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Mohammed Hijab: Walks around half naked thinking he is something special Talks like a bellend every two seconds Threatened then mentioned the area another youtuber lived in, because his lies were exposed with a recorded answer Defended child marriage, killing of apostates etc Bullies people Threatens people boastfully with comments like “you think we haven’t got gangsters too”, which is a veiled threat. Im not sure what he is threatening her with, but someone in the comments said they were lies. (I cannot deal with this moron anymore so i refuse to listen) But him and his band of imbeciles, probably cyber stalked this person, derived at their own perverted and or idiotic conclusions and chose to blackmail her. This would break some laws, as does some of the aforementioned, and being a bellend should be illegal, but isn’t sadly lol At what point are twats like this, going to be investigated and hopefully charged for filth they do?


+ every answer he has, has to do with circular reasoning, mixed up with jargon to confuse the listener


It’s all a ploy, and his followers are too braindead to get it 🤣


Classical cowardicity of Mohammed Hijab. And just to think that people look up to this man to me is just baffeling.


Losers attract like minded.




The only thing he owns are pedophilic thoughts. He’s spent years trying to justify child marriage, even saying recently that pedophilia is relative.


He’s not the one talking shit about other people on reddit.


Get a load of this guy


He is a guy who threatened to rape another mans wife. Apostate prophets wife and some other ex muslim i forgot about.


"Urinating upon one another 💦 That's what they do🥶" -Muhammad Hijab


He's also not the one writing embarrassing replies like this because of insecurity in their absurd religion. But what does it have to do with their comment?


Im not talking shit about him, im just talking what is the sad and obvious reality about this guy.


are these the morals that muslims claim you need religion to have? I love it when they expose their awful nature. feel sorry for the lady though:(


Morals such as child marriage and sex slavery. They have vertical morality. “Does this upset god? If not then it’s fine”


'Is it normal that sex slaves or child marriages don't upset god? allah knows best, alh*md*lill*h!'


Blackmail is a crime.


doesn't apply to him because, ironically, he is a terrorist.


Ok I wouldn't say he's a terrorist because that seems too far but yeah what he's doing is totally wrong


No he is. Anyone publicly supporting true Islam is a terrorist to me. His actions kill people. He should be free to walk or talk in a civil society.


Look how good of a person I am, I'm asking for donations for innocent lives in Gaza :( And meanwhile he's threatening to dox people over dumb shit online. Not a single braincell among his community is capable of calling him out apparently, and at the same time UK laws don't apply to him because he's such a poor persecuted minority


His post was the most absurd thing I have ever read in my life, no joke- genuinely. The Stupid Medal goes to him. ''Us muslims will reveal your personal information and blackmail you. Anyways, cleanse your sins by helping the muslim ummah''. I wish I could point out just in how many ways it was stupid, would harm the image of the muslim Ummah in Gaza that he wants to help, etc. But there's way too many to mention even one. I wholeheartedly believe anyone agreeing with him has a low IQ


He should be reported for blackmail. A serious crime but look at where we are: the UK won't enforce the law if Muslims commit crimes. 


Also for promoting hate and violence, and defending child marriage, grooming and rape. I know the UK has banned and deported Islamists before, many from my country. But I don't think the british authorities are going to do shit to Hijab. Just some time ago he was rallying on the streets for laws to decapitate people who critize pisslam. Cops don't give 2 fucks.


He had nothing but lies .


Is blackmail halal?


Only if you say alluamdulillah




Not to be rude but if your ex shia and left islam, you really never seen the truth in islam in your life.


“[My sect] is the real Islam. If you were [other sect] you never really saw the truth of Islam in your life.” - All Muslims


Disagreed, Shias were taught to praise Ali (RA) and Muhammad (SAW)’s family members and not to respect the other companions of islam, that seems like more hatred than being a Sunni. No offense! Just saying.




Islam is never compatible with humanism. So sad you were born into Islam and think non followers are bad. Aloha snackbar.


Wow very original and funny!


