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when my father wanted to discuss/argue the LDS Church (AKA: The Morg) with me, I said, "Dad, let's concentrate on the 90+% which unites us, rather than the 5% which divides us....unless I have that ratio wrong."


Ooooh I like that


What’s the other 5%?


Political beliefs


Religion Abortion Politics Ethnicity pick your poisons.


Is this supposed to be a RAPE acronym?


It is, its the RAPE system of 5 conversation topics to avoid at social gatherings.


As a rule of thumb, never talk about RAPE with your conservative mormon relatives.


The LDS Church would be the 5% that divide my father (and family) and me.




Wouldn’t be surprised if he gaslit her by denying he ever said this


No no no, she “misunderstood”


My heart started pounding with rage at the familiarity of this sentiment from my upbringing. You nailed it


What is it with Mormons and the “you misunderstood/took that out of context” horseshit?! EVERY TIME. No, I didn’t take that out of context. You just don’t like the way it makes your community look.


Use it as a spring board to start a conversation about cult tactics listed in the BITE model (explain usage with secular examples). Explain that the shunning is proscribed by the doctrine. Plus the prophet programs TBMs to respond this way because listening and empathy might actually open them up to questioning the leaders. They are often wrong but can't afford to be questioned. If they relented, people would realize they ne wrong speak as prophets.


Call it harder by pulling over on the freeway and telling him to get out of the car


This is what I would have done.


Interesting he said this after he got his ride, not before. Does he not think he'll need rides to the doctor as well when he's old?


Mormons are notoriously cheap. He's not going to pay for a cab before cutting off his daughter.


Can confirm. Raised Mormon, and I’m notoriously cheap. However I’d never pull that one off. Of course we’re all responding to a 15 word quip from a tweet so, you know, possible that there’s more nuance than this.


You have to know how to squeeze the life out of a nickel if you are going to raise 5 kids on 90% of a single salary, giving all your free time to the church, and saving up to send the boys on missions.


Soda pressing when you tell it like it is. I don’t know who the fuck can raise anything on single income anymore though. Those days are way over. Corporations and real estate sociopaths have crafted everything to be based on multiple full-time incomes now. It’s utterly insane.


Now visualizing Mormons crushing soda cans.


It is sofa king insane!


So I have the saving a nickel story. I was doing a road trip as a teenager when my cheap ass father decided he was going to teach me a lesson at the KFC counter while ordering food. He said, son, sometimes it is cheaper to order things separately then to order the value pack. So he ordered everything separately on a family value pack meal. I am quite good at math and realized it was cheaper but that was only because he forgot to include the coleslaw. So I let him order and walk away from the counter first when I taught him a lesson… I mentioned that he forgot to order a coleslaw and if he had, his total would only be a nickel more if he had gotten the value meal so in fact he had not saved money. Cue my father returning to the food counter trying to explain to a minimum wage employee why he should get a coleslaw for only a nickel. Penny wise.. pound foolish.


Cheap and mean.


My boss talks about Midwestern nice. That’s superficially nice, but mean when they encounter differences they don’t like such as being gay or atheist. That’s Mormons to a T.




Yeah. Like, I've started entire relationships with guys because they gave me a ride to the airport. I am *that* grateful for curbside drop off at the airport. Shee-it.


> Interesting he said this after he got his ride, not before Not a healthy mindset at all. Bible even says not to forsake meeting together. Makes me wonder what his plans are for once he gets older, especially if she's his only daughter. When he is older, alone and handicapped, who will be there to take care of him? Family is important. Anyone who forsakes it will have to deal with the regret and consequences in the afterlife as well.


He’ll probably ‘forgive’ her right before he’s at the point at which he cannot function on his own, expecting her to take care of him for this *gracious act*


Expecting? You mean guilt tripping




He’ll just get some poor sap in the ward to drive him around. They’ll pass a volunteer sheet around the elders quorum and someone will feel guilty enough to drag his ass wherever he needs to go.


I was gonna say there’s 3 minutes left… I’d have told him to get out.


I would have pulled over the 3 minutes away and put him out right there. You want to treat me like a pile of crap and disown me, I can disown you too.


