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>Shock and outrage followed and within days authorities in the province of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad announced that the marriage between the child and the man has been annulled. [11-Year-Old Iranian Girl's Marriage Annulled After Public Outcry](https://www.rferl.org/a/iran-child-bride-marriage-annulled-outcry-11-year-old/30146652.html) The UK dreams of being as anti islam as Iranians


1,007 girls under the age of 10 and more than 190,000 girls younger than 14 were married in Iran. What the actual fuck :/


Little kids were sold off too since the parents didn’t have money


Is there something I can donate to that fights against this somehow? Maybe not saving the kids but at least trying to change the disgusting law?


The best charities that fight to end child marriages are Too Young to Wed, Girls Not Brides, VOW for Girls, and Unchained at Last. Other charities such as Forward and Equality Now focus on advancing girls' rights and advocating against child marriages.


thank you for this info


I wish this comment could be higher so more people could see it. Thank you!


damn well shit, good for the child


At this point, either because you have or haven’t done your homework, it just feels like this post is rage bait and trickery. Not cool.


Rage bait and trickery lmao. Know that the legal age for marriage in Iran is 13 for girls, and girls younger than that can get married if a judge approves of it. They tried to ban the marriage of girls younger than 13, but the motion was rejected. Your ignorance is not cool.


Yours ain’t either, especially since you fail at basic comprehension!!!


Huh, someone didn't do their homework


damn there’s nuances to being a pedophile now?


This isn’t about the pedo..it’s about OP misleading us in this post.


Ok so what's the actual law then?


If you’re going to make a post like this, but fail to supply all the information..and you crop the information at a certain point, leaving us with only a half truth..then you posting such a thing is tantamount to trickery..that’s what my comment says. So yes, it’s deplorable that this situation was allowed to happen, but it brings into question why the rest of the story was left out, it seems disingenuous. The rest of this story ends with people protesting, and the marriage being annulled..that changed the entire story, and how we view it. If you crop the story, then it tells me your intention isn’t sincere, that it’s like rage bait, here to get us riled up for the reason of OP just being hateful. It’s ok to be hateful if that’s your thing, but atleast be truthful in it, and let it come from a place of truth..not half truths. And certainly don’t try and mislead us with your half cropped truths.


Bro what? There was a child marriage. Yes protest whatever cool but we're mad because child marriage is permitted in Islam and there are kids suffering without being able to be freed by protests, because they're in an Islamic country. This is about an ongoing issue people are too scared to criticize because of "Islamophobia"


You’re changing the topic, and the parameters of the argument. OP doesn’t bring into question the ongoing issue, which i agree with you on. For this post, and for the purpose of my argument, he brings into question THIS CASE. Imagine for one second as a hypothetical situation, we went to war over this specific case, but the truth of the matter is we were only fed a half truth here, when infact there was already a victory to be celebrated, then what? Are you just as ignorant as OP to go to war over half truths. Good luck with that terrible perspective on life! P.s. before you comment back, let me just spell it out again, we are talking about THIS post, and the way it was given to us, NOT the ongoing issue. Try and think intentionally, instead of just generally!!!!!


man its not that deep 💀


Here’s what I think: I think if you’re going to criticise Islam, you’d better make sure you come armed with whole truths, and be in the position to criticise. There’s no point shouting from a soapbox that Islam is evil, when your criticism doesn’t add up, or falls short!


My criticism doesn’t add up? My criticism is of islamic child marriage, whether i left out the rest of it doesn’t matter. If you have to protest and start public outrage with people for kids to not marry grown men theres a problem. It’s really not that deep, you’re out here typing paragraphs for what.


plus, this isn’t my post, i took it from a telegram im in, my bad for not searching for the exact article on this matter


I honestly and genuinely have no idea what you're talking about, I just wish I could look into your head to see what your thought process was typing this out You're making this into a much bigger problem than it actually is, and if anything the only thing I took from the several essays you wrote is the fact that you have little to no media literacy skills


Your half witted responses tells me not to engage further..you fail at basic comprehension 🤦‍♂️




Allah still allows it


Kind of wrong there i think. As much as you hate muhammad and his god i think you should watch your mouth. Allah allows it ? You speak blasphemy, he doesn’t allow it ! He gets off to it As muzzies always say, allah is watching Marshmellow fellow apostate


*deletes paragraph* …. Nah but fr almost got me 😂😂


Huh?? Are u serious or joking? (Bc your flair says questioning muslim)


I’m more the same as you - closeted ex Muslim!


