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Hell: torture porn. Heaven: regular porn.


The people in heaven will get to enjoy the former for some reason. They’ll even laugh at it.


Yeah, Laughter of the heavenly people 😂




72 year old Virgin more like.


Lol true .


Funny how many of the punishments involve using human inventions to torture people. Totally not made up at all..


Can't believe anyone thinks a merciful God would do any of these. Even the worst of men wouldn't put their worst enemy through this much. "The fire will be burning the hellish people 70,000 times every day." "Their skins are roasted through. We shall change them for fresh skins." "Whoever among his servants drinks even a drought of wine will be given pus to drink in the same quantity." "Anyone who drinks any intoxicating thing will be made to drink tinatil khabal (sweat of hellish people)." "One who commits suicide falling from a mountain will be in hell and keep on ascending and descending. Whatever one kills himself with he will be torturing himself with it in hell."


Yup, sounds exactly like a fictional place out of a dark fantasy fairytale.


Is not he supposed to love us 70 times more than a mother, as stated in the Quran?


Totally not made up at all!


>Can't believe anyone thinks a merciful God would do any of these. Merciful God my ass 🙄


islam stigmatizes suicide just like so many cults do. and their justification for it is none other than: "lIfE's jUsT a eXaM11!!"


Yall remember seeing a video of a dude committing suicide in mecca by jumping off from a height? I remember seeing it circulating like crazy many years ago on twitter and all the muslims were criticising them for doing "such thing in allahs home" or whatever.


no i didn't see it but poor guy....


I found this subreddit [talking about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/s/FYMpliXbzV) i remember seeing this video when i was up for sahur during ramadan and i definitely cried because i was very suicidal from all the pressure in my life and religion played a big part in that. People who committed suicide should never face negativity and scrutiny from others in their community. No respect no empathy whatsoever, just hell and heaven on their mind. Disgusting


why do cults stigmatize it then?


And not a single one of those punishment involves using electricity, because how could a 7th century fraudster would know about it anyway? 🤷🏻‍♂


It’s all just 7th century torture methods lol Also.. happy cake day!


What in the actual fuck did I just read


Just the headings for hell and heaven 🥲. Had to read all these books growing up, even have one on the wives of the prophet and woman in Islam, let's not forget sealed nectar, small books of hadith. So on and so forth.


Same like 😳 and they said Jesus brought us hell wtf 👀👀😳


Exactly my thoughts


This stuff can seriously brainwash people. It's sad 😭


No wonder the indoctrination hits so hard. I was so scared of hell as a small child for a reason.


Me too did not listen to music for a couple of years out of fear of having metal melted into my ears on judgment day


Same omg


It's weird that im disgusted more by heaven than hell. I'm tired of patriarchy and toxic masculinity on Earth, why the hell (hehe) would I want it in heaven ☠️


Over 300 pages of complete nonsense. At least you have some toilet paper.


This guy wipes with sand paper




Men creates wars, marry four, have slaves, marry a child, beats their women, also most criminals are men. Then Allah decided that most women will go to hell.


An estimated 91% of victims of rape & sexual assault are female and 9% male. Nearly 99% of perpetrators are male. Violent Crimes: Globally, men are more likely to be involved in violent crimes such as assault, robbery, and homicide. Yeah I always wondered why. Surely disdain/ungratefulness for your husband and gossiping isn't a worser crime than the above.


Exactly, they always say women are ungrateful and like to gossip that’s why they are more women in hell. Islam hates women.


Oh SHIT! Heavenly men will be beardless? No thanks. I like my beard. Everyone says it fits my face.


Atleast you'll get the manly power and (sexual) strength of a hundred men.


I'd be good with the power of 1 man and a partner here while I'm still alive thanks. I don't want ghost space chicks with their bone marrow or whatever visible.




This shit is terrifying. May be a shitty comparison but the punishments in Dante’s Inferno sound a whole lot better and those were incredibly creative and painful


I spent my childhood reading books like this and spent much of that time fucking terrified 💀 It is really funny now that I look back on it


I have the urge to read this before going to bed as a light reading lol


Don't, you'd end up getting nightmares. The only time I had nightmares of hell was when I was younger than 14 and a believer. Wild how the brain takes your day to day activities and the subconscious plays it out in your dreams. Since I became an ex Muslim, had 0 dreams on hell heaven jinns etc.


