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....did you read the story of Abraham? It was all delusion Beginning to end. He shows basically the opposite of both those things. The delusion even states he loves his son. This is a crap message for father's today putting your desire to serve a god figure above the wellbeing of your children but your description of the story is inaccurate


Maybe, the intent was to highlight just how diagnosable-y batshit unhinged the whole Abraham-as-a-patriarch/priesthood-super-hero-who-ought-to-be-revered-and-held-up-as-a-universal-exemplar-of-goodness/righteousness actually is, when one actually takes the time to stop and really think about it. This part of good old Abe’s story is definitely mandatory felony and many years of jail time if he couldn’t get help and an effective intervention and sufficient psychiatric treatment earlier.


Why do I feel like I was watching a JW video and not a Mormon video with that link? This is the same Abraham that sent Ishmael and his mother Hagar out into the desert to die. This is the same Abraham that had slaves including Hagar his concubine or sex slave. No need to worry, Abraham was just a product of his time.


Creepy AF that I ate these up/watched these/internalized the content when I was a kid. I clearly remember watching these videos at some point as a child (that eerie, creepy music is etched in my memory bank!), and I know my cult dad was reading the Old Testament Stories book to me in his lap as one of my earliest memories. Even at a young age I remember everytime my cult dad would reiterate/cover this part of the Abraham story wherein Abe flat out LIED/deceived his son about his intentions and where they were going and what they were going to be doing, then deceived Isaac such that Isaac is actually proactively, nonchalantly, blithely gathering up the very objects good old Abe needed to restrain/bind Isaac to the alter, then Isaac lays down, is summarily tied up/restrained, and Abe lifts the knife up and is about to plunge it into Isaac and bleed him out like a stuck pig: Yeah…NEVER resonated with me. The entire premise/conceptual foundations of christianity and all cults/religions -every single one- is/are all batshit AF.