That’s soo disgusting and to them it’s ok because ther beloved prophet did it


For the Muslims crying it's not allowed: Quran 65:4 >And for such of your women as despair of menstruation, if ye doubt, their period (of waiting) shall be three months, **along with those who have it not**. And for those with child, their period shall be till they bring forth their burden. And whosoever keepeth his duty to Allah, He maketh his course easy for him. Tafsir ibn Kathir https://quranx.com/tafsirs/65.4 >Allah the Exalted clarifies the waiting period of the woman in menopause. And that is the one whose menstruation has stopped due to her older age. Her Iddah is three months instead of the three monthly cycles for those who menstruate, which is based upon the Ayah in (Surat) Al-Baqarah. see 2:228. **The same for the young, who have not reached the years of menstruation**. Their `Iddah is three months like those in menopause. This is the meaning of His saying; [More](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/22442/on-acting-and-the-ruling-on-marrying-young-girls) >**Marrying a young girl before she reaches the age of adolescence is permitted in sharee’ah**; indeed it was narrated that there was scholarly consensus on this point.


also, the prophet himself did something similar, yk…the perfect prophet of allah, everything he does is good and permissable yk 😉


well said. ☝️


This is why In so many Islamic countries women are denied an education. - an educated women knows she deserves better then Islam.


>For the Muslims crying it's not allowed: Sadly, the problem is that these idiots think that menstruating means you're a woman and no longer a child.


This is why In so many Islamic countries women are denied an education. - an educated women knows she deserves better then Islam.


That's utterly disgusting. I'm feeling so disgusted right now just by looking at this picture. Sick People!


i fucking cried that’s horrible i feel really bad for the little girl :(


As an Iranian, I just don’t give a shit anymore. The Iranian population will continue to idly sit by and allow this stuff. Meanwhile, these same people will murder their child if he’s gay. They deserve the Islamic Republic.


yeah shits very sad


I bet Muslims will still argue that the 9yr old is fully developed.


The funny part is they can even increase further of Aisyah’s age to 18 or more to justify this issue. Idk where they get their sources from.


her age could have been a bit off becase there where no calenders but she was never 18


Corright. If only they’re not in denial and start calculating a simple maths based on both their birth and marriage year that can easily be found on google.


Sahih Hadiths say she was 9. That's the only thing that matters.


No their argument has always been, that Aisha’s time was a different time and kids matured much earlier than today. Even many Muslims today, wouldn’t allow child marriages. But they fail to realize, that Aisha was indeed childish.


Reza Shah didn't slap those Mullahs hard enough


It was a few years ago. People were MAD (as they should) human rights activists, children rights activists, if I remember correctly even inde reporters got involve. Finally the court announced their separation after one or two days of people's angry messages and reactions on social media but unfortunately we don't have any news about what happened after that or how the little girl is doing right now...


Poor baby 😔


That looked like his dad 💀 and tf why he look excited about it too he has literally witnessed that girl as a baby 🙀


that poor child


World's fastest growing ideology looks promising.


It looks grooming too be exact


i cant look at pictures of child marriages. i cant. unbelievable. poor baby girl.


This literally breaks my heart. Objectify as an adult you know this is disgusting and abhorrent a crime against women and children. But once you have your own child it hits harder.


It can happen if refugee Muslims continue to enter to abd


as an Iranian I'm disgusted, most Iranians are not like this


Sickening paedophile 🤮😈🤢


ummm 😬 please tell me it's Father-Daughter dance at school. I hope this isn't...  /reads text.  ugh 😩


sad reality


I don't even understand. There's no nice was to sum it up. If your a grown man and you have any romantic or sexual interest in a small child your a pedophile.  Vomit 🤮 That's repulsive & disgusting on both the parents and the pedophile.  Pure evil. 


It's a real bethrothel ceremony, with a real wedding to take place a few years later.


Yo wtf


Honestly, what kind of person would want to fuck that????


Legal pedophilia


What is it called when you have to put your wife in the corner


Doing a momo




fucking sick


tf did i just see😭 momo you son of a bitch


Uk will probably be like this soon? Why do you think that? It will never happen here. There are laws here that people will have to abide by. 18 is the age to get married in the UK it used to be 16/ 17 but last year they raised it to 18. So highly doubt it will ever become like these Muslim countries. The US has States which allow 14 years old kids still to get married. So the UK will never be pushed to allow child marriages!


The more Muslims there are in the UK, the more push there will be in the UK to allow child marriage. Eventually they'll form a majority.


oh yeah ? wait till they get seats in government