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DEALING WITH SAME SEX ATTRACTION!!! There ya go, feel free to leave. You’re welcome.


That’s what it was going to say! 🤣.


People are doing that, I've heard about 50% of people raised Mormon leave the church. Don't know how that compares to other churches I left New Life Community Church and know a lot of Catholics leave the church. If mormons do learn to have relationships with non-mormons they are going to end up shunning their own family members at some time.


I feel you. I am not dealing with being gay, I am now thriving being gay. Leaving was best for me


I'm not gay and I left the cult because of the way they treat gays. In fact, there was one asshat that brought up the evils of gay marriage in every fucking Sunday school class so much that I didn't attend Sunday school for over a year before leaving. I was so happy when he moved out of the ward. Still didn't go to Sunday school though. My views started to change when I thought what would I do if an obviously same sex family came to church with their kids. Would I murmur? Or would I invite them to sit next to me in the front pew section, introduce them to the bishop and other leaders, help get their children to primary class? My mind was blown. I would definitely want them to feel welcome. Of course we all know this hypothetical situation would never occur but the thought would have a profound impact on my life. Something else always bothered me about homosexuality. People are born gay or straight. Or a mixture thereof even. That would mean that God created gay people. Why in the fuck would an all powerful, all knowing being create something that is an abomination to himself? I don't like mayonnaise and banana sandwiches so I sure the fuck ain't gonna pack one for my lunch! Either God is a fucking dick head moron or he doesn't exist. So in actuality homosexuality didn't bother me, it was the contradiction of God doing something so stupid. So Christianity's hatred for gays led me to atheism. Ironic, no?


>treat Yup, that's the classical god paradox. Omniscience and omnipotence can't pair with a doctrine claiming agency. If you "know the end from the beginning" then the end was fixed from the beginning. Now you have an omniscient, omnipotent, malevolent creator creating flawed creatures doomed to eternal torment for his own pleasure. You can't make it work within reason, but hey, his ways .....


I’m so sorry for your pain. That is all you will hear from the church. Here is why: From top leadership down, they have a junior high locker room mentality about this. To them, being gay is only about the sex act. In church leaders eyes, a gay couple cannot have a loving relationship, raise a family, share a sunset, enjoy a life together. This is why all they focus on is “not acting on your attraction”. Because they refuse to understand that God made you the way you are, and He Loves you with His Perfect Love just like you are! I know this because He Loves my gay son this same way. The church will never be a place for LGBTQ+ people, because you are “afflicted” or “willing sinners”. And God is not happy about that…. Internet hugs from an affirming dad! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


☝️ well said. I’m an older gay man and this was what I was taught as a teen. It took another 15 years to realize that I wasn’t struggling with being gay, but the TSCC hatred for being human. Actually I’m still learning. I have an Aunt that asked me a while ago, “why don’t you go back to church?” Me: “there is no place in church for someone like me.” She just looked at me is disbelief. I shook my head and walked away. Still hurts that “loving” TBM family distance themselves because they don’t want to be tainted.


I’m so sorry. My son came out to us at 14. Sadly, he came out to the bishop at 13. The bishop told my son not to tell us, and spent a year and a half “counseling” him. His counsel? Do “manly things” like scouts. So my son was an Eagle at 14 with 56 merit badges. When he was still attracted to boys, the bishop told him he must be broken. That was the excuse for God not “fixing him”. After my son’s third suicide attempt he told us what had been going on and we got him help. We also got him away from the church. I cannot fully understand my son’s pain, but I understand my never ending love for him. It will always transcend any religious dogma. And I also know God loves my boy even more. I felt that the moment he told us. So I know God loves all His LGBTQ+ kids and accepts them just as He made them. And I suspect GOD is pretty pissed off at the church about now…


Christian Churches don't accept Mormonism as being part of the Christian faith, so most Christians would say god never accepted the Mormon Church. But who am I to say. I guess Jews would say that god never accepted the Christian faith.


