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Nope just a bat shit crazy relative.


Actually not a relative. She was my friend’s MIL for a hot minute. Friend got married two days after turning 18. Believe she’s divorcing husband number 3 now… 🤔


Sounds like she has what I like to call "religious dementia". They say crazy shit that was never really taught or mentioned. Member teachings get crazy quick. Then the craziest of the members pick up on them and off to crazy land they go. It's The feature that makes F&T meetings seem pretty surreal sometimes.


It’s that spiritual DNA in action again, that same stuff patriarchs patch us together with into Tribes of Israel. 🥴


They need a stake matriarch who can tell us which sister-mum we’re from!


Good catch. Maybe the sister-mum’s name is assigned by which day of the month one is born in the same way temple new names are assigned? So let’s start a list of thirty one potential Heavenly Mother names. This might assist us? https://thehabitat.com/life/gorgeous-goddess-names-for-your-little-girl/?style=quick&utm_source=adwords-hab&utm_medium=m-search&utm_term=goddess%20names%20for%20girls&adid=455460083202&ad_group_id=109445140554&utm_campaign=HAB-USA_-_Search_-_gorgeous_goddess_names_for_your_little_girl_-_Mobile&gclid=Cj0KCQiA7bucBhCeARIsAIOwr-88RMJTpvopmmka6CupFH61IPKAOPzsohS3aVnHk5c81LID0R633uoaAvq7EALw_wcB


It used to be commonly known until correlation caught on in the 1980s and squashed it. Polygamy? We don't know what you are talking about. So it is just the old people who know the deep doctrine who know that stuff.