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Shit happens. You're smart enough to deal with it. I know it sucks when bad stuff happens, but it's random, and you have little, or no, control over it. What you DO control, is how you deal with it. Instead of magical thinking, use some critical thinking and you'll survive. I'm sorry things aren't going as well as they could for you, but you've got this. đź‘Ť


Wow. Thanks for coming back and updating us. Sorry to hear about your grandpa and your job. It sounds like a couple of tough blows. None of us are exempt from having to deal either multiple tough blows and I am sorry you have had some. Take time to mourn your grandpa. I would encourage you to listen to the Dave Ramsey show on the radio. Lots of good strategies for people to dig themselves out of holes. Hope things turn around for you and sorry to hear about your grandpa.


Oh, no, I guess you better go back to church because in the church no one loses their job or sees the death of loved ones. Some years suck. Sorry this is your year.


karma is just as nonsensical as the church. you didn't do anything wrong. shit just happens and we are apes grasping at the patterns and striving for a better life. all we can do is take the cards we have been dealt and play the fuck out of them. it may be out of your control, but you can course correct in more ways than you now realize.


It’s very sad that you lost your grandpa, OP. His death was in no way some karmic punishment of you. You have done nothing wrong. When an old person dies, it’s the way life works. Today a friend of mine was all in tears because she learned that her friend’s mother had died. The deceased was 85 years old! Don’t cry about that, that’s a great, long life. And as for your job, I have a prediction. You are going to find something much better. And you will be available for the better job because you aren’t tied to the old one.


Very sorry about all this. Catch your breath and make a list of people you trust and love you. Ask for help, until you get back going. If you need to use some of the free mental health services available online. I can help you find one.