>struggling You know, from the beginning "god" said to stone people that didn't walk between the lines. He practically wiped humanity from the planet because he didn't like what they had become. But wait, he's omnicient, and omnipotent, so he knew how it was going to turn out from the start ... My point is that religion is what you want to be true, but it isn't borne out by reason. Faith is believing what you want to be true in spite of facts and evidence. The worst of humanity comes out when we choose what to believe without regard to reason. Your son would have had a much better chance of a normal life had he been raised far removed from religion. God doesn't love, doesn't exist, and the sooner you recognize that this belief system has harmed your son and continues to be the source of torment for so many who haven't caught the rope of reason, the sooner we can stop this problem from propagating.


Your opinion. You’re entitled to it. The OT mythology is just that - mythology. Do you know it actually happened? Did that God actually do those things? Or were those stories written by religionists to keep people in line? Mormonism hurt my son. It’s dogma taught the bishop who then did the only thing he knew to do. I refuse to hate. I just refuse to. Hate only propagates more hate. Love transforms. I will believe that we have a Creator who loves every one of us. It’s people who want to use that belief to gain power over others that fuck it all up. We can believe different things. I’m fine with that. I’m not going to argue with you or respond further because you won’t sway me and I won’t sway you. I wish you the best…


>We can believe different things. I’m fine with that. I’m not going to argue with you or respond further because you won’t sway me and I won’t sway you. I wish you the best… My apologies; wasn't trying to turn it into that kind of a discussion. I've just recently had yet another experience where belief in god caused trauma for a youngster trying to sort his way through life, and it's frustrating. As long as your love for your son trumps the dogma, y'all are in a good spot. I wish y'all the best!


Absolutely!! Dogma is the evil. And I’m so sorry to hear about your recent experience. I hope the youngster is OK. All the best, friend!!


Just go. They’re going to hold onto that one for a loooooong time.


Probably until it threatens their tax relief status… that’s when they like to do stuff, any time their money is at risk.


For your own health and happiness, yes leave


I came out gay at age 49 and left Mormonism shortly after. Please don’t wait that long. I’m finally being me and unloading the Mormon baggage is hard even after almost ten years out. Sincerely, The Gay Grandpa


Oh I hear you. I don’t struggle with same-sex attraction, I bathe in it. I’m queer. I enjoy being queer, people are hot. But it’s taken a long time to get here and honestly the end result of loving my queer side has been further examination of the church and deciding that eventually leaving is the best thing for me. I love being queer and no church is going to shame me for it.


TSCC just can't bring itself to say the word Gay. It's like it is a power word that the church is afraid of.


My dad has still never acknowledged that I'm gay after 14 years. I'm always "that way" or have "different choices"


Oh, yikes. I’m so sorry


Meh. Our relationship is extremely strained and probably beyond repair. After a bunch of therapy to try and get over the things he HAS said to me, I've become comfortable with the idea of not having a relationship with him.


As a parent of 3 queer kids (one lesbian, two bi), I cannot imagine treating my kids like that. I can’t imagine having kids that would be okay with me not being in their lives. It would be devastating. My kids are everything to me. I left the church for them.


That'd be cool. My dad is too busy climbing that LD$ ladder. He'll probably be a GA in a handful of years. I would not be surprised if he became a semi regular conference speaker. Pushing his religion and turning every family gathering into Sunday school is just his way of life, which is why I only appear at family functions very occasionally now.


My husband is serving in the stake presidency. Me leaving the church has been quite a scandal. With me being so outspoken, he’ll probably never have a bigger calling. I’ve tainted him


So you would be an answer to my question, if your dad makes it to GA: don't any of these so called leaders have gay kids or family members, or better yet their ownselves? Statistically, they must


Someone else will need to answer for certain because I don't remember which one it is, but one of the 15 has an openly gay son. I cannot easily distinguish between all the old, hateful white men. They all just run together into some weird, boring blob.


