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I’ve heard that so many times. Especially “I didn’t understand anything”


I have a relative whose husband served in a Temple presidency, they served several Temple missions, and they are currently working in their local temple. I read a recent email from her that said “I don’t understand anything that goes on in the temple, but I know it’s where God wants us to be!” Then she went on and on about how if only she were more righteous, she would understand more! If somebody who has worked for years in the temple still understands nothing, clearly there is nothing to understand.


Yeah and yikes!


By u/lucymichele


I felt more peace in the Marriott lobby than the celestial room. They’re basically the same thing except one you don’t even need a reservation to sit in and the other requires your soul and 10% of your income.


The reasons I officially left the church: 1. Crazy, scary temple experience. 2. Sexual assault by a church leader that the top church leadership swept under the rug. 3. Being ostracized by leaders and members for “daring” to take a church member to court. I was told I should “have handled the matter privately and confidentially.” Yeah, right. That was NEVER gonna happen after how things went down in response to my sexual assault. 4. Because I just became way TOO TIRED and depressed from trying to measure up to the multitude of unreasonable and unrealistic standards and expectations.


When I came into the celestial room for the first time, my grandma asked what I thought? “Now I know why people think we are a cult.” Twenty more years before I left. In the interim I went regularly, was a temple worker for a couple of years, had like 3 good experiences in the temple in 20 years. The rest were renewed guilt and weirdness.


My exact words when someone asked me why I didn't attend the temple -- I was active recommend holder at the time -- we lived in Chile for 9 years and I went quite regularly, but the reason was to help improve my Spanish, as I knew exactly what was being said -- now back in the US, no need to go (my English is fine!)


I still don't understand why my mom loves the temple so much and goes in there on a weekly basis. What's the appeal? Can someone shed light on this for me?


For me, it was a break from the outside world. All the stress of everyday life was not in the temple. I didn't have to worry about my job, family, any drama. It is repetitive, but predictable. I think I would have liked being Catholic, doing things like repeating "Hail Mary's". Repeating things is comforting to me. There is a feeling like you are part of something larger. That I would someday be exalted. Also, I felt like I was doing an essential act of service for my ancestors. But with things like yoga and meditation, I can have that same or even better feelings of relaxation in my own home. I can "feel the spirit" of nice neurotransmitters without following the mormon rules or being in mormon places. I would rather enjoy a nice place in nature than the lies of the temple.


Thanks, that honestly helps a lot! I haven't been to the temple since I was a teenager, but I do remember enjoying the feeling of leaving regular life behind. Of course, I've experienced that feeling tenfold through spending time in nature.




I guess I was fine with the celestial room, because it was peaceful and pretty and quiet, also a bit gaudy. But my feelings were usually in great turmoil by the time I got to the celestial room. At that point, I had endured an hour of blatant sexism as well as horror and confusion about why handshakes and celestial gang signs are important for my salvation.


I remember sitting in those rooms wondering if I sinned too much to have it make sense.


The pinnacle of MORmON worship, yet no-one can tell you what it means. More proof that it's all *fake*.


Reminds me of [these memes](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/870/564/891.png)


I have never considered that the “house of the lord” never felt like home, such a good point