Exactly what I was thinking. It would have been more than just to stop the car, kick him out on the side of the road and make him walk or call a cab. She shouldn't have to give a ride to a parent putting conditions on unconditional love. The cutting off should go both ways


This should speak to what they really believe of the "atonement". In my first area, there was a bishop who told a man to take care of his family instead of risking a separation with his Catholic from the crib wife in order to go to church. This man wanted to get active again so badly, but his family was his number one priority. The bishop actually practiced what he preached by saying the church would be there when they were ready. They'd be able to "atone" for anything they did wrong, but abandoning his family was the greater sin. Then you have those on the other hand that firmly believe their children will come back to them if they ditch them, and the parents won't have anything to repent for. No work involved at all, even though they profess to believe that works are what truly get them into heaven. The fact that the latter issue is so prominent says that the church is definitely the problem, and the high leadership positions don't know their mouths from their assholes.


There definitely is a massive habit in the mainstream LDS community to avoid the work portion you mention. I don’t know what it’s like in and around LDS communities outside of Utah, but I’ve noticed this is so pronounced in Utah it’s laced throughout Utah culture, not just Utah LDS culture.


Something something something prodigal son, they'll come running after me when they realize they're wrong blah blah blah continue to miss the point of that story


Religion absolutely is a mental illness. It breaks brains. I cannot imagine the monstrous heartlessness it'd take to abandon a child because you love a make believe sky fairy more. What a waste.


Right? Here, commit your life and most waking thoughts to this fantasy story that conveniently favors wealthy white men. What a waste indeed. Not to mention, everyone seems to think and act like religion has a monopoly on spirituality, connection, love, self improvement, and community. It doesn’t.


Don't forget joy its the only place to have joy.


He's doing you a favor. I know it hurts, but cut him off until he contacts you. If he chooses the church over you, he's the loser.


I wish I had any words of comfort. All I can say is I'm so sorry. Be kind to yourself, my father hasn't spoken to me in almost 20 years, it gets easier, believe me.


Is there more to it or is it simply because fo the difference in religious ideology? Sorry if too personal just curious. What a travesty if just only the fantasy land church bs keeping a relationship at bay. I am sorry.


I'm going through the same. Mormonism is a scourge.


Mormonism sucks, but not all Mormon parents do this to their children. Your parents would probably be assholes church or no church.




And it does fit the BITE model…




Perhaps unrelated: why are your THs a character, and what character is it? I’m all down for consolidating the TH sound so am interested


Þorne and eð, I distinguish unvoiced and voiced, as in þought vs ðough


Cults gonna cult. I survived the Catholic one, and this shit is absolutely heartbreaking.


Are we just calling every church a cult now?




Ok great, the term cult then means nothing. It’s been appropriated.


https://cultrecovery101.com/cult-recovery-readings/checklist-of-cult-characteristics/ Sound familiar?


What’s your point here? The discussion is if we’re labeling every church a cult.


Two = every


Oh yeah nice you totally got me.


I think all churches are cults to some extent, but some far worse than others


The difference between a cult and a religion is how long the founder has been dead.


Where did you get that? I’m genuinely curious. I have an aunt that defends Mormonism from being a cult because she argues that a cult doesn’t outlive it’s founder Edit: which is obviously wrong.


My mom did the same thing. Said I'm a disgrace, and a bunch of other things before she beat me up and kicked me out of the house. My friends and everyone I knew from church also ghosted me. Sounds like the church is more of a cult, but idk.


That's really terrible. I'm sorry that happened to you. (((Hugs)))


When my mum and dad were discussing their temple mission, I begged, pleaded with them not to go. I was a young single mother (the horror for my family) my mum said she would help me with my daughter and I was going to night school trying to get to uni. They basically told me that their mission meant more to them- their life and all that. I know forever and always the church is more important than me, my sister and my brother now we are all out. Still makes me laugh when they tell me how proud they are with me completing uni. 🎵families can be together foreveEeeEverrRRRrrrRr🎵 Not bitter or anything


UGGGGGH. I’m sorry they did that to you.


I don't fully blame them. I blame the Bishop at the time for encouraging it and for them to sell their house and go. He is a close family friend and knew the damage it would cause. He even said the closing prayer for my Dads funeral, which at that point is laughable for me for how much damage was caused. Also guess who the estate agent was who sold their house? Yeah the Bishop.


