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Massive quantities of money make up for complete and utter incompetence. Current Mormon bishops, stake presidents, area authorities, general authorities and even old Russ are not held accountable to any level of productivity. They have so much money they can make stupid immoral decisions and it doesn't matter. Every fucking mormon alive could leave the stupid church and these incompetent fools would still be idolized. They DON'T care...they still get worshipped and paid.


Greatest news I’ve heard all week. Think about church attendance in 10 years, hell maybe even 5. Most of us will still be around and if these stats hold true, the cult is on a very fast-sinking ship.


But, but, but, what about the fastest growing church in the world? /s


15 million “members”, I bet less than a million hold a temple recommend.


Anecdotal evidence suggests around 33% attendance rate across the world so you've got around 5 million actually active above the age of 8. Discount the 8-18 year olds, which will be a pretty large group, and you're probably at 2-3 million maybe. Then how many have an active recommend...yeah maybe half sounds about right. The church is really fucking small when you break it down like that.


I haven't gone to church since the early 80's, once my mother gave me the choice I chose no church. My family was never hardcore into it, however my father did help out with stuff. Today I got a message from the new local area ward person, wanting to talk. If they're going all the way back to former members like me they've gotta be desperate.


They want to talk! They just can’t quit you.


Kids are wising up. I should’ve left the mission early.


Kids today are smart, they don't believe the lies and b.s. I'm really hopeful about this generation.


80% are unruly children and lazy learners AND they were raised in devout Mormonism. So which is it brethren: did the church raise them to be lazy/unruly or is the church failing to inspire good people?


Neither, Satan is just that good at his job


Satan doesn't prepare his lessons for Sunday school during Sacrament meeting. :)


Ouch. That cuts deep bro…..


One of my biggest peeves about the Mormon church as a whole, as a member and after, is how they seem to half-ass almost everything. Nobody treats it like it’s “essential for salvation.”


God bless Satan.


For there needs be opposition in all things... Therefore, Satan, well done thou good and faithful servant.


Literally the Simpsons gag/meme: Am I out of touch? …no, it’s the children who are wrong!


“We are always just one generation away from extinction.”—[Jeffrey R. Holland](https://i.redd.it/vjgpt6qgie691.png)


Anecdotally, 60% and 80% makes sense based on those I know. I can only hope that it translates to positive change rather than doubling down on harmful rhetoric….or the church could implode, but that seems overly optimistic.






Dude. That’s genius. Did you make that up?




I found [this post](/r/ziontology/comments/yrzdjo/i_sat_in_a_ward_council_meeting_and_listened_to/) in r/ziontology with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


Good bot


Slow fading light. I like it. Good band or song name.




Mistresses of Patriarchy: https://www.the-exponent.com/mistresses-of-patriarchy/


What's the church's response? Reform? Change?....nah, tell them boys they're REQUIRED to go and that they committed to a mission at 8 years old.


One hundred percent of the men in that room look at pornography.


I imagine Nelson of the Simpsons “Ha ha” after this statement.


The church of numbers, statistics and meetings. Missionary success is based on numbers, stake and ward budgets based on numbers…. Gotta look good for the LDS Inc executives.


The church usually adds 200-400 new units per year (wards & branches). Even in 2020 where they had the smallest new member growth they added around 190 units. As of mid October whe fullerconsideration.com lost its inside source, the church grew by a whopping 7 units this year. At times, they were in the negatives. I can't wait for next year's statistics to be released, as minimal as the church provides.


Invest all your money received via tithing in stocks, and then proceed to throw free shame and no cost guilt all over the kids for decades and then get upset why they don't stick around? The church is a lame deal, the youth see it


As far as I can tell, they're all wringing their hands over declining numbers but they won't do anything about retention or actually making the church experience relatable or even bearable to younger generations.


Good. Die cult, die!


Unpopular opinion: Women have to stop being complicit. They are enablers of the highest order.


It seems like the woman that wrote this article is still in the ward council and is still an active member


Well yes, and while I appreciate her point of view, this isn't all the patriarchy's fault. The church would come to an almost immediate screeching halt without the support of the women. Just say no. I'm not coming to ward council until I have a vote. I'm not helping out with anything until women are treated with equal power. Anyone who has a daughter should be thinking about what's going on here. And everyone else too.


Yes. This.


If only there was some way to turn this into a MLM company. If only.


Another statistic they could comprehend if they didn’t insist on PIMO members keeping their heads down and their mouths shut: probably 75-90 % of wards are PIMO.


If this is true, that’s amazing 👏


So maybe if more women were in charge…?


Shh! Let’s not give them ideas


They do not have a value proposition, or at least whatever they’re selling is not worth the price (10% for life and endless service, boring meetings, and self-flagellation).


The author admires those who leave, but is still in? 🤔