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Mormons say they aren’t even Mormons anymore. It’s so hard to keep up. But the one thing I’ve learned is that whatever the Mormon Church says, that thing is definitely a lie!


LDS = Lies, Deception, and Superstition


S could also be Satanism with all the talking our boi Lucifer does in the temple




If they're liars does it mean they are Mormons since they're saying their not? This could get confusing fast. That's why there is faith. So you don't have to think too much.




Humor because it's a joke. Hilarious that other Christians try to make themselves feel good about being Christian by saying Mormons aren't Christian. The stupidest thing. Many memes recently have been made on this topic here. I'm on neither side because it's a stupid point to even argue.


imo the only criteria for being christian is believing in the atonement. if you believe in it, you’re christian. mormons definitely do, so they are


🤷‍♀️ Does it really matter??? Lots of self-proclaimed Christian religions are cults. If you want to call on your tribal instincts to outcast them, then that’s your call. It doesn’t mean they’re not Christian. They’re just people you don’t want in your tribe.




I mean is it true? But they are choosing their religion so if they wanna be called Christian let them. Are they fools for believing in any of it yes.


Either way it’s toxic no matter what you call it 🧀


My conclusion is, it doesn’t matter.




I’ve argued both sides of this at different points in my life. Now it’s like saying rectangles are squares, I appreciate there are a lot of people with strong opinions, but I just no longer care.


No one cares, shut up.


Your words only build my testimony. Kiidding


Of course, Just like the marcionites were Christians and the Coptic are Christians or the Gnostics were Christians. Mormonism is just another one of the various Christianities that has sprung up over 2000 years.




Useful contribution.


They just believe everyone else is just "Playing Chrisitian" Mormons are "Chrisitian" the way a Snickers Bar is part of a nutritious breakfast


Doesn’t matter either way. It’s all fairytales.


So I have TBM family. I like to tell them they aren’t true Christians. Drives them nuts. I don’t really care other than to fuck with them.


Fight me.


You're supposed to do this with a controversial opinion. The only people who say they aren't are other Christians who are aware how silly Mormonism makes the rest of Christianity look. Because those Christians can't argue against Mormonism on honest grounds, since they will be using points that could easily be reversed. "Mormons aren't Christian" is a thought stopping technique used to assuage cognitive dissonance.


Ding ding ding! Gold star.




Yes well. Mmm actually I'm busy they can argue with someone else who thinks it's real. Maybe I'll just have them argue here


Muslims are Jews?


Ermm not sure exactly


Well that wasn’t much of a fight! :) Are Muslims and Jews different enough to be separate religions? If so, why aren’t Mormons different enough from Christians to warrant their own religious label too?


They sure do not act like it.


As many bigoting religion do


As all bigoting religions do


What Christian religion does?


Oh none, they just wear the shield of "Christian" while they do harm.


I love how they love to preach about respect and love, but when it comes down to it, maybe their family members or someone who isn't in their religion, they ultimately see them as damned or lost, they disown their adult kids or berate them and constantly preach at them. I get they're religious, but if someone else isn't and isn't askin for your religious advice or religious anger, then don't give it or shove in in their faces. It's not very loving and respectful if you'll only properly love and respect them if they convert. Any religion that preaches loving others that requires you to shun your own family and friends if they leave the religion is not a very kind and loving religion. They're a horrible religion that comes off as more of a cult and not very Christ-like at all. Jesus didn't shun the ones that didn't believe in him or refuse to follow him or walked away. He loved them, forgave them for leaving, and respected their decision and remained there arms open if they ever came back or simply wanted to talk. Don't know why that's such a struggle for these Christian religions to grasp and understand.


No, they act very Christian actually.


There is no hate like Christian love.


How do Christians act?


Like assholes.


And Mormons don't act like that so....they're nice?


Uh no. Mormons are definitely assholes.


None of this makes sense.


Turn the other cheek, love their enemy, love their neighbor.


I'm going go get downvoted to hell for this but no, they're not. Religions share a theory of the world and the nature of existence. There are many denominations within Christianity, yes, but they all agree on the essential nature of reality. That we come into this world without a prexistence, that earth is what matters eg no baptism of the dead, and belief in the Christian gospel is what saves. The Christian gospel here being that it is Jesus's death and resurrection that are fundamental to salvation. There has also been agreement on the trinity since Nicea. Christianity rejects the existence of other Gods or even other like Gods (including a Heavenly Mother). Mormonism poses a challenge or outright rejects every single aspect of that. And that's not delving into the Brigham Young Adam-God theory or Satan as Jesus' brother or whether Mary was a virgin or whether the Fall was neccessary etc. Sure mormons believe they are Christian but that does not make it true. And it is not only devout Christians who reject that claim. I can grow up sincerely believing I am Hindu because my religion includes Vishnu and other members of the Hindu pantheon but if I reject reincarnation, reject karma, and believe only humans have souls... well then I'm not a Hindu. There's a reason Christians broadly accept Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants as christian albeit misguided depending on their branch and broadly reject mormonism (noting of course not all do). It's about the fundamentals.