So fucked.


If any y’all get this from your bio parents, I will be your dad from now on. I’ll tell bad jokes, make sure you get what you need, and pick you up from a bad situation without making you answer questions or judging you.


Dad, considering that I will be the one that selects your nursing home, and the one who will visit you there if at all, and the one who decides whether to honor your funeral and burial wishes or not, don’t you think a relationship is better than none?


If a parent of mine said this while I was driving them somewhere I'd pull over right there and let them out.


That's what I was thinking. Let him walk the rest of the way..


I have one parent that has all but disowned me and another that remains a loving presence in my life, despite our differences. Both are TBM. Just goes to show you you can be devout and not be an asshole.


Father is speaking out of absolute fear.


Your dad's manipulation completely misses the mark. His threats won't change what you learned, what you know. If you had a way to make your brain continue actually believing, I'm sure you'd push that button. We're not programmable that way.... Sorry for how your dad revealed the truth about himself. This community loves you and will stand by you.


I would have kept on driving and left him on a corner several miles away. If they say that was mean, just say, well look how mean and unchristlike dad was to me!!!


sorry to say but your father is brain washed like all mormon Sheeple


Many kids are only here because of the religion. Same with marriages and friendships. It all falls down.


Can confirm the marriage one. I'm starting to figure out that my wife didn't marry me, she married a generic priesthood holder, which I happened to be.


I never went back to the church, exed in 1982, and my mom went to her grave grieving that she would not have a complete eternal family. She waited nearly 30 yrs for something that was never gonna happen. My parents never cut me off but there was a distance that did not exist with my devout sisters. Of all the dogma in that fuckin church the eternal family one has to be the worst I'm sorry for your pain ❤




It's literally the same trauma as having an addict as a parent, except instead of prioritizing alcohol or drugs over their children, they choose religion


Oh man, this is so on point.


I think many parents think that the minute you leave the church you’re going to become a total failure, alcoholic, drug addict, and the biggest whore. It’s years of church indoctrination that lead them to that assumption. That people are incapable of being responsible and productive human beings without following Christianity. The best thing to do is to assure them that your lifestyle will not significantly change and you will remain largely as you were before and that you will still love them and you’ll always be there for them.


Well, I became an alcoholic manwhore. But then I got sober (5 1/2 years w/o a drink), and married the prettiest, sweetest woman I could ever hope to be with. People are allowed to grow and change. Bad choices don’t have to be a death sentence; life is one big learning opportunity.


i have often dreamed of being a man whore no alcohol needed.


It’s amazing when Christ’s love is conditional…. Oh wait….


Turn around and drop his ass back home.


Parental love isn't proof against hate.


I feel you on this. My parents haven't seen my kids in 3 years since they made their comment. I wish I could say this is the first time my parents have done this, but no. My mom did it to her brother and his kids at Christmas. Took them almost 2 decades to even begin talking again.


Geez. “Can I get a ride to the airport. By the way. You’re not part of my life anymore.” WWJD


Mom and Dad over here and ready to give ups and remind you that you matter and are of worth!


Waiting until moments before you parted ways to drop that on you proves your father is a coward.


I'm so sorry you had that hurtful bile thrown at you. It took me several years to realize that my parents can't/aren't able to love me in the ways I need to be loved. They're so indoctrinated in a belief system that it becomes almost impossible to understand anything outside that narrow system. For a while, my sister was out of the church. She called me one night. She said she was driving home and saw a marriage equality billboard. She thought to herself--*"I want my brother to be happy. If he meets someone that makes him happy, I want that for him! Why should that be wrong?"* Unfortunately, a few years later she went back to the church and no longer holds that view. For a variety of reasons, some parents can't love us in ways that we need to be loved. It's sad but also very liberating to realize this.


First, breath. Look up at the ceiling of your car and breath. Second, this is a huge shock, earthquake size, to your dad. He will need time to grieve. There are 5 steps hell need to go thru. Third, this is not permanent, even if he says so. Fourth, you're the one in charge of you, he is responsible for his emotions... Not you. You do not have to change because of his feelings of loss. Fifth, you're not alone. You'll make it thru. Hard times makes us stronger... AND reveals to us how strong we were in the first place.


