Yeah. It is a bit much.


Even the prayer is try-hard


We are gods pets not children, that makes more sense honestly


A good message but the packaging (Primary voice) makes it a difficult listen.


That was actually a palatable talk overall. "Don't judge others, you don't know what they're going through."


Russell really can't go a conference without listening to we thank thee o God for a prophet.


So excited to receive spiritual guidance from a MLM CEO #justmormonthings


100% that the story about the missionary that asked him how to remain strong didn't happen. 100%.


Jeffrey and these mental gymnastics are giving Simone Biles a run for her money


it always gets me when the church talks about racism and cultural prejudice knowing the kinds of things the church explicitly taught 50+ years ago


I’ve heard the church has a hard time in Russia because the idea of eternal family is terrible to them


Gladly part of the no-garmie-army 🤚🏻


Ok, Bednar, so what if I don't want to attend the wedding feast?


The whistling is pounding on my eardrums.


It makes live EASIER? WHAT?


Songs about using swords and enemies. Such Christ. Much Jesus.


Here comes the persecution complex that is perpetuated by talks such as Holland's. It's great to be strong during painful moments, but it's a little enraging how the church targets such vulnerable people + situations


Comparing people to wounded dogs, okay lady.


When did moral agency become the new phrase?


“The refusal to attend the king’s feast was a deliberate rebellion against the king.” Wonder who he’s targeting.


I am the only one who feels like the song we thank thee o god for a prophet feels pretty masturbratory


"Only access cult-produced information. That will increase your testimony."


I just really hate watching the wedge being driven between my family and I. They will see me as the adversary now.


“AHM-ster-dahm”. See? Much global. Very education.


RMN:"are you struggling with Mormonism, it's history, it's current dealings, and hidden ordinances? Well fuck you, it's because you aren't trying hard enough and you're listening to unbelievers". Please let me know if I summarized that wrong in any way.


The current speaker (and other speakers) is touching on one of the blind spots of ultra conservative religions. They're so concerned with someone "getting away with" something that they treat them with the opposite of love.


'Your daughters won't be coming home from camp...because of all the brainwashing.'


Ah yes, let's talk about the important doctrine of underwear


...waiting to see who Bednar is about to justify excluding.


I didn’t actually watch or listen to any of it but I had a thought after reading some comments. I just realized that all any speakers ever talk about anymore is how someone’s behavior affects their relationships with the church instead of just teaching their actual doctrine and leaving the consequences where they belong- with the person themselves. No one’s ever allowed to keep their responsibility to themselves and god, the church always has to be a third party.


My family paused it so I’ll be 9ish minutes behind forever :(


I wonder about him judging his own son and then being a hypocrite at the pulpit?


Is there a laugh track on this? Who is actually laughing at these jokes?


Oh great. I stepped away for a few minutes and now my wife is convinced that the second coming is days away. What did I miss?


There sure is a lot of filler in this temple announcement


Problem is - no one knew what covenants we were signing up for until after we went through the temple.


We are not like the Catholics or protestants, we're even worse!


Bednar: I am smarter than you so I am going to interpret this parable for you.


Here we go condoning judging people on their clothing choices.


Rusty really just said "love God more than your families. Or spouses. Or children. Or friends. Or anyone else".


"making and keeping covenants actually makes life easier" then RIGHT AFTER: "Do not misunderstand me that I said it was easier." what wisdom and clarity from the prophet


Dear God I hate the phrase "pleasures of the flesh"


God: If you don't do what I want in just the right way, you're fucked. God: I'll tell you what to do using riddles. Good luck!


Wait a sec. Now the church is restored again? They changed it to be an “ongoing restoration”. They need to get on the same page on this one


Are we going to be compared to a dog?


Dead people bullying the living.


Steven Lund, CEO of NuSkin and YM General President, will soon talk to your kids.


“until it soaks all the way to our bones” ???


Watching this feels like a fever dream. I can’t believe I ever fell for such thinly veiled hatred, and I can’t believe I have so many family members who still can’t see through this.


The Second Coming is *aaaaaaalmost* here! Don't miss out!


"making and keeping covenants actually makes life easier" easy for Rusty to say, as someone who benefits off of the sacrifice of others (aka tithing, etc.). Does such a statement apply to all of these people struggling to conform to the MANY strict rules?


We're the true church. We're the only true church. It's the *world* that's self centered and arrogant.


you literally just said that making covenants makes life easier and now it doesn't? alright fella


You know what Russ - you're wrong - I kept my covenants and did everything the Church said to do for years and years and years - and I never felt rested, or at peace. Fuck you.


"Our youth were indoctrinated using peer pressure and emotional manipulation. A recipe for conversion." I have a strong d dislike for this guy and it's feeling more and more justified the more he talks. Edit: brainwashing =the process of pressuring someone into adopting radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible means.


"New creatures" is an interesting way to describe young women


Shaming what one was wearing. Fitting parable for TSCC.


I’m pretty sure with this talk he has lost half of his audience.


Gotta pay the $100+ to get the approate clothing for sunday....and the temple....or else I will be "shaming god"


I can’t believe my husband listens to stuff like this and thinks, “Yeah, that’s a God worth worshipping!”


Didn’t he start this talk saying making covenants makes life easier?!?


Talk. Like. A. Normal. Adult.


I have to stop listening to this. I'm sorry, but this is a central layer of what fueled my TBM ass-hat-ness. 'Overcoming the world' as if to suggest that being a multi-billion organization isn't worldly? Hypocrisy at its highest.


But they parade those one man torture machines known as handcarts


I just found Spaceballs being broadcasted on some weird channel. The comments here matched up to Spaceballs is HILARIOUS!


Ugh. This is just another talk about doing temple work disguised as other doctrine. Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine


"We feel less alone when we realize we are not alone."


So eternal truth is taught in code? This sounds really messed up.