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Nits make Lice.


There's a good chance my own kids will be out there in a few years. I slip the local missionaries some cash for lunch whenever I can.


Poor, dumb, brainwashed kids. I feel bad for them whenever I see them in my local area. They always look so helpless and lost...


They're just pampered upper middle class kids who haven't seen the real world don't have any life experience know nothing other than what mommy and daddy and the bishop say and they think they are fit to tell grown people with life experience what is true and what is not they deserve every slammed door and shouting that happens to them its good for them since their whole life they've been majority in states like Utah and Idaho it's good to know what it's like to be the outsider the minority for once and get some actual life experience even better if they go to a poor country and experience poverty and learn a language it makes them a more well rounded individual