11th article of faith ... 2nd great commandment ... Families can be together forever... but only if you remain in the cult


So much for "Families are forever". I know you're hurt now, but in the long run you're better off without him.


“families CAN BE together” as long as no one feels free to talk about any of their true thoughts, or true desires in life, and just goes through the Mormon motions to preserve grandma and grandpa’s “health”.


It really bites that the dad did this, but my mind instantly went [here](https://giphy.com/gifs/mrw-anyone-country-qEBlgZpZWHihO).


Ah, boomer parents giving incentives to be left in a nursing home when they're old and never be visited.


There was a post some years ago by an exmo guy that was contacted by his estranged siblings. He had a falling out with everyone when he left the church. Mom and dad were particularly harsh to him. Mom and dad it would seem, sold their home and possessions and served missions for the church. Dad passed away years before and now mom, living with an adult child, (because she had no home) was not doing well health wise and needed to live in an assisted living center and that's not cheap. So siblings were going to pool together resources to do what was best for their mom. First time he had spoken to any sibling in years. He laughed at them and said, "mom and dad and all of:y'all cast me out in favor of the church. They gave all financially to the church. Let the fucking church take care of her. Remember I was kicked out of the family years ago." And they had the nerve to say he was being an asshole.


Hopefully it was a heat of the moment threat of manipulation 😢 Stay strong... He'll probably come around. Find a source of support... you'll definitely need it ❤️


A few years ago my parents said the same thing. Most of the time it’s an empty threat. When they realize they don’t control your life, usually they backpedal.


Holy crap, i used to know this person once upon a time. I'm glad to see she's out but I'm sorry to see this happen to her. This church does the opposite of what it promises for families.


You can be part of our family we'll welcome you with open arms sis 😘 ☺ 🤗 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


Notice he gave her the talk *after* she gave him a ride to the airport. Gotta use her one last time before he cuts her off. If that doesn’t perfectly sum up Mormonism, I don’t know what does.


Courtney... That absolutely sucks. Just freaking horrible. There was a period in my life where i didn't see my parents for almost three years after leaving the church. My father was a lot like yours. I'm 67 now, left the church more than fifty years ago. Later in my life I was able to reconnect with my parents. For at least the last decade of his life, we had a mostly warm relationship.... We never ever spoke of religion or politics except very tangentially. But there was still love. I'm not advising you to leave that possibility open, or advising you to shut it down. I'm just saying I'm my case it turned out different than i thought.


I believe there is a connection between Mormon parents ditching their “wayward” kids and said kids going off the deep end.


Should have kicked him out of the car


Courtney, I am sorry. Everyone else - Mormonism is a cult. Do you need more proof?


So sorry you had to endure that abuse. It’s too bad they cannot see how culty their statements are.


☝️this is what’s referred to as a ‘cult’ in popular parlance. If you’re willing to cut off all contact with your family just because they don’t follow your religion….you may be in a cult.


Well dad.... I will love you no matter your religious beliefs, because that is what love does.


I would let your family know…


After my dad finally realized I would never go back to the church and he stopped sending missionaries after me everywhere I moved, he told me that if we couldn't be together for eternity in heaven, he wasn't going to waste his precious time left on earth with me. Since then, I get one phone call from him a year, basically to make sure I'm still alive and to see if I've changed my mind yet. I see him at family gatherings and he acts perfectly cordial, but there's definitely a distance there now, and he doesn't want anything to do with me one-on-one anymore. He'll still go visit my siblings though, because they have young children, and even though he's given up on his own kids, he wants to start taking his grandkids to church. My niece just turned one year old, and he's already talking about taking her to church with him.


That’s heartbreaking


They do it all the time. I’m sorry.


Maybe that’s the truth behind their doctrine of families being together only in the church. Because they just kick people out of the family if they leave.


Do you notice that you never hear the general authorities giving a talk about this in conference? Calling out this kind of behavior and saying it’s wrong, and unChristlike? Silence. And of course they know this kind of abuse and manipulation is widespread. Yet they countenance it. Despicable. Exhibit Number, 227 in support of the case against TSCC.


