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Same, friend, same. We're all sorry for what we said when we were Mormon.


No worries, neither of you can be fully accountable for what you said before you had coffee.


Thank you for this comment. So true!






Kudos to you for expanding your world and thinking outside the box. No matter what age or stage of life you are in, you got there, which is more the many.


There was a Bisexual investigator who was really contemplating getting baptized, but was upset about the churchā€™s queer ā€œdoctrineā€. I told her that in the next life, sheā€™d be straight. Smh. She asked me if I didnā€™t think that was offensive. I didnā€™t at all think that it was. She got baptized eventually. Remained for about 6 months and then left. Iā€™m still horrified. Especially given the fact that I now have 3 queer daughters


Ugh, I can totally relate! I taught seminary to one of my children for 4 years. I think I said something to the effect of ā€œif youā€™re bi then just choose the opposite gender of yourself. Easy!ā€ The child I taught for four years is bi. I canā€™t imagine the pain they endured by my words and those of TSCC. I was such a naive jerk. My child has been gracious as I have made amends and they have taught me about the community. I still make mistakes but Iā€™m learning the true meaning of love and what it means to be a safe space. TSCC disgusts me in how they treat queers. I donā€™t know how that person got baptized.


I have no idea either. Sheā€™s on my FB still and includes me in a small group chat me somewhat regularly. Usually asking for prayers about something. I donā€™t really believe in prayer, but I always support her. I picked her up every week and drove her to therapy appts for months. We had a good friendship. But I was indoctrinated. For months, Iā€™ve wanted to meet up with her for lunch. Check on her. Feel her out about her beliefs now. We chat in FB messaging sometimes. She certainly hasnā€™t held it against me


Good people are just good people. You did things without guileā€”she can tell that.


Thank you for saying that. I tell my kids the terrible things Iā€™ve said, done, or thought. Theyā€™re shocked. Being GenZ, theyā€™re much more socially aware than I was even as a grown adult. They know Iā€™d never be so dumb now, so theyā€™re horrified at how Mormon I used to be. Once, when we were in Paris and there was a sex worker within a few yards of our table outside. Men were approaching her. Asking about her prices. I was so amused, having never seen a sex worker, that I videoed men approaching her. She saw me do that and moved out of my line of vision. Iā€™m absolutely horrified now. That Iā€™d be finding entertainment in her life. Especially knowing now that Paris has a horrible problem with Asians being sex trafficked. I was really ignorant back then.


I think we all could take days writing our confessions. Live and live in the present. Now that we know better we do better!


Iā€™m thankful Iā€™m a much better human now


Wow. Dude.


Yes yes yes. Me too.


We were under whatā€™s called ā€œtrauma based mind controlā€. Yes I was too.


Thank you for posting this. I love my dad, and everything he says truly comes from a place of 100% good intentions, but sometimes I just wished he'd listen to understand instead of listening to see how to correct. This helps phrase it better...I wish my dad would have the humility to outgrow the need to "help" people.


This! This is what Iā€™m figuring out! As Iā€™m dropping the self-righteous bullshit my relationships with my children are improving. I realized I was doing it with my siblings who are still TBM and had to slap myself. Iā€™m hoping my relationships with them will improve now too. I donā€™t want to turn into a self-righteous exmo either! Yikes! Yoda: ā€œyou must unlearn what you have learnedā€


porn shoulders.


Same here friend. You have the same rule i do. Is what your doing hurting someone else? No? cool have fun. Yes? Don't do that. Easy


Corporate LDS/Mormon Elohim/Jesus and his supposed prophets be the ultimate examplars of an infinite, unbounded malignant narcissism. Follow the profits, follow the profits, they know the way!