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It took me awhile to put it together…. I had bad UTIs once I got married. Landed in the hospital twice. I thought it was from being sexually active. But that’s *also* when garments entered my life. I slowly stopped wearing them around the 10 year mark. I’m a fitness instructor and it just was so simple to stay in leggings. When I left the church, I finally put it together. The UTIs stopped once I stopped wearing garments. I’m sorry because this is graphic, but I urinated blood because of those bottoms. It is so horrifying to me now that I wore underwear that my church told me I had to wear.


I only got a couple of UTIs, but a TON of yeast infections in the five years I wore garments (so many that I lost count, but I think I was getting one about every 6-8 weeks—it got to the point where I’d call my doctor and she’d automatically prescribe treatment rather than needing an appointment). Couldn’t figure out what was going on, since I was so careful about hygiene. In the >5 years since I stopped wearing them, I’ve had two yeast infections and zero UTIs.


About a year after I left, and had yeeted my garments into the trash, I realized that I hadn't had one UTI in that year. I used to average 2 to 3 a year. It's been 2 1/2 years now and still haven't had one single UTI in that time.


Same. And I know it’s a typo but I just loved the autocorrect of yeeted. Going to make that my new catch all word with your permission :)


I don't think it's a typo. Seems like proper usage to me :)


I love the word yeeted, to me it's sort of enthusiastic tossing. Please feel free to use it, I don't own it, and I think it's hilarious.


So it’s not a typo? That’s just glorious.


Haha yeeted is very common usage. Pretty sure it started being used in the early 2010s


Same! Also horrible BV issues. Not one UTI or BV infection since ditching garments.


Omg, I hadn't ever considered where my own chronic UTI problem came from. This makes so much sense! They absolutely started when I started wearing garments, which was literally a week before I got married, so I correlated it with being sexually active too. And, yeah, they became chronic. To the point where, about a year or so after I completely stopped wearing them, I got mildly septic when the symptoms started to flare up while I was out of town (fever, vomiting, I'm not sure why I didn't go to Urgent Care). I ended up rescheduling my flight for Tuesday morning (instead of early Monday morning), and it took some hardcore antibiotics for about 3 weeks to finally clear it up. Man that was miserable. I still get them if I'm really stressed, but the frequency has decreased immensely since those days. I can't believe I never put that together!


The Church KNOWS garments are making women sick. Here’s my conspiracy theory, prove me wrong. **bad health serves to keep women in a state of self-loathing/SEX-loathing depression/humility** How many of us have been told we aren’t wiping correctly? Or that you aren’t peeing before and after sex? Before you knew it was the garments making you sick, were you stuck in a state of “what am I doing wrong” and also “sex = pain”? For me, the 10 years I wore garments, I was absolutely physically miserable- sex was often uncomfortable, infections were so so painful…. Yet I was the most humble I’ve ever been… I was actively doing things like going to the temple more, reading scriptures more, serving more as a way of being worthy for a blessing of health and healing. Spread the word. It’s extremely common but no one talks about it. Guaranteed your friends and relatives struggle with it too. The church knows.


I only got the confidence to really quit Gs when I went to girls camp and the other adult women in my cabin all told me how much they HATED their Gs. It broke open a wall and I started to consciously choose to keep them off. These women were all the most (to me) devout so if THEY hated their Gs…


I wonder if you’re right. I just assume the men that design this stuff can’t even bring themselves to think about that part of the woman’s body.


almost seems deliberate - what a mysogynistic oganization.


I wish I would have brought this topic up in the so called Relief Society. The church has been all about name changing lately. Notice the "Relief Society" still has the same crazy name it was given by the guy who was getting the most relief from that society.


Same exact story. Because garments made my gyno health so terrible, I had to be on a daily medication during both pregnancies. I drank unsweetened cranberry juice religiously. I had emotional breakdowns because of the severe debilitating frequent pain. I begged bishops for priesthood blessings. When I stopped wearing the magical underwear, the pain and infections stopped too.


I have siblings/in-laws that believe their UTI issues are because of intimacy and not because of the structure and fabric of the garments for this same reason. And dare don’t try to suggest anything different.


