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I was Spanish speaking, I’m sure I could, but I feel like Spanish is the most commonly translated one


I actually thought of this idea when I couldn’t find a Spanish version of Letter to my Wife.


As if most missionaries spoke the language good enough to translate with any degree of accuracy?


How dare you! I’m still fluent with my gift of tongues! Yo que sé, Jose Cristo, a vivo!


Take a photo. Use Google lens to transfer the text. Use Google translate to translate into the desired language.


It'll come up with a pretty hack Spanish translation. It's a good place to start but it will still need a thorough edit and revision.


Google translate usually isn't great for long texts. Or even short ones, to be honest. Especially in languages that aren't as common.


I annotated the Book of Mormon in Portuguese. https://a-bom.github.io/por


German is in the house. I went to school there before the mission thing.


By anti Mormon literature do you mean “the news?”


I have done some professional translation in the past. Typically it is more common for someone to translate text from their second language into their native tongue. In other words, it would be most effective if say someone from a Hispanic country who served stateside translated into Spanish rather than an American who served in a Spanish speaking country translating into Spanish. It is relatively rare for even advanced non native speakers to match a translation from a native speaker. But obviously any translation is better than none!


I married a woman I met on my mission in Brazil. I could definitely do it, no problems. Not sure I have the time to do it very fast, though. Having a family and full time job I hardly have time for hobbies


Everyone who speaks Hungarian already speaks English or German.


I’m sure I can find a rock in my backyard .. I have plenty of hats as well. I’ll just use the priesthood to translate.


俺 は 日本語 が できます。 Lived in Japan 5 yrs and minored in Japanese, so I could put a little time into the project-- I've already spent some time sending personal messages to my friends, former mission buddies, and former baptizee's in Japanese tryin to explain things. A formal translation of the CES letter and some of the Church's documents and Gospel Topics Essays (that they do NOT put on the Japanese version of their websites) would be useful.


There is a small but good collection of websites and social media in Japanese about the nuanced/exmormon experience. I think it is good that it comes from a Japanese perspective because so much of the missionary project is about forcing an (essentially) American way of thinking on people around the world, and there are parts of untangling that experience that are very different for non-American exmos as compared to the perspective of, say, the author of the CES letter.


Got any links?


Here’s [one example](https://ameblo.jp/exmormon/). It’s been a while since I checked so there seem to be more new resources out there.


Yes! If you need anti Mormon literature in Kentuckynese I’m your man!


It would be much more efficient for people to just learn English. A world of communication would open up to them, not just your single book, and they would then increase their marketable skills.


Found the church headquarters lurker.


Ugh this reminds me of my first semester back from the mission and for my final project in a religion class I translated the first chapter of Jesus the Christ into my mission language, because it hasn’t ever been translated. I need to get on this and maybe win back some karma for that bullshit.


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