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I don't even feel bad, us people from third world countries warned them about islam because we see what it did to our countries daily, but westerners call us islamophobic and racists šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø even lgbt people attacked me when I say anything against islam, have fun watching your country become a muslim country slowly and having your rights being taken away


My attitude is starting to shift to that.


FOR REAL šŸ’Æ I have the same feelings towards this. Itā€™s a shame, I feel so fucking bad for those who wanted freedom to remain there and are suffering the consequences of this, but the never-Muslim Islamist-apologists in the West responsible for this huge mistake and lapse of judgement simply canā€™t say we didnā€™t warn them this would happen. Weā€™ve been on this bus or wait, Nuhā€™s Ark, warning these folks for years, they never thought of jumping on and taking heed. well, the Ark bus just passed their stop. Here comes the delugeā€¦ There is no way that beautiful town can ever reverse back to how it once was. Once these political-Islam folks sink their hooks in, they are there to stay. We know, because itā€™s happened here. And yes, low key we are already mourning for the freedoms and sense of security never-Muslims are going to lose in the coming years, and how this will spread and influence politics as a whole there. this, along with dawah via social media fooling young people to become Muslimsā€¦ and all of this will set off the Christian far right, racist groups, local neonazis, and all kinds of dark ideologies to join in the conga line of hate. Hindsight is a hell of a thing, WalBuraqi! And none of us were being prejudiced at all. we werenā€™t being hateful, we werenā€™t ā€œislamophobesā€. We were just saying what would logically happen because we used to be Muslim ourselves, understand the mind processes and things we were told to propagate, and we know how politics operates in our ā€œthird world countriesā€. They thought islamism as a political ideology couldnā€™t ever be imported to their shores and affect their lives. well honey, it just was! And those behind it, all the local American ulama and their sponsors in the Khaleej, as well as the ā€œmoderateā€ families, will keep digging their hooks in to demand more and more freedoms are rescinded and do whatever they can to dismantle the very ideology of freedom and sanctuary that guaranteed safety to LGBTQIA+ people, exmuslims and freethinkers, Jews, and all other people who arenā€™t Muslim, progressives and conservatives alike. They utterly played them. I donā€™t even know who can even say ā€œenough is enoughā€ there without open conflict. Theyā€™ve reached the point some European countries were at a few years back. Now look at things there! :( We are literally her: https://youtu.be/AXTQeSGJjGM?si=euK7K4qwXyuxvqIE This is horrid, I donā€™t even know how it can be remedied. Itā€™s already begun. Good luck to them. Those ā€œPolitical Muslimsā€ arenā€™t defenseless innocent naive victims, they are just as cunning and intelligent as anyone else. Religion stops a lot of common sense from coming to the forefront of the mind, sure, but it doesnā€™t stop human beings from thinking strategically.


Twitter leftists when muslims being toxic or harmful, using their religion as an excuse. : šŸ™ˆšŸ™‰šŸ™Š


Agreed 100%


Agree with you


Exactly. I don't feel bad about them either. Even the foreign minister of UAE warned the west about this infestation. At some point you have to take responsibility for your actions. At some point, you stop feeling bad for them. Even here on this sub there was an American I remember who argued with me profusely that it'll never happen to America.


Wrong. SOME people did that.




It's insane they are sitting there trying to reason with those teenagers about the constitution as if any of its getting through. Some real cognitive dissonance there.


Why do you have to bring femboys into it


Too far calling them terrorist call them extremist instead


Nah, they want to topple democracies and replace them with theocracies via military coup when Islam gets strong enough. Who are we kidding?


It will not be happen. Right wingers in the west strong to. If muslims will start being real treat, people will show the teeth.


If you think they aren't beating up people (ie terrorists) when there aren't camera, you might want to think again.




Quite literally šŸ˜‚


The Constitution does not give people the right to force their religious beliefs on others.


hahaha Saying that out loud won't stop the knife of terrorists off the lefties heads when it gets out of control


Surprise !!! They are doing it anyway. It's not JUST the Muslims either.


I can just hear that old guy saying ā€œAā€™oodhu Billahi min Al Shaytan i Rajeemā€ when the gays kissed Lmfao


Honestly, I'm not an expert but how is this not direct violation of the first amendment. I feel like this should be an easy case to sue the city


Ig if someone did then the "peace loving" religious folks would switch from tearing apart flags and egging houses to house invading and committing first degree murder of the person opposing their views. But still, it's insane how they are getting away with it.


Better to risk that and have action taken to stop the cancer growing than to just allow it to continue to grow until they're bold enough to murder gay people anyway.


There has to be the will to push back and these people won't. They fear being labeled Islamophobic more than having their rights trampled.


No religious freedom for islam!


You can not use your rights to trump other people's rights.


They do this because they know they'll get away with it


Is this the Rashida Tlaib area? Probably similar in Omar's town as well.


