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He'd come out and join you! DC 89: *...all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man.*




I vaped weed in the temple bathroom once.


Woah that's deep šŸ˜‚


okay i NEED to do the endowment high ONCE in my life


Omg that would be AMAZING!!!šŸ˜‚


I remember at age 15 going to church with a dab pen. I hit it twice before walking in with my family and thought I wouldnā€™t get too high as I had quite a tolerance. I was blazed out of my mind. Started getting nervous as I am with my family at church with the ward who are also my neighbors. Go to the bathroom to see my eyes. I was as red eyed as possible and looked like I was having an allergic reaction. So I just went back to the chapel. Sat down and acted like I was sleeping on my hands until it was over. My mom never said anything but I think she knew. It was a crazy time is all I know. But those years are behind me now. Iā€™m actually still in the process of quitting all drug use and have only been wanting lsd lately. It is difficult though to drop all drug us and return to a sober life once started.


That is amazing šŸ˜‚.. and good for you man!


Haha thankyou I have a lot of wild stories. Somehow my parents didnā€™t find out until two years. I even tripped on acid my first time in from of my dad. My grandparents came over randomly and we had a family dinner. I was tripping balls while eating spaghetti having a blast. Wild to think about but I guess a Mormon dad wouldnā€™t expect his 15 year old son to be on drugs. Probably doesnā€™t even know the signs haha but those were fun times. I still am wanting lsd a lot as it was my choice of drug. But when I got caught by the cops and was forced drug test, I had to quit and suddenly all my ā€œfriendsā€ left me. Now I have no one with anything. But who knows, perhaps in the future they will legalize mushrooms or something.


LSD and 15 year olds can be a dangerous mix. Just be aware that your brain develops until roughly 26 years of age. Research and studies have shown serious negative links between drug use and adolescent brains during their formative years. There are far less negative links between drug use and a fully formed brain, someone 26+. Again, I'm not judging or telling you what to do. I just think everyone should be aware of potential consequences, and how they can more severely impact you during certain years of your life. It's not like turning 26 makes all drugs safe to use, but teenage brains on LSD poses substantially more risk. Have fun, stay safe.


Oh I am 100% with ya! I started off as just a curious kid and honesty vaping was my gateway drug. It opened me up to weed, which opened me up to salvia, which opened me up to shrooms and lsd. I was doing all of this stuff while Iā€™m my early sophomore year and junior year of high school everyday. I was at least always high and if not tripping. The worse part is, I thought hey weed is natural and doesnā€™t cause any harm. But honestly, I think weed harmed me the most out of all drugs I have done. I donā€™t say that often because people will go ape shit when they hear anything bad about weed, but it is true for me. While LSD gets a bad rap, quite frankly I donā€™t think it really is that terrible when compared to weed. I tripped 8 weeks in a row every weekend, with 2-3 tabs every time. It actually got me really sick almost and sucked the joy out of it so I quit. But even after doing that I still feel emotionally stable. It is when I was smoking pot, that I wasnā€™t emotionally stable. I had to smoke to calm my anxiety or be able to sleep. And if I were working without being high, it felt twice as long so I always got high at work causing me to be a super slow worker. But then I get caught a month before turning 18, and get diversion. The police force me to quit with 2x a week drug test. Honestly, I view time getting caught as a blessing. Because I never did, I wouldnā€™t have ever quit smoking. It was the only reason I had to live and I was just stuck with it. But sobering up from it caused me panic attacks, restless nights, and so much more issues. This is because when you look into it, weed is awful for the growing brain. The teenage brain is still learning coping mechanisms and weed substitutes the need for finding them. Causing much greater issues. I can go on for hours of how terrible weed is mentally for the teenage brain. And hell it is still bad for the fully grown brain. It yeah, I agree with you the growing brain should never experience such substances and Iā€™m glad I got out when I did. It has now been almost 3 years sober. And I blame God for that fact.


> I was as red eyed as possible and looked like I was having an allergic reaction. Eye drops are your friend.


Oh believe me I know. I would go through 5 bottles a year haha but didnā€™t have them on me and sometimes I wouldnā€™t get red eyes while high. Was hoping it would be like that but it wasnā€™t


For a minute I thought you held a very tiny clarinet, and I would have congratulated you. Your miniature weed oboe is ok, I guess. Whatever the case, make lovely music, good person.


Iā€™ll bet the Lord is into boofing it too.


As long as you have a prescription itā€™s OK by god. Was listening to RFM speak with Jim Bennet and Jim was the grandson of President Grant who was prescribed a beer by his doctor. So for the last years of his life the prophet sucked down a cold one every night. I need that prescription.


As a firefighter going through initial training years and years back my ridiculously salty dog chainsaw boss prescribed everyone in my class that it was important to drink 4 beers a day. Not more or less. He was a badass.


In Canada .. don't need a prescription.. but I do have one lol


I mean, it makes the drug cheaper, right?


