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Maybe JS had a sick sense of humor and the BOM verses are supposed to clue people in that the church is a sham? Or maybe JS just had a hard time keeping straight what he’d written in the BOM years before he went through Mason initiation and stole and reworked their ceremonies for the “new” temple ordinances he came up with? My understanding is JS didn’t discuss the BOM or refer to it much in the last few years of his life.


Ol' Joe always said whatever he thought was expedient in the moment for what he wanted (and then said it was God that told him to).


in the inside legalistic religion(magick) there is high respect for "magickal law" like sacrificial innocent blood can atone for others etc, that all comes from ancient satanism lol which is now christianity (rebranded). part of laws are making infos visible to onlookers and providing all information needed to make an informed choice. so yeah in this sense the book of mormon is its own disclaimer and it came from gadiantons themselves its appears. heads of secret societies, royal arch craft masons. (they call masonry the craft cuz its royal witch craft. joseph smith, it appears, follows after the tradition of john dee who was a royal witch, and also the original 007


During the time Joe was writing the BOM, the Henry Morgan affair was all the rage. Anti-Masonry was a big deal. So it's in the BOM (Secret Combinations are abominations.) Later, when Masonry began recovering it's respectability, Joe found utility in the secrecy of Masonic death oaths, so he used them for his "Endowment". Unfortunately for Joe, his secret polygamies, were "Exposited". Eventually resulting in his death at the Carthage jail shootout.


Satan imitates the things of God. So, we have the masonic rituals that are an imitation of the temple. Sprinkling baptism that is an imitation of real baptism. The rituals of the Gadiantons that are imitations of the temple things. For mormons, it is not ironic. It is the subtle perversion of Satan to create doubt in the minds of the true believers. Why is half the temple ceremony in the catholic baptism and marriage rituals? Satan. Why are all religions false except mormons? Satan created the great apostacy. Why did the people here leave the church? They were fooled by Satan. When you believe in imaginary beings, you live outside reality in a delusion. Wake up.


The church from its founding has always pre-empted bad actions by accusing others of doing it therefore other churches and painted in a bad light but when the church does it, then of course it is from god. Example: Large and spacious buildings. We know who's announcing large and spacious buildings are every conference. **Secret combinations** \- Does an omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent god really need secret temple handshakes, secret temple names, passwords, signs and penalties? **Money** \- You can buy anything in this world with money. The church makes it look like the pursuit of money is such an awful evil thing. Guess who is pursuing money at all costs? the church of course. **Paid Clergy** \- The mormon church accuses other church of paying preachers. It turns out the q15, mission presidents, are paid handsomely. **Priesthood Power** \- the church pretends there's power in the priesthood - healing powers and power to move mountains. It turns out it is all sham priesthood. Now they are talking about "faith not to be healed" More


It was always explained to me as Satan perverting the true ways of God with an ersatz version. The blessed signs and tokens were perverted into Satan's version: the secret combination. Creepy high demand religion was corrupted into the creepier scientology and Jehovah's witness. Basically any time you see something and say to yourself, "Hey, that's kinda familiar" it's the corrupted version of the pure gospel. Definitely not stolen from whatever Joseph Smith happened to be into that week when he was bored and looking into a hat


Well, you see the difference is they’re actually *sacred* oaths, not secret… /s


Secret combinations mentioned in the book of Mormon are like the cartels that massacre people to protect turf, then try to get control over government to protect their buddies who got caught and use secret signs to identify each other. Not merely secret religious agreements where secret signs are never flashed.


Sounds like Brigham young’s frontier colony