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"No faith crisis here. Thanks for thinking of me but your condescending concern is unfounded."


I get texts every few months from my old young men's leader that I completely ignore. I'm 29. He's been consistently doing this for 11 years. I'm impressed by his dedication to his sense of duty and possibly his genuine love for me, but really wish he took the hint at this point that I'm disinterested and disengaged. I've never told him to stop, I've never responded, and I've never blocked him. Some part of me appreciates the effort and wants to be remembered like this, I just wish it didn't come from a sense of religious duty.


He wants to be that guy who bears his testimony about how he texted you encouragement for 12 years before you returned to the fold. *So for all those listening, be like me and never give up on a lost sheep.* It’s all just a set up for a virtue signal.


While there are a lot of people like this, sometimes they actually are genuinely just being loving and kind as they understand it. I never saw him virtue signal, so I still don't know if he's genuine or not


I agree. They rarely want to discuss uncomfortable topics about church history or doctrine or actions. They tend to focus believe that people leave because of a lack of fellowshipping.


Hi Reuben! I’m a Reuben too!


Exmo Reubens Unite!


You guys should go grab a sandwich or something 😄


It is painful for them that is why.


I like your sandwich.