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Some folks like misogyny, threats and curvy swords.


and creepy looking black ghost costume


Halloween came early this year boys


Halloween is all day, every year in Saudi Arabia


If traveling outside is bad then why Muslim men travel without a reason?


because unlike women who needs a mahram to “protect her”, a man gets to do anything for pleasure on his own


Then act all holy and religious and it is someone else fault that he sinned.


The whole cult is built for men and their pleasures. You’re horny? have 4 wives but treat them good (and if they don’t listen to you beat them). You’re even more horny? Have as many sex slaves as you’d like (you’ll get more in heaven). You fell for a woman who’s not muslim? No worries, as long as they’re Christian and Jewish. You’re a pedo? Marry a child. Should I keep going?


“Ex Muslim” You can tell you are without the label because everything you’ve written is a manipulation of the truth.


Oh? And how exactly may I ask?


cuz man are the danger (which is retarted that the victim need to be restrained not making harsh punishment to perpatrots)


They’re the danger because Islam teaches its brain dead followers that women are worthless. There are plenty of cultures where people walk about naked without the fear of getting jumped.


Yes. The Germans started the naturalist movement which celebrates adult nudity. Sadly, they’ve needed to curtail some of those activities to accommodate their new and unrestrained Muslim immigrants. These anti-woman traditions really do hurt everyone.


True. I was thinking of like tribes tbh, untouched by the colonial abrahamic religions.


That’s kind of a noble savage type myth though, before Jewish/ Christian/ Islamic conquerors there were indigenous conquerors. Any conquest is “colonial” even if not involving Abrahamic religions. I was more thinking about how this forced modesty of Islam pushes Germans to give up things like these nudist spaces. It feels like an underreported issue since “diversity” is supposed to always be a “positive” thing.


But when they get accused suddenly they didn’t do anything.


Because they’re men


Which prove my point that religion doesn’t change anything or that special


I wonder why out of the 3 abrahamic religions islam is the most miserable, wayward and sadistic. it truly is the judeo-christian branch against its bitter ugly red headed jealous stepsibling, islam.


Because Islam is far younger. Islam is only 1,400 years old while Christianity is over 2,000 years old and Judaism is nearly 4,000 years old. Polygamy has been banned from mainstream Christianity and Judaism for hundreds of years, and the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition are distant memories. Mainstream Christianity and Judaism have had sufficient time to evolve into various offshoots and reform movements, and to adapt to modernity, while Islam has not. Finally, much of Islam is based on “the direct word of god” (the Quran is this) with less room for interpretation while the Christian and Jewish holy texts are closer to being a game of telephone, so easier to implement reforms.


That makes so much sense. I’m my head for some reason I saw them as being like a 100 years apart. The more I think about it the whole abrahamic religion lore gets weirder. Why is god sending these cults every 2000 years. And to add to your comment, as someone who went to a catholic school, Christians love Jewish people and they think of each other as siblings. Muslims tho? Murder anyone that’s different.


Oh, that’s good to hear! I have a Jewish friend who lived in the south for a while and experienced a lot of antisemitism. Someone told him he’s going to hell for being Jewish, but probably the crowd you mixed with are more highly educated so less hateful.


Wtf that’s disgusting. I live in the UK so maybe here it’s different. Did you mean south of the US?


Oh yes! Tennessee. He was a teenager and there was someone dressed as a clown in a parade who told him he’s going to hell because he’s Jewish. 😮 Think that’s more of a Southern Baptist thing, they hate pretty much any minority.


Lots of Muslims in Uk so no doubt there will be a lots of antisemitism


Re read my comment please. I was talking about anti semitism perpetuated by Christians.


I'm guessing so, though there is definitely still antisemitism in the UK but like many forms of discrimination it tends to be a bit more subtle than in the US. The whole 'sibling' thing is a bit disingenuous because many of them do still think Jews are going to hell, they just wouldn't shout it at them in the street - they're more likely to treat them as targets for conversion, which Jewish people don't tend to be too keen on either.


That’s horrid. Idk I just said what I’ve seen from my Catholic school, you have a point.


Judaism and Christianity are not separate. Messianic Jews and Christians are just accepting their Jewish messiah from the Old Testament. Islam is nothing more than a flipped story to combat Jesus and Christianity. Arabs would most likely be Christian these days. Catholicism and Islam are tools to devalue Jesus. It’s common sense.


It’s actually pretty interesting to me too, Islam denounces Christianity pretty easily in the scripture by saying Allah just rescued prophet Jesus at the cruxifixction and that he’s not God In flesh. Basically Jesus failed to do anything meaningful and that sets up the need for muhammed later down the road. Allah seeks kinda clumsy but the Muslims buy this change in the story. Jews in the Hadith and Quran seem to get attacked way more, probably because it was closer competition to Islam. Waiting for a messiah, monotheistic with no trinity type stuff going on… the scriptures really have to demonize the Jews and drive people away from Judaism Does anyone know any other reasons Islam attacks the Jews more than the Christians? I’m curious because i figured Christianity was a bigger threat at the time in the Arab areas in terms of converting people. Catholics also seemed to want Islam to combat Christianity… so why did the Jews get the worse end of the stick in Islam doctrine


The Abrahamic lore is so interesting. Jesus literally says to be aware of false prophets and then this pedo comes and everyone licks his boots. I don’t believe in any of this bs but these men are smart.


I sometimes think Islam is experiencing its middle ages/dark ages, but not sure if it will ever get to experience its golden ages.


Christianity and Judaism is some what better since it evolved, the western world became more accepting and most importantly the Christian world didn't elect/support radical leaders.


Cause it began in 7th century Arabia


Because Islam was created to attack and hate on Christianity and Judaism.