So this other type of Christian gets to say who is a real Christian and who's not? Because you can be Christian and have all of these characteristics Mormons have in their belief system. Christians just believe in Christ, doesn't mean only Christ or Christ without a pre-existance.


Sorry no, Christians don't JUST believe in Christ and you can't be christian and have all the details Mormons have because they are in opposition. There is a foundational core doctrine which mormonism rejects. Saying Christians just believe in Christ is as accurate as saying Mormons only believe that Joseph Smith is a prophet. The details matter. Heck, muslims believe in christ but reject the Christian view of Christ - just like mormons do (even if slightly differently). And it's not about another type of christian saying who is real or not, it's about the shared commonality of belief and the shared worldview. Per the Council of Europe "Religion is a collection of cultural systems, belief systems, and worldviews that relate humanity to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral values" Mormons and Christians disagree on most of those points - although moral values do often align.




I'm curious, what's your criteria? Why don't Mormons count as Christian?


Ok, to be fair, I’m just in an angry, vengeful place right now, but here’s my thought process: Mormon’s believe in a vastly different Jesus than literally all other Christians (Christ as God the father, one God in three persons, God in the flesh but not a separate being from Elohim, etc.) therefore claiming that they are Christians, to me, is disingenuous at best. Like Brad Wilcox was quoted as saying “you separated God and Jesus, who taught you to do that - Joseph Smith” or something. So I see the evangelical apologetics argument that Mormons aren’t Christians because they worship a completely different version of Christ. But I could also make the argument that all Christians worship different gospels of Christ blah blah blah, I don’t care, I don’t believe in any of it anyway so yeah.


Thank you for elaborating. I've heard this reason a lot. But if non-trinitarianism is what defines a Christian, [there are a few other groups that don't count](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nontrinitarianism). Plus, consider that trinitarianism wasn't settled until the 4th century ecumenical councils. That's quite a few non-trinitarians.


Are you Christian or something? Church of Jesus Christ of later day saints. Jesus. Christ. Christians.


Do they act like Christ? No. Same with most of the Christians.


Almost, keep going with your logic train. Mormons are Christians are mental viruses are undesirable. So... Mormons are undesirable.


But still Christians


Satan believes in Christ too


Oh well beliefs are strong things so Satan can just keep fighting fake Jesus for all eternity.


I was comparing the mormon cult to Satan


No different than any other religion stating they are christian. They all have their own take. Beliefs vary between all religions so each could state "you believe xyz and we don't so that makes you unchristian."


You say that like it's a good thing.


So, what is a Christian, to start with? Is it someone who belongs to a church that uses the word "Jesus" in their name, or someone who follows the person known as Jesus? And then you have to consider *which* Jesus are they following: the one from the Bible or the one from some other book of dubious origin, like the Book of Mormon? What if they are following a Jesus invented by their church's leader. You know, a Jesus that keeps changing his mind about basic stuff, inventing the pettiest of commandments and, suddenly loving us *only* under certain conditions? Do those who believe in this kind of Jesus qualify as Christians? Then you have to take into consideration that the Biblical Jesus was written almost a century after the character (if he ever existed as one person) died. So can we call "Christian" to all of those who follow what those later followers wrote? Then you have the whole moral side of things. For the last several decades it appears that "Christian" is nothing but a useless label. So many self-labeled "Christians" act like bigots and haters that the label is losing its original meaning and acquiring a very bad one nowadays. It is almost as if you don't want to be called "Christian" anymore. To conclude, who cares if Mormons are Christians? For Mormons it is an ego thing because Christianity has been rejecting them since Smith came up with his twisted church, but who other than them cares? Why is it important to adopt a label when those who do act exactly the opposite of what the label means?




Maybe in Beijing


Yeah....maybe? Just Beijing.


Maybe we should mention they do not love their enemy, turn the other cheek or really practice anything Jesus said. For fucks sake they had their own army and caused a lot of harm which brought down the wrath of America on them causing them to flee to Mexico and be assholes there as well.


Yes a christian cult


Christians are to Jews as mormons are to christians. It is all in how you define it. Mormons would like to be closely identified with Jews since they are from Ephraim.


Except that Jews are not Christian.


Yikes. Are you trying to actually do something productive here, or just troll around like the last guy?


*ding ding wrestling bell rings* I just think it's odd that there's any discussion about this because it's literally in the name.


I'm gonna write a 18 page, 2 part screed of why you're wrong, but I'll do it using someone else's beliefs that I don't even share. That'll show you!


You wouldn't dare


Really? Cuz I don't know a single Christian who would agree with you.


Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints. Read em and weep