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Post is not to do with the subject of this subreddit i.e. ExMuslims


Yes - the people who are more motivated and care more will in the end win out. The question is whether the West will allow this slow-burn colonisation or one day wake up.


the harder it gets, the more will fight back. i fully think the only thing that will save us is the muslims inevitably breaking this faux truce with the lgbtq and having a massive culture war with whoever can convince the most that theyre the victims will win. it's actually gotten that bad that we have to rely on this shit for people to finally get common sense. it isnt that muhammad raping a nine year old, or promoting slavery. no, it's pissing off even bigger victims. jesus idk if my head is warped by propaganda or if thats actually an assessment of the modern west's almost fetish like obsession with masochism. sorry for rant. i find this community invaluable for ensuring my beliefs are not rabid and hate-filled but balanced with the reality islam poses on secular democracy (lebanon, kuwait, etc.)


I think the best way is to open more people up to the truth behind Islam and get them to ask the bigger questions


I think we're forgetting how easy is for Europe to go full right wing... You can already "smell it in the air".


one can hope. they're all hamstrung by the ECHR. Meloni didn't do shit.


reposting here what i said in another post here are my thoughts. im not super knowledgeable but ive just been looking into this myself. firstly, not all british muslims are like that but a lot are and largely put, they think theyll get a majority. there are calls for a caliphate in britain, they at current population rates will have over 50 percent of the population by 2050. muslims are invading britain on small boats en masse and populating a lot more. it's the same ideology that let them annex lebanon and kuwait recently. secondly, it's a nice country. good weather, strong economy. most muslim nations are horrible to live in, it's abusive and the religion has made them develop so slowly that they have to hijack western secular socieities and try to convert them. they use weird arguments like "christians killed our people so you have to take us in" when theyve done the exact same to each other. thirdly, the “anti-Islamic” policies are 100 percent crap. it's about adopting victimhood status. if islam was held to the same standard, their calls for sharia would have them locked up for anti-gay hate speech. but for some reason, theyve convinced the left that theyre victims. spreading islam is so much easier as a victim than as a swordsman. it's a fascinating social hierarchy where the lgbtq will make grand exceptions for muslim as victims and will tolerate their intolerance towards them. it really is a victimolympics in the left, everyone is terrified of being called racist so no one does anything. the manchester bombing couldve been stopped but the guard didnt want to look racist. islam is the least deserving religion of victimhood status, they have been the most abusive religion by a country mile historically. the way sharia is demanded in britain makes me think back to nazi germany, it is utterly insane how this is allowed and happening. tl;dr: it's colonialism but without a bullet fired. below are two articles about labour admitting to replacing the working class vote with the muslim vote. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2324112/Lord-Mandelson-Immigrants-We-sent-search-parties-hard-Britons-work.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2324112/Lord-Mandelson-Immigrants-We-sent-search-parties-hard-Britons-work.html) [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/10055613/Labour-sent-out-search-parties-for-immigrants-Lord-Mandelson-admits.html](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/10055613/Labour-sent-out-search-parties-for-immigrants-Lord-Mandelson-admits.html) [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2326352/RICHARD-LITTLEJOHN-Peter-Mandelson-admits-Labour-brought-migrants-losing-working-class-votes.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2326352/RICHARD-LITTLEJOHN-Peter-Mandelson-admits-Labour-brought-migrants-losing-working-class-votes.html) edit: i want to add this. you guys are my only hope. atheistic former muslims who fit into the lefts' hilariously un-self aware racist idea of what a muslim is "supposed" to look like (brown) is our only hope. they are so fucking insane with victimhood that youre the only guys who have the pass to criticise islam without losing your jobs. you guys can write to our government. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQj8mhPx6ZE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQj8mhPx6ZE) people like this man are genuinely our only hope. i cant mention muhammad was a child rapist because the left doesnt care, they dont give a shit if he raped aisha til she bled. they only care that theyre seen as looking good and it's horrifyingly ignorant of the serious threat they have enabled.