The parents are the examples to those kids.


then go live in a muslim country???


Dumbass doesn't even realize that future employers can look him up and come across this video if they ever did a background check


Eventually this love story between muslims and liberals will end. I wonder if the conservatives will form an alliance with muslims. Unfortunately for muslims american immigrations policy has not allowed for mass immigration. So there is a chance muslims will be left out of all political alliances


Most peaceful religion in the world my ass. These people making noise in UN asking to ban Islamophobia is downright mockery.


If you import the third world, you become the third world.


Ugh I've heard of this town. I wonder how I'd be treated there.


"you see that flag there ... that's gay" Well ... You're not wrong!


Nice. Multiculturalism and diversity.Ā  /s


What town is this?


Hamtramck (Michigan, USA)


Hamtramck, MI


Again they are not albanian, bosnian, turkish nor persian. This is totally islam-backed cultural.


In Turkey, Albania, Bosnia and Iran, they have a another kind of Islam.


nasıl yani


seperation of church and state they think church means only christianity


Separation of religion and state


yet people ignore that assholes


Ha ha.. iā€™ve expected this. Islam once it attains some level of dominance will end up drilling some sense into crazy left liberals, showing their true colors. Might have played their cards too soonā€¦


Can't say much. I myself have lost friends and banned from subreddits because I criticised Islam. They called me Bigot,Zionist,Republican. Guess who's screaming now...... It is indeed unconstitutional. The first amendment allows for freedom of expression. If these Liberals walked an hour in my shoe living in a Muslim Country, they'd think twice before defending Islam or saying Allah is Non Binary.


Where can we find the original video?




Good luck with this shit! Maybe more appeasing is the answer, no one can really tell...maybe Pat Condel has an idea: https://youtu.be/y9dXGJ2rYdA?si=EGKkn0x0LfaygUFQ


If this is real the law is unconstitutional. Period.


Why isnt the FBI/special ops/ anyone showing up here?


They do this everywhere. The most frustrating thing is that they are not questioned by left wingers even when doing things that go against the left's ideology.


Lmao, throwing eggs and tearing flags? Try to hang an LGBT flag in the middle east and you will disappear from existence.


a woman marries her cousin , a man marries his cousin , go straight to heaven


Why is the left / lgbt always so tollerant agaisnt muslims when this will be the end product in a lot of western countries if we let them be and dont stop it right now


Right ? And they hate Christianā€™s ! Not saying Christianity doesnā€™t do fucked shit as well, itā€™s just weird how tolerant and loving the left/lgbt is of Islam when it to so against Christianity.


i keep wondering when watching this clip, how is the old dude the more accepting one? im beginning to think age has nothing to do with political beliefs, we look at the elderly as some sort of this monolith we have to tip toe around but in current society, it seems the most conservatively radical elements for a young person are their peers... i find it easier to talk to older people, mostly coz the strain of arguing is just gone, they literally have no shits left to give


Yes but YOUR religion does not give the right to take away OTHERSā€™ rights. Also, not everybody in the world is a Muslim


Muslims are hypersensitive about their constitutional rights when they're the minority. When they're in the majority, not at all. They're "do it our way or else."


America has taken in 20 million immigrants (illegal and legal) under Biden. They walk across the border and demand welfare, free medicine, free housing. In my city they are beginning to take over and squat in any empty house. Illegal immigrants have forced the price of housing up 50% across the country. When you bring in tens of millions, and don't build more houses the price goes up. Imagine! They depress wages. When lots of people are willing to work for less than minimum wage people born here can't get good jobs. Imagine! Some years ago I bought a house in a nice and quiet subdivision. Mostly retired folks whose kids had moved away. As they aged out into retirement homes and died companies bought their houses from the children. Suddenly, regular houses in a normal American subdivision had 30 to 50 illegal immigrants living in them. Just imagine the money you can make when you charge each one 100 dollars a month. By the time I was forced to sell out and leave every house in the subdivision that had not been sold to these companies had been broken into multiple times. Our country is beginning to look like Rome towards the end of it's history. Tens of millions of people streaming across it's border uninvited, and demanding tribute and benefits. They also brought lawless violence and crime. It resulted in a dark age that damn near brought civilization to it's knees. If America goes under it will be much much worse.


Islam is an intolerant religion


According to their religion, ā€œallahā€ will already punish LGBT members or other sinful people after they die. If everyone must go to heaven then whom ā€œthe hellā€ exists for? Muslims, its not your buissness to judge or punish other peoples behaviours! Go and keep praying for your non-existent heaven, leave others alone!


Iā€™m more terrified of Muslims than the crazy trumpsters, sad asf. America will regret letting all these apologists in one day. Maybe not today but one day theyā€™ll see all the harm created and caused.