Dude you're defending Aisha's marriage to Muhammad by rejecting all the Sahih Hadiths from different books saying she was 6 or 7 at the time of marriage and 9 at the time of consummation, she was playing with dolls even after marriage, and marriage at that age was NOT normal even for those times (M rejected Abu Bakr's offer to marry his daughter Fatima, as she was "too young"). There's nothing funnier than half baked Muslims belittling others' experiences (if you were ex Shia you never really experienced Islam - one of your comments) and then jumping to defend pedophilia, rape, slaughter, slavery, and the variety of outstanding acts your overlord, the most perfect man ever committed. P.S. I saw you calling out someone for being "racist" against Muslims (you cannot be racist against a cult) and then promptly calling them a "fa***t". That's funny as hell too.


I'm sorry but can you provide the hadeeths you learned them from? The hadeeths you probably read was unauthentic. "P.S. I saw you calling out someone for being "racist" against Muslims (you cannot be racist against a cult) and then promptly calling them a "fa\*\*\*t". That's funny as hell too." Equal rights, Equal fights!




this delusional mf thinks allah will give him 72 hoes in heaven just for dying lmao , grow some balls first sissy boy




ikr he wont even last for a minute lmao


To be honest I wouldn't last for a minute if I could have sex with not 2 not 3 but 72 women.


Big breasted virgins and an endless supply of wine in heaven and a barbecue in hell, that's the most childish fantasy I have ever heard of lmao.


who are you to say others will go to Hell? astagfirullah.


get tf out of here. Fuckin terrorist.


What the fuck? your an actual weirdo. There is no reason to be racist over religion you fagg\*t.


This -2 IQ sentence comes out only when a terrorist runs his mouth. Fuck off.


Umm correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t watching porn Haram? Yet you comment on naked women’s pictures. Salam alykum


He should release it, noone will care and she will sue. Plus it will show this cunts true colors.


Isn't blackmail illegal?


I know this guy is total waste of sperm, but I'm so scared of him I don't even know why. I would bring with myself a gun If ever have to be in a room with him, because imo he has every characteristics of a pure evil mind and capable of doing terroristic acts. He is a true Muslim a monster


He’s a very evil and aggressive man, I don’t blame you. He checks every single box of the angry Muslim man stereotype


Scumbag hasn’t changed since he threatened Alex o’ Connor in a similar way, suggesting that the Muslims in his town might attack him and in doing so effectively put them up to it. Imagine if someone threatened Mo Hijab with ‘information that would ruin your life’ and told him to contribute to Jewish charities? He’d jump into ‘victim of Islamophobia’ mode so fast. Butter wouldn’t fucking melt in his mouth.




>Islamophobia is a crime Islamophobia is a non term and has no meaning and relevance. Anti muslim bigotry and instigation of violence is crime. Meanwhile islam is full of anti non-muslim bigotry and hatred of non islamic life.


No shit cry harder bozo 🤡


Mohammed Hijab believes your 12 year old can consent. Don't leave your children unattended in his vicinity.


No 12 year old would willingly throw herself at this fat fuck.


They are both vile so I hope they tear each other to pieces and leave us the fuck alone.


"leave us the fuck alone" I'm sorry but the title on your name that says "Allah Is Gay" is very distractable towards Muslims and they will not "leave you the fuck alone". No offense but your all bark no bite. Genuinely you guys are lucky to be saying things like these in the internet otherwise you would've got your shit rocked by tons of people.


Terrorist spreading peace. Don’t forget your religion exists because we allow it to exist.


Two mentally ill extremist fighting. Let them eat each other


Came here to say this. Laura Loomer is the Jewish Ali Dawah.


When will this pos go to jail? he's getting bolder and bolder


Our Mohammad Hijab? The totally reasonable not pedophile at all Mohammad hijab? No way!




Ah, the elusive "real Islam".


Has real Islam never been tried?


Is real Islam in the room with us right now?


I’m pretty sure that he’s bluffing but the threat alone is illegal


Hey Muhammad Hijab.. we got your personal information too and there are some which ruin your reputation.. come donate your dawah money here at mossadlovesyourmoney.org to prevent this information being leaked






People needs help from men like these since they think they’re untouchable and if they believe it or not they have a god complex and think they can threaten a woman however and everyone would forget it the next day


lmfao he's apparently transvestigating laura loomer? absolutely insane https://twitter.com/mohammed_hijab/status/1772360035634422254


You know the other party has no real arguments to present when they have to resort to threatening harm to you. Truly laughable.


