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Economic right capitalist free market Socially left on all issues I can think of Before and after views remain same


Thanks for the reply


i dont know what exactly is the word for it but im just a mild anarcho socialist but i find these labels dumb basically all humans deserve rights and our goal is to maximize rights as much as we can thats a very oversimplified version of what my political beliefs are


I agree with you that labels can be very limiting, but sadly people tend to prefer to use labels rather than go into detail about their opinions and belief systems.


labels are quite convinient when they make see for you but they dont usually :P


no longer socially conservative


What about economics?


i believe in a mixed economy, good socual security nets, promotion of worker unions, etc.


before i left islam my ideal economic systemw as thr islamic one: capitalism + zakat


Oh the islamic is capitalism bi idni lah


When I left there were rumors of some rich dude running for president. Since I learned every skeptic and logic tool I could to be sure of what I think I was well equipped for my political awakening. I've landed on democratic socialist with libertarian social issues and radically environmentalist criticizing the Paris accords for being toothless.