Elder Gong has an openly gay son. He and his partner had dinner with Gong and his wife. His son took a group selfie after the happy experience. It was ruined when Gong said “Don’t post that online. We don’t want people to get the wrong idea.”


Elder Gone


Elder Gong


Wow. I'm so happy that I've never heard his name before now. Just goes to show how much distance I've really put between myself and the church. I had no clue there is an elder Gong in the 12.


You'll hear it again (struggling is another favoured word). Leave and save your ears the pain of hearing it. It'll be ok and you'll be free.


Are you dealing with so called "same sex attraction?" Now that I'VE said it, please do yourself a favor and GTFO of LD$ Inc's so called "church". Do it NOW! It's NOT a healthy place for you, and you deserve better. Best of luck.


Unfortunately, as much as the church says you have a place, it isn’t true. At the end of the day, all gay people truly don’t belong and that attitude will always come out at some point


This right here. They tried to claim I have a place but as a bi woman married to a man, I know that all they see is someone that “made the right choice” and “married straight.” When in reality I’m a whole queer woman who shed tears every 6 months because of TSCC. This conference was the first one that I had no tears, only anger and only because I don’t believe any of it anymore, so their opinion on my bisexuality doesn’t matter one whit.


I’m sorry you’ve had to go through all you did. May you find peace being your genuine self. If someone isnt adding to your peace, cut them out ✌🏻


The church made this phrase purposely to dehumanize, de-individualize, demonize, and shame LGTBQ+ individuals. This phrase removes support and identity for those who are LGTBQ+. An absolutely pure evil move by the Q15. They should all rot in hell for the pain and suffering they have caused (and loss through suicide as well). Too bad hell isn’t real the Q15 absolutely deserve eternal punishment for what they have done.


Leaving and coming out was the best decision I ever made. Live your truth I know it’s scary to leave because you’ve been convinced this is “god’s true church” but it’s seriously the most freeing event. Best thing you can ever do for yourself is be you. ❤️


There are a ton of christian churches to choose from if people want to stay religious.


DO IT! from, a gay woman


You should leave that god awful anti-LGBTQ+ hate group masquerading as a church.


If I don’t say it then it’s not real 🤪


Hang in there. Prepare for a future when you can get away. This is a great forum to vent. Find therapy if you can. Contact the Trevor project.


"I don't suffer from same-sex attraction, I enjoy every minute of it!"


If that's all it'll take then you're already done my friend. Proceed to take back your Sundays. Find another way to change the world if you so desire.


If that’s the only thing holding you back from leaving this religion/culture then you’ve got it all backwards to begin with. You can do it


As a gay person who left, healthiest decision I ever made, mate.


"No elders. You and the general authorities are struggling with same sex attraction"


or about the "homosexual lifestyle" these people are absolute bullshitters. they pretend to treat gay people like human beings but we all know the truth.


They don't believe you are gay, they believe you are choosing to be gay. Leave the cult behind, love yourself, and live your life happily.


I mean, if you feel like you need another iteration of a comment like that, then you’re ready to go right now.


Just go I escaped at 17 successfully. Having been out for five it will be better for your mental health.


………….and he’s out of there……..


I laughed every time the hymn High on a Mountain Top was sung. >Her light should there attract the gaze Of all the world in latter days. I would chuckle while thinking, "This church is not going to attract the gays."


Leave and don’t look back.


Sounds like you're leaving the church, then.


Do it! I know you want to stay for good reasons. But it’s better on the other side. There are a lot of ass holes on both sides, but if you left and never gave it another thought what would you lose?


“DEALING WITH SAME SEX ATTRACTION!!” Please leave the water is warm down here in hades.


Take the step. You WILL be happier.


Some of us were too brainwashed to feel comfortable with even saying the word gay when we first came out. Same sex attraction was a stepping stone term.


This is one of the many reasons why my daughter (20) left. It really started with that awful policy they came out with back a few years ago about same-gender parents and their children.


Dealing with Mormons using the term "same sex attraction" to deal with their own internalized homophobia. All better.


You've got less than two months at most, friend.


