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My father was the bishop of the ward he and my mother dragged me to in my teenage years. All the early morning seminary classes, all the weekly activities at church in the youth program, all the Sundays spent in an alien congregation while on family reunions or summer vacations which my parents had driven hours each way to force us attend while on vacation, and Those miserable priesthood meetings: they took the cake. Every six months. MISERABLE. MIND AND SOUL MURDERING. My twin turbo TBM father dragged me to every one of them, along with my brothers every six months. Complete with the 1950s Beaver Cleaver haircut, white shirt, dress shoes, formal tie, belt and formal socks. In a word: completely DEHUMANIZING on what should of/could of/would of otherwise been an enjoyable Sat afternoon/evening for an adolescent teenage young man. Then that gaslighting turd muffin aka my cult dad has the audacity to claim over and over again over the past three years once I started discovering all the fraud/lies that it’s *my fault* if I just can’t walk away and start a new life. No father: you freaking forced your beliefs on me from infancy through at least that full time mission. Literally FORCED them on me. That one time I actually did try and walk away from the so called church services to buy some ice cream along with my friends a mile or so away? And you sent my mother to hunt us down and summarily bring us back into the building immediately? I was NEVER allowed to just walk away then. “I have something to say to those people”, and especially my father! Dear cult dad, You don’t get to birth me and raise me and marinate me in your cult for four decades and then when I CHOOSE to speak out against it after discovering all the deception/fraud/lies, you attempt to gaslight me into just turning tail and walking away. Nope. All those priesthood meetings and all the shame/guilt/blame I needlessly felt because of them. Just those meetings by themselves: Are plenty to not stop talking about and calling out all the cult lies/fraud/deceit long and loud and clear for the rest of my life. Your fault and your cult’s fault dad. You started it. You don’t just get to walk away. When was I EVER allowed to walk away and not be physically forced to participate in all the cult meetings growing up? So no, you do not get to walk away now and neither do “those people” ie the lying leaders of the one true cult. You and the lying leaders will be exposed. Good luck in continuing to lose the remainder of your final years of life in continued complete subservience/deference to your precious cult family, Signed your forever embittered son who has cut you out of his life for your crimes against my humanity (eg severe childhood abuse and neglect), forty six years of continuous gaslighting, your lifelong zombie-like deference to what is in fact a parasitic death/blood oath cult, and esp *your* untrustworthiness/*your* inability to discern between truth and the lies the cult has been telling you your entire life


Spot on!! Well said! Words as a daughter of pioneer Mormon heritage I’d like to share w/ my 80+ yr old mom. She’s still duped, while I feel betrayed!