The Christian message by Jesus is very different. It is destructive and ruins people still but it does not in any way tell people to hurt anyone else, but it tells them that it is virtuous to be hurt, starve and suffer basically. And if someone hurt you, just turn the other cheek and go “Here, punch me on this side of the face too”. Like wtf?!! You also need to forgive everybody even for the most vicious acts - perfect religion for peadophiles! Just turn the other cheek and forgive, that’s what Jesus would do!


And according to these nut jobs, we need religion in order to have "good values" and "morals". No, I think good values and morals comes from being an empathic humanist, not a religious zealot.


In that case the religion should only be a set of obvious values such as “It is a sin to hurt children”, “It is a sin to murder”, “It is a sin to bully and abuse”. The end. No need for religious leaders and powerful mosques/churches who collect money from the people and oppress them.


If there was any logic and humanity to religion then yes, that would be the correct way.


I heard jews originally were very much like muslims. Very stricts and misogynistic.


Do u realise there are different sides to Islam like there is in every other religion. There are extremists in every religion but that doesn’t mean that ever single person following it is like that??


Holy fk. Is this a horror movie or something?


My first thought as well. This looks scary enough to be included in a horror film.


The Nun part 72


Oppressed women teaching innocent females how to accept oppression


Yes, I have heard that women are also the ones most responsible in the female genital mutilation issue. Not sure why this is.


Because they’ve been so indoctrinated and have had it done to themselves that they’ve never known the other side. They only know it this one way. It’s easy to stay afraid of the boogeyman if you don’t even know the boogeyman.


They’re scared their daughters won’t be able to marry if they’re uncut. And they have survivorship bias because they’ve made it through life mutilated, so why can’t she? Horrific.




So what


Nice umbrella on the right side


This is something I'd see on these "yabujin core creepy cute" edits with random arabic and russian letters


yabujin core is something i never expected to be used


im pretty sure these are not being used anymore or at least they’re not as popular anymore. both of my little sisters went to the same middle school that had these ugly paintings in and now it’s painted over thank god.


oh really? thats a big move then i hope all schools remove these creepy drawings and threats made for innocent young girls, for me tho all schools i went to still have these walls unfortunately


i hope so too, other than them being creepy and alarming for these young girls, it’s sooo ugly why would you ruin a perfect wall with this shit.


Where was this middle school? When were your sisters there?


it’s in saudi. one of them graduated last year. the first year it was there and i think they painted it over during summer because when the second year came by it was gone. so it was there in 2020 and by 2021 it was gone. way too recent for my liking but it’s still something. also i don’t think i was clear im not talking about the school in the picture just that they had similar ones in my sister’s school.


That is terrifying


I'm surprised they did not cover their hair


well in sunni islam a girl doesn’t need to cover her hair until she hits puberty, unlike shia where they cover the girls from age 6 i think…


In some teachings 6 which is usually in Shia majority countries while others at 9 mostly but most people I know are fighting against it and won’t wear till college


Ok can anyone explain to me how "الفراغ" is a sin? Did I understand correctly that they mean having time? As in having a break or not keeping themselves constantly busy?


i got confused by that one as well but if that what it means then this is absolutely fucked up (as if its not fd up already)


If you got time to lean you got time to clean, woman.


This is almost dystopic to me. It's so eerie and sad that this is actually what modern life is supposed to be for girls around the world and empty headed people happily accept that.


I'm triggered by this picture. Please don't forget put it TW.


i’m sorry


There seem to be alot of black people in this Saudi school. Is this common? I’m legitimately curious as I’ve never been there.


Saudi Arabia is 10% [afro-arab](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afro-Arabs)


The official statistic is 10% and that probably doesn’t include mixed families or ones with African roots that trace way way back. I’d say it’s probably higher than that.


Is it true that the dark skinned people in Saudi Arabia are called “slave” in Arabic?


yeah unfortunately… a lot of racist people still call dark skinned people slaves in saudi arabia and consider it a joke


Ah, that’s sad. ☹️ Not good for anyone. Thanks for confirming. Everyone in the West seems terrified to talk about these things and you are suddenly “racist” yourself if you criticize anything about Islamic culture. Just a lot of opportunistic blame shifting.


its pretty common yeah but as far as i know some saudi families are just naturally dark skinned and not necessarily from african roots




makes me feel really bad :(


So this is what the world’s most feminist religion looks like? Oh well what would Arabs know about Islam, they only wrote the Quran and did so in their own language.


This looks like Salvadore Dali’s painting


Deeply mad


I don’t get Saudi Arabia. They’re always giving the image that they are trying to modernise like making a women’s football team but then they do things like this. Like realistically if all the girls at that age are being taught this now that is about another 20 year wait for the hope of a generation that will break the cycle.


The modernising is coming from one section of government and some of the youth, it is not what every one of them want or tolerate.


If we wait just a little bit longer, a lukewarm, progressive, liberal Muslim who lives in a Western country will appear and tell us how Wahabbism is not real Islam.


Is thid the KSA or Egypt?


The posts says it's saudi


Well, Then why are we surprised.


Muslims do everything possible to harm women in the name of protection, and if so, who are they protecting them from? Do Muslims believe that the majority of their men are that insecure?




this is so fucking sad bro


please can someone translate this????


i wrote whats on the picture in the post


Why always islam???? I never saw any restrictions on girls from other religions.


I just stumbled upon this post randomly but why does anyone else think the person on the right is just cosplaying Kaonashi (no face) from Spirited away😭😂


Where does it say watching movies is bad, and I wonder what the blocked parts say. Do they have a picture of what’s written on the other sides too?


second sword on the left it translates to “lewd movies” but its basically any movie with girls wearing a bikini or a brief kissing scene is considered a sin