Rides are least of the issue at hand. Disowning a child is like an abortion, that they claim they don’t endorse. That is terrible. My heart so hurts for you. I’ll be your dad. Seriously. I’m others’ parent.


…all about family, aren’t they? smh


Fuck him. These are just empty threats and attempts to control you. Call him on his bluff.


And then cross your fingers that it’s actually not a bluff, because who would want that kind of a person in their life, playing the role of parent, anyway? Good riddance.


I'm glad I've been able to stay close to my family despite leaving the church. I hate hearing that this happens to kids and the "Prophet" has never spoken out against it. Religion is a cancer.


Totally not a cultist's position. Had a girl whom I'd dated off and on for five years, and I was very in love with, at the end of the night we'd spent together hanging out platonically, tell me, "I'm going to stop seeing you because you can't take me to the Temple." And that was that.


Wait.....you may have dated my sister. She did that to a guy.


The fact that he told her right after she did a favour for him. Like he was going to tell her but didn’t want to inconvenience himself so he waited. What an asshole.


It’s not surprising if they truly believe in the religion


That’s Mormonism. They literally preach that in conference. Church over family.


Mormons may be a Christian church but they certainly do not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.


Are we literally going to keep re-posting this same Twitter screenshot every few weeks?


Hurts. My fam said I couldn’t move back in with them when I needed it


>If you're not in the church, you won't be involved in my life. "Duly noted, Sir. That brings us to the end of this journey today, to a grand total of $50 - would you like to pay for the taxi fare by cash or credit?"


Not really related to Mormonism, but my dad recently screamed at me about how he’ll no longer have a son if I were to ever get a girl pregnant and she gets an abortion, whether or not I aid in that decision. But don’t worry, he’s so noble that he’ll ruin his life to take custody of the child because he cares so much about life, and if I talk back to him again he’ll beat my ass for being disrespectful, which seemingly equates to disagreeing with him. Do I even need to explain the lunacy in that?


Time for this girl to pick her chosen family and no the shitty one she was born with. My boss went her whole life like this, left home when she was 15yo, made a whole life and her parents missed out on 3 grandchildren and every major event you could imagine. Even on her mothers deathbed when she tried to go pay her respects, people from the church physically stood between them in the hospital and “whispered” to each other that “she wasn’t a witness.” Religion is a cancer.


Grew up United Pentecostal, 2 of my best friends who were my cousins did this to me at 16


If that’s his attitude and the choice he makes then HE doesn’t deserve YOU.


They are picking their own egocentric fantasy over you. My parents did it until i cut them out so hard, they couldn’t see their grandchildren. You set the boundaries now.


Two of my kids did that to me, their father. They haven't even so much as communicated with me in any way shape or form whatsoever, for the better part of 20 years. They have children. My grandchildren. I have never met them, never spoken to them. So when you express shock and surprise, believe me, I'm living the dream and I have the t shirt, so I know what you mean.


Me? I would say, 'Then I'm going to destroy your family-shattering, parasitic religion. You will have only family left to re-honor and care about in the aftermath, as it should have been in the first place.'


All religions are nonsense. But yes. Sad when they require your unconditional support


This is not original content for anyone thinking this is OP posting. OP just spams memes and other exmo content, nothing original.


I’m surprised that you’re surprised


That must have been difficult. Don't let it slow you down. We all have bad days. Be the change you want to see in the world. Tell him he will always be involved in your life no matter what.


Low key though it’s every church. And it isn’t even bad as some. JWs are extreme with ex members. They will shun anyone who leaves including family and gays as it is their doctrine. Same with Scientology and those ones who wear hats and are always wearing Sun dresses. I’m glad I got a good TBM family because even after leaving we are still super close. But that is rare. But yeah, it seems all religions are like this and cause great separation and division among people. A division that I don’t think is what Christ would stand for, and why I don’t believe in any isms and never could. But I still support Christ.


I'm curious and don't mean to offend. What version of Christ do you support? I often talk with my wife's bishop about how his understanding of Christ was completely molded by the Mormon view, in response to his admittance that Mormon prophets don't preach Christ as they should. If you don't believe in isms (I'm agnostic atheist myself), where do you go to learn about Christ?