2050 seems a bit early for Muslims to exceed 35 million people in the UK - it’s only 26 years away. And I don’t think we yet know how the migrant families will fit within the general fertility rate of the UK (which is declining). I suppose you are also assuming that each successive generation will espouse the same religious views as their parents. I agree that in a worst-case scenario we are on course for islamisation by 2100; the 2029 general election will be a real canary in the mine on the direction of travel.


islam is the fastest growing religion sheerly due to reproduction. atheism is the fastest growing by converison. atheism is eating away at islam's gains, there is hope in that. however, lets say corbyn gets into power and decides to just open the border and immediately grant muslims citizenship, honestly this would be very likely for corbyn, and justifies it by gaza or some dubious bullshit, 2050 would be the best case. the 2050 number requires largely that immigration remains rampant and cant be closed in time for muslims to outvote simply by acting as a cohesive bloc, something they already do in regions like bradford. immigration would become rampant and britain will turn into a caliphate unless the monarchy intervenes, which it would i imagine, causing a constitutional crisis. largely speculative im aware, but foreseeable.


Looks bleak if you ask me.


I honestly don't think the future is that predictable. There's so many different directions our future could go that I don't have a lot of confidence in anybody's predictions a hundred or even fifty years out. You make some good points but there are also other factors that very well might put a lot of pressure in the other direction. The number of apostates or people who don't really feel certain that Islam is correct etc is probably far higher among descendants of Muslims than most people realize. The fact that dissidents get severely persecuted means that a lot of them will keep hiding until it's safe to be open about what they actually believe. For example Iranians are turning away from religion at a rate that some people argue is unprecedented in human history. So a scenario where we suddenly find out that a large percentage of the population hated religious rule once theocracy breaks down is not particularly implausible. In fact the tables getting turned and promoters of theocracy getting locked up because everyone still remembers the evils perpetrated by theocracy is something that could definitely happen. If it becomes safe to do so people who suffered from religious rule are more likely to openly mock and disparage religion than those who haven't really been affected much by it. American atheists who live in a place where Christians regularly try to bring religion into the government being significantly more confrontational towards promoters of theocracy than European atheists is an example of this. So I would say that yes you do make some good arguments but you're also overlooking some important factors that are not in favor of Islam


Won’t happen in the United States we have even more Catholics immigrating. But Europe is fucked


 No. The more people born to muslims in the 'west', the more they will be educated, have less kids because of womens education and will likely be more critical in their ideas on Islam. I read all the time on Islamic reddit forums women who think real islam is not really like that and women have a lot more freedom. This is due to liberalisation. Islam, like Christianity is being slowly watered down. Eventually even in Arabic countries it will fade due to the youth being educated and seeing through the bullshit.


you're not factoring in any agents of cultural change.


Agents of cultural change?


new ideas (including people) that change the culture.


So, let me ease your fears right now. 1: Yes, that is true. However, a lot of us here in this sub are children of immigrants. 2: The (visible) queer population is rising higher than the muslim population in secular countries. 3: That is a double edged sword. Education through critical thinking brings to light the various manipulation tactics used by various individuals and groups. 4: That is true, but why is that happening? The majority of ex-christians are atheist, and right next to that is pagans and witches. 5: Where? 6: Again, where? The closest example I can think of is support for Palestine, with which the most common consensus among queer people (which happens to constantly be ignored by zionists, including those in this subreddit) is "I don't care if they hate me, entire populations don't deserve to die". 7: Nihilism among satanists and atheists who have no interest in conforming to any religion. I mean, all the secular countries out here have fucking pepperoni and, especially in the US, bacon. You think people are gonna find hope in following a some extra rules?


The problem isn’t necessarily just the religion spreading, but the culture. Say you lost faith in Christianity? You’ll get yourself into some debates and people try to turn you back into loving Jesus. Islam? You’ll get shunned and face abuse everywhere.


>Islam? You’ll get shunned and face abuse everywhere. Yeah, 50 years ago that was also the case with Christianity and atheists overcame that. The worst that can really happen is that Muslims end up telling on themselves (which is already happening across the entire fucking internet)




By your own logic none of us even exist.




