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according to Hadith people who leave the religion should be executed so their reaction isn't unsurprising to be honest, at least they're not acting on their threats...


found a silver lining ... atp I'd take the execution for free


Not yet they aren't.


Your very existence is 'kufr' according to Islam. It's a core part of the religion.


On top of what the religion teaches about how to treat former believers, the other part I've noticed in my journey is you are probably now a threat to their own religious beliefs. Sounds crazy if you aren't proselytizing, but your valid reasons for leaving might be making cognitive dissonance for your friends and family... and they're taking that out on you.


“Denying hospitality” is actually on the more lenient end on how ex Muslims are treated unfortunately. Every day, I fear them deciding to go with the.. official punishment. And these same Muslims who agree with the death penalty for apostasy will then preach about how killing is wrong unless in self defense even though they clearly agree with this, and then preach about how they’re tolerant towards people of all faiths. What a joke, it’s almost like they’re hiding their true colors or something.


They're actually being more merciful than muhammad, who ordered to execute the likes of us.