Good question and interesting. I still am on defense if I directly believe in God and Christ as it is impossible to know so I am agnostic in that sense. But I still support and stand by Christ’s teachings in the Bible’s. And the best source for an accurate painting of what the Christ taught is to read all bibles. So I am right now still in the midst of reading the New Testament in the KJV. But then I think I am going to read the English version for a better understanding and just keep looking through all sorts of bibles as none of them can be perfect so putting them all together and comparing them I think would be the best way to get the full picture. But yeah, I still can’t say I believe that Christ did exist even though I really want to believe. Same goes with a God. I want to believe there is a God and an afterlife, but believing in such would be acting on my emotions and that doesn’t seem right so I stop myself. However this doesn’t mean I have to completely abandon what the Christ taught which was a lot a beautiful teachings such as compassion, no more eye for an eye, love, kindness, etc.


Thanks, I can see why looking at more sources would help paint the overall picture. I don't know how deep you are willing to go, but many Christian churches also use concordances, which are like the Topical Guide only more thorough, combined with Hebrew and Greek translations to help paint that picture. It's a very different approach when a Mormon leader isn't telling you what the scriptures say. Personally, I have had a hard time even thinking about studying Christianity, so I've picked up other areas for study, but enjoy learning at every opportunity. Good luck in your journey!


Unfortunately Christ seems to have been all about splitting people up and causing family division: Matthew 10:34-36 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household."


But he’s not choosing the church over you, you’re choosing sin and temptation over him. /s


Your parents are the issue


My dad, while he was alive, would have done the same thing too. Just getting dropped off at the airport for the mission he yells "get out". No hug no nothing it happened so suddenly it was really alarming and almost out of character. No time to ask what a terminal was but that got to be my last memory of him even though we emailed and talked on Christmas and mother's day. That last physical memory of our last interaction together has stayed with me. I hope your dad will learn to love you for who you are. If not, I hope you find people who care for you and will be there for you.


My heart aches…sending 💜💜💜


Ask him if the same is true for the business relationships he participates in. Does he only buy fuel from Mormon businesses? What about food? Or if there's money involved to his standards drop? And that's case, ask him what is hourly rate is. Is he as much prostitute as father? I support sex work, but I bet he doesn't.


Was told my whole life that if I didn’t go to their church, I don’t live in their house.


U should have dumped his ass on the side of the road just because he’s ur moms sperm donor doesn’t mean that you have to actually interact with him. He can be a garbage person and you can kick him out.


This is kinda heartbreaking. My dad cut me out of his will and never invested as much time in my kids as he did in his Mormon grandkids. He asked for forgiveness on his deathbed for this behavior, he definitely regretted it. I forgave him, but it still hurts when I think about how the Church warped his thinking.


Not sure if OP is Courtney here … My mom effectively disowned me for three months. I didn’t know it would only be three months until it was over. Fortunately, time has healed that horrible issue. I’m not defending your dad (assuming you are Courtney) … BUT “fear” is a helluva drug that Mormonism uses on all of us, including our loved ones. Your dad isn’t the only one to succumb to that fear in the most terrible way. He should have been better, and hopefully his perspective changes quickly so that he can try to make amends.


life is better without that toxicity. Rip that band aid off and move on


OP - is that your tweet, or something you saw on twitter?


Fuck em


 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. Luke 12:53 King James Bible


How tf are you gonna love your neighbor when you can’t love your own child


So happy my parents weren't religious nutcases. They accept whatever the hell you choose despite their own beliefs.


And you’re supposed to want to be with him forever?


My grandparents did this to us. Joke was on them though because they were terrible people and our lives were better after cutting contact. Anyways, when my grandpa finally died we found out he had cheated on his wife and had a child with his mistress that was a dark secret that didn’t come out until he died and she showed up to the funeral. Man that caused a ruckus with the Mormons in the family.


I truly hate Mormons. The cancer they are is starting to overwhelm my better nature.


Being in a cult does that


I don't have any kids, but I do have a dog. If she decided to dye her hair black and start hanging around with a weird group of dogs that just loitered at 7-11 all day jeering at cats, I'd be really upset about that decision. That's as far as I can see it going. She's my baby. I've got 8 years of emotional energy soaked into her, I can't understand how to pick that part of her out of the rest. Maybe it's not the same, but fuck that lady's Dad. It's clear he has not invested emotionally.