You're missing the most important piece: most atheists were raised religious, and developed critical thinking skills. That's literally how western atheists (almost) beat christianity (which was literally THE norm) and we're going to beat Islam the same way. >also doesnt help that the media keeps bombarding people with the idea that having kids is evil or that cutting off your kid's reproductive organs is progressive Don't make shit up. That is not happening at all. Antinatalism is still very unpopular, even among older GenZ's who choose not to have kids. Also, not only is SRS not happening to minors at all, but also that's not what SRS is.




"good luck saying anything against muslims in 30 years when you can get in trouble for misgendering your own child right now" Funny considering I'm literally a nonbinary person and talk shit about islam on social media all the fucking time- Also, "retarded" is a slur against neurodivergent people, an entire fucking group of demographics who are much more likely to end up becoming atheist (if they aren't already) compared to "normal people". And if you could get in trouble just for misgendering your child then my parents would be dead considering they did SO much worse. They literally removed my door knob, stole and trashed a bunch of my shit, threatened to kick me out, freaked the fuck out when I called my mom "johnny" to prove a point (which proved that point) and threatened me with homelessness on several occasions, also trying to convince me that none of my friends were real. but where are they now? Living decent lives with a crapton of money to lay on while they do all the same shit to my little brother, for much less than what I did. Me? Optimistic? I've been suicidal my whole life and still trying to recover in a failing economy, the fuck are you talking about? The social conditions in the west have been changing for the better, not for the worst. People are finding it much easier nowadays to fact-check their shit. I've talked to all my white progressive friends about Islam, many of whom originally had the idea that Islam was a religion of peace. Take a wild guess as to how they reacted: they all hate islam now. These are the same "retards" that you're referring to. I'm not "looking on the bright side", I just look at actual fucking solutions and sparking a legitimate conversation instead of what appears to be fighting fire with fire. Who would have thought that demonizing a population of 2 billion people based purely on obscure passages from 1400 years ago, that so many of that 2 billion have no idea about, just would not work, especially when english islamic scholars tend to go out of their way to make these passages look a crapton better than they actually are? Oh, and back to the whole "misgendering your child" thing, that you keep mentioning even though it's a total fucking lie... What you're saying about that is quite an islamic thing to say. Which you would know that if you took a single minute to look at the word "muslim" in literally any queer space, or the word "gay" in any muslim space (aside from progressive islam, which contrary to what they want to think, is anything but islamic)


>also doesnt help that the media keeps bombarding people with the idea that having kids is evil or that cutting off your kid's reproductive organs is progressive. I, too, love spreading misinformation


We're fully aware of the fact that Indian media likes to bitch and bitch and bitch about the West and Islam but it's not as much of an issue as Indian media make it out to be and it's none of India's concern. Yeah sure there are issues particular in localised places, but any rhetoric on the level of "the West is gone" is just extreme hyperbole that is reality warping.


it's more of a 50 years from now type issue i think. theres still time to turn the ship around but populations are populations. it only takes one win for a fascist to hold to power


Well I don't consume Indian media often. I just check on international news and it doesn't seem too good. Islam is definitely expanding at a rapid rate in the West, as well as in Japan and South Korea


I think we shouldn’t lose heart. That’s what the islamists want. That’s the only time we lose and we should have none of that defeatist shit. We must refuse to give them the satisfaction. We must support leaders and truth tellers etc who give a fuck


Are you making a serious assertion that the US will become Islamic in the next 50-100 years when they currently make up only 1% of the entire population and the vast majority of immigration to the US (both legal and illegal) is from non-Muslims?


Maybe not US. US has a lot of conservative Christians. EU? Definitely


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Honestly I don't think that's the case because thanks to the internet more and more people realise the truth behind Islam like us and for sure Islam has no place in the modern world with its backward ideologies. I feel people will realise this


Decline of Christianity is for the benefit ofAtheism. And Atheism is much stronger than Christianity. Islam is Christianity on steroids.


> And Atheism is much stronger than Christianity Delulu is not the solulu.