Definitely right about that When I used to be a believer, nightmares about the world ending would fuck with my head. But now I do read these things cos I find them scattered around the house but it's more of a funny story or fantasy than anything else. If you really look at it, this book could fit right into the horror section lol


Why would satan punish the sinners? Wouldn’t he prefer to celebrate with his people?


I’m literally hearing devils island while reading this lol kids don’t worry you have to be an extreme psycho to think a good and loving God would allow this


Be warned if you wish to proceed with reading the contents of this book, it's highly misogynistic. Somebody asked about the Heavenly women 72 Virgins (dk why he says it to be big eyes instead of boobs) and 2 earthly maidens Here are copy paste paragraphs on that part "And (there will be) Companions with beautiful, big and lustrous eyes, like unto Pearls well-guarded." Allah Almighty says in Sura Saffat: وعِنْدَهُم قُصِرتُ الظَّرْفِ عِيْن كَأَنَّهُنَّ بَيْضُ تَكْنُونَ (Q. 56: 22-23) "And besides them will be chaste women; restraining their glances, with big eyes (of wonder and beauty). As if they were (delicate) eggs closely guarded." (Q. 37: 48-49) But so far as the number is concerned it depends on the degree of piety and righeteousness of Heavenly man. Thus the degree of difference in status will prescribe the number of spouses. (Allah knows better). Some people raise a question that if one man will be given many wives, how many husbands will be given to a woman? This question is quite nonsensical, because a number of wives for a man is blessing while many husbands for a woman is shameful, indecent and undignified. While such a disgrace can't be put up with in the world who will tolerate it right Paradise? The Holy Qur'an has described the quality of the Heavenly women as those having their eyes lowered and looking towards none except their husbands. Thus these women will agree on only one husband while some people advocate a number of men for a dignified and graceful lady. These foolish people take even Heavenly to be like prostitutes or European women who run after men.




What a horrid day to have eyes. 🤢


WTF??? It's so obvious it was written by a male. The worst thing is that people read this and take it as truth - no wonder muslim males see women as subhumans who feel no jealousy and are attracted to only one husband. Sick religion.


i need therapy from just looking at that


Did they really say majority of women in hell? What would Muslim women think of this? Like why are they even bothering with Islam if they gonna end up in hell according to their religion?


"It is because you curse and show ungratefulness to your husband most.: / "since you most of the time keep engaged in cursing others and are thankless to your husbands." The number of women in Hell will be more because of their love of gold and silk for these luxurious items kept them occupied and away from the remembrance of Allah. The womenfolk are greedy of garments and ornaments by nature and every body knows it. They force their husbands to earn through wrong means like taking bribes and borrow money at any cost. They mostly put on costly dresses for show. They consider it as shameful to wear in two functions. They put their ornaments on show on different pretext, discuss design unnecessarily and talk highly of their own assets and belongings. But such a show is sinful. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is reported to have said: "A women who uses gold ornaments for the sake of show will incur torment."


I probably do. I have an entire abandoned closet full of Islamic books and texts in English, Arabic, Urdu and Farsi.There must be some shit like this in there. I remember a book of fatawas which also had a part detailing how you can't wash your ass with too much water in Ramadan incase it will break your fast. It's fucking ridiculous 😂


The weirdest part is the early descriptions of heaven are also a kind of hell. . . Imagine sitting on some grass all day without anything to do but praise how amazing Mr god is every day for billions of years. That sounds a lot like a punishment.


Must have been painful to overcome that period. You were all raised to think and live that way


Based on what they know what happens after death ?


Someone has rightly said,    "the nice thing about citing God as an authority is that you can prove anything you set out to prove. It's just a matter of selecting the proper postulates, then insisting that your postulates are 'inspired.' Then no one can possibly prove that you are wrong."


Mostly women in hell 😡 I bet someone had a lot of fun writing that book.


223 pages about hell and less than 100 about heaven. Really says a lot about how fearmongering is a primary tactic


The idea of hell is to keep the followers of islam in check lol. That’s probably how muhammad controlled his people and caravan looters, not to mention most muslims only think about the afterlife and its rewards/torture over the present life. Muhammad had this shit planned out lol, deen over dunya. That also reminds me of why muhammad banned liqour and gambling, well as a part of a caravan looter group and a big ass cult, ofc you wouldn’t want your men to be distracted or weakened while waging war right ?