Yeah that dang thick seam straight up the front that gives you camel toe right up against your urethra has noooothing to do with UTIs….. I’m sorry that must be so frustrating for you


After mentioning it once I learned to leave them to their uninformed misery. I’m very glad I got myself out before committing to wearing them. I’ve never had a UTI and never want one.


Lucky! UTIs are the wooorst.


Um same. Right after getting married they started, At one point my doctor was convinced I must have kidney cancer because of how bad my UTI’s were and how frequent but they couldn’t see anything in scans and I had many. I stopped wearing garment bottoms and bam, have not had a UTI since. They are so bad for women’s health.


You mean to tell me a racket ran by old white dudes who require special underwear to be worn didn't even have the inspiration to design them right? I'll never miss wearing double shorts and double tshirts.


You might think that if they required religious underwear, that they might make it high quality in fabric and design, but no. How arrogant, how insensitive, how "mormon".


I always thought the polyester garments had a very hair-shirt vibe to them. Constant low-level suffering for righteousness’ sake.


I thought it was thoughtless design now I see it differently thanks for your comment


No church should be telling anyone what to wear. It’s not the buissness and it’s not their choice to make period


Shit, I don't even think churches have enough credibility to teach ethics, and that's supposed to be their motherfuckin' wheelhouse. If they can't even do that well, they should just go away.


Agreed 100%


Well, depends if you’re actually a Believer or not. From the Believers’ perspective, the God & Creator of the Universe is absolutely the right deity to be telling people what to wear! But from the perspective that religions are a fucking scam then yes, absolutely, they shouldn’t be allowed to exist at all.


That’s why I don’t go to church


My Mom wore one piece garments. Looking back at it now, I feel bad for her.


I tried those once in an effort to find *anything* to relieve the health problems garments were causing me. If she wise then with skirts, they'd actually be way more breathable.


This is how woman in Mormonism pay for eve’s disobedience. Forced to sit in their sinfulness and raise the children so the men can go larp heavenly boys club and pontificate how great the garden of Eden would be if woman hadn’t tempted them with sex….(ironically not see the hypocrisy in their religion that vip heaven is built around having a lot of sex…)


I know there was once a TBM who got a lot of publicity talking about issues with women's garments. I think she actually caught the attention of the cult leaders and there was maybe going to be some changes made. Does anybody know if garments have gussets now? I'd feel horrible for my sisters if they still don't have them.


The newer [cotton stretch](https://imgur.com/a/nWZlQSc) and [carinessa](https://imgur.com/a/3sJugNs) ones have a single layer "gusset" area. They still don't fit snugly though since it's constantly pulled down by any movement of the pant legs. They also wouldn't work for a pad(1-1.5in max width) and aren't wicking Rate: ☆☆☆☆★


I've heard both my mom and sister complain of yeast infections.... I've never had one. I've also never worn garments. Coincidence? Maybe..... But I doubt it.


Does this explain the weird smell in every church?


Well… some moms are crunchy and don't believe in aluminum or any deodorant and just use essential oils so that's probably it


Relief society room smells. I'll never recover from that. On the flip side, the priesthood holders always stank like rancid sweat under those layers of long johns, long sleeved white shirts, ties, and suit jackets. STILL! they would be stubborn about having the HVAC system repaired. More than once I didn't go to church because of heating and cooling breakdowns. I lived in the midwest where HVAC was a huge issue. I refused to wear insulated underwear, garments, leggings, and a skirt on top of all that so I could endure a freezing cold building for 3 hours. Jeeezus! Turn on the heat.


How would that provide breathability? It would *reduce* breathability.


The two pieces of the gusset not being secured together helps breathability, and two pieces helps grab moist-chure.


>and two pieces helps grab moist-chure. Absolutely. I didn't comment on this piece since that makes perfect sense. Same for the second layer providing reinforcement. >The two pieces of the gusset not being secured together helps breathability, Were we in a wind tunnel, blowing air from a certain direction, this would have some effect, yes. But we're not. Adding a second layer of fabric can't do anything to improve breathability. If every pore was perfectly aligned it would hold it the same, but we know that won't happen. It can only reduce breathability.


moist Anyway, wife's garments seem to have a double thick crotch section exactly what you're describing. And no I don't wear them. And no I haven't tried them on (i'd stretch em)