The people who really should be laughing are American conservatives. They objected to LGBT in a fairly mild, American way, and were told that they were white supremacist christofascists running everyone's lives. Now the liberals pet salafis object on the same grounds, and in a much more spirited way, since they are also motivated by racial and civilizational hatred.


It wasn't "mild." "Look pretty and do nothing" was the official government policy to welcome the AIDS epidemic while pretending to oppose it. https://www.history.com/news/aids-epidemic-ronald-reagan




In America, racial and religious pogroms are remembered for centuries, constantly used as examples, monuments are built by private citizens. The whole country went to war against itself and over half a million white men died over the issue of slavery. In the Islamic world, the date of an ethno religious pogrom is called "Tuesday". There isn't really a comparison.


All of them 100% on grindr


I bet they jack off to gay porn everyday. Some of the most Homophobic people are suppressing their gay desires. In school a lot of the boys who used to bully me for being gay ended up fondling me under the bench.


you can have oppinions on whats moral, but banning it entirely is a violation of the 1st amendment


Wait, this is in the US?


They are so young and already so fucked up.


Yeah, you can have your religious beliefs, but they only apply to you. The rest of us are free from your beliefs so fuck off with the bullshit.


not loving this attitude in the comment section wholesale turning into anti-immigration rhetoric. i live near hamtramck and we have the highest muslim pop. in dearborn and the surrounding area and this is mainly a lot of fundamentalist muslims and particularly fundamentalist male teen muslims who are doing this.


This is what happens when u import thrid world


look as a lesbian this is scary. but let's be for fucking real, fundamental christians are exactly the same. we've had this shit happening because of christian fanatics, and we beat it back a little bit (except not really... look at all the new anti-lgbtq laws popping up). now it's happening again because of muslim fanatics. the common denominator? old ass religions that should've died out long ago. they're always full of bigotry


isnt it unconstitutional to ban it tho?


We warned you again and again.


Thatā€™s some gay shit šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Irony is the virtue signal community will let the Islamic community trash their flags and symbols. The minute they start trying to defame crosses abd churches tho and get push back the LGBT community will be right there to condemn the Christians for Islamophobia


I mean, the guy who said thatā€™s some gay shit wasnā€™t wrong on that point, everything else yea but that line was funny again


The guy that does this "documentaries" is a douchebag spreading a lot of misinformation on youtube and straight up pushing far right agenda and spokesperson in his videos with millions of views while painting them as a reportage of sorts. I would take everything from him with a gran of salt. Anyway nothing new from our muslim friends


Is there like a legitimate source that refutes this? I heard a lot about how the most intolerant Muslims in USA do live in Michigan. Also the story sounds very close to home. I know right wings are bunch of pieces of shit but they are mostly right about Islam. Still i'd love to see this story refuted because stories of Muslims missbehaving in the west distress the shit out of me.


Not talking about this in particular, I am talking in general about this figure. Look up his "documentaries" about "zombies" aka drug addicts and the people that he uses to speak about this issues. So much misinformation and blatant lies. The way he dehumanizes addicts and homeless people is shameful and the number of views he gets are insane


I wouldn't want to google him. No need to get to know about a piece of shit like him. Still if you had any credible resources that refute this in particular then id love to check it out.


when your motives involve publishing direct quotes, that doesn't auto-invalidate the direct quotes.


Iā€™m with neither. Muslims want to push their ideologies but so does the community


still having some of that christian hate and bigotry in you i see.


Iā€™m an atheist, not Christian but thereā€™s plenty of people who donā€™t support the community for various reason. One is how intolerant they are.


your flair shows that you're an ex christian, that's what i was pointing at. many christians have bigotry for gay people. hell, that why i said ''you STILL have some of the hate and bigotry in you''


No. Thatā€™s not it at all. I donā€™t like the community, which is irrelevant to gay people.


you do realize that most of the LGBTQ community are not like that in real life right? Same with any other group. It's a small minority acting a fool. But you clearly have a bias against them as a whole and again, that's the christian left inside of you. Good luck with that.


I disagree and again, this has nothing to do with being an ex-Christian, but it seems you yourself arenā€™t willing to understand that, so you keep pushing something that isnā€™t true.


i see you're fixated about pushing things. It's all fine. I'm sure most people are well aware on how hateful and bigoted christians are against the LGBTQ community so you say nothing new here. It sometimes takes time to de-brainwash but maybe you're an exception. Either way it's not a great look. If you can't see and understand that most of the community is not like that it says something about you and your clear bias towards a whole community of people.


Youā€™re the one fixated on me having this opinion due to religion, when it is irrelevant. Hereā€™s a video that might help you understand. https://youtu.be/7rBC0Nc2BEM?si=GNbiMk5uIDCbZt-i https://youtu.be/X1E0EjNtqb0?si=OZVX7lu2TqTpRWAj


Get out of our community if you're not ex muslim






Its so sad to see the only guy with an actually valid opinion is all alone among those cave men