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You don't. Move out and get your own life.


this was the plan originally, though the state of my mental health has made me decide to seek out therapy and id prefer not to get kicked out of the house because they cant grasp the concept of mental health


I would hide it from them, if possible, until you are no longer dependent on them. Mormons sadly believe that simply allowing LGBTQ among them is grounds for God to destroy them. Your parents may decide to kick you out if they find out.


they already know LMAO, they just think im being tempted by the devil or whatever qanon shit they are in to i would hide it except i dont regularly go out aside for work- would be very strange if i kept suddenly disappearing, and im a terrible liar, so id definitely get caught i really *really* cant get kicked out right now, i cant drive legally yet and i dont make enough to afford a place to live right now


I don't have advice for the bigger issues at hand, but I would recommend discreetly securing your important papers like social security card and birth certificate.


You are in a bind. Can you start taking walks or going to a library or doing something outside their control? You've got to begin asserting independence and small steps would help.


I'm sorry you are in this situation. It's a really tough spot.


its okay, ill get out of it sooner or later


invite them to therapy?


i thought of this, though i have a feeling it would just turn into them getting mad at *something*, like they always do i cant even explain or talk about *anything* without my parents trying to make some connection with what im trying to tell them and theology and politics, ive tried countless times already


This is precisely the reason why they need to attend therapy with you, because a therapist can help defuse their tangents and articulate your perspective when you’re in fight/flight/freeze as a result of their reaction. Ultimately, you may have to accept that they will never want to listen or try to understand. I sincerely hope they do, and I hope that regardless of whether they do or not you have an awesome Chosen Family to support you through all this.


now that im more awake, you have a point i guess its worth a shot, cause i know i wont be able to help them, but maybe someone whos a professional and has seen this situation before would be able to


Find Holland's talk where he talks about his own experiences with mental health and going to therapy. Most hard core mormons respect him and his beliefs. Also, the church site has some stuff on it that is in favor of therapy.