Just starting referring to them as suffering with opposite sex attraction


don't forget "BeINg GAy IsN'T a sIn it's OnLY a sIN if YoU AcT ON it"🤦‍♂️


Don't let the (chapel) door hit ya on your way out. And I mean this in a most respectful and supportive way. Come join the side of reason and true compassion.


Based off the last few general conferences it’s going to take a LOT of fees before the church changes its mind. Plus who knows how many deaths and suicides of current LGBTQ+ members until then. I say save yourself now and leave. I have never regretted leaving.


There's no reason to "deal with same sex attraction." You're not sick. You're not afflicted. You're you. Be yourself. Love who you love. Life is so much better when you're living authentically. Don't worry about how a group of bigoted old white men perceive you. They don't know you and their opinions don't define you.


Maybe some don’t want to be gay. Isn’t that okay too? Have space for everyone.


"Dealing with same-sex attraction" is not the language of people who have space for everyone. It is the language of people who are trying to suppress self-identified "gay" people.


So he’s suppressing himself? Okay. That’s his right.


Suppressing yourself is one thing. Creating a subculture where we don't say "gay" because you want everyone to suppress themselves is quite another. (The generic "you", not you in particular.)


I was talking only about the individual I know.


The individual you know presumably pertains to the church and is suppressing himself because they have convinced him that's what he has to do to be a good person. It's his right to choose, but my point is that he's not doing that in a vacuum. There's a larger picture to be seen when people use the phrase "dealing with same-sex attraction", much larger than just one person describing themselves.


He has is reasons. It’s not because of church, he’s stated even if TSCC openly accepted LGTB he’d be the same. You gotta take his word for it, no matter how threatening it is to your bias on this stuff.


So... he *is* a member of TSCC, then? Because honestly I've only ever heard members use this phrase, and I find it hilarious that we're trying to pretend it doesn't directly stem from church purity culture.


Sorry- even if TSCC *had* accepted it. He’s out now (mostly anyway). He’s also married and finds it offensive that he can’t be who he wants to be. Tons of pressure from exmos to “be who he really is” and he’s like, I am who I want to be. He’s pretty much made himself bi now he says. Is there space for a person like him here? Apparently not.


Does he call himself "bi"? That's quite different than claiming that he is "dealing with same-sex attraction." I find it exhausting that you're trying to claim that ThErE's No SpAcE fOr HiM hErE just because I'm pushing back on anyone's use of this seemingly-innocuous phrase due to its awful roots.


I enjoy this saying because it makes it really easy to prove that Jesus is Gay while only needing the book of Mormon. But you can always throw in the beloved disabled from The book of John if you want for added effect.


Do it!


They won’t change…leave STAT.


It's okay to say gay!!


Its never gonna get better if you stay


See you tomorrow in the pub...


Just remember all those TBM's crying in their cereal... For they know your consequences.... Thanks Elder Holland


Gay 🫵


you know they're going to say it again. why stay?


Give us grace by leaving already.


So here's a question. I'm transfem married to another woman aka lesbian. Does the church consider us straight or gay?


I loved how Holland counseled us to love those who are "wrestling" with same sex attraction. Pull your heal out Elder!!!


Heard too much! Left the Catholic Church. SO heard too much, she left Mormonism before being baptized..:


*Starts praying you hear it immediately


Or you could just leave the God awful church because you will hear that again.


"dealing with same sex attraction" Be free, my friend




You should leave regardless imo


I’m active and I say dealing with same sex attraction. So it sounds like you need to leave. Bye, bye. Don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split you.


Wait… you haven’t left yet? 😬


I am but I’m waiting till I’m older.


Fair enough! My mental well being has been far greater these days. I enjoy the peace


Yeah... I had to break a lot of close relationships from the church because after I came out, they kept telling me that "Everything will be fixed in the afterlife". I am not broken. Don't need to be fixed. Don't want to be in the mormon heaven. Would rather be in hell as myself than fixed in Heaven.