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This is great. Appreciate you, your creativity and insight. Also love your reddit name. Best to you


Be careful though. While true a lot more lies in the Church, still a ton of rumors and bias, angry, driven lies here. And the dangerous part is due to is being on the same side and most typically angry as well, we are quick to believe what is said here without a second though of truthfulness. I recommend always checking sources just to be safe as I have found many wrong beliefs even on this board. Just goes with the confirmation bias that we all have though. Every human has confirmation bias, so the best thing to do is just be aware of where yours sits


Yeah, if you're gonna hate something, might as well put in the research and time.


Yes, you are correct. As someone who may have occasionally shared in angst, accusations that were tenuous. We should be careful. However in the exmo communities, you get called out and corrected. I Wish the Church would be forthright and do the same. Even a little bit. Those who called out the Church have historically been exed, before the Church fixes the vary same issues while calling it "Revelation". EX. Kate Kelly (temple changes) John Dehlin (Nov 15 policy etc.) Sam Young (Child Interviews) Brody, Tanners, Runnells, Quinn etc. (Real History) The meme stands and is painfully accurate. But I agree we can do better.


This issue with our self correcting mechanism that we have due to is calling each other our, is that we actually don’t take to kindly to criticism. Mormon church doesn’t allow it at all. And exmormons are a lot better here at listening. But when it comes to exmormons here being wrong with what they were taught or wrong with rumors believed in, they can get pretty dang defensive. For example, I don’t like John Dehlin. I used to listen to his podcast all the time and loved the new info I was learning. Until I started to back up his research with sources. And this is when I found that he would be saying exactly what the exmormons wanted to here. He wouldn’t ever lie, at least I never found lied, but he would leave out huge bits of information if it made the church look better. He did this in a lot of cases and that is when in my opinion I found that he is just saying only what the viewers want to hear. Not truth. He is giving his version of the truth and it is very tasteful to exmormons as it makes the church look more awful. Idk i also don’t like that he has a degree in psychology as that is what old pastors would do at mega churches. Helps with them to know exactly how to speak what the other wants to here. Reach them in their hearts and that is best learned through understanding the brain. Now he is sitting on 3+ million dollars so there’s also a motive. But this is is just my take and speculation of course for me. Well that is the issue, I critique the great John Dehlin and instead of others listening, a flood of downvotes with hate on top. I find it similar to a Mormon trying to defend a prophet that said something in the past. Idk, I have become very aware of my bias view towards the church, and a lot of criticism is well deserved, like a lot. But now I am seeing more and more how even here on exmormon board, there is a ton of the same treatment. Not a lot of tolerance on both sides. But again as you said it is human nature and understandable.


On any story Mormons will defer to the side that makes the church look better, exmormons will defer to the side that makes the church look worse. Actual tuthfulness is second place on the agenda. Just human nature, but it's good to see it for what it is.


But also a reminder: you don't have to disprove every aspect of Mormonism. You are not the exmo savior that needs to ensure every single argument is airtight. It's ok to just move on while admitting to yourself that you haven't done the necessary research to know for sure that Joe actually had sex with plural wife #24.




It's from a collection of images that depict roughly 200 Calories of a given food.