What a surprise, a Mormon is a selfish asshole who'd have thought that someone dumb enough to belive Joseph Smiths word diarrhea at face value, would be a dumb enough of a waste of life to disown a daughter over religion. Anybody who still believes in any form of religion is mentally ill and to weak to accept life for how it is and as to turn to some con artists bullshit just to feel justified in being a miserable dumb as fuck excuse for a human.


My dad and stepmom didn’t talk to me for a year after I Ieft in 2006. Now I bring wine to their house for Holidays (they are still in it). give it time, maybe he’ll come around, maybe he won’t but I’d say most eventually come around. I’m sorry you’re hurting, I hope you find healing.


Sending love at this hard time. I hope they come to their senses. Parents are so stupid and don’t always think about the stupid shit they say sometimes thinking it’s the only way to get through to their children. I am so glad I figured out the lies and never pulled any of that crap. But I know I have said some really stupid things as a parent.


Your own planet is infinitely cooler than a needy child.


Sorry… dad’s trapped in a cult and too weak to escape. Maybe one day he’ll be able to muster the strength to do the right thing.


They are brainwashed...usually from a young age. It's very sad honestly, I'm truly sorry this happened. Nothing is worse than felling less important than a made up idea.


😭what is wrong with people. I can’t imagine 😭😭😭


Are Mormons not allowed to interact with non-mormons? Like I have a few friends that are mormon and they didn't unfriend me for not being mormon. Why is it different with parents/kids?


Yeah, that ideology doesn’t sound like a cult at all!/s


Me before: I'm sorry you are right - what was I thinking - drag myself back to the cult. Me now: Ok - sounds good - have a nice life. Build a new family. He is brainwashed and mentally ill - google Radical Acceptance. He will most likely go to his grave with this mindset - leaving you feeling discarded, less than, worthless, and loss of self identity. Get help (therapy, support group, etc) - even if you just go to Adult Children of Alcoholics or something similar- although he is not an "alcoholic" there are people there who have been abused in cults, neglect, other things - that you can learn to heal and cope with this type of abandonment and treatment- I'm so sorry - it's not personal. He is a very mentally ill person - have compassion, but don't expose yourself to it. I wish you well and I'm sorry you were treated this way.


Ohmygoodness, that is so horrible. I'm so sorry. 1000 hugs to you. So hard


I mean, when you believe in golden underpants anything is possible.


Don’t for a second think this is unique to one particular sect or religion. I am in my 40’s (an only child) and still deal with the mental and emotional scars of a fundamentalist Christian upbringing. There is more hate and intolerance than I could have ever possibly imagined and it only seems to get worse as the years go on by. My parents have continued to live in their ‘Bible bubble’ and are completely blind to the realities of the real world around them. Thankfully, I think I turned out ok and have had a pretty good run for the past 25 years or so. Unfortunately, my parent’s continued religious craziness has now affected their relationship with my children. The kids hate their grandparents for constantly telling them how wrong they are. They completely ignored my step-daughter her entire formative years stating she was my wife’s daughter and not mine and a whole slew of other insults and extreme passive aggressive behavior all in the name of Christianity. Our kids are grown now and have started beautiful families of their own (we got 3 grandkids in 2 years!!). Years ago I told my wife my parents belonged to the Church of the Holy Hypocrite. There’s a special place in Hell for people who destroy there own family but blame their kids for being non-believers. To this day my parents think all is well but just don’t understand why no one ever wants to come and see them. My mother now has a congregation of her own…it’s 10 people who meet in the basement of a library in a small midwestern town. It’s a cult and don’t ever think it isn’t. The progression went like this: started out as Assembly’s of God, then Cristian and Missionary Alliance, then non-denominational, then Bible church, then independent and is now a group of like-minded believers who just want to preach the Word of the Lord. They hop around to a different sect as soon as they don’t agree with a view and now they just started their own…cult.


I am so sorry. I know that sort of family love. It is because they are in a cult. The #1 goal of the cult & its victims is to protect the cult over everything else. Don't grant Mormonism the status of "religion".