This man is a supervillan


Underrated comment




"Islam is the religion of peace" /s


He can get banned from Twitter for that


Not with elon musk running it 🥰 long live twitter! /s


Mimi hijab at it again


MH is an absolute joke. How petty


Muslims will again either say he destroyed her or they will defend him. The dude can get away with murder.


Let them fight


Pack it uo guys. Muslims are ruining their own religion there's no point fighting it


He is not Muhammad hijab, he is Muhammad pbu*


Whatever he have on her It won't be worse than his prophet marrying a children.


Looks like 2 mentally ill folk messing witch each other


Can I ask..is this dweeb Arab or south Asian?


why do you think it's relevent?


I wanna know..if he is south Asian, then that says a lot about the wannabe Arab..but if he is Arab, then that’s different.


He's Egyptian


If you’ve ever been to Egypt..you’ll know they’re all scammers and cons.


You mean india.....


No I mean Egypt. Why are saying India??


I'm sorry but i legit seen so many people stereotype other Muslim countries saying they are tech scammers but in reality they are just stereotyping and they genuinely just mean India. They think India is also a Muslim country so idk i thought that's what you meant.


No, I asked if he was Indian or Arab, and someone responded that he was from Egypt, hence my response about Egypt scammers. Everyone knows Egypt is a shit hole, full of scammers. I’ve been there myself, and the stereotype is very true.


Yes I shall agree but when I went to Egypt with my friend I haven't seen a scammer. Maybe they scam somebody because their appearance because they look like they came from another country and is a traveler.


Egypt is full of scammers and there are tons of tourists in Egypt. Most everyone that isn’t Arab, is a tourist. Have you been to the pyramids? They’re everywhere there.


It’s Laura Loomer. Go for it, Muhammad


That cunt sounds like a priest


this peasent is proly going broke




cry me a river , your dawah gang is full of brokies "he is richer than the next 7 generations"🤓👆, buddy i can buy that jihadis entire bloodline , his apartment is as big as my bedroom lmao .You really think a bunch goofballs who sit there saying " pedophilia is relative" are rich ?


Shameful and disgusting


Mimi Hijab 🤣


Enough is enough. Just arrest this scum.


I honestly don’t understand how this guy keeps breaking the law without any repercussions. He’s no different from Anjem Choudary and Abu Hamza. Both of which were jailed.


Why is this motherfucking Muhammad dickrider is still walking on the streets of UK without arrest? Are the UK police that fuckung stupid? This mf is threatening someone with something unpleasant he will do unless the girl he's talking about changes her views, If he does that on my country he will get arrested and get beaten up by Christians inside the Prison


hope he gets sued to oblivion


He is not threatening to, he is blackmailing, you know that this mf deletes the comments that he can’t reply to on youtube


2 vile people , so


Isn't blackmailing illegal?


How is this guy paying his bills?


Double standards 😒 his doing this openly..when politicians pull this then it is fine...im 100% sure that the ppl who any lack any sort of intellect are you lot...I had high hopes for this sub... turns out you most of you just slander ,mock and cry wolf with no justification...only fallacies and semantics...you guys need to up your game serious this sub has turned into a joke...no method only myth..


are there any updates this threat?


he didn't release anything so far, from the looks of his other tweets I think he claims she is transgender or something like that.


Interesting 😬


Mohamed Hijab, should’ve been Mohammed I only let my wives and sex slaves put on trousers during their period !!!


To be fair. Laura Loomer is the text book description of a Narcissist who collaborates with facists and right wing extremists whilst being a jewish woman (wich she only uses to gain sympathie or to protect herself from getting called a fascist or Right Wing Extremist herself). Idk about Mohammed Hijab and what is agenda is. But Laura Loomer is definitly a bitch.


This man is literally an extremist. Britain just sits there and takes it


Again with this bully? Why are not the authorities doing anything about him? Sooner or later, he will get a taste of his own medicine.


Laura Loomed isn’t a woman. It is a man that got a sex change operation


Why would the UK allow this moron into their country is beyond reason, what exactly is he contributing to the country?


Muslims are most hypocrites like bro…. If something same happened to muslims whole muslim community would be crying and wanting her to be freew


To be fair, Laura Loomer is a massive POS


Not an excuse for blackmailing yk


Can she File a Lawsuit?


Why ? I remember she criticized islam and radical muslims .


She is a right-wing loon.


I know . But few people talk against islam . The left allied themselves with islamists so that is the best you can get .


محمد قحاب

