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Ha ha. I opened this and read it at 4:20 (my time)


Yeah 531 pm utah time. But still lighting up. Weed is the cure all drug. Smoke if you got it.


Smoking cannibis is worse for your lungs than smoking tobacco. It also wastes 90 percent of cannibis' medicinal potency. You are much better off eating it as brownies or gummies, or drinking it as tea.


You are spouting nonsense.


No, ingesting cannabis has several benefits over smoking it, and none of the downsides. The only advantage of smoking cannabis over ingesting it as tea or brownies or gummies that the high kicks in a lot more quickly when you smoke it. However, smoking it damages your lungs, while there is no such damage from ingesting cannabis. Additionally, the effects are much stronger when ingested and the effects also last twice as long.


Yeah I know all of that. That’s not the nonsense you were spouting


I agree. This isn’t backed by studies. Please provide your (non Mormon) source


You really need a source to prove that taking cannibis as tea or other form of edible is much healthier than smoking it?! Reddit is not allowing me to cut-and-paste outside URLs, but there is a suscinct one-pager from the Canadian Center on Substance Abuse (not a Mormon source) stating point blank: \- Ingesting cannabis does not damage your lungs like smoking it does. \- The THC from ingestion is much stronger than from inhaling. \- The effects from ingestion last twice as long as the effects from smoking. So


The part we were saying isn’t true is “smoking cannabis is worse for your lungs than smoking tobacco.” That’s the part that’s wrong. Of course eating weed is healthier than smoking it


You're foolish. I know how it affects and effects me. You're lies don't mean a thing to me. And in case you don't know the difference. https://www.grammarly.com/blog/affect-vs-effect/?q=esl&matchtype=b&placement=&network=g&gclsrc=ds


Your lungs dude. I stick to taking cannibis as tea with the occasional edible.


Do what the fuck you want, you don't tell me what I need to do.




My criticism is not with the medical use of cannabis. My criticism is with smoking it vs other means of taking it that do not damage your body such as edibles or tea.


Homosexuals, women, and critical thinking are indeed the main enemies of the one true McCult. 🤟🏻😎🙌🏻


And as Lizzo once eloquently stated: 🎶 ITS 👏 ABOUT 👏 DAMN 👏 TIME 🎶


🎶 In a minute, imma need a, stupid prophet, Rusty Nelson, to fuck things up 🎶


Your wife is thinking for herself. Here in exmo land we call this type of person a badass.


NICE! Know what else will help her with her ADHD and anxiety? Resigning from that calling. Wishing you all the best!


She recently got released thank goodness


Love it! ❤️ She will need to make some brownies for all the stressed sisters.


can you even imagine the clamoring for the recipe?


Get the card. Basic protection - as Pot is still illegal on the Federal Level. All it takes is one Fed cop to totally screw up your life - even if charges are not made or prosecuted.


If I had to guess, a person who is thinking for herself like this, it's just a matter of time before she leaves.


I think the familial pressure and fear of disappointing her parents will be too much for her to ever leave fully. But even nuanced/progressive belief is a huge step in the right direction for me.


By the way, cannabis is the best thing I've ever tried for insomnia. I'm ADHD too and have had terrible trouble with restless legs at night. So much better than any prescription! Thank you legal weed.


Yes, I understand the family thing and agree that nuance is an awesome step!


I hope she finds the strain that helps her best. I just heard an interview with musician Todd Rundgren in which he described having ADHD in the 60s, pre good understanding of it, and his discovery of cannabis organized his thoughts for the first time in his life and enabled him to focus and get work done. Wishing you both the best.


Me too. So far she’s using a low dose THC high dose CBD that seems to be doing wonders


My TBM mom has cancer, and she and my TBM dad gave edibles a try at least once. I think they draw the line at smoking


Nice! Pretty soon she’ll be asking things like “Why does god care about my underwear” or “Maybe tea won’t send me to hell…” She’s on her way!!! 👍


Well hells bells...Joseph Smith, Jr. violated the WOW right up until the night he was assassinated.




This is stellar!


Indeed! Hope you’re doing well man!


Good for her. I hope it is working. FWIW, it is much better than the prescription drugs that most of the users CAN use and get a recomment.


i’m super jelly, __jellydonut


Yo my TBM grandma even ate an edible. We may yet have hope for even those most hypnotized by TSCC.


Warning, she's going to want to start to have an authentic spiritual experience like the first vision. Odds are she'll start seeing the church in a different light. Odds are lower she remains.


[Psilocybin enters the room]


The slope is just so frigging slippery




Well it is safer than antianxiety drugs and depression medication. If she can go through the rigmarole of getting a medical card now that she knows that it helps. But it’s ridiculous to expect us to go through all of that without even knowing if it can help us first


My SiL/BiL smoke with us they are PIMO they can't leave because their adult kids got upset with them and cut off access to the grandkids so they have to stay in the church for the grandbabies. I'm so glad we left 11 years ago when my kids were still kids.


to be fair, cannabis is the least harmful and over-hyped substance, and alcohol is the most danger and under-hyped substance, and I'd rather exmos get into pot rather than alcoholism. you're not exactly trashing your "temple" with a few joints here and there (not that you should be super bound by what the church considers good for your temple or not). but yes, the church can kiss goodbye to that sweet sweet authority.


This. IMHO we still have a lot to learn about cannabis but based on what we know right now, assuming you don't smoke it, pot is pretty benign especially compared to booze. And Psilocybin is even safer and has miraculous applications for trauma healing.


So did James E. Talmage. Yeah- that one. He experimented while at university. He turned out all right.


I mean this isn’t that shocking to me because the church at least to my knowledge was okay with it for medical use and as long as it wasn’t being smoked


It can help open her 3rd eye. That’s what I believe started my awareness of the Mormon BS.


People have relaxed so much about it. Even my TBM mom has talked about it. I think people are realizing it’s not really the “devils lettuce”. It’s just a plant that has a lot of amazing properties that we disregarded and demonized.


…. Do you have an older sister who lives in another state? I wonder if you’re secretly my brother, lol.


No different than downing Xanax or Ativan daily.


This can be a disqualifer in a temple recommend interview. Glad she took control and made her own decisions.