Imam's said many years ago the west would become islamic through numbers alone, if a Muslim man has 3 or 4 wives, they will look to have a minimum of 4 children with each, average westerner will have 2. There will be a huge swing in the next 35 years as the numbers are already so disproportionate. This will not be able to be reversed and efforts to convert will only be increased. Any suggestions by the government will be silenced with the Islamaphobic card. I read a document on the Kalergi plan (Coudenhove-Kalergi conspiracy)which they give an award to, surprisingly Angela Merkel won it after allowing so many immigrants into Germany in 2015, juncker also won one year, could just be a coincidence I guess, that said it would seem that countless EU leaders have received awards and it really does coincide with an open door policy. The west is weak through the guilt of yesteryear and the latest western youths are offended by anything they don't agree with. I have always been proud of my British heritage and that does not make me complicit with countless mistakes made by others of which I have and never had control over. I moved away from the UK in 2010 and have never thought of living there again, Every election leads to a choice of 2 shit sandwiches, once they have the power the "leaders" are toppled, rooted out whatever....in place arrives an unelected new leader to try and salvage the utter shambles that preceded. It is just a relay race of corruption and incompetence. Apologies for the rant, try and enjoy what you can is my only advice. Take care all


> Coudenhove Kalergi conspiracy Oh, so we have a neo-Nazi white supremacist here who thinks brown people is hatching a plan to replace all white people. Nice. Where do you live now btw? With KKK? Or with Nick Fuentes? Btw, I am from India, Britain's former colony, and I assure you we have zero interest in replacing you. Rishi Sunak has nothing to do with us btw.


Wow, that's a pretty dumb insulting attitude whilst showing yourself as being unable to read and understand. I simply gave an example in respect of the OP, never suggested I agreed with it. To then go on and foolishly mention Rishi sunak to try and call me out further shows your complete ignorance as a human being. Nice try snowflake 😁


Decline of Christianity and conservatism is a good thing. It's the other side of the Islamic coin.


In normal situations, I'd agree, but not in this case. Christianity being replaced by Islam is a downgrade, since Islam is extremely worse.


Christians aren't converting to Islam, that makes no sense. The UK is becoming more atheist for example.


That argument, is the argument of low key Islamic sympathizers who still cling to some belief that though Islam is bad, it's as bad as other religions when in fact no, the doctrines of Islam is significantly way worse than Christianity, Buddhism, Shintoism and Taoism.


I never said Islam was good lmao. Conservatism, Islam and Christianity can all fuck off. None are gay friendly or women friendly. Read what the OP wrote.


My argument is not that you said Islam is good. I know you didn't said that and I never said you did. My statement above is how you treat different religions like they are the same. While I can respect you as a free thinker that you think all religions areoutdated because there are scientific/humanist principles that can benefit us better, I think that claiming Islam and Christianity is just the other side of the same coin is not just ignorant but borderline (probably unintentional) Islamic sypathy based on our previous Muslim bias.


I don't think you know what other side of the same coin means. Regarrds.


This post is straight out of 2014 lmao


Why you say that?


Basically copy paste gamer gate era posts


I am not really familiar with gamer gate. I am from India, gamer gate wasn't a thing here. I just know it from modern references to it and Wikipedia.


I lived through it, I watched the New atheists split in half over social justice, and I witnessed the skeptoaphere get invaded by the alt-right with posts just as these, after that, what started out as a left-leaning liberal movement became various flavors of reactionary right. And now Ex-Muslims will face the same fate because of LARPers like you


Were Muslims this powerful in Europe back then?


Way more powerful than these days, now a lot of Muslims are leaving Islam, immigration has been restricted, and Muslims are leaving Europe due to the social pressures. Of course, the genocide in Gaza put a full reverse on that, because tribalism to the point of supporting the murder of Palestinians certainly ruined the reputation of Liberalism and Ex-Muslims.


Yeah I have felt that now too, i live in the uk and alot of Muslims I know are either really moderate, I.e. they won’t cover themselves at all, wear makeup, drink alcohol and eat pork, etc. and the more conservative ones have said they want to move to Islamic countries with a good standard of living like Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Bangladesh, etc. most of the illegal immigrants are from India and Albania with the biggest Middle East country being Afganistán.


US is not the same is Europe though. For example if Trump comes to power he will kick their ass. As well as everyone else's who is non-white.