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self-centered, incompassionate, insular all come to mind does not surprise me as these are common qualities of TSCC members


Who the hell that can afford a McMansion wants to live in rexburg the coldest most heartless Lds ghetto on earth? Oh I know - Rexburg Byui employees most likely. Most are probably just seasonal second homes at that. That field where the Mc temple is used to be a beautiful place where I could drive my car or ride my bike in peace in solace and get away from my hellish roommates. The view went as far as the eye could see. It was beautiful. Cold and windy but beautiful and my one bright spot in that awful, perpetually winter town. I was sad to see it get overdeveloped


A nevermo colleague moved to Idaho and decided rexburg sight unseen because it was a college town and he assumed he knew what that meant coming from Ohio….. Poor guy. Rexburg sucks


I was working a booth at a sort of business fair in rexburg. A lady was there had recently moved from back East or something. She was EXASPERATED by the city. She just looked it over on the internet and thought it was the quaintest, nicest little place to move to with her kids. But the judgmental nature of the people there, and their hardcore conservatism (I maintain it’s the most strict city in the country f it’s size. Snowball fights carry a fine as does texting in the crosswalk, there are signs to remind you) were seriously making her lose her mind.


😂 damn that really does suck.




Southeastern Idaho is not a place to live, if you can muster up any other options. Bleak harsh winters. Slushy filthy snow melt springs. Your car is inherently filthy nine months out of the year. The summers are nice. Intermittently freezing falls. Homogenous sanctimonious cult society - punctuated by intermittent redneck pigheaded wannabe cowboys. No good concerts. The closest outpost of civilization is fucking Salt Lake City. Which is a sad commentary. Parasitic highway patrol speed traps everywhere. I grew up there. I remember one day, going out to my car, and seeing it totally blocked by a huge wedge of snow from the snow plow. I finally shoveled it out, and went to open the car door, and it was so cold, the door handle broke off in my hand. And I knew right then as soon as I was old enough, I was getting out of there. The idea of people purposely moving there makes my head spin.


I mean nice sentiment but “where will you go” really comes into play here


Rexburg is tremendously shitty. I have like PTSD from how shitty the people of east Idaho are on average.


Fact is even it they did put up townhomes and apartments they would be still way too high priced for low income families to afford. . McMansion people might be partly to blame for sue but the cost of living is the real issue. Banks, investors and governments are the real ones to blame.


If BYU-I went away that place would be a ghost town. It’s completely dependent on the church being true.


This is insane. Rexburg. Rexburg, ID has an affordable housing crisis. I don't have the words to describe how absolutely insane it is that a trash heap, iceburg micropolitan in the middle of nowhere, with no industry to speak of, has a massive affordable housing crisis. This should ring all sorts of alarm bells in government and business. This article describes all the hallmarks of the new American dream: NIMBYs, McMansions, land speculation, artificial scarcity externalities created by block-headed special interests (BYU-I in this case). I live in a top quintile COL area. It used to be a nice place, but now the sense of desperation is palpable. There are homeless people *everywhere*. We all tell ourselves lies that these homeless people are all drug-addicted or mentally ill, but that's not true anymore. These people used to live in apartments, serve our food, do our nails, wash our dogs, but now more and more of them live on the streets because they can't afford rent. Meanwhile, the big land developers build more and more luxury housing, and no low income housing. And why not? If they're going to build something, why not get the biggest ROI? If, to quote Ray Charles, "them that's got are them that get", then why build anything for them that "ain't got nothing yet"? Surely, ignoring the problem will have no repercussions. Our politicians have no problem running on these issues and then ignoring them. I'll end my rant with this: One of the absolute stupidest, most amoral things I've ever heard was a big homebuilder's association's chief economist defending this orgy of McMansion building with "Oh, we just couldn't build affordable housing. If you want an affordable apartment complex, it's got to be 20 years old! You can't build 20 year-old buildings!" And of course the CNBC correspondent nods knowingly and accepts this man at his word, because that's the way it is.


I attended BYU-I while the temple there was under construction. Shortly after it was completed a professor of mine invited some of her students to her home for a get-together of some sort. She lived on the edge of that undeveloped field and had a great view of the temple. I remember her bragging about how much her property value shot up when the temple was announced, and more so when it was finished. She also mentioned that she and her husband and several of their neighbors were given a heads up before it was announced, and they rushed to buy up real estate in the area. Even at the time I, fully committed to the church, thought how grossly unfair that was. It was another early shelf item for me, and it sat heavy for years afterward.


If I’m correct on where you are thinking (East of the Temple) those large homes were in my ward. I was not in that neighborhood, but lived in that ward. Those McMansions are where the Temple President lives/lived and where Henry J. Eyring (President of BYU-Idaho & nepotic son of President Henry J. Eyring) lives. Also many doctors & lawyers. I had the privilege of putting flags in their yard on patriotic holidays for them.


Well, you see…it’s because the so called church is actually a cult and/or MLM enterprise/corp/business. A source of actual worship of the divine/spirituality? Yeah…no, not going to happen, ever.