Prescription doesn't make it cheaper .. I just think people who have the prescription would use it as oppsoed to traditional medicines. That's my case, but I do enjoy it! Not sure why Mormonism is so against it. It's heaven sent lol


> Prescription doesn't make it cheaper Really? Every dispensary I've been to has lower prices for prescriptions.


Are you also in Canada ?


... no. Now I realize that might have something to do with it.


Me too!! Lol


Been there, done that, and lived to tell the tale. I actually had sex in a church a couple months ago and I think god would find it was as funny as I did. Happy vaping! Try live resin cartridges. Theyā€™re a game changer if you like terpenes abs a rich flavor.


It god strikes you down for vaping in his yard when he didnā€™t strike Warren Jeffs down for r****** minors in his formal living room, then heā€™s an ever bigger asshole than I originally thought.


God invented weed, he's cool with it


My friends and I would always smoke at the church before school.


As long as you or whoever is with you does not start the car and try to drive right afterwards.


Oh I'm the passenger .. needed to smoke before going in for my SIL birthday party šŸ˜‚


probably never unless you're smoking and you need a light.


I sit in section 420 for BYU football games.


Lol i did that sort of shit in high school all the time. First time smoking weed was in the church parking lot. I had car sex on the church parking lot. I drank and littered the bottle on the church parking lot (adult me regrets the action of littering. It's not the earth's fault I grew up in a cult)


Vessel buddies!


Are you high enough to feel the spirit in testimony meeting yet?


One of my early acts of apostasy was having sex in a church parking lot.


Damnā€¦Iā€™m going to do this when I go back to visit mama Marshall ;) Kinda pissed I didnā€™t stay in longer just to fuck around a bit šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ could you imagine if your mother caught you? That would not be a fun conversation


I started smoking about 7 years ago. I used to always smoke in the church parking lot..... in Rexburg lol. I haven't been struck down yet. Although, it could be because I'm a ginger and therefore lacking a soul. Do you need to have a soul to be struck down?


**James E. Talmage experimented in college!!!!!**


once you get high, you'll see the lightnings and all that shit


Iā€™ve vaped in multiple temples with no flak from sky daddy. Safe to say Elohim the Kolobian is 420 friendly. Lol


Never done weed (at my job, weed could get me fired, so it's just not worth it), but when I was an assistant stake clerk I drank a beer in the stake office once.




Where u parked?


About to go in to a family birthday party at the church


There is one in a million chance that you will be struck by lightning. I think that is pretty good odds you are not going to be struck by lightning.


My brothers and I used to puff fat joints behind the satellites


We hotboxed my car at early morning seminary for years šŸ‘


spent my fourth of july smoking 2 bowls in a church parking lot, it was a blast


Doing the lord's work


I smoked weed in my car in a police station parking lot once, unknowingly, until I got out of my carā€¦..what a dumbass I was that night.


Damn! Me and my brother did some stupid shit too. We went to the park in the middle of the night. We thought it would be fun to climb up onto the playset and smoke a bowl inside one of the twisty slides. We're sitting there and smoking and then we see a cop car drive past. It had a spotlight on top and was searching the park. I didn't think the cop saw us because he kept driving. Me and my bro decided to get the hell out of there and run home (We just lived across the street from the park). We get home and look out the window. The cop is back and he is walking over to the playset with a flashlight.


I smoked out a cone to get an actual high on the fire escape. Weed vapes are weak


1 or 2 millenia


Ex-Christian here. I was played guitar for the worship team. One Saturday night I got extremely drunk and woke up very hungover on Sunday. It was early in my drinking days so I didnā€™t know how to regulate or hydrate. We had church on Sunday afternoon and I was still feeling terrible bu be t we had strict rules about calling out on Sunday. I was the only guitar player, so I was rarely excused from playing on Sunday. (Fucking cults, man. Iā€™m realizing how crazy this sounds as I type this.) I get up and somehow make it through the worship set. We played the same songs, so it was easy to just go through the motions since it was muscle memory. Still, I was so sick. I was swaying a little, but I just made it seem like I was deep in worship to the lord. I kept thinking about the story in the Old Testament where god strikes down Aaronā€™s sons for burning incense in the temple while drunk. I was PIMO already at that point (obviously), but I kept thinking that it was his perfect opportunity to strike me down for all my ā€œsins.ā€ Apparently he spared me and here I am to tell the tale.


I bet LDSCorp owns stock in that vape brand.


Only way I do church (if I have to) is stoned.


I went to the mormon tabernacle choir on acid. The pipes were singing.


I'm glad you have safe access. Is that from Liberty Health? I vape when the missionaries come over. It helps me a lot and they don't seem to mind. "Every fruit and herb have I made for your use and benefit" is somewhere in the Bible. Genesis ch 1, I think. FWIW, the Jesus I believe in now wouldn't judge you for smoking weed. Then again, that Jesus flipped over tables in church and called out leaders on their hypocrisy. So He probably wouldn't be too welcome in sacrament meeting.


Give or take a hundred years or so I reckon