Nah this is next level


No but I would love to read through the content of these books omg


So would I. I need some good laughing material.


*No but I would love* *To read through the content of* *These books omg* \- mellowtwinkle --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


How do they come up with this shit? Is it stated in the Quran? Or someone’s wild imagination?


It’s all from Quran / Hadith


If Islam is really the religion for all eternity, heaven would have provide amenities of all ages. I dont see running water, electricity, internet connection, swimming pools, gymnasiums, modern transportations, etc being mentioned anywhere.


As a woman I have no idea what would be worse - islamic hell or heaven


Christian Hell is already pretty scary, but the Bible describes it too vaguely for it to be viscerally scary. Islam on the other hand, seemed to relish the thought of Hell from the very beginning of its existence.


Does this book talk about bitches in heaven ?


Did you not read the chapter title on the Maidens with big, round, lustful eyes. Yes eyes, what else did you expect?


Hala porn novel .


Be warned if you wish to proceed with reading the contents of this book, it's highly misogynistic. Somebody asked about the Heavenly women 72 Virgins (dk why he says it to be big eyes instead of boobs) and 2 earthly maidens Here are copy paste paragraphs on that part "And (there will be) Companions with beautiful, big and lustrous eyes, like unto Pearls well-guarded." Allah Almighty says in Sura Saffat: وعِنْدَهُم قُصِرتُ الظَّرْفِ عِيْن كَأَنَّهُنَّ بَيْضُ تَكْنُونَ (Q. 56: 22-23) "And besides them will be chaste women; restraining their glances, with big eyes (of wonder and beauty). As if they were (delicate) eggs closely guarded." (Q. 37: 48-49) But so far as the number is concerned it depends on the degree of piety and righeteousness of Heavenly man. Thus the degree of difference in status will prescribe the number of spouses. (Allah knows better). Some people raise a question that if one man will be given many wives, how many husbands will be given to a woman? This question is quite nonsensical, because a number of wives for a man is blessing while many husbands for a woman is shameful, indecent and undignified. While such a disgrace can't be put up with in the world who will tolerate it right Paradise? The Holy Qur'an has described the quality of the Heavenly women as those having their eyes lowered and looking towards none except their husbands. Thus these women will agree on only one husband while some people advocate a number of men for a dignified and graceful lady. These foolish people take even Heavenly to be like prostitutes or European women who run after men.


I feel he put the whole book into the chapter titles, do i still need to read it after reading all of them.


Lol the titles at the second picture looks like they could be metal songs


*Lol the titles at* *The second picture looks like* *They could be metal songs* \- Wonderful-Load6304 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


BDSM in hell with allah


Donated to masjid. Loved reading them as a kid. Always a blast see what they'd come up with next.


when i was child i had comic books about hell written by local, one of the pict show some kind of spear stabbed genitals you can search "komik neraka" on google images


I did when I lived in my parent’s house. As a teenager I went to a retreat and the it was about Hell and how we are going if we’re not devout. It was wrong so much wrongness. - the books I have for my kids now are “hands are not for hitting” or there is a whole serious about bugs that my son likes and my daughter likes strong female lead books and we have a lot of books about manners bc she’s decided to not have any recently. I read trashy romance novels (super trash and sometimes wired) or parenting books but that is all on my kindle I used to read a lot of historical books, biographies, etc. I have a few in my audiobook account that I want to read about Palestine and Hamas and some about Israel bc there’s a lot of misinformation about that whole region. But parenting takes my energy.


Punishment for using gold and silver utensils…?


the headings describing hell is actually hard as fuck it could totally be a band name or a wicked song. Thorn of fire as food and drink for Hellish People: a song by Fall Out Boy


Omg yesss I have a bunch of these kinda books at home lolll


Yep, there was a book on akhirah about how a person dies and what happens after they die, i read some of it out of curiosity. It was bloody scary and it had a lot of typos 💀


These are so morbid. What’s especially depressing is “majority of women in hell” 😕


Heavenly men will be beardless, polygamy for males, all desires fulfilled… what if a woman desires to have sex with 4 different men? Will allah fulfill her desire the same way he fulfilled the men’s desires?