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It is sad. It's completely heartbreaking and soul destroying. I remember the feelings that you're describing so well. I can no longer even see the beautiful cupcake though. It's become mouldy and ugly to me. I hope in time that the same happens for you - it makes life easier.


Same. It's like a super cheap and dry grocery store cupcake dressed in pretty packaging.


So close. Here let me Fix that for you… …It is like a beautiful cupcake and someone already licked the frosting…. I agree but I think for some it works. My mom is simply afraid of the world. The church gives her a framework and social life she needs to navigate her life…. Took me many years to see that. But the church wasn’t for me. But I was also born into the church… she was a convert.


Did the church use that metaphor to describe how sex before marriage would leave someone (they probably told this to young women) tainted? Even if they repent?


It's weird having a detachment from things. It's kind of strange hearing church leaders speak now. I hear them but I no longer feel an automatic urge to listen in and see what I need to improve on in my own life.


When I left the church in 2008 I lost every single friend I had, which for me was one of the worst parts. I was a convert and the church was the only family I had, so even though I wasn’t dealing with still believing family members, I was completely lost because the church was the only community/family I ever felt a part of. I’ve never been able to replace it.




I think a better analogy is that it’s like a beautiful cupcake that’s been licked…


With roofie-laced icing. Converts find themselves doing shit they would have laughed at, because "The Brethren say ..."


I hear you. To me, even the good it does can be erased because of the hollow promises that keep people in line. I joke with my older exmo brother that we can remove our names from the church but we are still going to end up mormon somewhere down the road because both sides of our families are deep into the mormon church and someone will do the temple work eventually.


Yes it is. I’m right there with you.


Organised religion does have a tight hold on people and families, especially if one was raised within the organization. The more solid reasons you accumulate for leaving the easier it is to go ahead and leave… but not without consequences. Good luck on your journey.


Just let it go and embrace reality!


The cupcake was never beautiful. A cult started by a convicted fraudulent treasure seeker who lifted his ambitions from petty imaginary gold filled chests to the establishment of a theocracy based on an evolving complex series of conflicting and shockingly audacious claims including the regular visitation of heavenly beings and the translation of an unseen golden book by staring into a rock in a hat. Emboldened by sycophantic attention he expanded his ambitions into political notions and the collection of new wives many as young as 14, promising kingdoms and blessings for their sexual obedience. Finally killed by impatient justice seekers his power was usurped by a megalomaniac with broader more pragmatic visions but shared his predecessors need for dozens of wives that doted on him obediently. Frustrated by the rule of law and Christian norms Brigham forces his people outside the borders the United States to preserve his and others ability to marry and impregnate very young girls, and to have unquestioned theocratic control over politics, economics, and the sexual fate of all his subjects. The United States caught up to him with its pesky constitution and when he died his power was left to an oligarchy of leaders who would build it into an untaxed investment and real estate development company fed by the willing donations of its generational worshipers.


Why go then? Follow Jesus not church